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flesh; but he of the free-wo-the passover, a feast of the man was by promise. Which Jews, was nigh. When Jesus things are an allegory: for then lift up his eyes, and saw these are the two covenants: a great company come unto the one from Mount Sinai, him, he saith unto Philip, which gendereth to bondage, Whence shall we buy bread, which is Agar. For this Agar that these may eat? (And this is Mount Sinai in Arabia, and he said to prove him; for he answereth to Jerusalem which himself knew what he would now is, and is in bondage with do.) Philip answered him, her children. But Jerusalem Two hundred penny-worth of which is above, is free; which bread is not sufficient for them, is the mother of us all. For that every one of them may it is written, Rejoice, thou bar-take a little. One of his disren that bearest not; break ciples, Andrew, Simon Peter's forth and cry, thou that tra-brother, saith unto him, There vailest not for the desolate is a lad here which hath five hath many more children than barley loaves, and two small she which hath an husband. fishes; but what are they Now we, brethren, as Isaac among so many? And Jesus was, are the children of pro-said, Make the men sit down, mise. But as then, he that Now there was much grass in was born after the flesh per-the place. So the men sat secuted him that was born down, in number about five after the spirit ; even so as it is thousand. And Jesus took the now. Nevertheless, what saith loaves, and when he had given the Scripture? Cast out the thanks, he distributed to the bond-woman and her son; for disciples, and the disciples to the son of the bond-woman them that were set down, and shall not be heir with the son likewise of the fishes as much of the free-woman. So then, as they would. When they brethren, we are no children were filled, he said unto his of the bond-woman, but of the disciples, Gather up the fragfree. ments that remain, that noThe Gospel. St. John vi. 1. thing be lost. Therefore they gathered them together, and ESUS went over the sea of filled twelve baskets with the Galilee, which is the sea fragments of the five barley of Tiberias. And a great mul- loaves, which remained over titude followed him, because and above unto them that had they saw his miracles which eaten. Then those men, when he did on them that were dis-they had seen the miracle that eased. And Jesus went up Jesus did, said, This is of a into a mountain, and there he truth that prophet that should sat with his diciples. And come into the world.


The Fifth Sunday in Lent.

The Collect.

not believe me? He that is of God, heareth God's words;

WE E beseech thee, Al ye therefore hear them not, mighty God, mercifully because ye are not of God. to look upon thy people; that Then answered the Jews, and by thy great goodness they said unto him, Say we not well, may be governed and preserthat thou art a Samaritan, and ved evermore, both in body hast a devil? Jesus answered, and soul, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Epistle. Heb. ix. 11.

have not a devil: but I ho nour my father, and ye do dishonour me. And I seek not mine own glory: there is one


CHRIST being come an that seeketh and judgeth. Ver high priest of good things rily, verily, I say unto you, If to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not shall never see death. a man keep my saying, he made with hands; that is to said the Jews unto him, Now say not of this building; nei-| ther by the blood of goats and vil: Abraham is dead, and the we know that thou hast a decalves; but by his own blood

he entered in once into the prophets; and thou sayest, if holy place, having obtained shall never a man keep my saying, he eternal redemption for us. For Art thou greater than our never taste of death. if the blood of bulls and of father Abraham, which is goats, and the ashes of an dead? and the prophets are heifer sprinkling the unclean. sanctifieth to the purifying of dead: whom makest thou thythe flesh; how much more self? Jesus answered, If I ho shall the blood of Christ, who nour myself my honour is nothrough the eternal Spirit, ofthing; it is my Father that hofered himself without spot to that he is your God: yet ye noureth me, of whom ye say, God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the know him; and if I should say have not known him; but I living God? And for this cause he is the Mediator of the new liar like unto you; but I know I know him not, I shall be a Testament, that by means of death, for the redemption of your father Abraham rejoiced him, and keep his saying. the transgressions that were under the first Testament, to see my day, and he saw it, they which are called might Jews unto him, Thou art not and was glad. Then said the receive the promise of eternal inheritance.

yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham? Jesus The Gospel. St. John viii. 46. said unto them, Verily, verily, ESUS said, Which of you I say unto you, before Abraconvinceth me of sin? And ham was, I am. Then took if I say the truth, why do ye they up stones to cast at him ;


but Jesus hid himself, and is Lord, to the glory of God

went out of the temple.

The Sunday next before

The Collect.

the Father.

The Gospel. St. Matt. xxvii. I.

WHEN the morning was come, all the chief priests and elders of the people took

ALMIGHTY and everlast-counsel against

when ing God, who, of thy ten-him to death. And when they der love towards mankind, hast had bound him, they led him sent thy son our Saviour Jesus away, and delivered him to Christ, to take upon him our Pontius Pilate the governor. flesh, and to suffer death upon Then Judas, who had betrayed the cross, that all mankind him, when he saw that he was should follow the example of condemned, repented himself, his great humility; mercifully and brought again the thirty grant that we may both follow pieces of silver to the chief the example of his patience, priests and elders, saying, I and also be made partakers of have sinned, in that I have his resurrection, through the betrayed the innocent blood. same Jesus Christ our Lord. And they said, What is that Amen. to us? see thou to that. And he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, and de

The Epistle. Phil. ii. 5. ET this mind be in you parted, and went and hanged Jesus: who being in the form took the silver pieces, and said, of God, thought it not robbery It is not lawful for to put them to be equal with God; but into the treasury, because it is made himself of no reputation, the price of blood. And they and took upon him the form of took counsel, and bought with a servant, and was made in them the potters field to bury the likeness of men: and being strangers in. Wherefore that found in fashion as a man, he field was called, The field of humbled himself, and became blood, unto this day. (Then obedient unto death, even the was fulfilled that which was death of the cross. Where-spoken by Jeremy the prophet, fore God also hath highly ex-saying, And they took the alted him, and given him a thirty pieces of silver, the Name which is above every price of him that was valued, name; that at the name of whom they of the children of Jesus every knee should bow :Israel did value, and gave of things in heaven, and things them for the potters field, as in earth, and things under the the Lord appointed me.) And earth; and that every tongue Jesus stood before the governshould confess that Jesus Christlor; and the governor asked

him, saying, Art thou theling, Let him be crucified. King of the Jews? And Jesus When Pilate saw that he could said unto him, Thou sayest. prevail nothing, but that raAnd when he was accused of ther a tumult was made, he the chief priests and elders. took water, and washed his he answered nothing. Then hands before the multitude, saith Pilate unto him, Hearest saying, I am innocent of the thou not how many things they blood of this just person: see witness against thee? and helye to it. Then answered all answered him to never a word, the people, and said, His blood insomuch that the governor be on us, and on our children. marvelled greatly. Now at Then released he Barabbas that feast the governor was unto them: and when he had wont to release unto the people scourged Jesus, he delivered a prisoner whom they would. him to be crucified. Then the And they had then a nota-soldiers of the governor took ble prisoner, called Barabbas Jesus into the common-hall, and Therefore, when they were gathered unto him the whole gathered together, Pilate said band of soldiers. And they unto them, whom will ye that stripped him, and put on him I release unto you? Barabbas, a scarlet robe. And when they or Jesus which is called had platted a crown of thorns, Christ? For he knew that for they put it upon his head, and envy they had delivered him. a reed in his right hand; and When he was set down on the they bowed the knee before judgment-seat, his wife sent him, and mocked him, saying, unto him, saying, Have thou Hail, King of the Jews! And nothing to do with that just they spit upon him, and took man; for I have suffered the reed and smote him on the many things this day in a head. And after that they had dream because of him. But mocked him, they took the the chief priests and elders robe off from him, and put his persuaded the multitude that own raiment on him, and led they should ask Barabbas, and him away to crucify him. And destroy Jesus. The governor as they came out, they found answered and said unto them.ja man of Cyrene, Simon by Whether of the twain will yename; him they compelled to that I release unto you? They bear his cross; And when said, Barabbas. Pilate saiththey were come unto a place unto them, What shall I de called Golgotha, that is to say, then with Jesus, which is call-ja place of a skull, they gave ed Christ? They all say unto him vinegar to drink mingled him, Let him be crucified with gall; and when he had And the governor said, Why tasted thereof, he would not what evil hath he done? Budrink. And they crucified him, they cried out the more, say-and parted his garments, cast

ing lots that it might be ful-ran, and took a spunge, and filled, which was spoken by filled it with vinegar, and put the prophet, They parted my it on a reed, and gave him to garments among them, and drink. The rest said, Let be, upon my vesture did they cast let us see whether Elias will lots. And sitting down, they come to save him. Jesus, watched him there; and set when he had cried again with up over his head his accusa-a loud voice, yielded up the tion written, THIS IS JESUS ghost. And behold, the vail THE KING OF THEJEWS. of the temple was rent in Then were there two thieves twain, from the top to the botcrucified with him; one on the tom; and the earth did quake, right hand and another on the and the rocks rent; and the left. And they that passed by graves were opened; and reviled him, wagging their many bodies of saints which heads, and saying, Thou that slept arose, and came out of destroyest the temple, and the graves after his resurrecbuildest it in three days, save tion, and went into the holy thyself: If thou be the Son of city, and appeared unto many. God, come down from the Now when the Centurion, and cross. Likewise also the chief they that were with him priests, mocking him, with the watching Jesus, saw the earthscribes and elders, said, He quake, and those things that saved others, himself he can-were done, they feared greatly, not save: If he be the King of saying, Truly this was the Israel, let him now come down Son of God.

from the cross, and we will believe him. He trusted in

Monday before Easter.

God; let him deliver him now, For the Epistle. Isaiah Ixiii. 1. if he will have him: for he WHO is this that cometh said, I am the Son of God. from Edom, with dyed The thieves also which were garments from Bozrah? this crucified with him, cast the that is glorious in his apparel, same in his teeth. Now from travelling in the greatness of the sixth hour there was dark-his strength? I that speak in ness over all the land, unto the righteousness, mighty to save. ninth hour. And about the Wherefore art thou red in ninth hour, Jesus cried with a thine apparel, and thy garloud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, ments like him that treadeth lama sabachthani? that is to in the wine fat? I have trodsay, My God, my God, why den the wine-press alone, and hast thou forsaken me? Some of the people there was none of them that stood there, with me: for I will tread when they heard that, said, them in mine anger, and tramThis man calleth for Elias. ple them in my fury, and their And straightway one of them blood shall be sprinkled upon

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