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on the 4th of March last. The Society is thus deprived of a pious and promising laborer, but it becomes us to say-"The will of the Lord be done."

tions from Africa, have hitherto prevented the Directors from receiving any intelligence concerning those valuable Missionaries, Vanderlingen, Bekhar, and Tromp, who, they trust, are still diligently employed in the work of the Lord.

The same cause has operated to interrupt their intercourse with our reverend brother, Dr. Vanderkemp, no direct advices having been received from him, though there is every reason to believe that several Letters and Journals have been dispatched by

It was the earnest wish of the Directors that Mr. Kicherer, with his friends, might return to Africa, as soon as possible; to resume his useful labors, and to refresh the hearts of his poor people, who parted with him with extreme regret, and who fully expected to see him in the month of March; but insuperable difficulties, arising from the renewal of hostilities, have hith-him for our Society. Through erto prevented this desirable event; it is hoped, however, that a suitable conveyance, in a neutral vessel, may ere long be pro- | vided.

the medium, however, of the Dutch Society, who have been more successful in obtaining his letters, intelligence of a very interesting nature has been lately received, a brief summary of which shall now be stated.

ta's Place, near Algoa Bay, in the month of March, 1802, where there was reason to hope that a permanent settlement would be formed, which might be productive of great advantages, in the

On the subject of this Mission, the Directors have only to add, that respectable travellers, sent The Doctor, with about 160 to explore that country, with Hottentots, part of whom had others who had opportunity to before attended his instructions observe the judicious plans adopt-at Graaff Reinet, arrived at Boed by our brother Kicherer, have borne the most honorable and public testimony to his integrity and piety; and have spoken in the highest terms of approbation of his wisdom and ability, in civilizing the barbarous na-civilization and religious instructives of Africa. Indeed the ap- tion of the natives. Soon after pearance of the converted Hot- the settlement was formed, sonie tentots themselves, in the me- violent diseases, supposed to be tropolis, excited no small sur-occasioned by the stagnated waprise in the minds of some high-ters of the neighborhood, began ly respectable and well-informed to make their appearance among persons, to whom they were in-the people. Our honored brotroduced; who expressed their ther himself was afflicted with a admiration at the rapid advan-diarrhea and an intermitting fces they had made in so short a ver, followed by a violent rheutime, and who readily admitted matic disorder, by which his the efficacy of the Christian sys-public labors were totally sustem, in the improvement of the pended, and his patience tried most degraded of human kind. by a confinement to his bed for The impediments which war cieven months. has opposed to the commimica

It was a consolation, however,

to this zealous servant of Christ, | ing his prudential admonitions that his faithful assistant, broth-fruitless, desisted, and could furer Read, was disposed and ena- ther manifest his benevolence bled very diligently to apply only by presenting them with a himself to the instruction and very liberal supply of oxen and management of the people. But sheep, with other useful articles, these labors of love were con- for their support, and for their tinued with no small difficulties assistance in agriculture; and by and obstructions of a local na- empowering them immediately ture; on which account, his to take possession of the fort, as Excellency, Governor Dundas, a place of safety. This latter whose generous advice and as- measure they thought proper to sistance, in the first formation decline for the present; reservof this settlement, can never being, however, the right of availrecollected without respectful ing themselves of the generous gratitude, was pleased to favor offer, should future circumstanthe Doctor with a visit; and re- ces render it necessary. presenting to him the unhappy This necessity, alas! was too posture of affairs, and the ex- soon apparent; for only eight days treme danger to which the Mis-had elapsed, after the departure sionaries would be exposed, of the soldiers from the garrison, when the English garrison should when they were suddenly assaultbe withdrawn from the neighbor-ed, in the middle of a dark night, ing fort at Algoa Bay, strongly by a furious banditti, whose obrecommended it to him to desist, ject seemed to be, not only the for the present, from the prose-destruction of their property, cution of his benevolent plan in that quarter, and retire to a place of greater safety. The zeal of our brethren, however, would not allow them to listen to this friendly advice. The Doctor respectfully replied, that he was determined to remain faithful to the call of his God, and should his life be made a sacrifice, in consequence of abid-random, among the invading ing with the people, he was perfectly ready to lose it for the sake of the least child among them. Brother Read, actuated | by the same fortitude of spirit, though left by his colleague entirely to the dictates of his own judgment, made the same resolution, adding, that should Dr. Vanderkemp have thought proper to withdraw from the scene of danger, it was his own determination to abide with the people.

The worthy Governor, find

but of their lives also. The assailants fired their muskets at them not less than fifty times; yet happily none of their lives were destroyed. In this awful moment of danger, the Hottentots who were with the Doctor, insisted upon repelling force by force; and accordingly fired twice, and twice only, and at

party. The assault, from what cause they could not then guess, immediately ceased, and the party withdrew. When the morning arrived, it was found that one of the shots had penetrated the thigh of the Hottentot Chief, and by dividing a principal artery, occasioned such a loss of blood, as put a period to his life in a few minutes. The enemy, however, enraged and reinforced, renewed the attack in the following night; but, finding the


settlement in a better state of de- word of God. Of this our brethfence, judged it prudent to with-ren are so well convinced, that draw after which our brethren thought themselves called by Providence to retire to the asylum which the neighboring fort afforded, and in which they were happily preserved in safety from the violence of their enemies.

many of them have been baptized, and admitted to the communion. They keep every week a feast of charity, resembling the Agape of the first Christians, which they always conclude by the celebration of the Lord's Supper. Dr. Vanderkemp, we understand, is in a good measure restored to health, and we hope soon to hear that the work of the Lord at the Swartz Koph River, prospers in his hands.

It ought not to be omitted, that the above-mentioned Brother Read, whilst at Cape Town, on his first arrival, and afterwards at Graaff Reinet, where he joined Dr. Vanderkemp, diligently applied himself to the instruction of the English soldiers there, and was eminently blessed of God in his faithful labors. We have had the pleasure of perusing many letters written to him by individuals of the military, who thankfully acknowledge the benefits they had received under his ministry.

When his Excellency Governor Jansens had taken possession of the Cape for the Dutch Republic, he also paid a visit to our brother Vanderkemp, and expressed his opinion that it was proper for the Missionary Institution to be removed to a more eligible situation; and having himself looked out for a suitable spot, recommended their immediate removal to it. Our brethren judged it their duty to comply with the Governor's advice, and accept of the place which he had so kindly offered to them. They accordingly removed to the appointed spot, situated westward of Algoa Bay, at the mouth of the Swartz Koph River, and gave it the name of "Bethel-Village." May that Divine Goodness, which so remarkably protected them in the hour of danger, and raised up for them such distinguished friends, con-ed to the charge of the congrega tinue to bless them, and render this new Beth-El, the house of God to themselves, and the gate of heaven to multitudes!

It is stated, in the former Report, that the Missionary Verster, sent out by our Society, succeed

tion of Christians and Heathen, in the district of Rodesand, vacant by the removal of the former pastor, the Rev. Mr. Vos-and we unTo the glory of Almighty derstand that his labors among Grace it must be recorded, that them are acceptable and useful. in the midst of all these unfavor- The last mentioned brother, able and threatening circumstan- since his arrival in England, has ces, the work of God among the received information that a very poor Hottentots was still pro- considerable revival in religion ceeding; a goodly number of had taken place in that place, by them were from time to time means of the occasional minisconverted from the error of their try of Mr. Irwin, who had preways, and gave satisfactory evi-viously been engaged as a Misdence of their being born again sionary in connection with this by the incorruptible seed of the Society; this was done at the

recommendation of Dr. Vander- otherwise be done, the real state kemp, and with a view to assist of the Protestant cause therein : him and Mr. Read in their work we have, however, reason to beat Algoa Bay, but whilst wait-lieve that, in the course of the ing for an opportunity of being past year, a considerable numconveyed to that port, he accept-ber of Protestant congregations ed an invitation to pass the in-have been supplied with pastors, terval at Rodesand, where it in different parts of the republic, pleased God to render his occa- and that an increasing bias in sional ministry the means of an favor of that cause appears aextensive blessing. mong the people.



The Directors will now proceed briefly to mention the circumstances of the Society's Missions in North America.

Mr. Bentom still resides at Quebec, where he has sustained considerable opposition from persons who bear the Christian

on some of his less serious hearers to withdraw themselves from his ministry. He has not been able to extend his labors to the Indians, as was originally designed, few of them residing within his reach; but his ser

The Directors next advert to a Missionary object of great magnitude, which we were once ready to hope would, ere this, have brightened more and more upon our view; but which the renewal of hostilities has covered for the present with a gloomy cloud. The Society will recol-name; and who have prevailed lect, that the New-Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ has been printed in France; and measures were adopted for dispersing that holy book, and the Essay on its Authenticity, throughout every part of that country, and its depen-vices in Quebec have, we trust, dencies. The Old Testament been useful to many. The obalso was printing, and in a state loquy, however, which his adverof forwardness, previous to the saries have contrived to throw breaking out of the war. The upon him, appears to have bro't Directors indulge a hope that his usefulness there to a stand, the former is, in some degree, so that he is desirous of resignsilently diffusing its salutary in- ing his station to some other fluence in that barren land and minister; a measure which the although the political state of the Directors conceive may be extwo countries has made it expe-pedient, should the Society think dient for us to suspend our in- proper to send another missiontercourse with France, yet itary there, and a suitable person may be hoped, that the printing could be found, who is able to of the whole Scriptures will be preach in the French language effected by a Society on the Con--a qualification highly desirable tinent, actuated by views similar for Missionaries in Canada. with our own, and who are not, like us, prohibited from this good work by a state of warfare with that country. This circumstance also puts it out of our power to represent so particularly as might

Mr. Mitchell, who has resided for about three years in New Brunswick, and chiefly at New Carlisle, situated on the Bay of Chaleur, has been an instrument of spiritual good to several indi

ters received from Mr. Mitchell; from which it appears, that in a journey of considerable extent which he took last summer, he visited a great number of settle

viduals in that place, and also at | Pidgeon, in consequence of letRestigouche, and some other small towns. He has, however, left that part of the country, in consequence of his marriage, and removed to another place, where we hope he will still ex-ments inhabited by Highlanders, ert himself in the cause of Christ. many of whom were Catholics, Letters received from the few and by a variety of other peoreligious people among whom ple, most of whom gladly rehe exercised his ministry at Newceived the word from his lips. Carlisle, bear ample testimony Whole towns and districts were to his zeal and fidelity in the totally destitute of all religious work of the Lord. These poor ordinances, and seemed in 'danpeople who appear to relish the ger to lose the very forms of good word of God, and who were christianity; many of them exengaged in building a better pressed strong desires for the place of worship, are extremely means of religious instruction, desirous that the Society would and would rejoice even in the furnish them with another min- occasional visits of an itinerant ister. The Directors, wishing to minister. Among persons of comply with their earnest re-this description Mr. Pidgeon is quest, have determined on send- to labor as much as posssible; ing to them Mr. Pidgeon, lately and to collect as particular an one of the Students in the Mis- account as he is able of the state sionary Seminary at Gosport, of religion throughout the prov-under the care of the Rev. Mr.ince of New Brunswick. Infor Bogue. This appointment Mr.mation of this kind cannot fail Pidgeon has accepted with per- of being highly interesting to fect readiness, and having been Christians in this country, and ordained at Gosport, has, we be- may ultimately lead to some aclieve, already sailed for America. tive measures for the more genAs the ministration of theeral diffusion of evangelical gospel among persons already light in that dark part of the professing the christian religion, earth. As a portion of the Britis not the direct, or most promi-ish empire, inhabited by persons nent object of the Missionary Society, the Directors have recommended to Mr. Pidgeon not to devote more than half his time to the instruction of the protest-ped, that a just and accurate reants at New Carlisle, but to ex- presentation of their pitiable state tend his labors among the Cath- may induce our wealthy merolics, who abound in that coun- chants, and others, to exert their try; and among other persons benevolent and Christian endeanot instructed in the true faith vors in that quarter, upon a larof the gospel; and, if possible, ger scale than may strictly comamong the Indians in the neigh-port with the precise object of borhood. the Missionary Society.

They have been induced to give these directions to Mr.

who have emigrated from hence, or are descendants of Britons, they have a strong claim on our compassion; and it may be ho

These observations are in some measure applicable to Newfound

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