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societies called Calvinistic or his subjects, yet the decency of Reformed. The King himself his private conduct merits praise, professes this creed. It has in- and is certainly, in every point deed been the profession of the of view, far more beneficial than royal family for several reigns. the dazzling but pernicious exThe great Elector, it was said, amples of some of his predeceswhen upon a visit to his son-in- sors. At Potsdam, he regularlaw, the Prince of Orange, inly attends the institutions of Holland, was so struck with the public worship, and joins in the simplicity and purity of the Cal-communion service once in the vinistic and Presbyterian wor- year. Too many of his courship of that country, that he re-tiers and officers retain the unsolved to en:brace it himself, happy impressions of the former and to recommend or promote reigns; but there are also some its adoption in his own territo- who exhibit better principles, rics. and shew a sincere regard to A sad decline, since that peri-scund faith and good morals. od, has fatally appeared in the aspect of religious opinions and menners in the Prussian states. Frederick, so little entitled, in their just sense, to the names which the world lavished upon him with its usual blindness, the Great and Protestant Hero, employed every insiduous art, and indeed avouched and avowed a purpose, to undermine or extinguish all religion in his kingdom. Frederick Williain, his successor, as a judicious professor, has remarked, effected, if possible, more injury to religion than his predecessor. For he sometimes professed to be devout, and published edicts to enforce the interests of religion; but the open irregularities of his life, not only counteracted his professed designs, but brought them, with himself into contempt. The present King is regular and decent in his conduct, domestic and retired in his manner of life, but displaying no energy to promote an esson-criticism and theology. Canditial reformation in the manners of his people, or to restore the dignity and active influence of religion. Though he is, in some respects, unpopular among

Of the Calvinistic and reformed profession of faith, there are many churches at Berlin, and the states around, where the service is performed either in the German or the French languages. The revocation of the Edict of Nantz drove many French Protestant refugees to seck shelter in this country, and to enrich or adorn it with their industrious habits and salutary principles. Among the pastors of these, the names of Abbadie, Lenfant, Beausobre, Formey, Ancillon, are well known, and long celebrated. The venerable Erman is at present their senior pastor, entitled the Dean of their College, and presides over a most useful seminary of education under that name. In this college, many students, both of French and German extraction, are taught the principles of useful knowledge, classical literature, mathematics, logic, moral end natural philosophy, biblical

dates for the office of the ministry are strictly examined in public, in the Latin and French languages, and sometimes in the German, upon their progress

and attainments, twice in the year. The King shews much attention, and reposes great confidence in Erman, the Dean.

It is a singular circumstance in the strange revolutions of the age, that even in the adjusting of the proposed indemnities in Germany, many Popish jurisdictions and institutions have been overthrown, the number of Protestant states and voters in the Diet of the Empire have been greatly increased; and a probability appears, that at some future period, a Protestant Emperor may rule in Germany.

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has afforded. The sovereign Dis-
poser of all events still may or-
dain good out of evil, confound
the projects of his foes by the
very issue of their own devices,
and cause the subtilty of sophists,
the persecution of tyrants,
whether democratic or despotic,
the frenzy or the impotence,
the power, or even the wrath of
man, to render him praise.
In Germany, the aspect of re-


It would be tedious to detail the peculiar state of the other provinces and chief towns of Germany. Through the whole Empire, the influence of the Popish church is greatly enfeebled, the institutions of the Protestant religion more extensively respected, and, in some dis-ligion is undoubtedly more fatricts, well disposed and devout vorable than it was before the men of other denominations, convulsions of the French revoMoravians, Baptists and IndeBefore that frightful, pendents, exert their labours to but instructive period, the charpromote or revive the influence acter of the princes, the labours of religion. of the sophist, the effusions of the poets, the temper of the universities, the prejudices of the people, were all hostile, not only to sound principles and pure morals, but even genuine philosophy, solid learning and good taste. These fatal sources of corruption, though in part checked, are by no means radically removed. One great cause of error in opinion, and laxity in practice, among even the Protestant clergy of Germany, springs from the same origin which engendered most of the heresies of the first ages of Christianity. It was the pride of reason, the affectation or the prejudice of a false philosophy. Right reason, genuine wisdom, happily accord with pure religion; and, in the scriptures themselves, are employed as synonymous terms. The minds of a Socrates, or a Newton, would readily have been impelled to revere the doctrines of the gospel; and, in favorable circumstances, might have been led to display their power.The minds of modern sophists exhibit very different tempers,

From the striking alteration in the current of public opinion resulting from the horrors of the French revolution, from the conduct and obvious interests of the present rulers of the Continent, from the peculiar circumstances of the nations around, from the disgrace of sophistry, and the prevalence of religious toleration and dispassionate respectful enquiry into the claims and doctrines of Christianity, more animating prospects, perhaps, may be entertained of a more extensive reception of a sound and primitive religion, than any former period since the Reformation

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as well as talents. The systems of religion, nothing can be so of what is called speculative, or absurd as this affectation of phimetaphysical philosophy, form, losophy, even where the system at best, but a series of roman- adopted is otherwise inoffences. When these involve no sive. Abstract metaphysicks, pernicious principles, and lead or researches, in their proper to no dangerous practice, they place, may amuse inquisitive may be regarded as innocuous and studious minds: But metain themselves, or amusing exer- physical sermons, affected speccises to the human understand-ulative discussions, are the scorn ing: But unhappily, like other of the wise, an insult to the romances, they are prone to en- hearers, and a mockery of religross too much the mind, dis-gion. When philosophy atturb the imagination, and agi-tempts to graft its theories upon tate the passions. When their religion; heresy, absurdity and principles are false, and their delusion will appear as the fruits. tendency pernicious, their ef- Iu Germany, the desire to acfects must prove still more fatal-comodate religion to the philosly destructive. Such have been the character and effects of many modern speculations of pretended philosophy. In Germany, systems and theories, called philosophical, often of extreme absurdity, inconsistence, or contrariety, have succeeded each other with amazing rapidity.The spirit of sophistry, the arogance of dogmatism, or propensities to sceptism have thus been widely fostered. It was the fashion for princes and subjects to affect to be philosophers. The clergy, forgetting the dignity of their offices, the immutable sanctity of religion, and firm features of divine truth, yielded to the same infatuation. To please speculating princes, to accommodate themselves to sophisticated universities, or to indulge the natural pride of the human mind, many of them affected to be philosophical preachers. As the philosophy of the day was so perverted or pernicious, it may easily be conceived how foul was the taint of its impression on the features of their sermons, and the spirit of their character. In the ministrations'

ophy of the day, at one time, seemed to have effaced from the discourses of the clergy, in many places, every vestige and fea◄ ture of the gospel of Christ. The sophists themselves laugh at such philosophising divines, the people desert them in hopeless indfference; they are left to brood in their swelling imaginations over the solace of their cold dreams; and religion, like a blasted tree, seems to wither at their touch. In Germany, the tendency of such infatuation is now, in part, perceived even in courts and universities: In the country, and among the people, it never was so widely spread. Even the more formidable alarms which have been excited from the pernicious projects of masonic conspirators, illuminati, and confederated sophists, have only been confined to a narrow circle, though intended to diffuse ruin and convulsions to the widest range. Happily, the projects are unknown, and the poison untasted, through the great mass of the people. Happily, through the good providence of God, we can now hail more fa

rourable prospects of the state and reception of religion.

The condition and circumstances of the United Provinces, widely differ from those of Germany. Insulated by their limits, their language, their interests, their habits, from the rest of Europe, they admit innovations more tardily, and retain their customs and other principles with more pertinacity or firm


The Protestant religion in a very simple and salutary form, has long been established in this country. Perhaps, it has

much reverence for its doctrines and institutions, and great attention to the right education of their children, and discipline of their families. The clergy display striking examples of Presbyterian simplicity and strict ness of manners: They, in general, are learned in the sciences that pertain to their profession, exemplary in their conduct, regular, and even strict in their attention to their duties, and often zealous in their performance.From the recent innovations of the French in Holland, the cler

were driven from their churches, because they refused their oaths to the new constitution, and, to the deep regret of the people, who still seek their ministrations, were supplanted by others, who are regarded with indifference or contempt.

as little degenerated from its ori-gy have suffered considerably. ginal constitution, as in any oth-In Amsterdam, eight Pastors er region of Europe.-There are, indeed, many Roman Cathelics in Holland. There is a multitude of Jews in Amsterdam. The Mennonites still are found in considerable numbers, especially at Haerlem. "All sects are tolerated: and, from the freedom of the press, books of infidelity and scepticism have, in former times, often been printed in Holland, which could not find publishers in any other country: But these books were soon scattered to other quarters, and received but little encouragement in the Provinces themselves. It is not the delusions of sophistry, the vices of courts, nor the seductions of poetry, that can be supposed to pervert the Dutch. The temptations which unavoidably attend extensive commerce, and an unceasing pursuit of gain, are asserted to have rather marked the unfavourable features of their character. But, however prevalent these may be among the richer classes, they effect little the great body of the people. Among these are still found many happy effects of a pure religion;

The constitution of the church is Presbyterian; the doctrines are Calvinistic, and are generally taught not nominally, merely, but explicitly; the discipline is strict and regularly exercised. Their mode of worship is like that of the Scots church, simple and primitive, and generally fervent, interesting, and well attended. They, however, admit organs into their churches, of which, that at Haerlem, is reckoned the finest in the world. At Rotterdam, they are at present erecting an organ, valued at 20,0001. sterling. Freedoms and levities appear in some towns upon the Sabbath, which once were regarded with abhorrence in Scotland: but which, if suffered to increase, will do more harm there than in Holland; because regarded as a departure

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from all religion, which is not | elements, principles, and forms, the sentiment of the Dutch. are rigidly exacted of the young, The universities of the United and respected with seeming revProvinces have been long deem-erence by all ages. Some inteled very pure seminaries of edu-ligent and devout Christians cation, highly respectable for who reside in the country, affirm learning, piety and discipline, that, as the Dutch are singularand particularly attentive to ly cleanly in their mode of life, those sciences which are connc- yet often very indelicate in their ted with theology. They have actions; so while they are riproduced many eminent divines gidly attentive to the form, they and profound scholars. Class- are often sadly estranged from ical literature, the oriental lan- the power of godliness. This, guages, biblical criticism, syst- however, is a censure, that unematic theology, have been cul- happily may be applied to every tivated in them with peculiar country where the institutions of ardour and success. Theology religion have been generally inis the only science which can, troduced, and long familiar. with just claims, be taught syn. But contemptible as mere forms thetically. A revelation from are in themselves, they are yet God, if rightly understood, must highly useful in human society, be fixed and immutable in its and even in the church of Christ. doctrines. The Dutch seem to And where the forms are in act upon this principle; and are themselves good, many subtanremarkably steady in their at- tial advantages may flow from tachment to the creed they pro- their observance; though, from fess. Happily for them, that the infirmities of human nature, creed is scriptural, simple and they are ever liable to be abused. sound. Their steadfastness to But God even connects his blesthe religion of their forefathers sing with the external ordinanis wise and safe. In other sci- ces and means of grace, which ences, which boast no such au- he prescribes. It may be trustthority, and are to be studied in ed, that they are not so frequenta different manner, this unbend- ly seperated in Holland. ing disposition might not merit so much praise as when, in their medical institutions, they will permit no man to be wiser than their countryman Boerhaave, or to contradict his aphorisms.

It is remarkable, that in so small a state, there are no less than five universities, besides inferior colleges, academies, and excellent schools, in every town of note. Of the reformed Calvinistic church, there are 1570 preachers literature, and the knowledge of religion, are thus very generally diffused. Their

The religious institutions of the Protestant cantons of Switzerland, are similar to those of Holland. Their admired simplicity of manners and purity of principle, were represented, as having suffered melancholy abatements, even before the late convulsions which have distracted that unhappy country. Still the impressions of the good seed sown, and advantages formerly possessed, are not effaced, and amidst their mountains are yet found examples of primitive piety, discipline and zcal.

From the most recent IL

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