spoones, a silver Bottell, and a gold Ring. I give also to the said Phillis all such lymber, trees, boordes and sawne wood as I have in Barnardcastle and Marwood. I give unto my said daughter, Elizabeth Saire, my tenementt with appurtenances at Egeseburne, which I bought of Henry Richardson, and also the sum of 20l. I give unto my brother, Ralph Saire, 31. 6s. 8d., and also my best gowne, my satin dublet and my velvett hose. I give to Phillis Atkinson, the daughter of my said brother, Ralph, 40s. I give unto Jane, my sister, the wife of William Whorton, 20s. I give to Frances Whorton, 10s. I give unto my late servant, Gabriel Whorton, 31. 6s. 8d., and my next sute of apparell. I give to my sister, Agnes, the wife of John Perkin, 40s. I give to my brother in lawe, the said John Perkin, 10s. I give to Mr. Melott, 10s. I give to my sister, Helayne, the wife of Roger Bainbrigg, 20s., and to her daughter 6s. I give Gosseppe Isabell, the wife of William Barnes, 6s. I give to Phillis Hodgson, of Hullerbush, 10s. To Robert Appleby, my servant, 6s. To Thomas Allanson 10s. To Jane Sanderson, my maide, 20s. The residue of all my goods, chattells and creditts whatsoever I give unto my said children, John Saire, Samuel Saire, Phillis Saire, and Elizabeth Saire, and make them joint executors, and that my brother in lawe, Roger Bainbridge, shall have the tuition and upbringing of my said daughter, Phillis Saire, until she come to the age of one and twenty yeares. And my will is that my brother, Ralph Sayre, my brethren in law, George Hutton and John Perkin, and my nephews, Francis Whorton and Gabriel Worton, shall have the tuycon and government of my lands and filiall porcons of my said children, George Saire, John Saire, Samuell Saire and Elizabeth Saire, during their minority. And my will is also that Margaret, my wife shall have the tuicon of my said four children, so long as she remayneth sole and unmarried, she bringing them up vertouslye and in godly learninge at the good like of my supervisors, and that my said wife shall have yearly allowed for their education during the tyme of their continuance with her, such sufficient allowance forth of their several porcons by Tutors, as shall be thought feet and convenient by my Supervisors. I ordeyne and appoint my trustye and loveing friends, Mr. William Barker, preacher of the Word, my said Brother Roger Bainbrigg, Thomas Bainbrigg, of Brigg house, my father in law, George Hutton, my brother in law, William Whorton, and my said Gosseppe Michael Walker to be Supervisors of this my Will. Witnesses, Michael Walker, Ralph Sayre, Francis Whorton, Gabriell Whorton and Francis Atkinson. INVENTORY, 1,4011. 5s. 3d., which included debts oweing to him, appearing by his debt bookes 5467. 18s. 9d. Severall leases prased at 3541. 4s. 8d. Bonds and Bills prased at 3621. 11s. 5d. Debts owing by testator, 2491. 1s. 5d. ISABELL TEMPLE.1 May 30, 1606. In the name of God, Amen, I, Isabell Temple, of the parish of All Saints' within the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne, Widow. To be buried in the said parish church of All Saints' soe neare my late husband, Henry Temple, as maie be. I give and bequeath unto my sonne, Bartram Simpson, all that my house or tenemt, with all and singular, the appurts whatsoever thereto belonging, lying and being in Pilgrim Streete within the aforesaid town of Newcastle on Tyne, now in the occupation of William Beadnell. To have and to hold unto my said sonne, Bartram Simpson, for and during his life natural, and after his decease to his sonne, Thomas Simpson, for and during his life naturall, and after his decease to the heires male of his body lawfully begotten; and for default of such issue, unto George Simpson, son of the said Bartram Simpson, for and during his lyfe natural, and after his decease to the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten; and for default of issue unto William Simpson, son of the said Bartram Simpson, for and during his life naturall, and after his decease to the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten; and for default of such issue, then to come to the right heires of me, the said Isabell Temple, for ever. I give and bequeath unto Ellen Simpson, daughter of George Simpson, late deceased, an oversea coveringe. I give and bequeath to Margaret Simpson a cubbord in the hall howse, wherein I now dwell a pewter platter, a candlesticke, and a danske pewter pott. I give unto Elizabeth Simpson a table and a forme in the said hall howse, a pewter dubler, a candlesticke, and a Danske pewter pott. I give and bequeath unto Isabella Simpson, daughter of the said Bartram Simpson, a great danske chiste, a fether bed and all such other clothes as belongs thereto, two paire of lynen sheets, a paire of hardner sheets, twoe pillowberes, two feather cods, an Iron chimney in the said hall howse, my best gowne, my best petticoate and frocke. I give and bequeath unto Henry Dodshon, a marriner, an iron chimney and a bedstead, a presser standing in his, the said Henrie Dodgson, own howse, a paire of lynen sheets, and a paire of strakin sheets. I give and bequeath unto the said Thomas Simpson a flanders bedstead standing in the said Henrie Dodgson's howse, three silver spoons and Iron chimney, now being in the custodie of one Elizabeth Bewick. I give and bequeath to George Simpson afore named three silver spoons. I give and bequeath to my daughter, Emette Simpson, a greete brass pott and a flower candlestick as a token. I give and bequeath to Margaret Simpson and Isabella Simpson, daughters of the said Bartram Simpson, three panns, a yetlinge, a little possnett, seven 1 1606, June 5, Isbell, wif was to Henry Temple, mr., bur., All Sts. Newcastle, Regs. porringers, and four dublers that goes about them equally to be divided between them. I give and bequeath to the same Margaret other two pewter patters. I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth Dickson a long table, a new table clothe, fower table napkins, a caldron and a mashing tubb. I give to my maid, Jane More, a prosser and an iron chimney. I give and bequeath to Jane Errington the bedstead wherein I now lye. I give and bequeath Ralph Simpson 20s., to be paid him out of the above mentioned howse or tenement, by me bequeathed, within two yeares next after my death. I give and bequeath to William Simpson, John Simpson and Edward Simpson, children of my son, Edward Simpson, ten shillings a peece for token, and to everie of his daughters 10s. apeece for tokens. I give and bequeathe to their father, Edward Simpson, one angel for a token. All the rest of my goods, moveable and not moveable, my debts paid and funerall expences deducted, I give and bequeath to my said sonne, Bartram Simpson, whom I make sole executor of this my laste Will. Richard Rey, Isabell Readhead, Isabell Motion and William Vincent. Proved, 8 July, 1606. WILLIAM MADDISON. July 28, 1606. In the name of God, Amen, I, William Maddison, of East Murton. To be buryed decentlie in Christian burial. Item, I give and bequith to my three brethren three yewes equally to be devided. I do give 3s. 4d. to be distributed among the poor of this parish. My will is that my wife and my two sonns, William Maddison and Jhon. Maddison, shall be my executors, and shall give all my goodes and chattels, moveable and unmoveable (my debts discharged), equally to be divided amongst them, and I do nominate and intreat Mr. Marmaduke Blaxton to see the true government of this my last Will and Testament. In witness hereof I have hereunto subscribed my name the 28 of July, 1606. Jhon. Barker, John Follansbye, John Maddison. A true Inventorie of the goods and chattels, moveable and unmoveable, which was William Maddeson's, late of East Murton, deceased, praised by Anthony Robson, Dennes Corner, William Wrenn and William Richeson the 9 day of September, 1607, Inprimis: 8 Kyen, 181. 13s. 4d. Item, three whyes, 31. 10s. Five calves, 40s. One meare, 31. One younge fillye, 26s. 8d. Six yows, 4l. 15s. Thirteen lambs, 40s. Three potts, one kettle, one little pann and eight little pewther dishes, 13s. 4d. One cupboarde, one little chist, with other wood implements, 10s. Suma, 36l. 8s. 4d. Proved, 1607. WILLIAM CRAWFOOT.1 Oct. 27, 1606. In the name of Gode, Amen, I, William Crawfoot, of the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne, Mariner. To be buried in the south side within the parish church of All Sts. as near my mother as convenientlie as may be. Touching my worldly goods, lands and possessions, I give and bequeth in manner and forme following, that is to say, I give and bequeath unto my sister, Ursula Crawfoot, her executors and assigns, All my estate and interest, terme of yeares and demand in, and to these two tenements in Pilgrim Street, within the saide towne of Newcastle upon Tyne, which I holde by severall leases, the one from one Robert Stobbes, the other frome Robert Archbold, or otherwise, now in the severall occupations of William Harrison and the other in the occupation of Whitfield. To have and hold the same for all the years in the severall leases as conteyned. I give and bequeath unto my loving friend, Nicholas Atkinson, marriner, my silver wissell and chayne. And to my loving cosen, Thomas Wimphrey, two angells for a token. I give and bequeath to George Robinson, my wieffe, Margaret, her daughter's sonne, one hundred poundes of lawful money of England, to be paid at the decease of the same, my wieff, Margaret. And to Margaret Carr, daughter of Nicholas Carr, 10%., to be paid at the decease of the same, my wieff, Margaret. I give and bequeath to my said loving wieff, Margaret, all those my four tenements lying behind All hallows Church, in the said towne of Newcastle upon Tyne, to have and hold the same to her and her heires and assigns for ever. give and bequeath to my said wiefie, Margaret, all that burgage or tenement, with the appurts, in Pilgrime Street, now in the occupation of Nicholas Byncks for terme of her natural liefe, and the reversion and remainder thereof I give and bequeath to the said George Robinson, my wief's daughter's sonne and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten; and for lack of such issue, to Mathew, his brother, and the heirs of his body lawfully to be begotten; and for lack of such issue, to John Robinson, another of the brethren of the said George, and the heirs of his bodye lawfully to be begotten; and for lack of such issue to Thomas Robinson, another of his brethren, and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten; and for lack of such issue to the heires of the said George Robinson for ever. All the residue of my goods and chattels not by these presents given or bequeathed (my debts being paid and my funeralls discharged), I whooly give and bequeath to my said wief, Margaret, whome of this my last Will and Testament I make and ordeyne my full and sole executor, and my loving friends, the said Thomas Wimphrey and Nicholas Atkinson, supervisors, Renouncing and for saking all former Wills 1 1610, June 27, Willm. Crawforth, mariner, bur., All Sts., Newcastle, Regs. 1608, May 25, Urseley Crawforth, bur., ibid. 1 and legacies by me in any wise heretofore made and bequeath. Witnesses, Nicholas Atkinson, Jane Commyn, Henry Anthony, Thomas Humphreye. INVENTORY, 247l. 6s. 6d. Debts oweing by the testator: To George Robinson for his child's part and porcon of his father's and mother's goods, 12l. And to Mathew, John and Thomas Robinson, his brethren, and to every one of them, for their like porcons, or 12l., which is in all 361. To Elynor and Katheren Robinson, their sisters, to either of them, for their like porcon, or 121., which is in all 247. The funeral expences of the testator, 10l. The mortuary for the testator, 10s. Proved, 12 March, 1610. WILLIAM SUTHACK.1 Nov. 20, 1606. In the name of God, Amen, I, William Suthack, Clarke. To be buried in the Chancel of Mugglesworth, I give unto the church of Mugglesworth one ewe, or 5s., to be paid at Whitsuntide next ensuing. Also I give unto Christopher Eagleston, my brother-in-law, three gimmers. Also I give unto Rowland Dawson's two children, Willm. Dawson and Jane Dawson, either one lamb. Also I give to everie widdow in Mugglesworth parish and within Mugglesworth lordship, 2d. Also in most humble and reverend wies, I give unto the Right Reverend Father in gode, Willm., by god's divine providence Lord Bishop of Durham, my sonne, Thomas Suthack, as also one pcel of ground called the Calfe Hall, lying and being within Mugglesworth parke and belonging to the Right Worshipful Mr. Francis Buney. All the rest of my goods and chattels, moveable and unmoveable, debts and legacies discharged, I give unto my wife, Alse Suthack, whom I make my full executrix, and she to bring up my two daughters, Jane and Rebecca, as hir ableness will afford. Witnesses, Rowland Harrison, Nicholas Laborne. Proved, 1607. THOMAS DOBSON.2 March 30, 1607. In the name of God, Amen, I, Thomas Dobson, of the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne, Feltmaker, of the parish of St. Johne's, within the said Towne. To be buryed within the parish churchyard of St. Nicholas, within the said towne of Newcastle upon Tyne, near the litle church dore there. I give unto the poore of this pish of St. John's, to be distributed 1 Appointed Perpetual Curate of Muggleswick, 1586, which he held until his death in 1607. 21607, June 23, Thomas Dobson, Feltemaker, bur., St. Nich., Newcastle, Regs. The testators brother, Anthony, who was married at St. Nicholas, Newcastle, 10 Oct., 1579, was the father (with others) of Anthony Dobson who heads the Visitation pedigree; he mar. Grace (bapt. 8 Nov., 1573, at Jarrow), dau. of [Robert] Layburn of Follonsby, 8 Jan., 1603/4, at St. Nicholas, widow of William Milbanks, he was bur. there 12 Feb., 1620/1 and she, 27 Oct., 1654. |