To make fuch means for her as thou haft done, I do applaud thy fpirit, Valentine, And think thee worthy of an emprefs' love. I now befeech you, for your daughter's fake, Duke. I grant it for thine own, whate'er it be, Duke. I think the boy hath grace in him; he blushes, Val. Pleafe, you, I'll tell you as we pass along, Sir Tho, Hanmer reads conclude, That That done, our day of marriage fhall be yours, One feast, one houfe, one mutual happiness. [Exeunt omnes. 5 theus, after an interview with Silvia, fay he has only feen her picture, and, if we may credit the old copies, he has by miitaking places, left his icenery inextricable. The reafon of all this confufion feems to be, that he took his ftory from a novel which he fometimes followed, and fometimes forfook, fometimes remembred, and fometimes forgot. VINCENTIO, Duke of Vienna. Efcalus, An ancient Lord, joined with Angelo is the Deputation. Claudio, a young Gentleman. Lucio, a Fantastick. Two other like Gentlemen. Varrius, a Gentleman, Servant to the Duke. * Varrius might be omitted, for he is only once spoken to, and fays nothing. SCENE, Vienna. Of this Play the first known Edition is in the Folio of 1623. I. Folio 1623. |