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Epleton, oweth mee, 10s. Due to mee from Mr. Robert Selby for lent moneye, 5s. 10d. After my debts are paide the overplus of all my goods and chattels I give unto my sonne, John Collingwoode, whom I comitt to the tuition and education of my said cosen, Mr. Henry Collingwoode of Etal, and my wellbeloved friend, George Smith, heartelie beseechinge them to see him brought up in the feare of god, even as my trust and confidence is in them, and do make and ordeyne them my executors. I will that 20s. be distributed to the present poore people of Berwick. Witnesses, Law. Steele, Anthony Carr, Michaell Armorer.

INVENTORY, 411. 11s. 10d. Probate, 6 Nov., 1620.



Dec. 21, 1620. In the name of God, Amen, I, Anthonie Marley of Picktree, within the Countie of Durham, Yeoman. To be buried in the pish church of Chester in the street as nere unto the stall where I sitt as possiblie can be. I give and bequeath the some of fower pounds of lawfull money of England to be delivered to the churchwardens of Chester pish towards the makeing and encreasinge of a stocke alreadie begune to the use of the poore in that pish for ever, and the churchwardens yearlie to putt it to good use for the benefitt of the said poore and most needfull people as aforesaid for ever. And for the distributione to the poore and funerall expences at the time of my death, I referr that to the discretion of my father, frends and executors. give and bequeathe unto Margarett Marley, my wife, the some of 200l. of lawful moneye of Englande, and all the howshold stuff she browght with her, willing and requireinge that she therewith may be well pleased and be contented to take it in full satisfacon of her pt of my estate. And for the payment thereof it shall be assigned and satisffied unto her in such sort as hereafter shalbe expressed and declared. I give and bequethe unto our maide servante, Margaret Atkinson, the some of 20s. towards the buyeing her a coate. And to Thomas Atkinson, our manservant, other 20s. of lawfull money of England. And to Margaret Harrison, a litle wenche we have, the some of 10s. I give and bequethe unto Thomas Ladley of Chester, aforesaid, the some of 20s., which Thomas Sharpe of Chester aforesaid is endebted unto me. I give and bequeth unto Anthonie Applebie, the some of Parcivall Applebie of Chester, aforesaid, to whom I helped to

The testator mar. 24 Aug., 1617, Margaret Turner at Chester-leStreet, he was bur. there, 9 Dec., 1620, his father, Robert, being also bur. there, 26 March, 1627; his brother, Ralph, mar. Isabel Wild, 13 July, 1619, at the same church.

give christendome, the sum of 10s. of lawful money of England. All the residue of my goods and chattles, both moveable and unmoveable, not formlie bequeathed, my debts paid, legacies discharged, and funerall expences deducted, I give and bequeath unto Robert Marley, my father, and Ralph Marley, my brother, who I make and ordeine Joint Executors of this my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hande the day and yeare first above written. Witnesses Lancelot Joplin, X his mark, John Catcheside X his mark, William Marche, John Turner, X his mark, Guy Bainbrigge.

Debts oweing unto the said Anthonie Marley sett downe by himselfe before the witnesses aforenamed and forth of ascertained rent and the said debts the two hundred pounds assigned to his wife to be paid and satisfied unto her in manner and form followinge, viz.: First, the said Anthonie doth assigne unto her the rent reserved upon a lease and payable unto him by John Catcheside of Birtleye, during all the tearme of the said Lease together with 20s. the said John Catcheside is endebted unto him, and that all these shallbe allowed in part of the 2007. aforesaid given unto hir at the value of onelie of 60l. Item, The said Anthonie doth further assign and appoint unto hir all those debts upon specialtie or otherwise due unto him by John Ditchant which cometh unto 411. Item, The said Anthonie doth further assigne unto her the debt unto him by Thomas Joplin of Low Stanley and Robt. Joplin, his sonne, and Lancelott Joplin of Owstone, which cometh to the some of 22l., and by Lancelot Joplin himself, 47. Item, The said Anthonie also assigne unto her the debt due unto him by John Vasey of Ladlev, for which Guy Bainbrigge standeth bound, the some of 10l. Item, The said Anthonie doth further assigne unto her the debt due unto him by bonde at Mychaelmas next, 1621, for which Mr. Richarde Hedworth, Thomas Symth and Guy Bainbrigg standeth bond, the sume of 111. Item, The said Anthonie doth also assigne unto her lent unto Guy Bainbrigge on Friday the 14th of December, 1620, 31. Item, he doth also further assigne unto her which he lent to Charles Robson of Urpeth, payable, 47. Item, The said Anthonie doth further assigne unto her which is in golde and money in the howse, the some of 247. Item, he doth also assigne unto her the half debt due unto him and Robert Marley, his father, due unto them by one. Mr. Roland Shaftoe and his sonne, his part whereof cometh to 71. 6s. 8d. Item, he doth also assigne unto her his part of a debt due unto him by Charles Porter which cometh to 81. 13s. Item, he doth also assigne unto her a debt due unto him by Thomas Sanson which was lent money at Mychaelmas gone, 20s. All these severall soms aforesaid cometh to 1951. 19s. 8d. The residue of the 2001. to be paid unto her by his executors as they shode pay her for the same six pounds. Proved, 1620.


Feb. 8, 1620. In the name of Gode, Amen, and in the eighteenth yeare of the Reign of our Sovereigne lord James, by the grace of God King of England, France and Ireland, Defender of the faithe, etc., and of Scotland, I, Nicholas Cole, of Gateside, in the countie of Durham, yeoman. To be buryed in the parrish church of Gatesheade. I give to the poore of Gateside, 5l., to be given at my buriall amongst them. I give other five pounds to the bringing home of the Water for the good of the poore people of the parrish from the hospitall to Sir Thomas Riddell's gate. I bequeath to my sonne, Railph Cole, and his heires for ever the house wherein I was borne, which was given to my mother, Jane Manwell, by her uncle, Henrie Archbald, whose heire I am. I give to the said Ralph and his heeres for ever the tent close. I give to the said Railph and his heeres for ever nine of my salt panns with the fullers houses and the garners thereunto belonging (except onely the great slait house) wherein Willm. Atkinson dwelleth, which I give to my sonne, John Cole, and to his heires for ever. I give and bequeath to Nicholas Cole, sonne of the said Raiphe Cole, two tents in Hornebie chaire, wherein dwelleth John Hunter and Brian Boumer, and to his heires for ever. I give to my sone, John Cole, and his heires for ever, six salt panns and the great house in the Easter ground. I give to the said John Cole the 4 leases bought of Robt. Thomplinson, one peece of ground joining on the four leases bought of Sir Thomas Riddle. I give to the said John Cole all my houses in Pipewellgate. I give to the said John Cole this house wherein I now dwell and a tenemt next adioying to it on the south, with a Barne adioying to the same house in Pipewellgate and to his heires for ever. I give to the said John Cole and his heires for ever the house bought of William Dunn, wherein Mr. Woodrington did dwell. I give to the said

The testator, son of James Cole, whose will is printed in Welford's Newcastle and Gateshead, iii., 16, as also is his brother Ralph's on page 36 of the same volume, was bur. at Gateshead, 14 Mch., 1625/6; he mar. Jane Heworth at Gateshead, 3 Nov., 1577; she was bur. there, 12 Aug., 1615. They had issue, Ralph, aged 48, in 1628 (according to the Inq. p.m. of his father taken at Durham, 5 Sept., 1628), mayor of Newcastle, 1633, will dated 7 Aug., 1655, bur. at Gateshead, 16 Nov., 1655, where his wife Margaret was bur., 14 July, 1648; William, apprenticed, 11 Nov., 1603, to George Read, mercer; James, died circa, 1620, at Lynn, co. Norfolk, intestate, leaving a widow, Jane; John, bur. at Gateshead, 25 Feb., 1641/2; Frances, who mar. Henry Anderson, 24 Nov., 1611, and was bur. at St. Nich., Newcastle (as Ellinor Anderson) the same day as her twin children Jane and Frances were bapt. there, viz.:-10 Sept., 1615; Jane who mar. Robert Riddell, 4 Sept., 1621; Elizabeth mentioned in the will as wife of Johnson. Another dau. Agnes, mar. George Huntley at Gateshead, 20 Nov., 1609, and was bur. at St. Nich., Newcastle, 13 Sept., 1610.

John Cole and his heirs for ever three tenements, with the garths belonginge to them, which tenemts are right against the Pinfold bought of Craggs. I give to the said John Cole and his heires for ever the close and Barne which was bought of Willm. Pursley. I give to the said John Cole two tenemts and two garths which was bought of Rokesbie and Bliethman and his heires for ever. My will is that my sonne John, shall pay to my daughter, Elizabeth Johnson, 10l. per annum, forth out of the howses and garths and lands during her naturall life at two feasts or tearms, viz., Martinmas and Whitsontide, and also that my sonne. Railph, and John Cole shall pay to her 101. likewise during her naturall life at such feast daies and termes as by a covnent made appeareth. I give to the said John Cole the house at the Pant, wherein Richard Grame doth dwell, and to his heires for ever. I give to the said John Cole and his heires for ever three tenemts and two garthes on the west side of Bissie Burn. I give to the said Ralph Cole and John Cole all my Cole leases, that is to say, the lease of the Maudling land, the lease of Robt. Gibson's land, the lease of Willm. Dalton's land, with all other my coal leases ioyintlie betwixt them during the tyme of the leases. I give to Nicholas Hall, sone to Thomas Hall, 131. 6s. 8d., and to Elizabeth Selbie, daughter to Thomas Hall, ten poundes, and also to Jane Hall, daughter to Thomas Hall, 10l. To Bartram Anderson, sone to Henrie Anderson, 20l., and to Nicholas Huntley, sonne of George Huntley, 20l., and to Nicholas Humphrey, son to Tho. Humphrey, 131. 6s. 8d., and also to Railph Humphrey, sonne to Thomas Humphrey, 131. 6s. 8d., and also to Edward Johnson, sonne to Abraham Johnson, 131. 6s. 8d. I give to Nicholas Parkin, sonne to George Parkin, 6l. 13s. 8d. I give to George Parkin's second sonne, 41., and to his young daughter, 4l. To George Parkin, for a token, 20s., and to his wife, 20s., for a token. I give to Richard Cole's wife, dwelling at London, five pounds. I give to the said John Cole the lease of the stone quarries which I hold of the Bishop of Durham. I give to the said John Cole the lease of two fishings with three score yardes of waist ground which I hold by lease of the Dean and Chapter, which fishing is in the River of Tyne at a place called the Skittermill hole, and the waist ground lieth at or near the sixe salt panns, before menconed, that I have given to my said sonne, John Cole. I give all the rest of my goods and chattells, moveable and unmoveable, to my said sone, John Cole, who I make my full and sole Executor. I give to my daughter-in-law, Jane Cole, late wife of my sone, James Cole, deceased, 5l., and I make supervisors of this my last Will and Testament, Anthonie Hebson, Edith Blitheman, Willm. Wall and Abraham Johnson, and I give to everie of them a peece of gold of two and twenty shillings. This my Will and legacies being as my meaning is they shallbe dulie paid by my said Executor, John Cole, yet I purpose that the somes above said by me bequeathed shall be demanded not for the space of one yeare after the probate of this my Will. Witnesses, Anthonie Selbie, Michael Heworth, Wm. Wall, Peter Marley. Proved, 1626.



March 9, 1620. I, Charles Wren, of Binchester, in the Countie of Durham, Knight. To be buryed in the quyre of my pish church of St. Andrew's, Auckland. And for my lands and worldlie goods which god haith endewed me withall, my mynd and will is as followeth, first I give and bequeath my capitall messuage and tenet called Binchester, and all my messuages, lands and tenets in Binchester, Billyehall and Billy Rawe, in the said Countie of Durham, with their and evie of their appurtances unto my sonne and heir apparent, Lyndley Wren, and heirs males of his bodie, and for defalt of such issue to remayne to my sonne, Charles Wrene, and the heirs males of his bodie, and for defalt of such issue to remayne to my sonne, Henry Wren, and the heires males of his bodye, and for defalt of such issue to remayne to the right heires of me, the said Sir Charles Wren, for ever. whereas I have pvyded for the conpetent mainteyance and Pferment of any said sonns, Charles and Henry, by servall grants of anuities unto them for their lives respectivelie furth of my lands at Binchester which I did and do meane and intend to stand in full satisffaction of their child's porcons of my goods, and having a desyre that my said sonne, Charles, should studie the lawe and my sone, Henry, should be a tradesman in London if it shall please god so to dispose of them, therefore for the better encouraging of them to apply themselves accordingly I doe moreover give and bequeath to my said sonne, Charles, if it please god he pceed in the studie of the lawe, 100l., to be paid unto him when he shall be called to the Barre. And I give to my said sone, Henry, 100l., to be paid unto him when he shall be made freeman of London. And I will and appoint that my said sonne, Henry, shall he honestlie and sufficientlie maynteyned at the charge of my executors out of my goodes untill he shall attaine his age of eighteene yeares about which tyme his annuitie is to take place and begyn. Item, I give and bequeathe to my daughter, Gartrude Wren, 40l. yearlye, for her mainteyance untill she shall attayne the age of one and twentie yeares or be maryed, whether shall first happen. I having alredie pryded for securring of a competent porcon for her by a lease of my lands in West Hartburne,

There is a well worked out pedigree of the Wrens of Binchester in vol. 124, pp. 205-8, of this series. The Inq. p.m. of Charles Wren was taken at Durham, 15 Aug., 1621; Linleus, aged 20, was his son and heir.

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