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land. Mr. Hillyard, whose faith- to such important stations as abound in that highly civilized part of the globe. The period for entering upon the interest

ful services in that island have been reported with approbation on former occasions, having fulfilled the term of his engagementing service has at length arrived, with the Society, returned to and there are now on their way England early in the last year : to those countries six Brethren, but feeling an earnest desire of two of whom are accompanied further usefulness in Newfound-by their wives. The Rev. Mr. land, he voluntarily offered to Vos superintends the Mission resume the scene of his former designed for Ceylon. His long labors. The Directors readily standing in the Christian minisaccepted his proposal; and he try-his faithful and successful accordingly sailed from Liver- labors therein, both in Holland pool, for that Island, in the lat- and at the Cape of Good Hope, ter end of the summer; and added to the experience which they have had the pleasure of he has acquired by his previous hearing of his safe arrival, with intercourse with the ignorant his wife and child at Carbonear. and uncivilized part of mankind, Mr. Hillyard's labors will not be point him out as a person reconfined to the cultivation of themarkably qualified to fill this church at Twillingate, which he station. He is accompanied by had the honor of planting, but the Brethren Ehrhardt and be extended to various parts of Palm, natives of Germany, who the coast, on which there are received their education for Mismany settlements, where multi- sionary services at the seminary tudes of souls, no less ignorant at Berlin, which was instituted than the Heathen themselves, chiefly, if not solely, for this obare totally destitute of religious ject, and is under the care, as instruction, and are in danger of before-mentioned, of that valuaperishing through lack of know-ble instructor, the Rev. Mr. ledge.


The Directors would now so licit the attention of the Society towards the vast and populous, but, alas! neglected regions of the Eastern world. These have long engaged the pity and the prayers of the Society at large, nor have the Directors ever lost sight of the stupendous object; they have repeatedly announced their earnest desires to send, to the deluded millions of Asia, the glad tidings of the glorious gospel, whenever the good Providence of God should open their way, and furnish them with Missionaries whose talents and dispositions should appear suited

Janicke. They have also passed a considerable time in Holland with a view of acquiring a more perfect acquaintance with the Dutch language, which is used in Ceylon; while, at the same time, they have enjoyedthe advantage of further instruction in divinity, from the kind and zealous attention of the Rev. Mr. Verster, and other pious ministers, connected with the Missionary Society at Rotterdam. The favorable testimony borne to their character and spirit, both at Berlin and Rotterdam, corresponds with the impression which their conduct, during their residence in England, could not fail to make on us.


the Island of Ceylon, this being the station on which the attention of the Society, and of the Directors, is more especially fix

therefore send them out with much satisfaction and cheerful hope, that they will seek and obtain grace to be faithful to God, to the Society, and to theed, and where, we trust, they Heathen, in the course of their will actually labor: yet in the ministry. Mrs. Vos, and Mrs. first instance they are to accomPalm, have also an important pany their brethren to Tranqueservice to occupy their zeal, in bar, where they will obtain such the instruction of the female na-accurate and comprehensive intives, and in assisting in the ed-formation as will greatly assist ucation of children.

them in forming their future plans; and where they will find some Christian friends, who will promote their introduction, were not this rendered almost unnecessary, by the kindness of one of his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, who has furnished them with a letter to his Excellency Frederick North, the Governor of the Colony. The Directors have also fixed in their own minds a particular station for the labors of the Brethren who are to remain on the Continent, and in which a very extensive field appears ripe for the harvest; this they have more particularly pointed out in their instructions, leaving, however, the ultimate decision to themselves, under the intimations of Divine Providence, and the advice of those pious and well informed friends with whom they will communicate on their arrival.

Those who are designed to labor on the continent of India, are the Rev. Messrs. Ringeltaube, Desgranges, and Cran. The first is a native of Prussia, who has already passed a short time in India, and has since held his principal intercourse with the Society of the United Brethren. The other Missionaries have been about two years in the Seminary at Gosport; and the whole have been ordained to the office of the Christian Ministry, and recommended to the grace of God in the discharge of the arduous and important service to which they are called, and on which, we believe, they enter with a humble sense of their own insufficiency, a firm reliance on divine influences, and a sincere desire to consecrate themselves to the glory of Christ in the salvation of the Heathen. The Society, and the Christian community at large, will, no doubt, bear these devoted servants of God in their affectionate remembrance; and at the throne of grace, implore in their behalf the divine protection, counsel, and support, that they may make known among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ, and at length finish their courseject in view, which encourages with joy.

It has been observed, that some of our brethren are intended for VOL. V. No. 8.

The Directors have the satisfaction to make a favorable Report of the state of the Seminary at Gosport. The young men who are under a course of instruction suited to Missionary labors, pursue their studies with diligence, and evince that devotedness of heart to the great ob

their worthy Tutor and the Society to hope that they will one day become burning and shining

siderably reduced; and unless the exertions of the public, particularly in the country, shall keep pace with the extended op

lights in the benighted regions of the pagan world. Two other persons have nearly finished their medical studies, and we hope, may be eminently quali-erations of the Society, the refied for situations in which the duction must be far greater than healing art may prove a happy the Directors conceive is comintroduction to the dispensation patible with the permanent inof the gospel, particularly in the terests of the Institution. But more highly civilized countries they indulge a confident expectof the East. ation, that while they pursue with steady zeal the grand object proposed-"the spread of the gospel in Heathen and other unenlightened countries," and while the Great Head of the Church shall be pleased to succeed, with the sacred Influences of his Holy Spirit, their feeble

tians, of every denomination, will cheerfully consecrate to this service a sufficient portion of their worldly substance, to enable the Society not only to support the Missions already established, but continually to make new inroads into the kingdom of darkness, and to erect the standard of the cross in every country to which they may have access.

With cheerful confidence the Directors look forward to the continued and liberal support of the religious public. The Society will perceive, by the foregoing statement of the enlargement of the Missionary sphere, that the expenditure of the Institution must of course be exceed-endeavors, their fellow Chrisingly increased: about two thousand pounds will be requisite for the conveyance of the Missionaries now on their way, or ready to depart; and nearly the same sum may be annually necessary, for several years to come, for the purposes of their several Missions. The visit of the Africans to this country, and their return, together with eight additional laborers, have occasioned an unexpected and considerable demand; but we trust that this expense will not become a matter of regret, when the satisfaction which their visit has afforded to the Society, and the probable advantage which the Mission may derive from their report in Africa, are taken into consideration. When the large sums which the efforts of the last year have occasioned, are paid, it will be found that the ex-bear a relation to the final tripenditure has greatly exceeded the income. Those of our friends, therefore, who have supposed the retention of a large capital by the Society to be improper, will find that it will then be con

Political reasonings are confessedly remote from the sphere of duty belonging to Missionary institutions, yet those who conduct their concerns, with motives and aims which are purely spiritual, will, nevertheless, contemplate the great changes which take place in Empires and Nations, as arrangements of an infinitely wise and holy Providence, designed to produce important moral effects, and which

umphs of the kingdom of Christ. Among these events, the immense acquisition in territory and population made to the British Government in the Eastern part of the world, cannot but in

South African Missionary Societies, have become the means of bringing many savage heathen to a knowledge of the gospel. A door is opened for instructing the wild Hottentots, Boschemen, and other barbarous tribes, who never before heard of the true God, the Saviour of men. Dr. Vanderkemp, Mr. Kicherer and sundry other faithful servants of Christ, appear to be filled with an apostolic zeal, and are painfully laboring in the work. To see the most degraded part of

spire the breast of every true | Christian with an earnest hope that thereby a way may be prepared for the spiritual dominion of the Redeemer ; especially when it is considered, that while these and other external dispensations produce an interesting opening for the exertions of Christians, the liberal principles of the enlightened Government under which we live, countenance and encourage them. What Divine Grace has lately effected in the West, in the remarkable revival of religion, and conver-mankind, thus visited by light sion of multitudes of nominal from on high, is a new evidence Christians in several parts of A- of the power and riches of dimerica, affords additional ground vine grace. The liberality of the of hope, that the Saviour is about Christian Dutch inhabitants to to take unto him his great pow-the Missionaries, in supplying er, and reign in à more splendid them with provisions and other and extensive degree. There necessaries, shows that the Lord seems, however, abundant evi- hath opened their hearts to addence of the Lord's gracious ap-vance his own work.—Mr. Kichprobation of the various and zeal-erer's Narrative of his Mission ous efforts of his ministers and to Zak River, appears the best people, in different parts of the calculated of any thing the Ediworld, and, consequently, strong tors have seen, to give their reaencouragement to proceed with ders a just idea of the savage increasing diligence and vigor state of these heathen, the fortiin the Missionary work. Much, tude and danger of the Missionvery much indeed, remains to aries, the success with which the be done. We have but just be- Missions have been attended, gun our work. We have made and the manner of divine operaa beginning, and God has pros- tion on the minds of these ignopered it. Let us go forward. rant people. The Narrative, The voice of the Word is-Go which is here begun will be conforward! The voice of an ap-tinued in succeeding numbers.] proving Providence is-Go for

ward! Let the encouraging voice The Rev. Mr. Kicherer's Narra

of the public, in their prayers and in their generous contributions, also be-Go forward!

tive of his Mission to the Hot


BEING requested by the Di

rectors of the London Missionary Society to give a writ[THE latest accounts from ten Narrative of my proceedings South Africa inform us, the Mis-in South Africa, I have to regret sions established in that country the want of my papers, which by the London, Rotterdam and the Captain ho brought me

over from Holland, advised me to leave behind, as they might possibly involve him in difficulties; on this account I cannot be exact as to the dates of particular occurrences, but my statement of facts will, I trust, be found accurate.

is the source of every good; they were also told that their ignorance and neglect of this Divine Being was the real cause of their comparative wretchedness, On this explanation, the Boschemen expressed their earnest desire that proper persons might I embarked with my mission-come and reside among them, ary brethren, Vanderkemp, Ed-who would afford them those valwards, and Edmond, on the 5th of December, 1798, and arrived at Cape Town on the last day of March, 1799. Our original intention was to visit the Nama-rected to the Government at the quas, but learning that they were then at war, we changed our plan, and prepared for going into Caffraria.


uable instructions which would enable them to become as rich and happy as their neighbors. For this purpose they were di

Cape, where we met with them on our arrival. We considered this peculiar concurrence of e vents as a providential call to visit them; and having looked

of us should go, we appealed to the Lot, which fell upon me : Brother Edwards had previously determined to go there; and Brother Kramer, a native of the Cape, followed us afterwards.

A few days previous to our arrival at the Cape, three Bos-up to the Lord to point out which chemen had come thither from Zak River, with a view to solicit the Government to send Teachers into their country. They came in the capacity of public ambassadors. Providence had opened this door in the following manner. The Farmers of the back settlements, of whom Florus Fischer was the principal, had been greatly reduced by the depredations of the neighboring Boschemen. To prevent similar calamities in future, the Landdrost advised them to purchase a Peace, at the expense of several thousand Sheep. At the ratification of this contract, some of the Settiers, being religiously disposed, offered up a prayer in the presence of the Hottentots; who, upon their inquiry into the nature and design of this action, were informed that it was done with a view of imploring the blessing of Almighty God, who

* Zak River is between four and five hundred miles North-East of the Cape.

On the 22d of May, we left Cape Town, accompanied by the brethren Vanderkemp and Edmond, who travelled with us as far as Rodezand, in their way to Caffraria. Here we met with the most welcome reception by the Rev. Mr. Vos, who presided over a flourishing congregation, and whose successful zeal in the cause of Christ is well known to the Society. Mrs. Smith also, an eminently pious lady, treated us with great hospitality. We were detained here for some time by our want of a waggon and the necessary cattle; but our time was agreeably spent among our christian friends, and we enjoyed frequent opportunities of preaching the word in the neighborhood. From hence we made an excursion to Bavian's Kloof, where the Moravian

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