Julius CaesarLongmans, 1902 - 161 Seiten |
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40 cents 50 cents Boards adjective Antony's ARTEMIDORUS battle bear blood Brearley School Brutus and Cassius Caius Calpurnia Capitol CASCA Cassius Cato Cicero Cimber CINNA CLITUS Cloth Columbia University common Compare conspirators Coriolanus death Decius Brutus doth Edited Elizabethan Enter BRUTUS Exeunt Exit fear fire Flavius Folio reads FOURTH CITIZEN friends give gods Hamlet hand hath hear heart honour ides of March introduction and notes Julius Cæsar Lepidus Ligarius look lord LUCILIUS Lucius Marcus Brutus Mark Antony MARULLUS means Merchant of Venice MESSALA Metellus night North's Plutarch Octavius omission Ph.D Philippi Pindarus play Plutarch poet Portia Portrait Professor of English Publius Roman Rome scene SECOND CITIZEN Shak Shakspere Shakspere's day Shaksperian Skeat SOOTHSAYER speak speech spere spirit stand Strato sword tell theatre thee things THIRD CITIZEN tion Titinius to-day TREBONIUS Troilus and Cressida unto verb Volumnius words