Abbildungen der Seite

WARD, Dr. John, Professor of Rhetoric at
Gresham College, i. 199.

WARD, Seth, Bishop of Salisbury, iii. 362.
WARING, Swift's chamber-fellow, iii. 3

N. 2.

WARING, Jane, Swift's Varina, iii. 3 n. 2,
55 2.4.


WARTON, Rev. Dr. Joseph, Addison's Cam-
paign, ii. 128; A.'s classical mottoes, 96
n. 2; Akenside's Greek, iii. 416 n. 2; ballad
opera, ii. 283 n. 1; Blount, Martha, iii. 274;
Bolingbroke's writings, 408 n. 1; Broome,
80 n. 6; Collins's Eclogues, 340 n. 1; C.'s
Odes, 335 n. 6; C.'s school fellow, 334 n. 5,
340 n. 1; C.'s uncle, 336 n. 3; C., visits,
340; Congreve's Mourning Bride, ii. 230
n. 1; 'curiosa felicitas,' iii. 236 n. 1; Dobson
on Pope's learning, 216 n. 3; Dryden's 'com-
mon words,' i. 420 n. 2; Duchess of Bolton,
ii. 277 п. 6; - Essay on Pope, dedicated
to Young, iii. 383; praised by Johnson, 236;
'good-nature of his criticism,' ii. 128;
Head Master of Winchester, iii. 84 n. 5, 277
n. 2, 334; Hudibras's learning, i. 212 n. 6;
Johnson, estrangement with, iii. 236 n. 2; J.'s
version of Pope's Messiah, 226 n. 3; Mallet's
Amyntor and Theodora, 406 n. 5; M.'s
Verbal Criticism, 402 n. 2; Oblivion and
Obscurity, 427 n. 2; Odes, 335 n. 6; pasto-
ral comedy, ii. 284 n. 8; Pitt, C., iii. 277;
poets, ranked according to learning, ii. 120
n. 5;
Pope's affected contempt of Kings,
iii. 209 n. 5; Essay on Criticism, 98 n. 2; P.'s
frugality and charity, 203 n. 4; P.'s epithets,
250 n. 3; Iliad and Chapman, 115 n. 3; P.'s
lines to Thomson, 291 n. 9; Macer, 313 n. 2;
Ode for St. Cecilia's Day, 227 n. 2; P. and
Philips's Distrest Mother, 314 n. 4; Rape of
the Lock, 233 n. 4; P.'s slanders on Addison,
103 n. 5, 133 n. 2; P. and Twyford school,
84 2.5; Prior's Hans Carvel, ii. 201
n. 8; Statius, iii. 92 n. 5; Theobald's Shake-
speare, 138 n. 5; Thomson's genius, pointed
out, 300 n. 2; T.'s Greek, 282 n. 2; transla-
tions of Ovid, 145 n. 1; Vida's Art of Poetry,
278 n. 2; Virgil's Eclogues and Georgics,
1. 454 n. 1; Young, iii. 394 п. 4, 395 п. 2,
397 п. 3.

WARTON, Rev. Thomas, Collins, visits, iii.
340; C., visited at Oxford by, 339 n. 2;
Milton's Minor Poems, i. 84 n. 2, 108 n. 6;
Observations on Spenser's Fairy Queen, ii.
162 n. 6; poet-laureate, ureate, i. 482; Pope and
Milton's minor poems, iii. 236 n. 2; P.'s
Temple of Fame, 226 n. 2; words out of
common order, 341 n. 3.

WARTON, Rev. Thomas, the elder, father
of the two Wartons, iii. 236 п. 2, 263 n. 1.
WARWICK, Countess of, Addison's court-
ship and marriage, ii. 110, 154; will and
burial, 155.

WARWICK, Earl of, Addison's stepson and
pupil, ii. 110; A.'s deathbed, 117; Pope and

Addison quarrel, iii. 133; epitaph, ii. 117
n. 2; irregular life, 117.

WARWICK, Robert Rich, second Earl of,
1. 254 n. 1.

WATTS, Dr. Isaac, Abney, Sir Thomas,
lived with, iii. 304; birth, &c., 302; Casi-
mir's Odes, i. 46 n. 1; charity, iii. 307;
Cowper, praised by, 310 n. 3; Dacian
Battle, 310; death, 309; devotional poetry,
310; Dissenters, 'takes his lot with,' 302; D.,
taught 'graces of language,' 306; diversity of
attainments, 310; Divine Songs for Children,
307 n. 8; Doctor of Divinity, 309; Dunciad,
inserted in, 311 n. 2; 'gentle, modest, and
inoffensive, 307; Haberdashers' Hall con-
gregation, 304 n. 1; Hartopp, Sir John, lives
with, 304; Hughes, his school fellow, ii. 164
n. 2, iii. 303; H., advice to, ii. 159 n. 5;
illness, iii. 304; Improvement of the Mind,
309; 'instruction for all ages,' 310; Johnson
inserts him in Eng. Poets, 302; J.'s venera-
tion, 302 n. 1, 303; latinity, 302, 303;
Logic, 304 n. 3, 308; method of study, 304;
Milton's Paradise Lost and Baxter's Call to
the Unconverted, 311 n. 3; ministry, called
to the, 304; m., methods of his, 307; non-
conformity, to be imitated in all but, 311;
Odes, his, 303; 'orthodoxy united with
charity, 308; Our God, our help in ages
past, 311 n. 3; Philosophical Essays, 308
n. 1; 'piety diffused over his works,' 309;
'Pindaric folly,' 303; poetry, criticism of his,
310; Pope's Homer, 251; preaching, 307;
Rowe's academy in Little Britain, 303; ser-
mon, first, 304; Southampton Free-school,
302; Southey's paper, 302 n. 1; stature,
low, 307; 'teacher of a congregation,' ib.;
temper, quick, ib.; tenderness to children
and poor, ib.; University education, refuses,
302; verse-maker from fifteen to fifty, 303;
quotations, 303 п. 7.

WATTS, Isaac, the poet's father, iii. 302,

WATTS, Mr., the printer, ii. 307 n. 7.
WAYNFLETE, William of, ii. 300 n. 2.
WEBB, Mr. C. C. J., iii. 19 n. 2.
WEBBE, William, Discourse of English

Poetrie, i. 410 n. 7.

WEDDERBURNE, Alexander, Lord Lough-
borough, Mallet, iii. 410 n. 2; Shenstone's
pension, 353 n. 1; Young's Revenge, quotes
against Frankli 397 п. 5.
Weekly Miscellany, ii. 388.

WELSTED, Leonard, i. 78. n. 4, iii. 276.
WELSTED, Robert, editor of Pindar, iii.
328 n. 2.

WELWOOD, James, M.D., Rowe's Life,
ii. 73.

WELWYN, iii. 376, 391.
WESLEY, Rev. John, Blackmore's Creation,
ii. 238 n. 6; Cowley's Age of Anacreon, i.
39 n. 4; Gray's character, iii. 431 n. 5;
Leasowes, 351 n. 2; Lyttelton's Dialogues
of the Dead, 451 n. 4; Paradise Regained,
i. 188 n. 7; Thomson's Edward and Eleo-
nora, iii. 292 n. 3; travelled on foot, 6

N. I.

WESLEY, Rev. Samuel, Blenheim, cele-
brated, ii. 186 n. 2; Dunciad, inserted in,
iii. 311 n. 2; epigram on Butler's monument,
i. 208 n. 1.

WEST, Gilbert, Clerkship of Privy Council,
iii. 328, 330; Cobham, Lord, his uncle, 328;
Coleridge's criticism, 332 n. 5; commission
in army, 328; death, 331; Elegy on a Black-
bird, wrongly ascribed to him, 333; English
Poets, poems omitted in, 331 n. 4; Eton,
328; Gibbon's estimate, 332 n. 3; 'grave
without its terrors,' 331; Graeco-Gothic
school, 332 n. 5; Hanover, goes with
George I to, 328; Imitations of Spenser,
331 n. 4, 332; 'infidelity, listened to blandish-
ments of,' 330; Institution of the Garter,
331 n. 4, 332; learning, 329; lost his son,
331; Lyttelton, friendship with, 329; mar-
riage, ib.; methodist, called a, 330; Ob-
servations on the Resurrection, 329; Oxford,
matriculates at, 328; O., D.C.L. by diploma,
329; parentage, &c., 328; Paymaster of
Chelsea Hospital, 331 n. 1; piety, 329;
Pindar, translation of, 329, 331, 332; P.,
quotations, 331, 332; Pitt, friendship with,
329; Pope's bequest, 330 n. 1; Prince of
Wales' (George III) education offered to
him, 330; Townshend, Lord, his patron,
328; West Wickham, life at, 329.

WEST, Rev. Dr. Richard, the poet's father,
iii. 328.

WEST, Richard, Gray's friend, iii. 423, 423

П. 4, 424 п. 2.

WEST, Richard, Chancellor of Ireland, iii.
423 n. 4.

WESTCOTE, William Henry Lyttelton, Lord,
iii. 328 nn., 361 п. 1, 457.

WESTMINSTER ABBEY, Addison's funeral,
ii. 156; Butler's monument, i. 208; Congreve's
funeral and monument, ii. 227; cost of burial,
i. 207 n. 1; Cowley's funeral, 17; Craggs's
funeral and epitaph, iii. 259, 260 n. 1; Den-
ham, i. 75; Dryden's funeral and monument,
390-3, 486, iii. 261; Gay's funeral and
epitaph, ii. 281, iii. 268; Kneller's monu-
ment, 264; Milton's monument, i. 150;
monuments, FitzGerald on, 314 n. 6; m.,
Walpole on, iii. 294 n. 5; Newton, Sir Isaac,
270; Oldfield, Mrs., ii. 336 n. 1; Philips's
('Cider') monument, i. 150, 314; Prior's
monument, ii. 195; Roscommon's funeral,
i. 234; Rowe's funeral and monument, ii. 74,
iii. 261; Stepney's epitaph, i. 310; Thom-
son's monument, iii. 294; Withers, General,

WESTMINSTER SCHOOL, Addison's funeral,
ii. 156; Busby detains promising boys, 11;


election to University scholarships, i. 65, ii.
2 n. 1, 41; Freind, Head Master, iii. 343
n. 4; Latin pronunciation, i. 133 n. 3;
Lewis, an usher, iii. 343 n. 8; Locke and
South, i. 332 п. 4;
poets at school,
Blackmore, ii. 235; Cowley, i. 3, 65; Dryden,
332; Duke, ii. 24; Dyer, iii. 343; Halifax,
ii. 41; Hammond, 313; Hill, Aaron, 339
n. 2; King, 26; Prior, 181; Rowe, 66;
Smith, 1, 11; Stepney, i. 309;
Masters, iii. 347.

WEST WICKHAM, iii. 329, 330.
WHARTON, Lady Anne, iii. 367, 376.
WHARTON, Philip, Duke of, All Souls
College, donation to, iii. 369; 'Clodio' in
Pope's Epistle to Cobham, 245 n. 7; Young's
patron, 364, 368, 369.

WHARTON, Thomas, Marquis of, Lord Lieu-
tenant of Ireland, Addison, his secretary, ii.
89; character, 90; Hughes's dedication,
161; Lillibullero, 90 n. 2; Young's patron,
iii. 367, 368.

WHARTON, Thomas, M.D., Gray's corre-
spondent, iii. 421 n. 4.

Whatever is received is received in propor-
tion to the recipient, iii. 19.
What is everybody's business is nobody's
business, iii. 181 n. 5.

WHATLEY, Rev. Robert, iii. 284 n. 4.
WHETSTONE, Sir Bernard, Kt., i. 309

n. 2.

WHETSTONE, George, iii. 269 п. 3.
WHISTLER, Anthony, Shenstone's friend,
iii. 354 n. 4, 358 n. 1, 359.

WHISTON, Rev. William, ii. 81 n. 4, 122

n. II.

WHITE, Rev. Gilbert, of Selborne, iii. 334
п. 9, 339 п. 2, 341 n. I.

WHITE, Rev. Mr., of Nayland, ii. 252.
WHITEFIELD, Rev. George, Pembroke
College, Oxford, member of, iii. 359;
preaches to Bristol prisoners, ii. 424 n. 1.
WHITEHEAD, Paul, Addison and Philips's
magistracy, iii. 321 n. 4; Manners, 180.
WHITEHEAD, William, poet-laureate, iii.
426, 444.

WHITELOCKE, Bulstrode, i. 259, 270 n. 2.
WHITEWAY, Mrs. Martha, Swift's cousin,
iii. 1 n. 3, 48 n. 4; last face Swift knew, 48;
Legion Club, to have half profit, 46 n. 4;
Stella's deathbed, 42 n. 1; Swift's birthday,
49 п. 2.

WHITSHED, William, Chief Justice of
Ireland, iii. 34.
WIDOWS, marriage with, i. 131 п. 3.
WIELAND, ii. 201 n. 8.
WIGSTONE MAGNA, iii. 348 n. 1.
WILCOX, the bookseller, ii. 260 n. 4.
WILKES, John, 'Elkanah Settle,' i. 375

n. 6.

WILKINS, Rev. Dr. John, Warden of
Wadham, Royal Society, ii. 33, 38; Sprat's
patron, 32, 39.

WILKS, Robert, the actor, described in
Tatler, ii. 334 n. 1; Johnson celebrates his
virtues, 334; Savage, kindness to, 331, 335,

WILLIAM III, described by Johnson, ii. 66
n. 7; Dorset, his favourite, i. 306; Dryden's
Virgil, attacked in, 387 n. 6; D.'s V., Aeneas's
portrait resembling him, 480; Garth's praise,
ii. 67 n. 1; literature, indifference to, i. 384
n. 4, ii. 85, 239; 'lucky day,' 218; 'Mouse
Montagu, 43; poetry liberally patronized by
his ministers, 85, 298; Prior's praise, 185;
reformation of stage, 223 n. 1; 'resplendent
qualities, 185; Sheffield, relations with, 171;
'supplied copious materials for verse or prose,
185; Swift, relations with, iii. 4, 8; 'Tamer-
lane' in Rowe's play, ii. 66, 78; Temple and
Triennial Bill, iii. 4; tossed in open boat, i.
306; 'worthless scoundrel,' ii. 66 п. 7.
William and Margaret, iii. 401 n. 3.
WILLIAMS, Anna, ii. 318 n. 3.
WILLIAMS, Sir C. H., iii. 454 п. 6.
WILLOUGHBY, Warwickshire, ii. 299 п. 4.

WILSON, Charles, Esq.,' i. 389 п. 6.
WILSON, John, The Cheats, i. 382 n. 3.
WILSON, Professor John ('Christopher
North '), Dryden's heroic plays, i. 338 n. 1;
Pope's correctness,' iii. 93 n. 3; Pope and
Dryden, 248 п. 2.

WILSON, Mr., a schoolmaster, iii. 411.
WIMBORNE, ii. 180.
WIMPOLE, ii. 195.

version of Prior's Solomon, iii. 170 n. 2;
elections to New College, 334 n. 7; Harris,
a Fellow, 363;
poets at school,
Collins, 334, 340 n. 1; Otway, i. 241;
Philips, J., 312; Pitt, iii. 277; Somervile, ii.
317; Young, iii. 363; - Pope and Twyford,
84 n. 5; Warton, Joseph, Head Master of, 84
n. 5, 277 п. 2; Young's father, a Fellow, 362.
WINCHMORE HILL, i. 249 n. 2.

WINDHAM, Right Hon. William, iii. 228

12. 5.

WINDOW TAX, 1. 202 n. 5.
WINTER of 1740, iii. 209.

WIT, definitions of, i. 19, 36 n. 2, 68;
fashions, has its, 18; 'discordia concors,'
20; 'intellection,' equivalent before Cowley
to, 36; 'mixed wit,' 41; Pope's Essay on
Criticism, different senses in, iii. 96 п. 4.
WITHER, George, i. 237 n. 3.
WITHERS, General Henry, iii. 266.
WITNEY, ii. 25.

WOGAN, Sir Charles, iii. 93 п. 5.

WOGAN, William, Captain of Westminster

School, ii. 11 n. 3.

WOLFE, Major-General James, Gray's Elegy,
iii. 441 n. 2.

WOLLASTON, Rev. William, Religion of
Nature, ii. 425 п. 2.

WOMEN, education in seventeenth and early
eighteenth century, i. 143 n. 3; literature in
Milton's age, aspired not to, 143; reading,
iii. 98 n. 2.

WOOD, Anthony à, Addison, Lancelot, ii.
79 n. 4; Athenae Oxonienses, subscription
copies, iii. 109 n. 5; Azaria and Hushai, i.
374; Blackmore, ii. 235; Butler, i. 201;
Denham, 70; Dorset, 303; 'industry,' ib.;
Life of Milton, 84 n. 2; Milton at Cam-
bridge, 88 n. 6, 90 n. 1; Milton's house
visited by foreigners, 135; M. and West-
minster Assembly, 106; M.'s personal ap-
pearance, 151 2.2; Rochester, 221, 222 n. 3;
Walsh, 328, 329; Yalden's birth, ii. 297 n. 2;
Young's father and grandfather, iii. 362.
WOOD, William, account of him, iii. 33
n. 3; 'Wood's halfpence,' 33, 34, 71, 72.
WOODCOCK, Captain, Captain. Milton's father-in-
law, i. 116.

WOODCOCK, Catherine, Milton's second
wife, 'more a favourite,' i. 131; 'poor sonnet
to her memory,' 116.

WOODFALL, William, ii. 341 n. 3.
WOODHAY, Berkshire, iii. 362.
WOODSTOCK PARK, i. 220 n. 4.
WOODWARD, Dr. John, 'the Fossilist,' ii.


WOOLLEN ACт, ііі. 345 п. 1.
WOOLLEN INdustry, iii. 346 п. 2.
WORDSWORTH, William, Akenside at
Hampstead, iii. 414 n. 5; A., borrows motto
from, 420 n. 2; Brothers, line like prose, i.
193.1. 3; Dryden's ardour and ear, 465 n. 4;
D.'s 'night,' 337 n. 3; D.'s translations
from Boccaccio, 455 nn.; D.'s Virgil, 449
n. 3; Dyer's Fleece and Ruins of Rome, iii.
345 п. 4, 347 n. 1; D., sonnet on, 347 n. 1;
Gray's coldness, 294 n. 1; G.'s Elegy, 441
n. 2; G., estimate of, 440 n. 9; G., poetical
diction, 435 n. 4; G.'s Sonnet on the Death
of West, 423 n. 4; 'immortal style, not
growth of mere genius,' i. 162 n. 6; meta-
physical poets, 67; Milton, an aristocrat,
157 n. 3; M.'s Comus and Samson Agonistes,
188 n. 8; M.'s notions on women, 145 n. 2;
M.'s Paradise Regained, 147 п. 4; Μ.,
sonnet to, 132 n. 4; M.'s sonnets, 169 n. 5;
Pope and Dryden, iii. 222 n. 6, 276; P.'s
early style, 87 n. 5; P.'s Homer, 276; P.'s
images of external nature, 300 n. 2; P. 'took
plain when heights within reach,' 341 n. 6;
P.'s versification, 248 n. 4; sepulchral memo-
rials, 263 n. 4; Thomson's blank verse, 298
n.6; T.'s Castle of Indolence and Seasons, 300
n. 2; T., Collins and Dyer, 341 n. 6; Tickell
and Johnson, ii. 311.4; quotations, Sonnets,
1. 126 n. 1, 132 п. 4, 169 п. 5.
WORDSWORTH, Bishop, Milton's Latin
verse, i. 95 n. 4, 113 п. 6.

of the

Learned, iii. 168 n. 1.

WORLD, judgement must be accepted, iii.
210; wickedness exaggerated, ii. 430 n. 2.

World, The, iii. 448 n. 7.
WORRALL, Rev. John, Swift's friend, iii. 29.
WORSDALE, James, the painter, iii. 158.
WOTTON, Sir Henry, advice to Milton, i.
93; Cowley's Elegy, 36; Provost of Eton,

WOTTON, William, D.D., iii. 11.
WOTTON, near Henley-in-Arden, ii. 318.
WoTY, William, iii. 337 n. 2.
WOWERUS, De Umbra, i. 225, ii. 302.
WREN, Sir Christopher, Sprat's Observa-
tions on Sorbière's Voyage, ii. 33, 40.

WRIGHT, Dr. W. Aldis, Cowley and Trinity
College, Cambridge, i. 65; degrees at Cam-
bridge by mandamus, iii. 415 n. 3; Dryden
and Trinity College, Cambridge, i. 332 n. 5.
WRIGHT, Rev. Dr., of Dorsetshire, i. 135
n. 3.

WRIGHT, Dr., M.D., purchaser of Waller's
estate, i. 267 п. 3.

WRIGHT, the printer, iii. 193 п. 4.

WRITING, 'to write without reward suffi-
ciently unpleasing,' i. 206; writing with ease
only acquired by diligence, 162.

WYCHERLEY, William, Butler and Duke of
Buckingham, i. 205; character, iii. 91;
Dryden, praised by, 91 n. 3; 'greatest Eng-
lish comic ic wit,' ii. 144 n. 4; 'manly Wycher-
ley,' i. 402; Pope, friendship and quarrel
with, iii. 91, 92, 96 n. 5; P.'s Essay on
Criticism claimed for him, i. 72 n. 5;
Rochester, mentioned by, 303 п. 8.

WYTHYHAM, iii. 254.

ΧENOPHON, Memorabilia, iii. 358.

YALDEN, John, the poet's father, ii. 297.
YALDEN, Rev. Thomas, Addison, friendship
with, ii. 298; anecdote of him and Hough,
297; Atterbury's plot, arrested for, 300;
birth, &c., 297; Congreve, charged with
plagiarizing, 299; Conquest of Namur, 298;
Cowley's Pindarics, 301; D.D., 299; death,
301; Dryden's Misc., contributed to, 301
n. 5; Duke of Gloucester's death, poem on,
299; ecclesiastical preferment, 299, 300;
High Churchman, 299; Hymn to Darkness,
301; Hymn to Light, 302; Johnson inserts
him in English Poets, iii. 302; Magdalen
College, ii. 297, 298 n. 2, 299, 300; Mag-
dalen College School, 297; Magdalen Hall,
ib.; Ode for St. Cecilia's Day, iii. 227
n. 1; Ovid's Art of Love, ii. 303 n. 1;
Oxford Laureat, satirized in, 298; poems
never before collected, 297 n. 1; Squire
Bickerstaff Detected, 303 n. 1; Tickell's
Oxford, praised in, 298 n. 2; Waynflete's
Lecturer, 299 п. 4.

YALE, Elihu, Governor of Madras, i. 159
n. 4.


• YOUNG, Arthur, Madden and Dublin So-
ciety, ii. 131 n. 1.

YOUNG, Rev. Dr. Edward, Addison's Cato,
verses prefixed to, iii. 365; A.'s death, ii.
117 п. 3, 118; see ADDISON; alexandrines,
excluded, iii. 249 n. 3; All Souls College,
363, 364, 370; 'Altamont,' 385; antithesis,
398; Aquinas, 375; bargain-driving, not his
talent, 397 n. 3; battle-field, present at, 390;
Biographia Britannica, life, 389; birth, &c.,
362; blank verse, 388; bombast, censures,
395 n. 2; books, method of reading, 392;
Brothers, The, 375, 385, 397 п. 6; 'Bru-
netta and Stella,' 394 n. 6; Busiris, 368,
397; Card, The, ridiculed in, 389; Centaur
not fabulous, &c., 385, 389; chaplain to
George II, 375; charity school, founded,
389; Clerk of Closet to Princess Dowager,
391; Codrington Library oration, 363;
Coleridge's estimate, 399 n. 6; composed at
night or on horseback, 395 n. 3; composi-
tion, labour and revision in, 399; conceits,
398; Congreve 'smiling at the goal,' ii. 224
n. 1; C.'s legacy to younger Duchess of
Marlborough, 227 n. 4; Conjectures on Ori-
ginal Composition, iii. 368, 386, 388; Corpus
College, Oxford, 363; Court favour, be-
sieged, 384; Croft's Life, 362-93; D.C.L.,
363; dedications, his, 382, 384; Queen
Anne, 366; Queen Caroline, 375; George II,
386; Duke of Chandos, 375; Duke of Dor-
set, 372; Duke of Newcastle, 368, 385;
Duke of Wharton, 368; Dodington, 372;
Countess of Salisbury, 367; Lady Eliz. Ger-
maine, 372; Lord Chancellor Parker, 370;
Sir Robert Walpole, 369, 372; Sir Spencer
Compton, 372; 'dedications wash an
Aethiop white,' 369; Dodington's verses and
letter to him, 387; D., visits, 377; epilogue,
his only, 375; Epistle to Lord Lansdowne,
364, 365; epitaph, his, 392; Epitaph on
Lord Aubrey Beauclerk, 384; Epitaph on
his footman, 389; Essay on Lyric Poetry,
373, 374; Fielding, ridiculed by, 376; 'fool
at forty,' &c., 371, 384; 'foolish youth,'
364; Force of Religion, 367, 394 п. 2;
Foreign Address, 377; 'froths and bubbles,
399 n. 6; funeral, 389; George I's accession,
poem on, 367; G. I., congratulates, 371;
George II, sermon addressed to, 386; Grafton,
Duke of, his patron, 372, 378; Horace and
Juvenal, 394 n. 7; housekeeper, his, 389, 391;
Howe's Devout Meditations, letter prefixed
to, 385; Imperium Pelagi, 375; see Mer-
chant, The; inscriptions in garden, 379;
Instalment, The, 372; 'involuntary bur-
lesque,' 374; Ireland, visited, 368; John-
son's criticism of his poems, 393-9; Jonson,
Ben, 386; Last Day, 365, 393, 398; legacies
to housekeeper and hatter, 389; letter to
Pope, 383; Life in Dict. Nat. Biog. by
Leslie Stephen, 361 n. 1; Lintot, 142 n. 6;
Love of Fame, see Universal Passion; lyrics,
373-6, 395; marriage, 371, 376, 381; Mer-
chant, The, 396; MSS. to be burnt, directs,

[ocr errors]


389; New College, Oxford, 363; night, de-
scription of, 399 п. 6; - Night Thoughts,
advertised in Gent. Mag., 395 n. 3; Arnold's
criticism, 396 n. 2; autobiographical pass-
ages, 384; blank verse suited to them, 395;
dates of writing and publication, 381, 395
n. 3; Goldsmith and Gray criticized by,
396 n. 2; 'inscribed to great or growing
names,' 382; Johnson's criticism, 395;
renzo, 379; Philander and Narcissa,' 377;
popularity on Continent, 384, 395 n. 4; Pope
praised, 382, 383; Scotch, great readers of
it, 395 n. 4; simile of cluster of grapes,
398; Sunt lacrymae rerum,' its motto, 445;
title 'not affected,' 395 n. 3; wished to be
known by it, 384; Ocean, 373, 375, 396;
Ode to the King, 373; Old Man's Relapse, 385;
orders, entered into, 375; Oxford epigram,
included in, ii. 304 n. 1; Paraphrase on Job,
iii. 370, 395; Parliamentary candidate, 370;
'patrons, weary of courting earthly,' 382;

payments received, Brothers, 397 п. 6;
Night Thoughts, 395 n. 3; Revenge, 397
n. 3; Universal Passion, 372; pen-
sioner, 366, 373, 390; Philips, Ambrose, and
Julius Caesar, 323 n. 7; 'Pindaric Ode,'
376, 377; poems excluded from author's
edition, 365, 372,373, 376, 377, 384, 385;
Pope's advice to him when reading for orders,
375; P.'s coarse criticism, 399 n. 6; P.'s epic
plan, 189 n. 1, 386; P.'s Essay on Man,
161 п. 2, 165 п. 2, 382; P.'s Iliad, 275, 386;
P.'s humorous description of him, 396 n. 9; see
POPE; Portland, Duchess of, letters to, 399
n. 6; preached before House of Commons,
375; preacher, popular, 370; preaching,
anecdote of his, 370; preferment, solicits,
207 п. 2, 384, 390, 391; Pretender, the,
attacks, 385; Queen Anne, his godmother,
362; Queen Caroline, flatters, 371; Rector
of Welwyn, 376, 379, 390, 391; Reflections
on the publick Situation of the Kingdom, 385;
Resignation, 388, 396; Revenge, The, 368,
397; Richardson, Letter to, 368, 386; R.,
laments, 388; St. James's, preaches at, 390;

Satires, dates when written, 370, 371;
dedications, 372; Goldsmith's criticism, 394
n. 8; Johnson's criticism, 394; Preface, 371,
372; published under title of The Universal
Passion, 371, 394 n. 3; Swift's estimate of
them, 371, 394 п. 8;
Savage's Misc.,
subscribes to, ii. 342 n. 6; Sea-piece, iii. 376;
Settle, i. 375 n. 4; Shakespeare, iii. 399 n. 6;
similes, 398; skull with lamp, 378; Society
for Propagation of Gospel, rospel, gift gilt to, 385; son,
his, 378; see YOUNG, Frederic; South Sea
losses, 372; Southey's estimate, 393 n. 1;

style, no uniformity of, 393, 399; Swift,
anecdote of, 368; S.'s conversation, 60 nn.;
S.'s Gulliver's Travels, 38 n. 5; S., men-
tioned by, 394 n. 8; Thomson's Autumn,
mentioned in, 377; Tickell, friendship with,
370; T.'s Iliad, ii. 308; Tindal, the deist,
disputed with, iii. 364; tragedies, 368, 396;
translation, 'never condescended' to, 394;
True Estimate of Human Life, 375, 378;
Tscharner's visit, 391; tutor to Lord Burgh-
ley, 369; Two Epistles to Mr. Pope, 376;
Universal Passion, see Satires and Love of
Fame; versification, 399; Voltaire, dedica-
tion to, 376; V., epigram on, ib.; V., not
mentioned by, 395 n. 4; Walpole, Sir R.,
flatters, 369, 372, 373; Warton's Essay on
Pope, dedicated to him, 383; Wharton, Duke
of, his patron, 364, 368, 369, 370; wife's
death lamented in Night Thoughts, 377;
w., inscribed no monument to her memory,
392; see YOUNG, Lady Elizabeth; will, his,
389; Winchester, 363; Wish, A, 373;
Works, own edition of his, 384; quota-
tions, Epistle to Pope, i. 375 n. 4; Instal-
ment, iii. 369, 372, 373; Last Day, 378,
398 n. 4; Letter to Mr. Tickell, ii. 308 п. 4,
iii. 370; Merchant, 398; Night Thoughts,
165 п. 2, 380, 382, 383, 384, 398 π. 3;
Ocean, 395 n. 2; Resignation, 388, 389,
396 n. 4; Revenge, 397 n. 5; Sea-piece,
376; Satires, ii. 224 n. 1, iii. 369, 371, 399,
436 n. 7; Wish, 373, 374-

YOUNG, Rev. Edward, the poet's father,
iii. 362, 363, 367.

YOUNG, Lady Elizabeth (Lee), the poet's
wife, marriage, iii. 376; Queen Caroline
godmother to her daughter, 371; death,
377; monument, 392.

YOUNG, Elizabeth, Thomson's 'Amanda,'
iii. 298 n. 4.

YOUNG, Frederic, the poet's son, birth, iii.
381; Johnson visits him, 399 n. 6; not
'Lorenzo' in Night Thoughts, 379; Oxford
career, 381; Prince of Wales, his god-
father, 378; Dr. Young's epitaph, writes,

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