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jefty, or to me, or the gentlemen who ferve under me; and as I have now made this declaration and requifition unto you, I require the notary here present to grant me a certificate of this, fubfcribed in proper form." Herrera, dec. 1. lib. vii. c. 14.

NOTE XXIV. p. 271.

Balboa, in his letter to the king, obferves, that of the hundred and ninety men whom he took with him, there were never above eighty fit for fervice at one time. So much did they fuffer from hunger, fatigue, and fickne fs. Herrera, dec. 1. lib. viii. c. 16. P. Mart. de cad. 226.

NOTE XXV. p. 286.

Fonfeca, bishop of Palencia, the principal director of America affairs, had eight hundred Indians in property; the commentator Lope de Conchillos, his chief affociate in that department, eleven hundred, and other favourites had different numbers. They fent overfeers tọ the islands, and hired out those flaves to the planters. Herrera, dec. 1. lib. ix. c. 14. p. 325

NOTE XXVI. p. 317,

Though America is more plentifully fupplied with water than the other regions of the ROBERTSON. Tom. I. A a

globe, there is no river or ftream of water in Yucatan. This peninfula projects from the continent a hundred leagues, but, where broadest, does not extend above twenty-five leagues. It is a flat plain, without mountains. The inhabitants are supplied with water from pits, and wherever they dig them, find it in abundance. It is probable, from all thofe circumstances, that this country was formerly covered by the fea. Herrera Defcriptio India Occidentalis, p. 14. Hiftoire Naturelle, par M. de Buffon, tom. i. p. 593.



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