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heard that wisdom's ways were pleasant, but had never proved it before. Now we trust they can add their experience to that of many others, and assure their companions that the Lord is gracious.

In Feb. the broken parts of the church were united, and have hitherto given evidence that the union was cordial. Thirty nine members were collected together, like sheep that had been scattered upon the mountains and in the wilderness. They now dwell in the same fold, except one who has died, and another removed, and we hope under the great Shepherd and Bishop of souls.

enabled to hold out till the Lord shall graciously receive them to his eternal and glorious kingdom.

I will conclude this narrative by mentioning two things which satisfy us that this is the work of God.

1. There are evident marks of sovereignty in the choice of the subjects of the work. They themselves acknowledge this; because they know that nothing but grace could make them what they are. This is evident to others, because some are taken and others left. Who hath made such a difference, where reason could not find out the cause? This appears to be the " Lord's doing.”

2. The subjects of the work seem to have taken a course entirely new. They seem to be fully established in the belief of the truth, and can without diffi

Fifty four have since been added, mostly of those who obtained hopes during the revival.Others give evidence of a good work upon their minds, who have hitherto been afraid to call themselves Christians, by a pub-culty bow their reason to the lic profession.

most humiliating doctrines of the gospel. The total sinfulness of the natural heart, the necessity of Jesus Christ, and of such a salvation as his, the election of grace, and the necessity of a thorough change by the Spirit of God, are the doctrines to which they stedfastly adhere. So the affections which the gospel requires, seem to be in them. They appear to have an affectionate regard for the honor of God, and the salvation of their fellow men. Hence proceeds that practice which may be just

Professing Christians have as yet been graciously preserved from apostacy. Some, who, like tender plants, seemed to flourish awhile, now wither away, and disappoint our expectations. And some, who have remained unaffected during the general attention, appear now to be more hardened in sin than they were before. We fear that the judgment of Pharaoh is in part | come upon them. And we have reason to fear that some who now stand fair, like goodly trees, may be shaken down, or blight-ly called Christian They ened so as to bring no fruit to per- deavor to avoid all sin of omisfection. Our request is that the sion and of commission, and to prayers of all God's people may discharge every duty which is be united with ours, that the de- incumbent on them in their sevluded may be undeceived, and eral places and relations. that those who feel weak and helpless in themselves may be

They also seem to renounce this world as their portion, and

set their affections supremely on the world to come.

It is worthy of special observation, that the animosity which was once so prevalent and disagreeable is now done away, so that peace and harmony abound. Those families also, who had never heard a prayer in their houses, but by some stranger, are now called upon regularly to worship God through Jesus Christ.

The subjects of the work generally manifest great tenderness and concern for the honor of religion, and the eternal peace of their fellow creatures. And while they feel daily more and more sensible of their own sins, unfaithfulness, and vileness in the sight of God, they at times rejoice in believing, with that 46 joy which is unspeakable and full of glory." How many will persevere is known only to Him, who is the sole "author and finisher of faith." In him must be all our dependence. "For of him and through him, and to him are all things, to whom be glory for ever."

T the annual meeting of

A the Society, holden, New

port May 3, A. D. 1805;

The meeting was opened with prayer by the Moderator. After which the following Votes were passed:

Voted, That the Secretary be requested to write, in the name of the Society, to the Massachusetts Missionary Society and request their assistance to furnish a Missionary, to itinerate in those towns in this State, which are destitute of the preaching of the gospel, as the funds of this Society are inadequate to the necessities of the people, and the prospect of usefulness among them.

Voted, That the Committee be authorized to procure a number of pamphlets for distribution in this State; and that the description, number and price be referred to their judgment.

Voted, That the Rev. Otis Thomson of Rehoboth preach the sermon at the next annual meeting, (the sermon to be delivered on the evening of the day of Election,) and in case of ELISHA YALE. his failure, that the Rev. Caleb J. Tenney perform that service. Voted, That the officers for the ensuing year be as follows, viz.

[Johnstown, N. Y.]
14th April, 1806.



THE Rhode-Island Missionary Society, agreeably to their Constitution, transmit you for publication, if in your judgment

Rev. Wm. Patten, President. Rev. Caleb J. Tenney, Secretary. Mr. Jabez Denison, Trea


Rev. Mase Shepard, William Patten, Caleb J. Tenney, Messrs. John Mein, Jabez Denison and John Bailey the committee to transact the business of the Society.

On Thursday evening a sersuitable, an account of their pro-mon was delivered before the

ceedings for the present year.

Society by the Rev. Mase Shepard, from Psalm lxxii. 6.

Voted, unanimously, That the thanks of the Society be made to the Rev. Mase Shepard, for his excellent sermon delivered this evening.

The first vote was communicated to the Trustees of the Massachusetts Missionary Society. In consequence of which they appointed five ministers of the Trustees to itinerate, in this State, a month each. Last fall one performed his tour. Another is expected this spring, but from unknown causes the others have failed.

larity-has been solemn and ev-
idently genuine. Mr. Davis has
also united his labor and influ-
ence with the Rev. Mase She-
pard, of Little Compton, and
among his people has been of
great and acknowledged benefit.
In this place, under their labors,
often united, an unusually great,
general and solemn revival has
been prevailing since the first of
last January. The towns, men-
tioned in this communication,
lie contiguous in the South Eas-
tern part of this State, and for
six months past, have been re-
markably blessed with the de-
scent of the divine Spirit. Yet,
when we lift up our eyes and
look over the State, in general,
we are constrained to say, Be-
hold, the fields are white already
to harvest. But, though the
harvest be great, the laborers
are few. We hope, therefore,
that the friends of Zion will
unite with us in praying the
Lord of the harvest to send
forth laborers into this, his har-

By order of the Rhode Island
Missionary Society,

Newport, April 15, 1806.

At the annual meeting, the ministers of this State agreed, that one of them would, yearly, and in his turn, itinerate three weeks in this state. Accordingly, the Rev. William Patten, the last season, performed this service. Several Missionaries have this year, been employed by us in different parts of the State; all of whom have been gratefully received and evidently serviceable. Mr. Thaddeus Osgood, a candidate for the ministry, performed the service of three weeks; the Rev. John Davenport, of four weeks, and the Rev. James Davis, an ordained evangelist, has already been employed five months. He has itinerated in Tiverton, Fallter would add, that at Tiverton, River, and Westport, and in a young man, who, to the age each place, especially in the of nineteen, had passed a very first, has been attended with ignorant, stupid and vicious life great success. In this place, was of late, greatly alarmed by twenty, or more, have joined the observation of a young, we i themselves unto the people of instructed female, who said to God. A general seriousness him, "I fully believe, that inalso prevails in the place. Those fants are depraved and that, unneighboring ministers, who have less cleansed by the blood of Occasionally visited the people, Christ, they can never be savhave been not a little gratified ed." From this, said the young by the evident appearances of man to himself, "If infants God's power among them. The need cleansing by the blood of work has been free from irregu- Christ, how much more do I, who

As a correspondent, the wri

conviction in which the writer saw and left the young man.How different and unlike this to his former state, and to that of every stupid and secure sinner! How strong the bonds of every sinner's blindness, stupidity, self flattery, and sin! Verily, they

have spent nineteen years in stupidity, profanity and awful impiety." His attention was solemnly arrested. His sins rose before him. He trembled and saw himself on the verge of endless perdition! When seen by the writer, he was asked, and answered the following ques-are stronger than the bars of a tions; Do you believe God's castle! In their view, all is well, law just and good in requiring even when they stand, in fact, perfect obedience? "I do" said upon the very brink of the bothe. And do you believe, you tomless pit! The above menhave, all your life, broken and tioned young man, however, trampled upon this law? "I do" soon obtained relief of mind.— he returned. Are the condem- And now, as a Christian, he apning sentence of this law and pears no less rational and agreethe wrath of God now upon you able than he lately did as an awafor every sin?" They are," was kened sinner. Is any thing too his answer. Are you now go- hard for the Lord! By his spir ing to endless destruction. "I it he can, in a moment, teach an am," said he, "in the broad ignorant, impenitent sinnner, road to hell and deserve to lie more than they, who have redown in eternal sorrow!" If so, | mained stupid, have ever learnt it was asked, how do you ex-under all the light and benefits pect to escape ruin? He retur- of the gospel! This instance ned, "I have no expectation of may serve in the room of many it! I see nothing, but hell must others who appear to have been be my portion; and I believe, I brought, from an ignorant, seam but one step from it?" cure and sinful state to that of When asked, if he did not view the enlightened and humble Christ able and willing to save disciple of Jesus Christ. The rehim, he replied, "I fully be-vival in Little Compton is great, lieve Christ both able and wil- and apparently genuine. And ling." Why then do you not it is hoped and presumed the re apply to him for salvation?-ligious public will, in due time, My wicked heart will not let receive an account of this work me," said he, "my heart is op- of the Lord. posed to Christ-and really chuses to perish rather than submit to him-and unless God, by his ✦ower, make me willing, I must perish-and that he will do this for such an awful sinner, is no way probable." Though he was past weeping, he added, I feel as though I should sink into the very earth, and as though I were now sinking down into hell under the load of my sins!-Such was the state of rational and deep

From the Christian Observer,

Testimonies to the wretched Ins anity of a Worldly Life.

LORD Chesterfield's remar

kable testimony to the wretched inanity of a worldly life has been repeatedly quoted: it is not therefore merely for its own

sake that I propose to you to bring | pursuit, and in overturning one it forward once more. I offer it another, as if it were for their as the most suitable companion lives, or for some great desireathat imagination could conceive, ble prize: like, to a heap of to another picture of precisely ants that gad about as busily, the same subject, drawn by a no and make as much ado for sticks less masterly hand, but under and dust, as if they were about the influence of as opposite fee- some magnificent work. Thus lings as could exist in a being of doth the vain deceived world lay the same species. out their thoughts and time up

The name of RICHARD BAX-on impertinences, and talk and TER is, doubtless, known to all walk like so many noctambulos your serious readers. With na- in their sleep. They study, and tural powers of mind far supe- care, and weep, and laugh, and rior to LORD CHESTERFIELD, labor, and fight, as men in a he was not seduced by their dream; and will hardly be persplendor either to over-estimate suaded but it is reality which or misapply them. His truly they pursue, till death come and great soul bowed low before his awaken them. Like a stage Saviour, and therefore he was play, or a puppet-play, where all enabled to rise high above the things seem to be what they are world. From a safe and happy not, and all parties seem to do eminence (the true sapientum what they do not and then detempla serena) he looked down part, and are all disrobed and on the ways of men and saw, at and unmasked; such is the life, once, that "all was vanity and of the most of this world who vexation of spirit." Like a pi- spend their days in a serious tying angel, therefore, he de- jesting, and in a busy doing noplores and commiserates in oth-thing."-The Reasons of the ers the delusions from which he Christian Religion, p. 244, 245. himself was rescued. Lord Chesterfield laments the same delusions; but with the consciousness of being a victim to them, and without the least hope of any advantage from having discovered their wretched fallacy.

"It is," says Richard Baxter, & a dreaming and distracted world. They spend their days and cares for nothing; and are as serious in following a feather, and in the pursuit of that which they confess is vanity, and dying in their hands, as if indeed they knew it to be true felicity. They are like children, busy in hunting butterflies; or like boys at foot-ball as eager in the

Let us now hear the melancholy but wonderfully concurrent, evidence of Lord Chesterfield.

"I have run," says he, "the silly rounds of business and pleasure, and I have done with them all. I have enjoyed all the pleasures of the world, and consequently know their futility, and do not regret their loss. I appraise them at their real value, which is, in truth, very low; whereas those who have not experienced, always overrate them. They only see their gay outside, and are dazzled with their glare. But I have been behind the scenes; I have seen all the

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