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" ... and the right of way for the construction of ditches and canals for the purposes herein specified is acknowledged and confirmed; but whenever any person, in the construction of any ditch or canal, injures or damages the possession of any settler on... "
Report of J. Ross Browne on the Mineral Resources of the States and ... - Seite 183
von United States. Dept. of the Treasury, John Ross Browne - 1868 - 745 Seiten
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Report of the Department of the Interior ... [with Accompanying ..., Band 1

United States. Department of the Interior - 1891 - 648 Seiten
...corporation, in the construction of any canal, ditch, or reservoir, injures or damages the poswssicin of any settler on the public domain, the party injured for such injury or damage. Under this section ¡ill maps or plats showing the location of canals, ditches, or reservoirs must first be tiled...
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The Tribune Almanac and Political Register

Horace Greeley, John Fitch Cleveland, F. J. Ottarson, Alexander Jacob Schem, Edward McPherson, Henry Eckford Rhoades - 1868 - 656 Seiten
...hjure or damage the possession of any settler on (he public domain, the party committing such in.iurr or damage shall be liable to the party Injured for such injury or damage. PRICE OP PUBLIC LAND& SEC. 86. That nn Act entitled " An Act to graduate (and reduce) the price of...
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Reports Upon the Mineral Resources of the United States

John Ross Browne, James Wickes Taylor - 1867 - 374 Seiten
...person or persons shall, in the construction of any ditch or canal, injure or damage the possession of any settler on the public domain, the party committing...liable to the party injured for such injury or damage. SEC. 10. And le it further enacted, That wherever, 'prior to the passage of this act, upon the lands...
Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch

Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury Transmitting Report Upon the ...

United States. Department of the Treasury, John Ross Browne - 1867 - 326 Seiten
...person or persons shall, in the construction of any ditch or canal, injure or damage the possession of any settler on the public domain, the party committing...liable to the party injured for such injury or damage. SEC. 10. And be it farther enacted, That wherever, prior to the passage of this act, upon the lands...
Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch

House Documents, Otherwise Publ. as Executive Documents: 13th ..., Band 7

United States. Congress. House - 1867 - 780 Seiten
...person or persons shall, in the construction of any ditch or canal, injure or damage the possession of any settler on the public domain, the party committing...liable to the party injured for such injury or damage. SEC. 10. And be il further enacted. That wherever, prior to the passage of this act, upon the lands...
Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch

The Mines of Colorado

Ovando James Hollister - 1867 - 482 Seiten
...person or persons shall, in the construction of any ditch or canal, injure or damage the possession of any settler on the public domain, the party committing...liable to the party injured for such injury or damage. SEC. 10. And l1e it further enacted, That wherever, prior to the passage of this act, upon the lands...
Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch

Report of J. Ross Browne on the Mineral Resources of the States and ...

John Ross Browne, United States. Department of the Treasury - 1868 - 756 Seiten
...ditches and canals for the purposes aforesaid is hereby acknowledged and confirmed : Provided, hoivever, That whenever, after the passage of this act, any...act a ditch company acquires a title to the land on which the ditch is made, and to as much more on each side as may be necessary for the safety or business...
Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch

Report of James W. Taylor, on the Mineral Resources of the United States ...

United States. Department of the Treasury - 1868 - 772 Seiten
...und canals for the purposes aforesaid is hereby acknowleOged and confirmed : Provider!, /IOU-CJXT, That whenever, after the passage of this act, any...injured for such injury or damage. Under this act a ditcli company acquires a title to the land on which the ditch is made, and to as much more on each...
Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch

Manual of United States Surveying: System of Rectangular Surveying Employed ...

J. H. Hawes - 1868 - 252 Seiten
...person or persons shall, in the construction of any ditch or canal, injure or damage the possession of any settler on the public domain, the party committing...liable to the party injured for such injury or damage. SEC. 10. And be it further enacted. That wherever, prior to the passage of this act, upon the lands...
Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch

House Documents, Otherwise Publ. as Executive Documents: 13th ..., Band 16

United States. Congress. House - 1868 - 726 Seiten
...public domain, the party committing such injury or damage shall be liable to the party injured tor such injury or damage. Under this act a ditch company acquires a title to the land on which the ditch is made, and to as much more on each side as may be necessary for the safeiy or business...
Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch

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