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don my iniquities; my very re- day, and been more than usualpentance needs thy divine clean-ly comfortable."

sing. Bless the Lord, O my soul."

Nov. 3d. "Surely I should blush to treat a fellow mortal, as I treat my God, after such special tokens of his loving kindness. Oh, that my dear Lord would teach me to bear the cross."

Nov. 17. "It is now a year since I publicly gave myself up to God. Do I repent of the act? No; but I have reason to confess with shame, that I have been an unprofitable servant.---Will the retrospect of every year, were I to live many, afford so little satisfaction? Oh, that I might be enabled to devote myself wholly to the Lord, and seek no other interest but that of the Redeemer. Enable me to set out renewedly in the strength of

the Lord.".

After describing a scene of unusual temptation thro' which she passed, she writes, "I began to feel more calm; and began to sing. I was confined to no words that I had ever heard. I sung of the glory, majesty, beauty, holiness, sovereignty and justice of Christ. I thought I could ascribe glory, and often repeated it. Glory, glory, that God did manifest the awful attribute, justice upon his rebellious worms. I had a fear of disturbing the family, or I know not how long I should have sung."

June 7th. " Grace, grace, has attended every step of my life i So much health, oh, inestimable blessing. Had some nearness to the throne of grace this morning in my retired moments. I find it the desire of my heart that the late visitation of provi dence may not be in vain to me, and that I may have entire and will. perfect submission to God's

The following resolutions are found in her diary, written in the beginning of the year, 1802.

"Resolve 1. Resolve never

April, 1801. During a disorder attended with threatening symptoms, she writes; "I have felt the greatest desire that God would not suffer his chastising rod to be in vain-was even led to plead with him to chastise me yet more, and give me strength to bear it, till I shall become an obedient child. Have reason to to judge a matter before I hear bless God, that I feel so few mur-it, and then to be very cautious murs arise in my heart, whilst what I say, for my unruly tongue I might have been left to des- hast cost me tears not a few. 2. pise, to wonder and to perish. I By the would not have it left to myself of God to mortify grace a selfish spirit which I find too whether to get well, or die of much predominates in my heart. this disorder. It is perfectly 3. Never to suffer an angry or right as it is, and Oh, that I hasty expression to escape my might never be left to view God lips, till I have had time to say to myself, is this for the glory Soon after she writes, "Sure- of God? 4. To observe this ly no one has, or can have grea- most precious text of scripture, ter cause for thankfulness than" Take heed and beware of covmyself. I have been able to at-etousness, for a man's life contend meeting both parts of the sisteth not in abundance

as a hard master."

which he possetheth. 5. To appropriate six pence of my earnings each week that I am able to work to charitable purposes."

perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee. But, O my Jesus, I am utterly unable to trust in thee, unless thou art pleased to give the power. Oh, let me never more go in my


Nov. 13th." Have enjoyed such a week with regard to re-strength, for I am as helpless ligion as I have not for a long as the child that never walked.” time before; and if it can be During the months of August ascribed to any mean, it is to and September of this year, she early rising, and denying my-mentions several religious conself of sleep, for the sake of ferences of females, where she communion with God. Oh, how enjoyed familiar freedom and delightful to be indulged in the fervency in prayer; where her least degree with his presence. graces were much enlivened, His service is perfect freedom. and where the power of vital January 1st, 1803. "This is religion was very visible. the first time I have dated 1803. Oct. "Monday morning, As it is the beginning of a new arose very early, sometime beyear, I would it were the begin-fore day light appeared, and enning of a new course of life. Oh, joyed sweet communion. None why is my love so cold to the dear but such as try it, know the Saviour! Oh, how does it magni-pleasure of being alone with fy the riches of the dying love of God, and of reading and prayChrist, that mercy can consist-ing. O my dear Lord, suffer ently be extended to such a hell me not to wound that holy deserving creature as I am! cause, which Idare to hope I Oh, that my head were waters, sincerely love." and mine eyes fountains of tears, that I might weep day and night for my cruel sins. Oh, the abominable sin of ingratitude of which I am daily guilty."

Nov. 5. "Two days more and my school closes. Surely I never saw the kind providence of God more conspicuous, at any time of my life, than for six months past. I think I never enjoyed so great a degree of solid habitual peace, and never before in my life did I take up so heavy a cross."

Jan. 30. "About an hour since, my father entered the eternal world. I had reason to bless God, when his soul was released, and as I would humbly hope, received to mansions above. O Lord Jesus, all we now ask is, that his death may be sanctified to prepare us, for our own dissolution, Oh, teachness and mercy have followed us to live in the fear of God."

March, 1803. "Blessed be God that I have peace! worldly circumstances have not procured it; it is of the sovereign grace of my dear Lord. O my dear Saviour, it is eminently true, that thou wilt keep him in

Nov. 17. "It is now four years since I united with the church and visibly united with the people of God. Surely good

me all my days. Make me, O Lord, to understand my errors: cleanse thou me from secret faults. I have abundant reason to bless God for what he hath done for my soul, the year past. In no one year since. I professed. religion, have I been enabled to

fines and dignifies the soul ! Had I the tongue of an Angel, and the speech that seraphs use, I could not tell its blessings, and the wonders of redeeming love."

make so great proficiency in the divine life, as the past. O my dear Lord, my wish, my prevailing wish is to be entirely conformed to thyself: let me have no will of my own. Let Near the close of this month the things of the world grow she writes thus, concerning the less in my esteem, whilst the | death of an intimate friend, an things of eternity brighten in eminently pious child of God: my view." "Have this day attended the reJan. 29, 1804. "This day mains of my dear friend Mr. S. concludes my 26th year. O to the grave. Many circumstanLord, suitably affect my heart ces of his faithful friendship, with a sense of thy goodness; | rushed into mind, occasioning a and as thou hast brought me to flood of tears, which were some this anniversary birth-day, en-relief to my mind. I thought if able me to make a renewed ten- Jesus wept at the grave of Lazder of my heart, and all the pow-arus, surely I might weep at the ers of my mind to thee. Abun-grave of this, in some respects, dant has been thy goodness to my spiritual father. O Lord, me the year past. Not a day holy, just and true are thy ways have I lost by sickness, and ne--thou workest like thyself, and ver have I had a more abiding sense of divine things, which is indeed an inestimable blessing." . Feb. “Have been to visit a number of my poor sick neighbors; felt a desire that God would grant me his presence, that I might not prove unprofitable. Nothing more convinces me of my ingratitude, than when I see those who are laboring under a thousand real difficulties, that I should afflict myself with so many imaginary ones. O sin, thou procuring cause of all my trouble! were I more holy, I should be more happy. Lordably the last time that I should Jesus, cleanse my polluted soul, and make it a dwelling fit for thee. It is my constant petition that God would revive in me a spirit of prayer, and if not in me particularly, that his children may be stirred up."

Apr. "Oh, the blessings of the religion of Jesus! There is a comfort in casting my burden even of sins upon the Lord. O the gospel! how it raises, reVOL. VI. No. 6.

manifestest the hand of a sovereign. Oh, sanctify this death to the living-awake in us a spirit of prayer. Help, Lord, for the godly man ceaseth, the faithful fail from among the children of men."

May 3d." Attended meeting, and united in celebrating the Lord's supper. I dare to hope it was a profitable season to my soul. The scene was affecting on account of the recent loss of a most valuable member. Another consideration sensibly affected me, viz. That it was prob

commune with this particular church. I earnestly intreated for this pastor and people, and that there might be great additions to this church. O Father, if thou shalt see fit to remove me from this church, watch over me for good; enable me to let my light so shine as thou hast commanded; and make me useful in whatever station thou shalt see fit to place me."


which he possetheth. 5. To appropriate six pence of my earnings each week that I am able to work to charitable purposes."

perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee. But, O my Jesus, I am utterly unable to trust in thee, unless thou art pleased to give the power. Oh, let me never more go in my own strength, for I am as helpless as the child that never walked.” During the months of August and September of this year, she

Nov. 13th." Have enjoyed such a week with regard to religion as I have not for a long time before; and if it can be ascribed to any mean, it is to early rising, and denying my-mentions several religious conself of sleep, for the sake of ferences of females, where she communion with God. Oh, how enjoyed familiar freedom and delightful to be indulged in the fervency in prayer; where her least degree with his presence. graces were much enlivened, His service is perfect freedom. and where the power of vital January 1st, 1803. "This is religion was very visible. the first time I have dated 1803. As it is the beginning of a new year, I would it were the beginning of a new course of life. Oh, why is my love so cold to the dear Saviour! Oh, how does it magnify the riches of the dying love of Christ, that mercy can consist-ing. O my dear Lord, suffer ently be extended to such a hell deserving creature as I am! Oh, that my head were waters, and mine eyes fountains of tears, that I might weep day and night for my cruel sins. Oh, the abominable sin of ingratitude of which I am daily guilty."

Jan. 30. "About an hour since, my father entered the eternal world. I had reason to bless God, when his soul was released, and as I would humbly hope, received to mansions above. O Lord Jesus, all we now ask is, that his death may be sanctified to prepare us, for our own dissolution, Oh, teach us to live in the fear of God."

Oct. "Monday morning, arose very early, sometime before day light appeared, and enjoyed sweet communion. None but such as try it, know the pleasure of being alone with God, and of reading and pray

me not to wound that holy cause, which I dare to hope I sincerely love."

Nov. 5. "Two days more and my school closes. Surely I never saw the kind providence of God more conspicuous, at any time of my life, than for six months past. I think I never enjoyed so great a degree of solid habitual peace, and never before in my life did I take up so heavy a cross."

Nov. 17. "It is now four years since I united with the church and visibly united with the people of God. Surely goodness and mercy have followed me all my days. Make me, O Lord, to understand my errors:

March, 1803. "Blessed be God that I have peace! world-cleanse thou me from secret ly circumstances have not procured it; it is of the sovereign grace of my dear Lord. O my dear Saviour, it is eminently true, that thou wilt keep him in

faults. I have abundant reason to bless God for what he hath done for my soul, the year past. In no one year since I professed religion, have I been enabled to

I the tongue of an Angel, and the speech that seraphs use, I could not tell its blessings, and the wonders of redeeming love."

make so great proficiency in the | fines and dignifies the soul! Had divine life, as the past. O my dear Lord, my wish, my prevailing wish is to be entirely conformed to thyself: let me have no will of my own. Let the things of the world grow less in my esteem, whilst the things of eternity brighten in my view."

Near the close of this month she writes thus, concerning the death of an intimate friend, an eminently pious child of God: "Have this day attended the remains of my dear friend Mr. S. to the grave. Many circumstances of his faithful friendship, rushed into mind, occasioning a flood of tears, which were some relief to my mind. I thought if Jesus wept at the grave of Laz

grave of this, in some respects, my spiritual father. O Lord, holy, just and true are thy ways -thou workest like thyself, and manifestest the hand of a sovereign. Oh, sanctify this death to the living-awake in us a spirit of prayer. Help, Lord, for the godly man ceaseth, the faithful fail from among the children of men."

Jan. 29, 1804. "This day concludes my 26th year. O Lord, suitably affect my heart with a sense of thy goodness; and as thou hast brought me to this anniversary birth-day, enable me to make a renewed tender of my heart, and all the pow-arus, surely I might weep at the ers of my mind to thee. Abundant has been thy goodness to me the year past. Not a day have I lost by sickness, and never have I had a more abiding sense of divine things, which is indeed an inestimable blessing." Feb. "Have been to visit a number of my poor sick neighbors; felt a desire that God would grant me his presence, that I might not prove unprofi- May 3d." Attended meeting, table. Nothing more convinces and united in celebrating the me of my ingratitude, than when Lord's supper. I dare to hope I see those who are laboring un- it was a profitable season to my der a thousand real difficulties, soul. The scene was affecting that I should afflict myself with on account of the recent loss of so many imaginary ones. O a most valuable member. Anosin, thou procuring cause of all ther consideration sensibly afmy trouble! were I more holy, fected me, viz. That it was probI should be more happy. Lord ably the last time that I should Jesus, cleanse my polluted soul, commune with this particular and make it a dwelling fit for church. I earnestly intreated for thee. It is my constant petition this pastor and people, and that that God would revive in me a there might be great additions spirit of prayer, and if not in me to this church. O Father, if particularly, that his children thou shalt see fit to remove me may be stirred up." from this church, watch over me for good; enable me to let my light so shine as thou hast commanded; and make me useful in whatever station thou shalt see fit to place me."

Apr."Oh, the blessings of the religion of Jesus! There is a comfort in casting my burden even of sins upon the Lord. O the gospel! how it raises, reVOL. VI. NO. 6.

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