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Jan. 23, 1627. Robert Collingwood. Inventory of the goods and chattels, moveable and unmoveable, which were Mr. Robert Collingwoods of Eslingdon, in the pish of Whittingham, deceased, prized by these foure men, viz.: Clement Hall, Cuthbert Chesemonde, Henry Jackson and John Bell. Imprimis: foure oxen valued at 8l., one graie nagge, 5l., one sorrelde mare, 30s. Rie in the yarde, 7l. Bigge in the yarde, 91. Oates, 91. Three tables and one courte cupboarde, 40s. Twelve covered stooles, 40s. Six other stooles, 9s. Five chaires, 10s. Carpet clothes, 20s. One table, one chaire and two courte cupboards, 21. 10s. 8d. One bedsteade, one trindle bedsteade, one courte cupboard, one great chaire and six cushions, 4l. 16s. 4d. Seaven servants bedsteads, two cupboards, two chaires, two rugges, six cover clothes, six fetherbeds, five paire of blanketts, six paire of sheetes, six pillowebeares, 6l. 11s. Two linnen table clothes, three dozen table napkins, two short cupboarde clothes, two towells, three paire of courtens and hangers, eight silver spoons, six small spoons, one bearebowle, two wineboules and one silver salt, 131. 6s. Twenty one peeces of puder vessell, three basons and nine ewers, one tinne salte, three candlestickes, foure flaggon pots, two brass pots, three speetes, two dripping pans, 4l. 7s. Corne sowne upon the grounde, 10l. Debts oweing by the deceased: His funerall expences with church dueties, 10l. Due to the vicar of Whittingham for Easter reckonings, To Sir Matthew Forster, for a sorrelle mare, 22l. To the same for a gray stoned nagge, 10l. To the same for a grissilde nagg, 8l. To William Stealle, 107. To Clement Hall, for oates, 51. 10s. To the same, in exchange for a horse, 40s. To Rowland Forster, 10l. 16s. 4d. To John Gilpatrigg, for which James Muddie and William Morrison stand bonde, 121. To Edmund Collingwoode, 91. To Alexander Weetewoode, 40s. To Mr. William Reede of Titlington, three boules of malt, 54s. To Mr. James Lawson of Shawdon, 40s. To Gawin Claveringe, 31. 8s. To Clement Armorer, 5l. 16s. To Nicholas Forster, 51. 11s. 4d. To Janet Millakin, 10l. 6s. To Elizabeth Oswalde, 10l. To Edward Guye, 13s. To Elizab. Gray, 36s. 6d. To Thomas White, 6s. To Thomas Pye of Morpith, 4l., whereof he hath received in Rie, 28s. To Edward Ogle, a boule of Rie, -. To Isabell Stainton, 26s. To Charles Balmeburgh, 8 boules of malt and a Kenying. To the same, for one nagge, 26s. 8d. Το


He was the son of Sir Thomas Collingwood of Eslington, by his wife, Anne, dau. of Sir Ralph Grey of Chillingham; he mar. Dorothy, dau. of Robert Weetwood of Weetwood, and died without issue. His Inq. p.m., taken at Durham, Aug., 1628; Maria, aged 17, Frances, aged 15, Dorothy, aged 11, and Elizabeth, aged 9, are his kinswomen and next heirs, being the daus. of his sister. Swinburne.

William Thompsone, 26s. Ed. To Ferdinardo Brown, 23s. To William Browne, 38s. 6d. To John Whitton, 32s. 6d. To George Roule, 24s. To Thomas Tate, 49s. 6d. To Mark Hall, 5s. 6d. To Archibalde Elwoode, 44s. To Margaret Hadley, 12s. To William Cuttie, 10s. To Luke Kirklin, 5s. To Robert Alder, one bushel of Rie. To Henry Nicholson, 10s. To Richard Heslewoode, 10s. To Jeffray Prockter, 56s. 8d. To William Steale, 9s. To Elizabeth Smith, 8s. 6d. To Thom. Strangishe, 10s. To Gilbert Hall, for borrowed money when my Ladie Forster was buried, 20s. More borrowed of the same, when his Mastr was at Lilburne, 20s. Prockter, 23s. 4d. More paid by him to Alexander Weetewoode, 13s. 4d. To the same for a stotte, 6s. To Katherin Hall, of borrowed money, 3s. To William Tate, for one bowle of malt, 11s. More to him, for three bushells of malt, 15s. For the last court charges to Mr. Hall, 18s. To Agnes Nicholson, 81. To Agnes Wilson, 81.

More paide by the saide Gilbert to Mistr


Dec. 20, 1628. A Declaration of the Accompt of Dorothie Collingwood of Eslington, widdow, late wife and Administratrix of Robert Collingwood, Esqr., late of the same, her husband, deceased, made and exhibitted into the Consistorie Court of Durham as followeth :-Imprimis, the said accomptant chargeth her self to have had and receiveth of the said deceased goods, creditts and chattells coming to her hands amounting to the sum of four score nine pounds ten shillings fower pence, as appeareth by an Inventorie thereof made and exhibited into the said Consistorie Court may appear. The said Accomptant hathe paid for the said deceased's debt, and since his death to Sir Matthew Forster, Knight, £47. She hath paide or satisfied to William Steele, for debt as by his bond cancelled appeareth, £10. Hath likewise paid and satisfied to Clement Hall, the debt of £7 10s. Od. Hath paid to Alexander Wetwood, 40s. Hath paide to Mr. James Lawson of Shawdon, as by his bond appeareth, £6. Hath paid to Gawen Claveringe, the sum of £3 8s. Od. Hath paid to Nicholas Forster, £5 11s. 4d. Hath paid to Jennett Millikin, the sum of 20s. Hath paid to Elizabeth Oswald, 40s. Hath paid to Edward Guy, 14s. Hath paid to Thomas White, 6s. Hath paid to Isabell Stanton, 10s. Hath paid to Charles Bambrough, £3. To Fardinando Browne, 23s. To William Browne, 36s. To John Whitton, 16s. To Jennett Rowell, 24s. To Thomas Tate, 49s. She hath also paide to Mark Hall, 5s 6d. To Archbald Ellet, 48s. To John Vertie, 6s. To Luke Kirklin, 5s., and Jeffrey Proctor, 56s. To Agnes Nicholson 81. To Agnes Wilson, 81. To Gilbert Hall, 47. 10s. To Rowland Forster, 51. To John Harwood, 20s. To Edward Collingwood, 8l. To Clement Stephenson, clarke, 2l. 17s. She craveth to be allowed for the funeral charges of the deceased for the Letters of Administration, with special Commission and other charges thereabouts, 67. She likewise praieth to be allowed unto her for the drawing and passing this Accompt with testimonialls thereunto annexed and other charges about the same, 23s. 4d. Sum totalis, £152 3s. 2d.

So that it appeareth this accomptant hath fullie administered the said deceased's goods and chattells, and hath paide more then the same Did amount unto by the sume of £62 12s. 10d.


Jan. 10, 1628. Henry Ewbank, of the towne and County of Newcastle upon Tyne, Cordyner, sicke in bodye. To be buryed within the parish Church of Saint John's, within the towne and County of Newcastle aforesaid, so nigh unto my late mother in law, Jane Tuggell, as conventlye may be. And for the worldly goods which the lord hath indowed me withal, I give and bequeathe as hereafter followeth. Item, I give and bequeathe to my eldest brother, John Ewbank, 22s., and also do forgive him 3s. which he is owing me, and likewise I give him my coat. To my brother, Thomas Ewbank, my browne cloke which hath buttons, and do forgive him all that he is oweing me. To my brother, James Ewbank, 6l., which my will and mind is shall be given unto my mother Alice Preston's hands to keep until he, the said James, shall be made free if she live so long, And if not, then the same upon her death to be putt into some honest man's hand for the best advantage of the said James, till such time as he shall made free as aforesaid, And also two freze Jerkins and one old clothe rush suite, and one browne suite stitched with silke, and one paire of Carsey breches, together with all my bookes, and all other things which I usually weare, as sherts, bands, stockens and shooes. To my sister, Dorothie Ewbank, 10s. Unto the said Thomas Ewbank, my brother, my sword and my belt. To my father-in-law, Edward Tuggell, 5s. for a token. To Rowland Hedley and Isabell, his wife, 5s. a piece for a token. To John Collingwood and his wife, 5s. a piece. All the rest of my worldly goods to my wife, Alice Ewbank, and I appoint my father in law, Edward Tuggell, to be Supervisor of this my Will, hoping that he will see the same executed as my trust and hope is in him. In witness, John Couplain, Robert Robinson. Proved, 1628.

The testator mar., 5 Feb., 1627/8, at St. John's, Newcastle, Alice, dau. of Edward Tuggell; he was bur. there, 13 Jan., 1628/9, Edward. Tuggell being bur. there, 6 Sept., 1636, and his wife Jane, 10 Aug.,



Sept. 11, 1629. In the name of Gode, Amen, and in the fifth yeare of the reegne of our Soverigne Lord Charles, by the grace of God of England, Scotland and Ireland, King, defender of the faith, etc., I, John Howson, Doctor in Divinity and Lord Bishop of Durham, being in perfect health both in body and mynd. To be buried, if god shall call me in the Southern partes, in the Chancel of the parish church of Baldwin Brightwell, in the County of Oxford. If in the Northern partes, in the Cathedrall Church of Durham or some other of my chappells as shall best please my executrix. As concerning my personal estate, which is but small, I dispose the same as followeth. First, I give to every one of my children, as well maried as unmarried, 51. a peece, to be paid them that are of full age or married within one year of my decease, and unto them that are unmarried when they shall attaine respectively their severall ages of one and twenty yeares or be married. Also I give to Charles Farnaby, my daughter Anne's sonne, the sum of 50l., to be paid unto him at the age of seven yeares if he live to attaine that age, And to the first child of my daughter, Mellicent Cleaver, the like some of 50l., to be paid when it shall attain the age of seven yeares, And if either of the said children of my said daughters shall not live unto the age as aforesaid prefixed for receipt of the severall legacies, then my will is that the legacies of such parties so dying shall be void. The residue of my goods, chattells and debts I give and bequeath to my loveing wife, Jane Howson, whom I do constitute of this my last Will sole executrix, not doubting of her care for the education of our children. Witnesses, Henry Mompeson, Robert Parsons.

Born in St. Bride's parish, London, student of Christ Church, Oxford, 1577, B.A., 12 Nov., 1578, Μ.Α., 1581/2 (incorporated at Cambridge, 1583), B.D. and D.D., 1601, Vice-Chancellor, 1602, Preb. of Hereford, 1587, and of Exeter, 1592, V. of Bampton, Oxon., 1598, of Great Milton, Oxon., 1601, R. of Brightwell, Oxon., 1608, an original fellow of Chelsea College, 1610, Bp. of Oxford, 1618, of Durham, 1628-32, died, 6 Feb., 1631/2, bur. at St. Paul's Cathedral. He mar., 10 Aug., 1601, at Blackbourton, co. Oxford, Elizabeth Floyd of Bampton, by her he had, perhaps with other issue, Anne, mar., as second wife, Thomas Farnaby, famous classical scholar, who died at Sevenoaks, 12 June, 1647; Elizabeth, bur. at Durham Cathedral, 18 Oct., 1634, mar. Robert Blakiston, rector of Sedgefield (as his father, Marmaduke was before him), Preb of the seventh stall, bur., 19 Jan., 1634/5, in Durham Cathedral.


March 7, 1629. William Gray of Fenwick, within the Chapellrie of Kiloe, made at Fenwick this date. My bodie to be buried within the chancel of Kiloe. To my sone-in-law, Henry Orde, my twenty oxen and my two plough naggs. I give unto Florence, my wife, my black fillie. To my wife's two daughters, every one of them, ten ewes. To Francis Moore, clerk, a bowle of wheat. To Robert Gray, my nephew, one of the pie kine. To my nephew, Thomas Gray, another of the pie kine. To my cousin, John Gray, one whie. To my cousin, William Louther, one whie stirke. To my brother, Ralph Gray, my sute and cloake being at Berwick, with the points and trimmings I bought for it. To my uncle, Roger Gray, my old sute and cloake. To my son-inlawe, Henry Ord, my best Sute and cloake. Residue to wife Florence, and appoint her and my son-in-law, Henry Orde, Executors. Probate, 1638.


April 12, 1630. In the name of God, Amen, I, Thomas Follansbye of Rockwod hill, in the pish of Hamsterley, in the County of Durham, Gent, being sick in body. To be buried within my pish Church. And for my temporall goods and blessings that god hath indued me with, dispose them as followeth, etc. I doe give 6l. 13s. 4d. to help raise and increase the stock of money belonging to the poor people of my parish, and the consideracon arising of the same to be even and equally divided year by yeare and distributed to the poore upon Good Friday and the Friday before the feaste day of the nativity of our Blessed Savior Jesus Christ, and so to continue for ever. I doe give to my loveing wife, Margaret Follansbye, by legacy my graye mare. I doe give unto my eldest sone, Christopher Follansbye, 40s., for a full satisfaction of his child's porcon, further I doe release and acquit my said sone of All former bond or bonds, debts or demands whatsoever between him and me. doe give unto my son, Robert Follansbye, 31. 6s. 8d., for a full satisfaction of his child's portion. I give unto my son, Thomas Follansbye, 31. 6s. 8d., for full satisfaction of his child's


There is a pedigree of this family in Raine's North Durham,

p. 337.

2 There is a hiatus in the Hamsterley registers at the time of the testator's burial; his son, Christopher, mar. Margaret Vasey, 30 Mch., 1619; Thomas, mar. Elizabeth Pinkney, 25 Nov., 1628; Henry, bapt., 18 Mch., 1596/7, mar. Jane Gibbon, 4 Nov., 1623, she was bur., 26 Jan., 1650/1; John, bapt., 10 Feb., 1599/1600; William, bapt., 21 Feb., 1590/1; Grace, mar. Richard Maior, 26 Oct., 1619; Alice, bapt., 19 Feb., 1587/8, bur., 6 Nov., 1661, mar. Stephen Sanderson, 23 May, 1609, bur., 23 Sept., 1659. All dates from Hamsterley.


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