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whofe permiflion they are now publifhed. In a note of his fermon, occafioned by the death of the General, he fays, "The detachment at firft was put under the command of Gen. Putnam; with it he took poffeffion of the hill, and ordered the battle from beginning to the end. Gen. Warren arrived alone on the hill, and as a Volunteer joined the Americans just as the action commenced. Thefe fads Gen. Putnam himfelf gave me foon after the battle, and repeated them after his life was printed. The General, who encouraged and animated his foldiers, by his words and example, to prodigies of

bravery, is highly to be honoured, and the praife not given to another, however meritorious in other refpects. Other evidence, to confirm what I have here faid, I am able to produce, if any fhould call for it.”

Mr. Whitney has a letter written him by an officer, who was in the action, afferting that Putnam was Commander. While writing this note, an officer of rank, who was wounded in the battle, who faw Warren fall, tells me I may "be affured, Gen. Putnam was the offi cer who led the party to the hill, who marked the ground to be forti fied, and commanded in the action."




Exemplified in the Character of the late Mr. JOHN HOWARD.

THE life of John Howard was not much marked with incident. He was born in the city of Carlisle, of obfcure parents, whofe wants the early years of his life were devoted to fupply. It could not be fuppofed that from his habits of life, his companions, or his occupations, he could receive any incitement to knowledge; for,

« Unfriended, defolate, and young, Misfortune o'er his cradle hung."

But, however unpropitious his circumftances had hitherto been, at an early age he began to difplay fome of thofe qualities which mark the man of genius. The period of his youth, though devoted to the arduous talk of felf-education, was at the fame time fullied by many of the excoffes of youthful intemperance. Though wedded to fcience, and charmed by the beauties that fue

opened to his mind, he displayed an early propenfity for vice, and con tinued through life the flave to uncontrolled and libidinous paffion. Perhaps we might plead in excufe, that he was formed with a fenfibility peculiarly fine, and paffions eafily excited; and, being of a gay, focial difpofition, he could not, after he had emerged from the overwhelming obfcurity which clouded his young years, colle& fufficient ftrength. of mind to combat the temptations which accident threw in his way; but, like the unhappy and ill-fated Burns, fullied the gifts of his Creator by intemperance and debauchery; and, at length, fell a facrifice to unlimited indulgence.

Mr. Howard's parents being too poor to put him to fchool, the task of inftruction devolved upon himself; and fo ardent was he in the purfuit of knowledge, that the progrefs he


made through the common paths of learning, to the moft abftrufe and fcientific parts of mathematics, was truly amazing. As Mr. Howard advanced in life, his proficiency in the mathematics made him generally esteemed and admired. He now threw off the mechanical profeffion to which he had been apprenticed, and commenced schoolmafter in a little village near Carlisle. As he advanced, he increased his reputation, and established himself in that city, where his affiduity, his abilities, and his love of learning, made him univerfally refpected. In this fituation, his talents attracted the notice of Dr. Law, Bishop of Elphin, then a Prebendary of Carlisle. By him he was taken to Ireland, where he refided during four years. He afterwards returned to Carlisle in the year 1785, and commenced fchoolmafter a fecond time.

When refident there, he enjoyed an extenfive acquaintance, and was generally refpected for his abilities as a schoolmaster, in which capacity his lofs will be long regretted, as the pupils who ftudied under him have manifefted a proficiency in mathematical studies, and a love of elegant literature, that reflect the higheft honor on their mafter. From him they imbibed that love of letters, and relish for fcience, which are at all times the most laudable purfuits of human life. Nor were his profeffional talents his, only qualification after his avocations were finished, he was generally a welcome gueft in thofe evening circles of relaxation,


Thofe calm retreats,where,temperately gay, So oft have fled the evening hours away; Where unambitious minds, congenial, fteer From grave to gay, from lively to fevere;

where each, unbending from care, is disposed to relish the hearty laugh


and the harmless joke-to which he contributed an ample fhare. wit was genuine and poignant, and he was fortunate in the occafional fallies he made, which were generally innocent, and tended much to exhilarate the jocund circles that surrounded him.

He continued at Carlifle till the year 1794, when he removed to Newcastle, where his abilities were amply noticed. There he remained till his constitution began to fhew the effects of long continued habits of intemperance; and he probably, too late, faw the fallacy and the wickedness of a criminal attachment to pleasure. In 1798, he published "A Treatife on Spherical Geometry;" a work which evinces the ftrength of his mind and knowledge in mathematics, and which has obtained the approbation of the learned. Finding his health rapidly declining," he gave up his fchool in Newcastle, and retired to a little village in the neighbourhood, called the Leafes, where, amid the filence of folitude, ' his latter end would be embittered by thofe goading reflections which inevitably arife (and, to a mind of fenfibility, with double force) on the review of a life where talents have been mifapplied and faculties perverted. At this place he closed his life, in the forty-fixth year of his age, on Tuesday, March 26.

It is not in the power of the writer of this article, to do juftice to the abilities or the focial qualities of Mr. Howard. Nature had bleffed him with a strong and mafculine underftanding, a mind of fingular energy, capacity, and vigour, and a memory that was qualified to preferve whatever was valuable in the writ ings of others. Though he had fo long devoted himself to abftra& mathematical ftudies, his imagination remained lively and vivid, and

his heart overflowed with a keen and ardent fenfibility. To talents of the first order he joined a perfevering and fteady induftry, till feduced by the fyren of diffipation. This he evinced by the enviable proficiency he made in mathematics, which, together with his knowledge in the other branches of fcience, Was achieved without the affiftance of the learned," or "the fmiles of the opulent."-To the cool and logical niceties of the mathematician, he united their oppofite qualities, the fire and enthufiafm of the poet. The productions of his mufe, if not characterized by any extraordinary energy, or lofty flights of imagination, poffefs fingular traits of pathos, nature and fimplicity. They were generally the prompt ebullitions of fitft impreffions, and produced upon temporary fubjects. Some of thefe, which were fongs, he fang himself with great humour.

To thefe talents were joined focial qualities of the firft eminence a brilliant and ready wit, that found

in every object and circumftance of life fubject for mirth and gaiety. While impartial biography must condemn thofe intemperate orgies which are fo difgraceful to men, we must acknowledge that the mirth, goodhumour, and facetioufnefs, which were fo alive in Howard, have of. ten charmed and delighted us; and it is with a fincere affection we pay this feeble tribute to his memory. Knowing well the depth of his mind, and extent of his talents, we regret the more that he was ever allured from the paths of fcience, in which, if he had perfevered with the fame ardour he fhewed in the outfet of his life, he in all probability would have been yet living, and would in time, it is fondly wilhed, have realized the hope of his early friends and contemporaries, in making himself an ornament to his fpecies and his country.

N. B. The reader will notice, that the character here described is not the celebrated philanthropic traveller, Mr. John Howard.


CONDORCET appertained to the nobility by birth; to the people from fentiment: although a Marquis, he fcorned not to confider himself as a citizen. He was a philofopher


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which he was held, that before the flight to Varennes, the eyes of all France were fixed on him, as the perfon beft calculated for the office of tutor to the Prince Royal; but his love of liberty was fo offenfive in the eyes of royalty, that another perfon was furreptitiously appointed by the king and queen, in order to prevent his nomination.

After thirty years of study and meditation, confecrated to the fciences and his native country, or rather to all Europe; after labouring four whole years exclufively for the revolution and liberty, this great


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man, profcribed under the tyranny of Robespierre, was forced to wander about from place to place; to fhelter himself in woods and caverns; and, at length, to have recourfe to poifon, in order to put an end to his calamities.

Without books, without friends, frequently without even food, inftead of uttering complaints, and venting execrations against his unjuft country, or rather the bloody and victorious faction that then governed it, his whole mind was bent on a project beneficial to humanity. This is developed in his work, entitled, "Efquiffe d'un Tableau Hiflorique des progrès de l'Esprit Humain" in which, confidering man under three diftinét points of view, he inquires, What he has been? What he is? and, What he may be? It is impoffible to contemplate "A brave man, ftruggling 'midst the storms of fate,

And greatly falling"

Now it is notorious, that the death of the Duke was connected with the September maffacre; and cannot, of courfe, be fairly charged, directly or indirectly, upon any of the Girondist party, the leaders of which virtuously facrificed their own lives, in the attempt to bring the inftigators of that horrible affair to punishment.

On the profcription of Condorcet, he was concealed for fome time by one of the Minifters of State. A lady afterwards became his protectrefs; and he was preserved, by her care, until the latter end of April, 1794. As a renewal of the domicil iary vifus was threatened at that period, he determined to risk his own life, rather than hazard the fecurity of his benefactress. He was accordingly Shaved, for the first time during fome months; and, in the difguife of an old woman, paffed without fufpicion through the barriers of Paris, and arrived in fafety at the houfe of

without recollecting the paffage of an abfent friend, where he expected the Roman Moralift:

"Ecce par Deo dignum, vir fortis cum mala fortuna compofitus! Non video, inquam, quid habeat in terris Jupiter pulchrius, ji convertere animum velit, quàm ut spectet Catonem, jam partibus non femel fraétis, nihilominus inter ruinas publicas erectum,”

SENECA DE DIVIN. Prov. In a work written by an Emigrant* on the French revolution, Condor cet is falfely charged with the murder of his friend, benefactor, and political creator, the Duke de la Rochefoucauld. Yet the Count himfelf afterwards admits, that perhaps he was not privy to the defigns against that nobleman.

a hearty welcome.

After wandering about the country during the night, and hiding himfelf in woods or quarries during the day, he was at length forced by hunger to repair to an inn at Bourge-laReine, where he was feized by one of the harpies of the Revolutionary Tribunal.

His affection for his wife and

daughter had hitherto prevented him from committing fuicide; but he now had recourfe to the poifon pravided for him by the Minifter Garat, and died after the old Roman


* Count Tilly.

THE CURATE OF ELMWOOD. [Continued from p. 255.] SIR John was not that night at home, and they informed her that fhe must be imprifoned till morning.

Imprifoned! She fhrieked at the very found.- - Phaw! (faid one of them, feeing her confufion) you need


not be terrified, I affure you, Ma'am:

we are not going to a common prifon-I have a pretty little fnug houfe, and as clofe as a cage, where you may fleep as foundly as in your own bed-chamber. No difference in the world, I affure you, Ma'am-only that every door and window in the houfe is inclofed with iron bars.That's all, I affure you, Ma'am, and notwithstanding thefe advantages, it will only coft you a guinea for your bed-not a farthing more, I affure you, Ma'am--I keeps the beft ufage, the best tendance, and the best wines in the Garden."

Eloquent and agreeable as this language certainly was, it did not gladden the heart of Julia. But there was no choice in the cafe, and the followed her guides---Arrived, they led her into an upper apartment, where there was a fire and good furniture---She was left alone for ten minutes; at the end of which the landlord waited upon her, and afked what she chofe for fupper. Nothing."What did fhe choose to drink then?"Nothing."--" Oh, oh, (replied he) an' if fo be that you are fo rufty, good night to you, with all my heart." He then turned upon his heels; and pulling the door after him with fury, locked it with a key, which grated as it turned, amidst the rattling of chains and the clanking of iron bars.

Dreadful founds to the ear of Julia-Her teeth grated, and her joints trembled----This was the feverest ftroke of all. To be imprifoned! and as an accomplice of a highwayman too? But the fubmitted to Heaven.

At length the foul, by its power ful and violent plunging, overcame the body---Wearied with affliction, her fpirits languifhed, and nature funk into flumber. Sleep of this

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kind, though not always the most placid, is the heaviest---She flept till eight in the morning; when the arofe---At nine they paid her a vifit, and the ate fome breakfaft; and at ten fhe was carried, with a beating heart, in a coach to Bow Street.

Here he did not wait long for the appearance of the justice, for every thing was prepared; even the unhappy highwaymian was in waiting, as neceffary to the examination. Indeed, it was thought most proper to begin queftioning him apart upon the fubject, and then with examining Julia; and by the comparison of their refpective evidences, the truth might be eafily difcovered.

When the highwayman had been examined upon his own account, an obftinacy, natural to men in his def perate fituation, prevented him from giving any account of the purse which was miffing. But now, when he was informed that Julia was really in cuftody, that honour which was not yet entirely extinguished in his heart, was roufed for her fafety--He ingenuously told Sir John the hiftory of the purfe, with even its moft minute circumstances; that he had robbed her among the reft; that he afterwards met her accidentally in the bagnio, and gave her the morey only with a view of restoring her own; that he had not been above ten minutes in her company, and that fhe was in every refpect innocent of the crime with which she was charged.

Julia was next examined, and her evidence most exactly squared with the former. Ingenuous as ufual, the took up the ftory at Elmwood, and carried it forward to the event of the purfe; and fhe told her little tale with that truth and fimplicity which can never be counterfeited. She added that there was foutewhere in


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