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Bishop in Winter, and such yearly rent to be paide att or within the Manor house or Capitall messuage of Gibside aforesaid. I give and bequeath unto my nephew, William Blaxton, of Hedley, these parcells of plate and household stuffe hearafter followinge-that is to say-Three gobletts with one cover, six white bowells, three bigger and three lesser, two white silver peeces, one gilded saltt, one white salt, and one white trencher salt, three dozen and fower silver spoons, two London bedsteads, the one in the great chamber, the other in the new hie chamber, with two trunkle bedds to them belonging, three tables, two in the hall and one new London table in the great chamber, with a court cupbord belonging to the same, One great presse in the old parlour, The brewing lead withall vessells thereunto belonginge. Nevertheless, my Will and pleasure is absolutelie that my said nephew, William Blaxtonn, shall not during his life alyenate or sell anie of the said plait, implements of householde before mentioned, but shall suffer them to remayne and to be in the said house at Gibside as heirelooms to the said house, and shall either by his last Will or by some Deed executed in his lifetyme, soe dispose of the said plait and implements of household aforenamed as the same shall come to his sone, Ralph Blaxtonn, after the death of him, the said William Blaxtonne, or to such heires as shall happen to be heire unto the said William Blaxton. My will and pleasure is that my nephew, Henry Blaxton, shall have my colemynes in the Snipe, as well opened or not opened, and do hereby give unto my said nephew, Henrie Blaxton, all lands and grounds within the Snipe to sink pitts and to wynn and work the said pitts for his use and benefit from and after the death of me the said William Blaxton, for and during the term of 21 years from thence next insuing, which said coalmynes and libertie of Egress and Regress . I give to my nephew, Ralph Blaxton, my two golde chymes. I give and bequeath to my sisters, Grace Shaftoe, Marie Hardcastle and Ellinor Bennett, to everie of them, 67. 13s. 4d., and to my sister, Barbara Blaxton, 20l., And to my sister, Dorothie, 51. I do give unto my nephew, Christopher Hedworth, of Pockerley, his children, 10l. I give unto my nephew, Henry Blaxton, three score pounds. I give unto my two neeces, Johann Morrell and Alice Hix, each 61. 13s. 4d. I give and bequeath unto my nephew, William Blaxton, my best horse. I give unto my neece, Jane, wife of my nephew William Blaxton, all my lait wiffe's apparell. To my nephew, Nicholas Blaxton, second son of my nephew, William Blaxton, 2001. to pay one annuity or yearly rent charge for the natural life of the said Nicholas Blaxton. I give and bequeath unto my nephew, William, his other seven children, that is to say, John Blaxton, Roger Blaxton, Lyonel Blaxton, William Blaxton, Dorothie Blaxton, Jane Blaxton, and Barbara Blaxton, each 20l. My will is that, if it please God, my neece, Jane Blaxton, be saiflie delivered of one livinge child or more, that then the said child or children borne alive shall have the like somme of 20l. a peece of lawful English money. I give and bequeath unto my wellebeloved brother-in-law, Sir Nicholas Tempest, of Stelley, Knight, one graye gelding now in the custodie of my nephew, William Blaxton. I give unto my wellbeloved sister in law, the ladie Isabell Tempest, wife of the said Sir Nicholas Tempest, one olde Ryall, and to every one of the children of the said Nicholas, that is to say, Thomas Tempest, William Tempest, Henrie Tempest, the ladie Isabella Bulmr, Mrs. Jane Chaitor and Margaret Tempest, each one olde Angell. I give unto my wellbeloved friend and cozen, Thomas Riddell, of Gateshead, Esquire, fower old angells. To everie of my household servants, 5s. apeece. To the poor prisoners in the goale of Durham from the tyme of my death for and dureing the tearm of twentie years, the sume of 20s. yearly issueing out of all my lands in this my Will not bequeathed, and the like sume of 20s. yearly for the tearme aforesaid unto the poore people of the pish of Whickham. And my will is that the 20s. to be payed to the prisoners in Durham goall shall be paid yearly unto the Maior of Durham for the time being, to be distributed amongst the said prisoners according to the meaning of this my Will. And the 20s. to be payd unto the poore of the pish of Whickham shall be paid unto the churchwardens of the said parish. I give unto my nephew, Ralph Blaxton, the full moytie and one halfe part of all my goods and chattels in this my Will not formerlie bequeathed, and I doe hereby appoint my said welbeloved Nephew, Raph Blaxtonn, sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament. I give the residue of my goods and chattels, moveable and unmoveable, unto my said nephew, Ralph Blaxtonne. I do intreat and require my wellbeloved brother-inlaw, Sir Nicholas Tempest, Knight, and my loving friend and Cozen, Thomas Riddell, Esquire, to see this my last Will pformed and executed, and also appoint them supersrs. Witnesses. Nicholas Tempest, Tho. Riddell, John Johnson, Roger Colsonn, Robert Forster.

Feb 24, 1607. INVENTORY of all the goods and chattels of William Blakiston, late of Gibside, in the parish of Whickham, Esquire, deceased, praised by these fower honest men, vizt., William Porter, James Shaftoe, Anthony Meaburne and John Blarton.

In the Kitchinge: Fower brass potts, three old mellen potts, two iron potts, one posnett, three yetlinges on morter and a pestell, six panns, three candlesticks, one dripping pann, one baster, with all other furniture as Iron and pewter vessel in the Kitchinge=51. 16s. 3d. In the Maid's Chamber: Two borded bedsteads with clothes to them, 6s. In the Hall, wch are heirelooms: One table with a frame and a cupboarde table, one other cupboarde and a side table, 42s. 6d. In the Butterie: Eight puter dublers, two basons and ewers, fower candlesticks, five


chamberpotts, two dozen trenchers, three canns, three potts, 30s. In the Celler: Five hogsheads, two barralls, five halfe barrells, 13s. 4d. In the olde Parlor in heirloome: a pressor, 13s. 4d., one stand bedd, one hurle bedd, one square cupboarde, one hie cupboard, one long settle, six pistolls, one pair of virginalls, two Joyne stolls, one lowe stoll, one little chair, 21. 19s. All the plaite which is an heyrlome, 40l., also three gobletts with coveringe, six bowells, two cupps, one nest of tunnes, one gilt salt, one white salt, and one trencher salt, three dozen and fower spoones. Item, twentie howle puter dishes, 14 sawcers, 12 jellie dishes, 12 trencher plates, 6 slaife dishes, 2 pie plates, 4 candlesticks with 3 nossells, one warming pann, one pfume pann, one featherbedd, one bolsterr, one mattrice, a pair of blanketts, 2 happings, one coveringe, 3 Read curtaine with vallance and frindge, 3 old cuishions, 67. 16s. 6d.; lynninge and napperie, 10l. In the new Porlour: 1 table, 2 forms, 2 chairs, 8 joyne stools, 6 Turkie cuishions, one lyvorie cupboard, one litle firr cheste and 2 carpetts of blew and grene, 47. In the middle Chamber, wch are heirloms: One standbedd and a truckle bedd, one table and a leverie cupbord, 6l. 10s. Other furniture in the same chamber as beddinge, one carpett, 14 joyne stooles and two chares, with two lowe stooles, 81. 10s. In the Hie Chamber, wch are heirloms: One standbedd, 50s. Other furniture there, as beddinge, a lyvorie cupbord, 2 chaires, 4 litle chistes, 2 trunks and an Iron chimney, 51. 10s. In the Scholehouse Chamber: A borded bedsteade, with furniture and a litle cupborde, 10s. In the White Chamber: One standbedd and a truckle bedd, with furniture for the hie bedd, one trunck banded with iron, one Court cupboarde, and an olde cuishion, 51. In the Yellow Chamber: One standbedd and a hurle bedd, with beddinge and one chaire, 47. In the painted Chamber: Two stand bedds, one boarded bedstead, with their furniture, and 2 chistes, 4l., his owne apparell, 207., his two cheynes, 367., his laite wife's apparell, 407. In the brewhouse, which are heyreloms: A brew lead with all brewinge vessells, 40s. In the milk house: A kettle with other wood vessell. Att Gibside: Ten draught oxen, 351. Twelve stotts, 241. Twenty one Kyne, 40%. Two whies, 31. Twelve calfes, 61. 10s. Rie, forty threaves, 6l. Six score ewes, 271. Oats, three score threaves, 51. Fifteene bowells oat malt, 31. One graie stoned horse, Sl. One graie geldinge, 127. One other graie geldinge, 6l. Two maires and one nagge at grasse, 71. In corne on the grounde att Marley hill and Gibside, 71. Att Marley hill: Twelve draught oxen, 421. Four kyne and calfes, 81. Ten whies, 157. Rie, thirtie 'threaves, 37, 15s. Oats, twenty foure threaves, 36s. Att fenhouse: Twentie winter stotts and whies with three bull stirkes, 207. One cowe and a calfe, 21. Eleven score weathers, 491. 10s. Nine score ewes, 361. Seventy seven gimmers, 131. 6s. 8d. Forty dinmoths, Sl. Forty olde tupps, 6l. Twenty eight young tupps, 31. 13s. 4d. Six score hogges, 18l. Eighteen hogge sheepe, 31. 12s. Debts owinge to the testatore: Anthonie Layborne, 51. Ralph Hardinge, 10l. Nicholas Arnolde, 21. Henry Laiborne, Richard Dobsone and John Hunter, 41. In readie money, 4697. Debts which the testator oweth: To William Marley, 31. 6s. 8d. To John Cook, 21. 1s. Funerall expences, 50l. Servants' wages, 31. 11s. 6d.


July 15, 1608. In the name of God, Amen, in the yeres of the raigne of or sovereign lord James, by the grace of Gode, King of England, Scotland, France and Irelande, Defender of the faithe, etc., That is to saie, of England, France, and Ireland the sixte, and of Scotland by one and fortity. I, Brian Bellasses, of Morton, in the County of Durham, gent, Esquire. To be buried where and in such maner as my friends and executors shall thinke fitt. And for the disposicon of such lands, goods and chattells as it hath please gode to bless me withall my mynd and will is to dispose of them as hereafter followeth. First I give and bequeathe my lease of Morton, in the parish of Houghton, and my lease of my landes in Great Haswell, in the parish of Easington, unto Sir Thomas Metham, of Metham, in the County of York, Knight, and Thomas Swinburne, of Captheton, in the County of Northumberland, Esquire, and during the terme of six yeares to the use, benifit and behoof of Richard Bellasses, my second sone, and of Mary, Joane and Margarett, my three daughters, whome my will is shall have the benefitt and pfit of the said termes, and after the said sixe yeares, then my will is that the residue of my termes in Morton and Haswell aforesaide shall come to Willm. Bellasses, my eldest sonne, for and during the residue of my termes then therein to come and unexpired, provided alwaies and upon condicon that my said sonne, Willm. Bellasses, shall within two yeares after he shall accomplish his full age of one and twenty yeares make a good and sufficient estate in the lawe, unto Richard Bellasses, my second sonne, of soe much lande as shallbe worth in yearly value the some of 50l. of lawful money of England in the Judgmt of Sir Thomas Metham aforesaide, Knight, and Thomas Swynburne aforesaid, Esquire, and William Thursbie, Thomas Wilkinson and Robert Rutter, my trustie friends, or soe many of them as shallbe then livinge To have and to hold the said estate for and during the life naturall of the said Richard Bellasses, my second sonne, and to such wief as he, the saide Richard Bellasses, shall marry, and to the longer liver of them. And my will further is, that if my saide sonne William shall not within the said terme of two yeares after he shall accomplish his full age, make and assure so much lande and in such maner as in this my will is formerlie mentioned and sett downe unto my said sonne, Richard. That then my said sonne, Richard, shall from and after the expircon of the said two yeares enter unto my said leases of Morton and Haswell aforesaid, and then shall enjoye and the pfitts thereof, and to take unto his owne use and behoof until such time as my said sonne, Willm., shall assure and convey soe much lande as shall be worthe the yearlie value of 50l. in manner and forme as is aforesaid expressed. I give and bequeath to my said sonne, Willm., all my implements and howsehold stuff at Morton aforesaid Provided that my sonne, Willm., shall pay to my said three daughters in considercon of the said household stuffe the sum of 300l. of lawful money of England That is to saie, to each of them 100%. to be paid to them as they shall accomplish their age of one and twenty yeares or at the day of their marriage which of them shall first happen. Nevertheless my will is That Margarett, nowe my wife, shall have the use and occupacon of my howsehold stuff at Morton aforesaid, and of my howse at Morton with courtlege, orchards and gardens thereunto belonginge untill such tyme as my said sonne, Willm., shall accomplish his full age of one and twenty yeares. I give and bequeath to Margaret, my said wief, my howses in Durham during her naturall life, and also all my howsehold stuffe nowe remayning in Durham, and also my howshold stuff remayning in Newcastle provided for my saide howses at Durham, she my said wief paying unto my three daughters aforesaide


1 He was the 4th son of Sir William Bellasis of Newbrough, York, born there, 19 July, 1559, bur. at Houghton-le-Spring, 18 July, 1608; he mar. Margaret, dau. of William Lee of Brandon, by Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Lawson of Usworth; she re-mar. Charles Hedworth of Harraton. His brother James (died, Oct., 1640), mentioned in the will, bapt. at St. Andrew's, Auckland, 3 Dec., 1562, mar., firstly, Mary, dau. of Thomas Tunstall of Scargill, and, secondly, Isabel, dau. of Thomas Chaytor of Butterby. His eldest son, Sir William Bellasis, aged 15 at the Inq. p.m. of his father, taken 10 Sept., 1608, at Durham, of Morton house, Durham, bur. at Houghton-le-Spring, 6 Dec., 1641, mar. Margaret, eldest dau. of Sir George Selby of Whitehouse, 15 Jan., 1610/11, at Ryton, bur. at Houghton-le-Spring, 29 Nov., 1671; his 2nd son Timothy, bapt. 29 Dec., 1594, at St. Andrew's, Auckland, his 3rd son Richard, bapt. at St. Andrew's, Auckland, 7 May, 1598, bur. at Houghton-le-Spring, 2 June, 1624, his 4th son Henry, bapt. at St. Andrew's, Auckland, 17 May, 1599, bur. at Brancepeth, 28 May, 1603; his fifth son Charles, bapt. at Houghton-le-Spring, 14 Nov., 1603, bur. at Brancepeth, 27 July, 1606, his daus. were Mary, bapt., 10 Aug., 1601, at Houghton-le-Spring, mar. Gerard Salvin of Croxdale, bur., 19 Nov., 1678, at St. Oswald's, Durham; Joan, mar. John Vasey of Newlands, 26 Oct., 1620, at Houghton-le-Spring; Timothea, bur. at Houghton-le-Spring, 7 Feb., 1601/2; Elizabeth, also bur. there, 3 Dec., 1602; Katherine, bur. at Brancepeth, 22 July, 1606, Margaret, bur., St. Oswald's, Durham, 23 Nov., 1622; and Anne.

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