him upon covenantes that I should enjoy it during my life, and afterwards also he was soon after his entry to pay certaine sums of money to such as I should nominate and Tenn pounds yearly for seven yeares, moreover he being in great want of money and borrowing one hundred poundes of one Mr. George Martin, for the right was to pay thirty one pounds six shillings and eightpence for ten yeares I engaged some of my ground at Aldridge to Mr. Martin for security, and thereupon had the lease of Aldridge conveyed back to me again their upon (for to prevent the forsetting of my aforesaid ground), I have been forced to pay some of the yearlie rents to Mr. Martin soe as upon accompte he at this instant is indebted to me four score and nyne poundes, there are also two years and a half rent yet to pay to Mr. Martin, which cometh to seaventy eight poundes six shillings and eight pence, both which cometh to 1671. 6s. 8d., besides a bond wherein I am bound for him to my son-in-law, Mr. Robert Thompson, furthermore if I should return Aldridge to him againe, then were he to pay fifty poundes within half a yeare and tenn pounds for seven yeares to such as I shall nominate and for all these were good security to be given, furthermore whereas the estate of my said sonne, Ralphe Lever, deceased, doth wholly belong to me, I doe hereby declare that I have imployed my son, Samuell Lever, to take the Administration of my said sonne Railph Lever's goods in his owne name for my only use, And therefore by this Will I direct, sett downe and appoint that all his estate be equally divided among my children, my sonne, Thomas Lever, having already been allotted one hundred and fifty pounds, and my sonne, Samuell Lever, four score and tenn pounds, and my sonne, Robert Lever, tenn pounds. And I will that my sonne, Samuel Lever, be allowed reasonable charges for his costs and paynes in getting the administration, and all such goods and debts as did belong or were oweing unto my said sonne, Ralph Lever. Moreover, whereas Skuts house is houlden in Soccage tenure, soe that I may dispose thereof at my own pleasure, then upon naturall affection to my sone, Henry Lever, I doe give unto him a yearly annuity of Tenn pounds of good and lawful English money per annum to be paid unto him or his assignes in maner and forme followinge for and during his life naturall of him the said Henry and his now wife, Elizabeth, that is to say five poundes to be payd to him or his assigns, the twenty fifth day of June next after my decease, and five poundes the twenty fifth day of December next after that day, and soe yearlie tenn pounds during their lives or the longest liver of them at the days aforesaid. And if the said rent of five pounds be unpayed upon any date that it is due then for every twenty dayes that is unpayed, he shall have five shillinges for the want thereof, and further he or his assigns shall have liberty and power to enter upon any of the grounds of the said Skutshowse, and to take, lead, drive or carry away and sell what cattell or goods they shall fynde therein, and pay themselves all that shall be due and unpayd with their reasonable costs and charges which they shall be at about the same. Now for my howse and land at Skutshowse I give it to my sone, Samuel Lever, to have and to hold soe and during his life naturall. Provided alwayes that upon any waiste made of howse, lands or woods, his estate, right and title to be utterlie voyd and the house, landes, and inheritance therof to come to the heires male of his bodye lawfully begotten, And for default of such heires male then to come to my sonne, Henry Lever, for and during his life naturall upon the like provisoes of forfetting his right and estate upon making any waiste, and the inheritance thereof to come to the heire male of his body lawfully begotten, and for default of such heires male to come to my sonne, Robert Lever, and during his life naturall, upon the like proviso of forfetting his right, title and estate upon making any waiste, And the inheritance to come to the heire male of his body lawfully begotten, and for default of such heire male, Then the inheritance to come to the heire or heires generall of me the aforesaid Sampson Lever. And I doe further hereby authorise my sone, Samuel Lever, to make a jointer of six poundes thirteen shillings and fourpence to his wife for and during her life naturall if she shall have Now for as much as my desire is that this my Will may be performed without trouble, therefore I doe give my house, land and inheritance of Skutshouse to my sone, Henry Lever, for him to dispose thereof according to this my last Will before specified, and for that he should not fayle in doing thereof. I doe therefore appoint that within one monthe next after my death before any office thereof be found he shall enter into sufficient bond to my sonns Samuel Lever and Robert Lever that neither he or any other in his right shall take, have to doe or medle with any woods or quarries. And furthermore that he shall see this my said house and ground of Skutshowse rightly disposed thereof according to this my last Will and Testament, to that end I hereby give him as full power to doe it as if I myself did it, or were then living and there present to do it. Witnesses, Robert Carr, Robert Penn, Willm. Hunter. Proved, 1649. THOMAS TROLLOPP.1 July 9, 1644. In the name of God, Amen, I, Thomas Trollopp of the City of Durham, Gent., sicke of bodye. To be buried where my executors shall think fitt. I give to Wm. Trollopp, my The testator, an attorney-at-law, was bur. at St. Nicholas, Durham, 15 July, 1644, his wife being Dorothy, dau. of Anthony Busby of Cassop; his son, Francis, bapt., 8 May, 1638, at St. Nicholas, where he was bur., 11 May, 1646, his dau., Mary, was also bapt. there, 15 May, 1634. There is a pedigree of this family in vol. 124, p. 172 of this Society's publications. eldest sonne, my house wherein I now dwell, to have and to hold from and after the death of Dorothy, my wife, to him and his heirs for ever. I give unto my said sonne Willm. my land in Crossgate called the langt bancks, to him and his heirs for ever, also I give him the close I hould of the Dean and Chapter by lease, called the hughes, in Clapworth, and the term of years therein to him and his executors, admors and assigns. I give unto Anthony Trollopp, my second son, my tenement in Tuddoe, bequethed with the revcon of the Collerie there to him and his heirs for ever. I give unto Anne Trollopp, my eldest daughter, three score pounds, to be paid her at full age of one and twenty years or marriage. I give and bequeath unto my loving wife, Dorothy Trollopp, my waist in Silver Street, and my mind is that she build a house upon the same, and after her death to Francis Trollopp, my youngest sonne, and his heires for ever. I give unto my said wife and my younger children All my plate and household stuff, to be equally divided amongst them. I give unto my wife all my bills, bonds, debts and creditts, to raise for my younger children such porcons as she shall think fitt, more or less as they shall behave themselves and be advised by her. I give to my said wife all my houses, byers, stables, garths, stackgarths in Crossgate, and all other lands there, to hold for the benefit of my younger children and for augmentation of their porcons as my wife shall think fitt, and after her death, if any term of yeares of the lease be then to come and unexpired in the said houses, lands and premises, I give and bequeath the same to my said two sonnes, Wm. and Anthony Trollopp, equally betwixt them. And all other my goods and chattels, lands and tenements hereby unbequeathed, I give and bequeathe the same for my loving wife, Dorothy Trollopp, and my brother-in-lawe, Mr. Henry Busbie, and I make them Executors. Witnesses, Anthony Fawell, Jane Wright, Ric. Hutchinson. Proved, 1646. JOHN FLETCHER.1 Jan. 4, 1644. In the name of God, Amen, I, John Fletcher of East Brandon, in the parish of Brancepeth, in the County of Durham, Yeoman, being sick in bodie. To be buried in Brancepeth Church near to my father there, And for my worldly goods I dispose thereof as followeth :-I give to the poore of the townshipp of Brandon, tenn shillings, and to the poore of the townshipp of Brancepeth and Stockley, other tenn shillings. I give to my sonne, John Fletcher, the interest of my farm and tenament in Brandon aforesaid upon the condicions following, saveing and excepting my mother's right and wives herein. I give to either of my daughters, Isabella and Mary Fletcher, the sume of Twenty pounds in liew and satisfaction of their childs parts and porcons, to be paid unto them when they come to their full and lawfull age. I give to my bastard daughter Mary, forty shillings for her maintenance. Now whereas my goods will not extend to the satisfacon of the said porcons to my daughters (my debts and my wives thirds deducted), my mynd therefore is that if my said sonne at any time before he attaine unto the age of one and twenty yeares shall choise an other tutor and leave his mother, that then 20l. of the legacies and porcons given to my said daughters, shall be paid forth of the profitts of my farme and yearly raised to them forth of such part as will fall and be due unto my said sonne, a reasonable maintenance being only allowed to him. And my further will is that my wife have the tuicon and education of my said children. And lastly my mynd and will is that my debts and legacies be payd. The rest of my goods, as well moveable as unmoveable, I give unto my said wife, whom I make executrix of this my last Will and Testament. Witnesses, Gab. Jackson, John Hynde. Proved, 1649. 1 Robert Fletcher, the father of the testator, was bur. at Brancepeth (whence other dates are taken), 22 Nov., 1619. The testator, bapt., 4 Oct., 1602, bur., 9 Jan., 1644/5, mar. Katherine, dau. of Nicholas Pearson of Chester (bapt. there, 12 Feb., 1608/9), 1 Oct., 1636, at Brancepeth; by her he had William, bapt., 18 Feb., 1637/8, bur., 8 May, 1638; John, bapt., 24 Nov., 1639; Elizabeth, bapt., 22 June, 1642; Mary, bapt., 5 May, 1644, bur., 14 Mch., 1651/2. EPHRAIM PROCTOR.1 July 23, 1645. Ephraim Proctor of West Lilburn, in the County of Northumberland, Gentleman. Inventory. Imprs: 11 oxen, 181. 6s. 8d. 4 kyne, 6l. 13s. 4d. 22 sheepe, 51. 5s. Od. 3 horses, 31. 10s. Od. 5 Swyne, 11. 13s. 4d. 12 bolles of corne sowen upon the ground, 41. 6s. Od. 15 bolles of Rye, 8l. 18 bolles of oatts, 4l. 10s. Od. 3 bolles of Pease, 11. Implements of husbandrie, 11. 13s. 4d. 3 bedsteads, 11. 2 cupboards, 2 tables, 3 puffit stooles, 31. 6s. 8d. 2 featherbeds, 8 paire of sheates, 2 Rugges, 2 plaids, and one paire blankets, 21. 8s. Od. For brasse and pewter, 11. 18s. Od. A cheste, a cruke, a dripping pann, a pair of rackes, one speate, 10s. 2 chares, 2s. 6d. Two tenements in West Lilburne for a lease of nineteen yeares, worth ten pounds per annum cleare and not above, worth 90l. Two tenements for a lease of 21 yeares, worth 100l. More the eighth part of a tenement for nineteen yeares, worth 31. 4s. Od. Debts paid which was dew by the deceased. Paid for funerall expences, 61. John Alder, upon bond, 51. George Alder, upon bond, 211. John Alder of Alnwick upon bond, 8l. Henry Pearson of Hebron, He was the son of Thomas Proctor of Shawdon, by his wife, Jane, dau. of Robert Eden of West Auckland. on bond, 7l. Arnold Abgin, bill, 5l. John Atcheson of West Lilburn, 81. Margaret Carr, 51. Ralph Tuggell, 11. 10s. Od. Jane Hardie, 11. 10s. Od. John Morrison, 11. 10s. Od. Edward Tompson, 21. Andrew Dixon, 21. Margaret Glaster, 111. 10s. Od. Adam Oliver, 21. 10s. Od. James Younge, 21. 21. Thomas Browne, 21. Matthew Reveley, 21. 11. 10s. Od. Edmond Wright, 21. 18s. Od. Margaret Hebron, 11. 5s. Od. Elizabeth Revley, Matthew Forster, Henry Alder, 6l. JOHN BLAKISTON.1 Oct. 7, 1645. I, John Blakiston of Gibside, in the County of Durham, gent., being in good health yett considering the present distractions and the uncertainity of Man's life, which in a moment may be taken away, after which many tymes discords, variances and suites fall amongst their nearest kinsfolks and deerist friends for want of pfect settling of their estates in their lifetime; to prevent which and to avoid all future discords amongst my alliance and friends I have hereby constituted and ordained and made this my last Will and Testament. My body to christian buriall neere such place convenient where itt shall please god to call mee, att the discretion of my executor. My mind and will is concerning my worldly estate, and principally concerning the inheritance of my part of Collery in Galesfield, in the County of Durham, that Margarett, my now wife, shall have the one halfe and a moyety, together with all the issues and profitts thereof, and also the moyety of a keele upon the River of Tyne for carriage of coales during her naturall life, and after her decease all the said collery with appurtenances, and the said Keele, shall be and descend upon William Blaixton, my sone, and his heirs lawfully begotten, soe soon as he shall come to 21 years of age or marry. And that Margarett, my said wife, shall have the occupation thereof, together with all the issues and profitts thereof during her lifetime. My mind and will is and I give and bequeath unto Barbara, my daughter, the sume of 100l. out of the said collery equally by the occupiers thereof, within one yeare after my decease, if she be then att lawful yeares or marryed with consent of Margarett my wife, provided alwayes, and it is my true intent and meaning, that if itt fortune that William my sonne dye without issue lawfully begotten, my said Collery and all the issues and pfitts thereof, together with the said keele, shall fall and descend upon Barbara my daughter and her heires lawful begotten, and for want of The testator was son of Sir William Blakiston, knt. (bur., 13 Oct., 1641, at Whickham), by his wife, Jane, dau. of Robert Lambton (bur. 11 Nov. 1648, at Whickham), and grand nephew of the William Blakiston whose will dated 5 Feb., 1607/8, is printed in this vol. 1648 |