AND INVENTORIES FROM THE REGISTRY AT DURHAM PART IV. Published for the Society by ANDREWS & Co., SADLER STREET, DURHAM: 1929 At a Meeting of the SURTEES SOCIETY, held in Durham Castle, on Tuesday, March 3rd, 1925, the DEAN OF DURHAM in the chair. It was resolved : "That a volume of Durham Wills and Inventories should be edited for the Society by Mr. Herbert Maxwell Wood, B.A., F.S.A." A. HAMILTON THOMPSON, Secretary. DURHAM WILLS AND INVENTORIES. MARGRET LYDDELL.1 Feb. 21 [1603-4]. In the name of God, Amen, I, Margret Lyddell, late wife of Mr. Thomas Lyddell, of the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne, merchant and alderman. To be buried in the quere of St. Nicholas Church in Newcastle, where the bodye of my late husband doth lie entombed. I give and bequeath unto my sonne, Francis, all that my house in the head of the Side, wherein he at this psent doth dwell, together with the Carres Milnes and also my shopp on the bridge where he at psent doth occupie with so much of the loft above it as doth directly upward answer to the same, and also a seller in the close which he now occupieth with the wast belonging unto it, to him and his heires for ever, and for default of such his heires all the premises to come to my neighest heires. I give and bequeath unto my sonne, Thomas, my house in the Cloth Market, wherein his sonne Thomas now doth dwell, with my shop in the bridge which he at this psent doth occupie, together with so much of the loft above it as doth directly upwards answer to the same, as also my place called the freires with the appurtenances, wherein he now dwelleth, to him and to his heires for ever, and in default of such his heires all the premises to come unto my neighest heires. I bequeath with the shopp on the bridge, which he now doth occupie, with as much of the loft above it and doth directlie upwards answere to the same, together also my close in Gateside, to him and his heires for ever, and for default of such his heires all the premises to come unto my neighest heires. I give and bequeath unto my sonne Robarte a signet of gold, together with the third parte of all my The first mention of Thomas Liddell is his apprenticeship, Feb. 18, 1539/40, to Robert Lamb, mercer; he was admitted 1544/5. Having made his will, May 8, 1577, he was bur. the following day at St. Nicholas, Newcastle. His widow, who proved his will, was bur. at the same place, Oct. 31, 1604. Her eldest son Thomas' will is printed in this Vol., as also is that of her son Francis. plate. I give and bequeath unto Isabell Dawsonne my best gowne and chamblet kirtell. I give and bequeath unto my maiden, Janet Foster, a whoole year's wadges at the heure of my death, togither with the mattres and bedclothes she lyeth upon. I give and bequeath unto Barbary Liddell a sillver tablet guilt. The rest of my goods moveable and unmoveable, my legacies and funerall expences discharged, I give unto my sonns Thomas and Francis, whom I constitute and make my full Executors of this my last Will and Testament. Witnesses, George Liddell, Willyam Sherwood, Gawen Suffeild, David Johnson. Proved, 1605. WILLIAM REED.1 June 2, 1604. Reed William, Sir of Fenham, in the parish of Holie Island, Knight. My bodie shall be buried at the discretion. of my executors. I give and bequeath unto Thomas Swinhoe of Goswick, gentleman, and to William Swinhoe, his sone, and to their heirs for ever All that lande in the Holie Iland which I have of the said Thomas Swinhoe in mortgage of 110l., which should have been paid unto me or my assigns at Michaelmas in 1601. I give unto William Towers, Francis Towers, George Towers and Bartholomew Towers four of my wife's children, each 20l. to be paid by my executors to their tutors or governors for their use. I give unto Chartie Bell, alias Reede, my base begotten daughter, 50l., and I desire the Right Worl Myres Mathew, the wife of the Right Reverend father in God, deor Mathew Bishop of Durham, to take the tuition of her with her portion during her minortie. I give unto William Reynnarde, alias Reed, my sone, now commonly known by the title of Capt. Reed, all my whole right of inheritance title and estate of whatsoever within the towne of Berwick and his heirs for ever. I give unto my said sone, William Reed, the remaynder of my leases and tithes whatsoever, either by Letters Patent from Our late Sovereign, Lady Elizabeth, of famous memorie, under the great seal of England, and also the Leases from the Dean and Chapter of Durham, or by any other leases, conveyances, which I assigned and set over to Capt. Robert Carvell and Mr. John Crayne for the use of the ladie Elizabeth, my wife, as by Indenture dated the 10th day of Aug. last. My wife also to have the tithes of the several townes of Holie Iland, Skrymerson, Fenwick and Lowlin, and also parcell of the Rectorie or psonage of Holie Iland. All the rest, my goods moveable and June 6, 1604. Sr Willm. Reede, Knight, bur. Holy Island Registers. His tombstone near the reading desk bears the following inscription:-"Contra vim mortis non est medicamen in hortis." He had three wives, all of whom were bur. at Holy Island: his first Elizabeth, Dec. 24, 1585; his second Mary, Oct. 24, 1595; and his third Elizabeth, widow of Charles Towers (bur. July 3, 1600), July 30, 1612. |