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counts, the aspect of religion in Denmark and Sweden, as in Germany, is more favourable, than at some former periods. Though French manners and philosophy had tainted the higher ranks in Sweden and in Denmark, and the luxury and temptations, incident to similar stations, had fostered their concomitant vices; these had never infected to any extent, the great body of the people. The established religion in both kingdoms is Lutheran, with some shades of distinction, chiefly in the power, titles, and distribution of the clergy. Manners, schools, discipline, the poor, are under salutary regulations, and the happy effects and principles of the Reformation, are still zealously retained. In Lapland and Finland there still prevails a melancholy gloom of almost inaccessible heathenism: But, in the other provinces, the Protestant faith, and truths of the Gospel, are attended with conspicuous and invaluable advantages.

al establishments in the countries that profess Christiantiy, will strikingly appear, from the state and circumstances of the Northern kingdoms of Europe. Independently of all considerations of superior utility, which may arise from a well educated clergy, according creeds, uniform discipline, civil protection, and regular instruction, what would be the state of religion in countries that are poor and thinly peopled, if no stated teachers were provided by a national, or liberal and extended plan of support?-It has been generally found, that innovators in forms of religion, leaders of sects, and founders of parties, ever direct their chief attention to rich and populous cities, af fluent districts, or scenes where they may obtain power and followers, though it should even be where, according to their professed tenets, their labours can least be required. But who, with such tempers, would devote himself to labour as a teacher in the bleak wilds of Sweden and Norway, or even among the mountains and islands of Scotland? Devout and zealous characters might undertake the task, if no knowledge of truth were already diffused in these regions before them, like the Apostolical spirits, who first were enabled to convert these nations to Christianity. But though, from the inherent imperfections of all human institutions, and the degenerating propensities of men, even in things which are divine, establishments are liable to abuse and to decay, and very unfit teachers sometimes usurp the ministerial office under their

Minds that are narrow, bigoted to the forms of their own church, or actuated by zeal, not according to knowledge, are prone to deny all merit or utility to institutions that differ from their own, to condemn such national establishments, or to limit by their own prejudices, the counsels of God, and the features of holiness. Enlightened and benevolent Christians will ever derive satisfaction from viewing the diffusion and effects of pure religion, whatever be its form; and, like Paul, every way, whether in pretence or in truth, Christ is preached, therein they do rejoice, and will rejoice." The advantages, and almost indispensible necessity of nation-sanction still when, by the


good providence of God, such extensive means of religious instruction and light are introduced, acknowledged, and productive of so much undeniable good, in regions which other wise would be sunk in darkness and neglect, let Christians again be thankful and rejoice. Let them bless God that the regular institutions of the Protestant churches, even with all their defects, are yet permitted to be the instruments of so much good: and let them pray with renewed ardour, that their zeal may be revived, their worship purified from adventitious defects, and their labours still more extensively successful.


Christian Brethren,

OU know we are command

prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, to let our request be made known unto God."Every thing which is worth doing is worth asking the blessing of God upon it. What he blesseth is blessed indeed, and without his blessing, our greatest and most promising exertions to build up his kingdom will prove of no avail. I think, brethren, we are under great obligation to give thanks to God for the periodical work which now lies before us. What a great blessing to the church is such a religious publication.

Like the trees of Paradise, it bears twelve manner of fruits, and yields its fruit every month. If it be suitable, that there should be thousands of newspa

VOL. V. No. 3..

pers printed every week, to relate the good and ill news concerning the states and kingdoms of this world, how suita ble that Christ's kingdom should have its Evangelical Magazines. Let us adore the mercy of God, in stirring up the spirit of the Editors of the Magazine, to undertake this very important work; and let us thank HIM for the extensive spread which he has given it, and for all the good which has been done by it.

The design of this Address to the Readers of the Magazine is to stir up their minds, to pray for the continuance of the divine blessing on this very important publication. No doubt, many of you have already carried this matter to the prayer-hearing God. I beseech you to abound more and more in this grace. I would suggest a number of particular petitions, which appear to me proper to be made concerning the Magazine, and

freely poured forth, in our secret retirements and in our ejaculations.

1. We should pray, that God would furnish the Magazine

with suitable and excellent matter. Such a publication is calculated to do good or hurt, according to the nature of the materials, of which it is composed. If it should be filled with error and misrepresentation of Christian doctrine; if it should exhibit wrong views of Christian experience and practice, it will do incalculable mischief. We should pray, that this work may be replete with truth, and with such truth as is most needed by the readers, and most calculated to promote their edification. God can stir up here one and


there another, to write such pie- | and righteousness, we may exces, as shall be most useful.-pect he will do it. We should pray, that God would reflect much light on their minds, while they are preparing spiritual food for such a multitude of guests. While we are praying to God about the materials of the Magazine, we shall naturally be led to ask him, to furnish it with a delightful and edifying variety of doctrinal essays, interesting narratives, biographical sketches, and other soul refreshing compositions. While we pray, that we may be entertained in reading accounts of spreading revivals of religion, remarkable conversions, and the examplary lives of holy men, we shall naturally be led to two petitions; first, that there may be many such agreeable things to relate; and, in the second place, that they may be sent forward to the Magazine. Another thing, which will strike our minds while praying for rich materials for this precious repository, will be to ask the God of wisdom, to assist and direct the Editors in determining what pieces, among those committed to their inspection, shall be inserted.

2. It is a matter of sufficient importance to pray about, that God would give the Magazine an extensive circulation, and dispose many to read it. God can give people a mind to read, and he can give such celebrity to this work, that there shall be great pains taken to obtain it. Divine Providence can so dispose events, that the circulation of this pamphlet shall become more practicable and easy; and in answer to the disinterested desires of those, who long for the more extensive spread of truth


3. All will see the importance of praying,' that God would accompany the reading of the Magazine with his holy spirit, so that it may feed the sheep of Christ's flock, and convert sinners from the error of their way. Paul may plant the best seed, and Apollos water it with the most divine eloquence, still there will be no harvest, unless God give the increase. If the Magazine is furnished with the choicest matter, and if it should circulate from one end of the land to the other, still it will do no good if God do not accompany it with his gracious influence. This is that which makes preaching or reading enlarge the heart, revive the spirits, and set the soul in motion towards God. Those who write for the Magazine should pray much, that if God sees fit that what they write should come before the public, he would attend the reading of it with his grace. Sermons or Magazine compositions, which have been interwoven with much prayer, will be likely to do much more. good, than pieces of equal merit, on which the blessing of the Most High has not been implored. God will be sought unto for his blessings: Ezek. xxxvi. 37. Whenever we take up a Magazine (or indeed any other book) we should look up to heaven for a blessing upon the reading. When a new number of this work comes out, we should fervently pray, that it may, thro' the divine blessing, do infinite good. Each reader of the Magazing should pray, not only for his own, but for the edification of every other reader; that each


successive number may promote ders of intelligent creatures who a great growth in grace and inhabit the celestial world. This knowledge among many thous- is a mystery, which, the scripands in Israel. And while pray-tures inform us, the Angels ing for these things we ought with a sacred curiosity desire to to remember the importance of look into; and shall the wonder exertion on our part, in the use and admiration of those immaof all proper means, that a workculate and holy beings be excitso interesting to Zion's peaceed by the grand event; an event and comfort, may not fail, for in which they do not appear to want of pecuniary immediately interested; and There is great danger of this man, guilty, miserable support's being withheld. It re- man, who is deeply and most quires a considerable sum to intimately concerned in it; shall carry on such a periodical work; he stand by as an idle spectator, this sum is expected to be re- while the amazing scene is pasceived from several thousand sing as it were in review before individuals, who are scattered him? Altho' this is, and will all over the land. It is often remain, a mystery, incompredifficult for them to send their hensible by finite minds, and far subscription, when it becomes exceeds the comprehension of due and each one thinks, if I am human reason, yet, as it is not not quite so prompt in making contradictory to reason, and is payment, such a little sum will clearly revealed in the sacred make no great odds. In this oracles of eternal truth, it is the way, there is great danger, that duty and the wisdom of all to payment will not be punctually believe it, and to contemplate it made. From this as much as with wonder and gratitude. any quarter, I apprehend there is danger of the Magazine's, at length, failing. Let us, there fore, as we value the comfort and edification which the people of God now derive from this excellent repository, not fail in our exertions in this respet, that it may be supported.


Reflections on the incarnation and sufferings of JESUS CHRIST, the Saviour of sinners.

HE mysterious appearance

The incarnation of the Son of God, considered in itself, may well excite the admiration of all the intellectual world; but when the great end and design thereof are taken into view, how justly may our wonder and astonishment be increased!

When we behold the Son of God as it were laying aside his celestial crown and dignity, divesting himself of the robes of heavenly Majesty; suspending the exercise of his supreme authority as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords; descending from his glorious and eternal

what? The nature of an Angel?

with humanity, and the great and wonderful end and design | No! though this would have of that appearance, no doubt been an act of most astonishing excite the wonder and aston- condescension; he stoops still, ishment of all the glorious or- still lower; he comes down in

late character of the incomprehensible JEHOVAH.

In the economy of redemption, as exhibited in the gospel, it is very manifest that God is infinitely holy, that he is inflexibly just, and at the same time good, yea, even merciful; in as much as he is offering pardon and forgiveness even to the chief of sinners; to the vilest transgressors who repent and return unto him; at the same time he is represented as that infinite Being who is seated on the throne of the Universe, possessed of all power, of all author

pleasure; to fulfil all his promises, and to execute all his threatnings; he is as able to destroy as he is to save.

to this dark, miserable and guilty world of ours, to assume the nature of his guilty creature man ! But is this all? Does his condescension stop here? No, it does not; he leaves the celestial mansion, not merely to visit this benighted region; not merely to witness the guilty, the ruinous, the helpless condition of his rebellious creatures; but, for the divinely benevolent purpose of offering them deliverance; and that in a way the most marvellous, condescending and astonishing, even by a voluntary submission to death, a death both painful and ignominity, infinitely able to do all his ious, for those very creatures which himself had made; more astonishing still! for those very creatures who had dared to rise in opposition to and in rebellion against him; that by shedding his own most precious blood he might maintain the honor of the divine law, and the character of Almighty GoD, as the moral Governor of the world. He came not to abrogate or set aside that law which is holy, just and good; but, more firmly to establish it; and that by bearing the penalty of the law, which was justly due to apostate, sel-ruined man, he might make an atonement; and by his perfect obedience to it, bring in a complete and everlasting righteousness, that so a reconciliation might be effected between GoD and his revolted creatures of the human race; so that now GOD can, consistent with strict justice, justify all who truly repent of their sins, and cordially trust in this Almighty and merciful Redeemer and prevailing Intercessor.

Such reflections naturally lead as to contemplate the immacu

The character and condition of man, as a fallen and guilty creature, are also held up to view in the gospel scheme of salvation; he is shewn to be in a forlorn and helpless condition; under a sentence of just condemnation, and utterly incapable to do the least thing towards delivering himself; in other words, he can do nothing meritorious, nothing that can in the least entitle him to divine favor, or recommend him to divine mercy. In what a divinely excellent, glorious and amiable light, does the gracious Saviour of men appear! what unequalled love! what unparalleled con descension! what astonishing self-denial are at once exhibited in the birth, the life, the death of this most illustrious and divine personage! who, though higher than the most exalted earthly potentates, though styled in sacred writ," Wonderful, Counsellor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father," yet, he hum

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