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had received the Lord's supper, [struction. and 72 had been buried.

The Rev. Mr. Holzberg, in a letter dated at Cuddalore, 12th Oct. 1803, reports the much lamented death of the valuable and excellent Mr. Gericke, at Vellore on the 2d of that month.

The loss was sincerely felt by Mr. Holzberg in particular, as he had been accustomed to look up to Mr. G. as a friend and a father. The Society, he observes, had lost a most faithful servant; the mission its second pillar; and all India a benefactor, and an eminent example of piety and virtue, whose righteous footsteps, he prays God that he may be enabled to follow.

Extract of a Letter from the Rev.
Thomas Robbins, Missonary in |
New-Connecticut, dated June
3, 1805.

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Some appeared at

length to get relief, that which I trust is saving, and many more were bowed down with fear and trembling before a holy God. May 12th, I preached there, and administered the sacrament. It was a very solemn season. Three persons were admitted as members of the Church, who had obtained hopes but a few weeks before. Several others were deeply impressed and very much affected. In this place therr have been no bodily affection The work proceeds like the still, small voice of Jehovah, carrying the clearest evidence to any observing mind, that it is verily the work of Almighty God.

"Divine Providence appears wonderfully to favor the cause of truth in this country. Our infant churches appear to stand firm, to have the visible countenance of the great head of the Church, and to promise to be hereafter worthy members of the visible kingdom of the Redeemer.

"Since the beginning of the present year, I have been taking pains to make an actual enumeration of the families in this

"IT is with pleasure I inform you that the Holy Spirit appears in some degree to give us testimonies of his blessed and holy presence. In Canfield, divine grace appears to have called the attention of many to the inter-county. The work I have just ests of eternal things. In the winter past, a very great degree of stupidity and vanity possessed the minds of the people generally; but early in the spring it appeared that several people were under very deep concern for the safety of their souls. I went there soon after, and a very great earnestness was manifested in many to receive in

completed.. There are families in 64 Towns. The number of families, the first of Jan. 1804, was about 800. The first of last January there were a little more than 1100; of these 450 are from New-England. There are 24 schools, and 7 Churches, and more than 20 places where the worship of God is regularly maintained on the Sabbath.

Donation to the Missionary Society of Connecticut.

July 9. From the sale of Summary of Christian Doctrines. $ 3 37

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An attempt to explain several of the principal texts, which are brought forward by those who hold to a Universal Restoration, in support of their system.

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not, it would amount to renouncing the Christian religion. The apostle Peter speaks of such a thing as wresting the scriptures, which is turning them out of their natural course, and making MONG those who profess them speak a meaning, which to believe the Christian re- the Spirit of truth did not inligion, there exists quite a differ- tend. We know that the father ence of opinion, what this reli- of lies made such a use of scripgion is. By men, who all pro-ture when he tempted the Son fess to be Christians, very different opinions are entertained concerning the character of God, the person and offices of the Mediator, the natural state of man, his duty here, and his prospects in the future world. It is idle to say, that the matters in dispute between the various denominations of Christians are trifling, and of no importance. This may indeed be the case in some instances, but often it is quite otherwise, if the Christian religion itself be of any importance; for the things in which we differ are often the most essential things in the system.

But however great our differences are, we all pretend to be willing to have our sentiments tried by the bible. If we did

VOL. VI. No. 3.

of God, and it is not strange, if, with our corrupt hearts, we thus corrupt the word of truth. It must be wrong therefore to conclude that men have scripture on their side, because they bring scripture with a view to support their sentiments. Their proofs must be examined in their connection, to see whether they communicate such ideas, as they are said to do. And here I would remark, that there are commonly a few, which may be called the principal texts, by which any particular system is supported. Now, if upon a careful examination, it shall be found, that these principal texts are wrested, and made to speak a meaning foreign from what they naturally speak, we shall


Ifave great reason to suspect the | sins, and there be no change of character after death, then it is of inconceivable importance, that I should this moment be prepared for heaven; for another moment's delay may shut the door of mercy upon me for ever; but if, after death, there be still another probation, though my duty to exercise immediate repentance be as great, yet the consequences of a delay are, by no

truth of that system, which they are brought to establish. It may therefore be an expeditious way of oversetting a false scheme, to expose the perversion which is made of the most material pas sages of scripture, which are alleged in its support. If upon examining a new house, which had been built with a view to strength as well as beauty, you should find the posts and princi-means, so alarming. It has pal timbers rotten, you would been the common sentiment of hardly think it needful to exam- the Christian world, that the ine the studs and braces and scriptures teach us, that a part smaller timbers, but would take of the children of Adam will it for granted, that they too were be saved, through Christ, from rotten. You would reason thus: the miseries of hell, and that a Surely if the man could have part will be punished without found any good, sound timber, end. This commonly received he would not have had rotten sentiment is, however, disputed posts and beams. If, for exam- by those, who are called Univerple, it could be found (which we salists. The Universalists are presume it cannot) that those of two kinds, 1. Those who hold who believe in the total depravito no future punishment; and 2. ty of human nature, have en- Those who hold to future puntirely misunderstood and per-ishment in hell, but to a uniververted those principal texts, which they bring to support their belief, such as Gen. vi. 5. Rom. iii. 9-23. and Rom. viii. 7, 8. it would do much towards convincing us, without proceeding further, that their sentiment could not be supported by the scriptures. But if these pillar texts should appear to be sound, we might conclude the doctrine would stand, even though we should find some texts, which

sal restoration from that state of punishment to a state of eternal blessedness in heaven. It is the latter class of Universalists, which we shall have our eye more particularly upon in the following explanations. We shall now proceed to examine several of their most noted texts.

No. I.

are less depended upon, misap-Whom the heaven must re

plied in being brought to support this doctrine.

That part of the Christian system, which treats of a future retribution, is exceedingly important. If men are forming their characters here for eternity, it is important they should know it. If some die in their

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of the sentiment, Universal Res- the system of a universal restotoration," was designed to be ta-ration be built on this text, the ken from the phrase, Restitution of all things, which is used in this verse. If the sentiment derived its name from this passage, it is natural to suppose, that this is considered as one of the principal texts to support it.

idea of sinners being driven from the judgment seat to hell must be given up; but this would give an entire new turn to the Restoration scheme. They have hitherto exerted themselves to explain away the endlessness of the punishment denounced by the Judge, but, if they build their system on this text, they must explain away the whole of the sentence, which denounces any

The Restoration plan supposes, that at the day of judgment, there will still be righteous and wicked; that the righteous will be taken to heaven and the wicked sent to hell, to endure ever-punishment to be endured after lasting punishment, that is, as the day of judgment.

Christ's people spoken of Psal. cx. 3. these are his seed mentioned by Isaiah in the 53d chapter of his prophecy. The prophets never spoke of the Messiah as restoring men from the place of the damned to the place of the blessed, and they never spoke of his restoring all men in this world to holiness and happiness, but that his people should become willing; that he should see the travail of his soul.

they explain it, punishment to After showing that this paslast for ages of ages. After sage does not favor the Restothey have endured this everlast-ration scheme, we shall enquire ing punishment, they are to be what it does mean. Is not this restored to the favor of God. one important idea contained in Now the text before us, if it these words, That before, and prove any thing in favor of a at the day of judgment, all the universal salvation, will prove elect will be gathered in and too much to suit this system. completely restored to the divine If the "restitution of all things" image and favor. These are mean the restoration of all men to holiness and happiness, then this text proves that this restoration will take place at the day of judgment. It is granted on all hands, that Christ will come from heaven to earth, at the day of judgment. But this text does as much as to tell us, that he will not leave heaven to visit the earth until the times of restitution of all things; therefore, the restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth-The prophets foretold that aof all his holy prophets, is an event cotemporary with the day of judgment. According to this passage, it is evident, that Christ is to be kept or retained in heaven until the very time, when this restitution shall take place; then it must take place as early as the general judgment, else we need not expect to see Christ here on that solemn occason. If

mong those who slept in the dust of the earth, some should awake to life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt; therefore a restitution of all things, which was spoken by the mouth of all the holy prophets, doth not mean a restoration of all. men to the favor of God. All things at the day of judgment may be restored, which they

said would be restored, and yet many be left in a state of impenitence and wrath.

Another idea communicated by the restitution of all things, at the day of judgment, may be this, That things will all then be restored to order-things will

secure. The strong hand of
divine justice will subdue the re-
bels-they will never again be
able to rise. Let us take heed,
that we be not then found among
the enemies of the Lord!
"Now like a lion shall my vengeance



No. II.

"The last enemy that shall be
destroyed is death."
1 Cor. xv. 26.

not go on any longer in that Thy bleeding heart, and no deliverer mixed, and apparently, jumbled state as they now do; but then every creature will have his proper place assigned him, and there he will be kept. The righteous will all be admitted to heaven, and sinful angels and impenitent men will be confined in TO understand this passage, that eternal prison, which divine we must know in what sense the justice has prepared for the wick-word death is here used. Death ed. When a rebellion is effect- is commonly used in the scripually quelled, tho' the rebellious tures to signify one or the other hearts of many of the insurgents of these three things, 1. A cesare not subdued, things are ne-sation of animal life, which we vertheless said to be restored to term natural death: 2. It is used order. If there is not a single rebel left in power, but every one is either allured by mercy, or conquered by the strong hand of government, and either taken out of the way by execution, or bound by chains, which cannot be shaken off, we may say concerning this kingdom, or state, all things are now reduced to the state they were in before the rebellion took place. The laws are as much respected now as before; the powers that be, are as much revered, and the virtuous and obedient are no more liable to be molested by the sons of Belial, than they were before the existence of the rebellion.

The rebellion which has arisen in Jehovah's dominion, will be effectually quelled at the day of judgment, though the hearts of many rebels will still remain opposed to God. The perfect and eternal peace of the holy part of God's kingdom will be

as synonymous with sin, Rom. vii. 24, and elsewhere. This we call spiritual death: 3. Death is used to signify any misery, whether it be endured in the present or future state. Present evil is called death, Exod. x. 17. Future misery is called death, Rom. vi. 23. This, when it respects the future world, is termed eternal death. Now if we can understand in which of these senses the word death is used in the passage under consideration, it will probably not be difficult to understand the meaning of the whole passage.

As this is not a detached passage, like a proverb, but stands in the midst of a chapter, which is all of it a connected chain of reasoning, on one particular doctrine of the Christian religion, the meaning of the word death may probably be learned from the context. The words death, die and dead are used more than

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