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which you have expreffed your. Lelf on a fubject so closely interwoven with my peace of mind; you have eafed my heart of its burthen, and I fhall ever be most grateful to you for it." "Sir,” replied the Peer, "there is more than enough faid on the fubject;. I dare fay my fon will furvive his difappointment." "I dare fay he will," faid Sir Paul; "I cannot doubt the fuccefs of Mr. Lionel's attentions; I have only to hope he will direct them to fome other object."

Lord Mortimer now. muttered fomething, which Sir Paul did not hear, nor perhaps attend to, and took a hafty leave. When it is explained to the reader, that Mifs Rachel had never, even in the moft diftant manner, hinted the fituation of her heart to her brother, on the contrary had induftriously concealed it from him, this malentendu will not appear out of nature and probability. Lionel, whofe little gallantries with Louif had not gone far enough ferioufly to engage his heart, was fufficiently tired of his mercenary at tachment to Mifs Rachel, fo that he patiently fubmitted to his dif miffion, and readily obeyed his father's commands by a total difcontinuance of his vifits to Sir Pau!. To the ladies of the family this behaviour: appeared altogether myfterious; Sir Paul kept the fecret to himself, and watched Louifa very narrowly; when he found fhe took no other notice of Lionel's neglect, than by slightly remarking that the fuppofed he was more agreeably engaged, he began to difmifs his jealoufy and regain his fpirits.

It was far otherwife with the unhappy Rachel; her heart was

on the rack, for though the natur ally fufpected her brother's jealoufy of being the caufe of Lionel's abfence, yet she could not account for his filence towards herfelf-in any other way than by fuppofing that Louifa had totally drawn off his affections from her, and this was agony not to be fupported; day after day paffed in anxious expectation of a letter to explain this cruel neglect, but none came; all communication with the whole family of Lord Mortimer was at a ftop no intelligence could be obtained from that quarter, and to all fuch inquiries all fuch inquiries as the ventured to try upon her brother, he anfwered to drily, that she could gather nothing from him. mean time, as he became hourly better reconciled to Louifa, so he grew more and more cool to the miferable Rachel, who now too late difcovered the fatal confequences of interfering between them, and heartily reproached herself for her officioufnefs in aggravating his jealoufy


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While he was tornienting herfelf with thefe reflections, and when Louisa seemed to have forgotten that ever fuch a person as Lionel exifted, a report was circulated that he was about to be married to a certain lady of great fortune, and that he had gone up with Lord Mortimer to town for that purpofe. There wanted only this blow to make Rachel's agonies complete; in a state of mind little fhort of frenzy, the betook herself to her chamber, and there fhutting herfelf up she gave vent to her pallion in a letter fully charged with complaints and reproaches, which he committed to a trafty meffenger with ftrict injunctions to deliver it into Lionel's own hand,



and return with his anfwer. This commiffion was faithfully perform ed, and the following is the anfwer the received in return:


"I AM no lefs aftonished than affected by your letter: If your brother has not long fince informed you of his conference with my father and the refult of it, he has acted as unjustly by you as he has by Lord Mortimer and myself. When my father waited upon Sir Paul for the exprefs purpose of making known to him the hopes I had the ambition to entertain of rendering myself acceptable to you upon a propofal of marriage, he received at once fo fhort and peremptory a difimiffion on my be half, that, painful as it was to my feelings, I had no part to act but filently to fubmit, and withdraw myfelf from a family, where I was fo unacceptable an intruder.

When I confirm the truth of

the report you have heard, and in-
form you that my marriage took
place this very morning, you will
pardon me if I only add that
"I have the honour to be,

"Your most obedient and
moft humble fervant,

Every hope being extinguished by the receipt of this letter, the difconfolate Rachel became henceforth one of the most miferable of human beings. After venting a

torrent of rage against her brother, the turned her back upon his house for ever, and undetermined where to fix, while at intervals fhe can fcarce be faid to be in poffeffion of her fenfes, fhe is ftill wandering from place to place in fearch of that repofe, which is not to be found, and wherever the goes exhibits a melancholy fpectacle of difappointed envy and felf-tormenting fpleen.


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especially for those who have no talents to boaft, beyond thofe for imitation, and feem moft emulous to excel in copying the worst examples. Could the numerous political effayifts, of this defcription, be perfuaded to keep before their

THE HE thoughts of Washington, like his perfon, difdained the gaudy ornaments of falfe tafte-the favourite toys of little minds. Clothed in a diction, imple, elegant, and correct, they difplayed their own fymmetry, and befpoke their origin from an intellect, vig-eyes the model we now contemorous and pure. The manner, plate, if they effected no good purthough it claims but fubordinate pofe, they would do little harm, praife, affords as unexceptionable and fociety and language would a model as any we recognife a- enjoy.much more repofe. But it mong the writers of our country: is principally the matter of his always chaste and candid, it is writings that deferves the highest highly recommendable as fuch, encomium, and demands a tribute


infinitely beyond our feeble abilities to beftow; a tribute, which can be cancelled only by the grate ful admiration of lateft pofterity. Of Washington we may fay, his pen, like his fword, was devoted to the best interest of his country, and wielded only in the caufe of humanity. It was never made fubfervient to the invidious diffenfions of party, or the vile purposes of perfonal revenge. When he wrote, his fubject was before him, and every part was treated with clearnefs and precifion. In all his communication, he difcovers neither profufenefs of words, nor barrennels of thought.

When we furvey the writings and the actions of this great man, we find nothing to cenfure; and

the only competition feems to be, which is the best comment on the other. Viewed as a perfect whole, or in detached parts, both afford ample matter for imitation, inftruction, and admiration. Our limits will not permit us to defcend to particulars. It is, however, a duty we owe to ourselves, to give the fignature of approbation to the records of our country's fame; and in these wayward times, when the mind of man is difpofed to neglect its best nutriment and feize its bane with avidity, it is a duty we owe the pub lic, to recommend the perufal and reperufal of thofe writings, which fhow the dignity of virtue and the confiftency of principle.


DR. Franklin, if my memory perplexed and expenfive route, via

ferves me, has obferved, that, "It is cafier to pick up a pin than to make one. 35 I know, by experience, that it requires lefs labour to pick up an effay than to write one. Walking the ftreet, the other day, as I fometimes do in queft of thoughts, or materials for them, I accidentally caft my eye on a manufcript fragment, which appears to have been intended for part of a play. I immediately concluded, that the author was one of thofe unfortunate perfons, whofe ill-fated moments had been fubfervient to the teazings of the Thefpian Mufe, and that his obfervations had dictated to him the propriety of committing his works to the mercy of the public, by a headlong defcent from his garret window, in preference to the more

ftage and prefs. The induction was, that he was a man of fense, ergo, the offspring of his brain is entitled to the rights of hofpitality. But as we are prone to run wide from truth as we are drawn from our premises by the fubtle thread of ratiocination, I am fo far from being tenacious of my conclufion, that I fhall recommend the perufal of the fragment to the idle only, cautioning the reader whofe time is of any worth, if he proceed further, not to charge its lofs to my account.

"SCENE, A GARRET, an Author and--a Shopkeeper." [First part of the Dialogue illegible.} "Author. * * * BY heavens, Sir, I will not. 'Tis a fair


May-day, and yet the icicles are gathering round your heart, or you would never break friendship with the fex for fuch trifles. The fun beams his moft cheering fmiles ; the earth is dreffed in her gaycft attire; but you would not allow her faireft tenant to felect those ornaments, that please her fancy, and make the fair ftill fairer.

"Shopkeeper. I am willing thefe fair idlers fhould rival May itself in their apparel. But to be eternally choofing, without ever making a choice, and running into every shop in town, to fhow themfelves, under the pretence of feeing one's goods this is beyond all fufferance. Why, if the earth fhould follow the example of fome of her fickle daughters, inftead of making up her fpring dress without ado, and jogging on about her daily bufinefs, the muft take half a dozen trips through the milky way, call at every planet to fee which kept the beft fancy store, and come back in the fall with nothing but a budget of pat terns and faded nofegays, inftead of the ripened fruits of her more rational employment. Here, to convince you how much we fuffer by these bufy idlers, called fhophaunters, or pattern-mongers, examine this; and as you fometimes chaftife folly, judge if this does, not deferve the rod. [Exit, leav ing a memorandum.]


"Ladies called at fhop this

day, for patterns for gowns, 27 Do. who first looked round the faop, then inquired for what they knew was not therecourtefied complaifantly, and went off with kind looks, N. B. I have the reputation of doing well in business, am ununmarried, not to fay handfome-they are fingle, and have bargains to make.

Do. to look at goods of various

Of these, the greater part
turned over and examined
muflins, filks, &c, and made
their bands very confpicuous
-they were delicate. Sev-
eral very ftudiously concealed
theirs they bore the dif
graceful marks of industry. A
number ftooped gently over
the counter, for a nearer fur-
vey of goods-they had fair

Sum total of female customers

this day, Bought by the whole, 1 fanprofit




3 cents. Trouble equal to taking an account of stock.

N, B. The greater part of the

above cuftomers repeat a fimilar routine of business each fair day.

64, Shopkeeper.

A true ftatement. Attelt,


Author. [Solus.] I like my cafe too well, to be dragooned in-, May, to an unprovoked war, efpecially with those, who are trained up in the art of making conquefts. However, with an inclination to put the fairest conftruction on every thing that relates to the fair, I will perufe the

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"The statement may be just. But my friend's conclufions are crooked. At any rate, I will not fend my folly into the world a companion for his ill-humour. By his own account, his obliging


[blocks in formation]

added in this fcene, and probably did, a more weighty argument in favour of that clafs of ladies whom the ill-natured fhopkeeper calls. "bop-haunters," or " pattern-mongers.", Trades will multiply as fociety advances in improvement; and it is an old maxim, that "all trades muft live.". This of fhop-, ping is certainly one of the most growing in, our fea-ports, and finds' employment for a great number, who have no other visible means of livelihood.


IT is neither within the fcope of

my defign, confiftent with my avocations, nor would it be entertaining to my readers, to enter into minute details, or to give a critical review of the most celebrated American productions. It will not however be improper to call to mind fome of the first rank. Nothing can tend more to create and ftrengthen a love of country, than a fenfe of its excellence. No one is proud of his connexion with ftupidity and ignorance. When we are told by fome of high rank in the Republic of Letters, that we have but few readers, and thofe taftelefs; ftill fower writers, and that fmall number, dull, and infipid; fuch perfons remind me of the churlish pedagogue, who cultivates the germ of genius, under the fmart of the ferule, and infpires ambition, by the whip and

the rod.

No maxim is better eftablished, than that, liberty and learning nourish together. They are muqual protectors and patrons of each

No. VI.

ether. The hiftory of our country adds weight to the truth of the propofition. The germ of American genius fprung up with her Independence; with the tree of liberty it has fpread its flourishing branches, which fhow the luxuriance of the foil. If in its firft fruits there have been many windfalls, much has come to early maturity, and afforded a rich repaft; and we have every indication of a plentiful harvest.

Scarce dawned the revolution, ere Trumbull fhone, in all the radiance of Genius, the bright morning ftar of his country's glory. Americans were tranfported with his fafcinating numbers, and Europe has feconded their admiration. The Conquest of Canaan, an Epic Poem, by the now Dr. Dwight, Prefident of Yale College, foon fucceeded. A work which proves, that, like the favored hero and nation, which he celebrated, we had then emerged from Egyptian darknefs, had progreffed through the wilderness,


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