to my wife the iron chimney also the bedstead in the hall, and I give to Hellenor that bedstead at the Maudlines, and to my daughter, Agnes, the bedstead in the lofte. I give to my two daughters a browne cowe to be solde and the money equallie to be divided betwixt my two Daughters, I give to my wife the white cowe. I give of the sixe swine unto my wife and she to pay to my two children at Easter next coming to ether of them, 10s. I give to my wife my cloke and best stockings. I give to George Pile a browne jerkine and a paire of briches, allso all the rest of my clothes (except my greenin jerkin). I give to George Pile also my old hate. I give to my wife a longsetle bedstead and all the rest of my goods movable and unmoveable, and also I make my wife full executor of this my last Will and Testament. A note of the debts oweing to Conande Stevenson. Willm. Haddock is oweing to me 12s. Randell Milburne is oweing to me 19s. William Robson is oweing me 19s. Robt. Wetherup, of Elswick, is owing me 15s. Mr. James Cole is oweing to me 11. 3s. 3d. Wm. Wallis is owinge 11. 4s. 6d. Proved, 1615. JOHN ALDER.1 Oct. 28, 1615. Will of John Alder, of Alnwicke, Merchant. To be buryed at the parish church of St. Michaell's Archangell, here at Alnwicke, at the descretion of my frends. I give to Robert, Richard, Thomas, Luke and Edwarde, my sones, 40s. each. To my daughter, Barbara Clarke, my goulden ringe or signett. I leave my shop goods and chattels and leases to pay my debts withall. To John Alder, my sone, 20s. I leave to my daughter, Isabell Forster, for her poron, £10. I give to Geo. Forster, 50s. I give to my sone, George Alder, £4 a yere duringe the space of three yeres next ensuinge, beginninge to pay 20s. a quarter at Martinmasse next after the date hereof, which was agreed upon before George Gallon and William Hunter, Arbitrators, betwixt us. I leave Jane, my wife, my full executrix of all my leases, goods and chattels. I leave to Geo. Alder, my sone, 3 bowels of rye to be payed unto him a bowel yearly for the space of 3 yeares next ensuinge. My will is that Mathew Clarke and Nicholas Forster doe sue Jo. Buller for an over sea cloathe wrought with nedle worke for the behalfe of Barbara and Isabella, my daughters, and their wifes. Francis Alder, Rob. Fenwicke, Jo. Harbottell and Henry Smith, Supervisors. Witnesses to will, Robt. Stevenson, clarke, Francis Alder, John Herbottell, Edward Stanniers. Proved, 9 Dec., 1615. Son of Richard Alder, see Arch. Ael., 3rd series, v., 38. JOHN SWAYNSTON.1 Dec. 27, 1615. The Inventorie of all the goods and chattels, moveable and not moveable, of John Swaynston of Gainforthe, deceased, prsed by Cuthbert Burrell, Georg Garthe, John Garthe and Henry Swainston. Imprimis: His purse and apparell, 21. Sixe kyne, 121. One other cowe, 11. 138. Five yonger beaste, 57. Fower calves, 21. Fower oxen, 167. 10s. Fower yong beast, 9l. 30 old sheepe 10l. 10s. One and twentie hoggs, 31. 10s. One horse and a mare, 31. In hay aboute the house, 27. Three swyne, 18s. All the corne in the barne, hard corne otes, 107. Thirteen acres of corne in the field, 171. 10s. Corne in the house, 17. 68. Sd. One cupbord and a a cawell, 11. 16s. 4d. Two old cupbords and cawell 10s. Fyve potts of brass, 11. 10s. Thre kettells and 4 pans, 17. 4s. Eighteene pece of puther, 12s. Fower candlesticks, two salts, and a litle bottle, 3s. Thre stande bedds, 11. Two fether bedds and two mattrasses, 27. 13s. 4d. Fyve pair of lynen sheits and fyve pair of harden, 27. Coverletts and happins, 17. 168. 8d. Codds and blanketts, 6s. 8d. Pillowes, napkins, one table clothe and other napperie, 6s. Sd. Table formes and stooles, 9s. 6d. Chestes, 6s. Two arkes, 13s. 4d. Tubbs and skeales and kytts, 5s. Halfe a stone woole, 4s. Windowing clothes, sacks, pokes, bushell, peck and other suche stuffe, 12s. In fleshe, butter and chease, 26s. Ed. Pullen aboute the howse, 4s. Thre ducks, 12d. Bowels, dishes, chese fatts, spoones, trenchers and cans, 4s. Tongs, reckon, crooke, axes, spete and racks, 6s. Two stone trowes, 12d. Wayn, wayn gear, ploughe, ploughe geare and all wood about house, 67. 10s. Spades, shovells, dung forkes, iron forke, shafts and all other implements about the house, 3s. 4d. Suma: 1127. 2s. 2d. Debts oweing the testator: John Hutchinson, for a yoke of oxen, 67. 13s. 4d. John Lockson, 16s. Debts which the testator ought: To Jo. Hutchinson, 21. Wm. Appleby, 21. John Hood, 81. 10s. To old Cramforth's wyfe, 50s. The King's Maties rent, 22s. For other rent, 21. 9s. 5d. To Mr. Jervaux Kuype, 14s. Charges of funerall and mortuarye, 27. 2s. WILLIAM SADLER.2 Jan. 4, 1615. In the name of God, Amen, I, William Sadler, of the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne. To be buried in the Churchyard of All Saints near to my children deceased. The rest of my funeral discharged, the debts that are oweing to me are these that follow: A Note of the debts oweing in record to me, William The testator was bur. at Gainford, 16 Dec., 1615. 2 He was bur. at All Saints, Newcastle, 5 Jan., 1615/16, there is a marriage there of a William Sadler and Isabella Pearson, 23 Dec., 1609. Sadler, as followeth. Edward Wright is oweing me 51. of the which sume to be paid the next Saterday. Edward Sadler of the Ould Moore is owing to me, William Sadler, 2s. Gerard Walker of the Ould Moore is oweing to me 12s. Anthonie Pottes, of Paysworth, is oweing to me 12s. James Sadler, my Brother, is oweing to me 11. Cuthbert Awbon and Christopher Awbon is oweing to me 2l. 6s. 8d. Cuthbert Awbon, for a stone and three quarters of linte, coming to 10s., which he is oweing for to me. James Rowell is oweing to me 8s. David Man is oweing to me 11., the which if I dept this lyfe I give to David's childe, John Man. Edward Hall, of Sandgate, is oweing me, for coales, 11. 4s. I have a cowe greate with calfe with Cuthbert Awbon and a stott and a whie that Cuthbert Awbon did deliver prazed at 31. Item: I give to my brother, James Sadler, 11. I give to John Mann, the son of David Man, 11. I give to Cuthbert Awbon for his two children, 11. I give to Randall Awbot, a whie. All the rest of my goods, moveable and unmoveable, I give to my well beloved wife, Isabella, whom I make full Executor of this my last Will and Testament. Memor dum: That William Sadler is not owing any thing of vallew but such small things as he referreth to his wife to paye. Witnesses, John Rosdon, James Man, Jane Browne and others. Proved, 24 Feb., 1615. ALICE SELBYE.1 Jan. 15, 1615. In the name of God, Amen, I, Alice Selbye, of the towne and countie of Newcastle upon Tyne, Widow. To be buried within the parish church of St Nicholas as near unto my late husband, George Selbye deceased, as possible may be; if no place there can be had neare hand him then I will that it be laide as neare my former husband, Robert Carre, in the same church of St. Nicholas. I give to Margarett Clibborne, widow, my bed, in which I lye, with curtens, featherbed and all furniture belonging to it. I give to pore widows that are decayed householders, 30s., at the discretion of my executors. I give to Agnes Coates in money, 10s. and one paire of corse sheets. I give to Margaret Adamson, 10s. in money, and a paire of corse sheets. I give to Elizabeth Brameling, widow, 6s. in money and a round curtell. I give to Jane Baits, daughter of Thomas Baits, my silke apron. I give to Isabella Readhead, of Sandgate, a gold ring for a token. I give to Cuthbert Baites, sone of Thomas Baites, 10s. for a token. 1 Her second husband George Selby was bur. at St. Nich., Newcastle, 13 June, 1613, having made his will 8 June, in that year, he mentions his wife Alice, dau. Elizabeth Moysere (she mar. Christopher Moyses, merchant, 16 Nov., 1596, at St. Nich.), dau. Jane Charteris, dau. Margaret Banne, dau. Ursula Lace-also Sir George Selby, knt. burial entry of the testatrix in St. Nich., Newcastle, runs as follows, 1615/16, Jan. 30, oulde Mrs. Selby, bur. The The residue of all my goods and chattells, moveable and unmoveable, I give and bequeath unto William Powre, Robert Selbye, Thomas Baits and Margaret Clibborne, whom I make and ordaine my sole Executors of this my last Will and Testament. Witnesses: John Taylor, Nicholas Harll. Proved, 1615. ROBERT GOFTON.1 Jan. 17, 1615. In the name of God, Amen I, Robert Gofton, of the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne, Cordiner. To be buryed within St. Nicholas Church garth, within the towne of Newcastle aforesaid. I give and bequeath unto my wife, Agnes Gofton, and to my daughter, Agnes Gofton, my house, in the Flesh Market, as it standeth, and to the longer liver of them and their heires for ever. I give unto my daughter Jane Milburne, wife unto Peter Milburne, my howse in the Meddle Street, adjoining upon a tenement of Peter Tompson, Merchant, for his wife, Jane Milburne, lyfe tyme, and then to come to my wife, Agnes Gofton. I give unto my brother, Edward Gofton, of hie Callerton, yeoman, 101. I give and bequeath unto my brother's sonne, Robt. Gofton, a black whie. I give unto my daughter's sonne, John Milburne, 201. I doe give and bequeathe unto to my daughter Jane Milburne, 10l. I give and bequeath unto Richard Gofton, my cosinge, a twenty two shillinge peece of gold called a Jacobus. I doe give and bequeath unto my cozen, Hugh Gofton, of Byrkley, yeoman, a peece of gold of twenty two shillings price called a Jacobus. I doe give and bequeath unto Heugh Gofton, of Elland Hall, the younger, yeoman, a peece of golde of twenty two shillings price called a Jacobus. I give and bequeath unto my cozen, Richard Brykus, cordiner, a peece of gold of twentie two shillings price called a Jacobus. I doe give and bequeathe unto my sister, Allie Simpson, 6s. 8d. yearlie, so long as my wife, Agnes Gofton, livethe. And I doe make my wife, Agnes Gofton, and my daughter, Agnes Gofton, my whole executors of this my last Will and Testament, to whom I give and bequeath all the rest of my goods, moveable and unmoveable, my debts, legacies and funerall expences discharged. And I make Richard Byrkus, of the towne of Newcastle upon Tyne, Cordn., and Richard Gofton of Elland Hall, yeoman, Supervisors of this my last Will and Testament. Witnesses, Edward Gofton, Richard Byrkus and Richard Gofton. Proved, 1615. The testator was bur. at St. Nich., Newcastle, 19 Jan., 1615/16, and his widow, Agnes, was bur. there, 17 Feb., 1624/5. There is a pedigree of the family of Gofton of Eland Hall in the New County History of Northumberland, vol. xii., pp. 468-9. WILLIAM REED.1 Mar. 3, 1615. Sir William Reed, of Fenham, in the County of Northumberland, Knight. To be buried at the discretion of my executors and friends. I give and bequeath to Dame Margaret, my wife, and unto Susan Reed, Ephraim Reed and John Reed, all my tithes of corne, graine, groweing and renewing within the townes and fields of Fenwick, in the Countie palatine of Durham, during the terms of years unexpired in the letters patent made from Her late Soveryn, Lady Queen Elizabeth, unto William Kinnord, alias Reed, father of me, the said Sir William Reed, Knight, bearing date att Westminster the 30th day of May in the 21st yeare of Her Heighness' late reigne. I give unto William Reed, my eldest sone, my mannor house of Fenham with the appurtenances and the closes thereunto adjoining with all the tithes, And also the tithe of corne and graine in Beele for and during the residue of the said terme of the said recited Letters patent, he, the said William Reed, paying yearly thereto the sum of 40l. to Mary, the wife of Robert Coniers, Dorothy Reed, Philadelphia Reed, Margaret Reed, Lancelot and Robert Reed, Elizabeth Reed, Lucie Reed and Jane Reed, my children, for and towards their maintenance and education, in like manner and forme as the same ought to be paid by Sir William Selbie, of Shortflatt, Knight, Henry Jones and William Steward, gentlemen, if they should possess and enjoy the said tithes by virtue of an assisment to them made. I give unto Francis Reed, my sone, 10l. To Marie, the wife of Robert Coniers, 50l. I give unto Dorothie, Philadelphia, Margaret, Lancelott, Robert, Elizabeth, Lucie and Jane Reed, my children, 40l. a piece. I will that my burgage house in Berwick and all my household stuff, plate, goods and chattels, whatsoever, shall be sold for payment of my debts. I appoint my sone, William Reed, sole Executor, and I do heartily request my right well beloved friendes, Sir William Selbye, of Shortflatt Knight, Henrie Jones and William Steward, Supervisors of this my Will. Probate, 1618. 1 The will of the testator's father William is printed in this volume. The testator was bur. at Holy Island, 16 Mch., 1616/17; his widow, Margaret, having made her will, 9 Dec., 1618, was bur. at Berwick, 14 Dec., following; their children were William, bapt., 23 July, 1592, at Holy Island; Lancelot, bapt. at Berwick, 10 May, 1603; Robert, bapt. at Kyloe, Aug., 1606; Mary, bapt., 3 Aug., 1595, at Holy Island, mar. Robert Conyers of Hoppen; Margaret, bapt. at Berwick, 9 Oct., 1601; Jane, bapt. at Holy Island, 2 July, 1611, bur. there, 5 Oct., 1621. The baptisms of Francis, Dorothy, Philadelphia, Elizabeth and Lucy have not been found. |