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19. Generosity.

Happy; joyful. Benev'olence; good-will, kindness, Produce; result, fruit. Charity; love, affection. Foun'tain; spring, source. Ben'efit; advantage. Rejoi'ceth; is glad. Fur'thering; advancing. Prosperity; success. Cen'sureth; blames. Malev'olence; hatred, ill-will. Slan'ders; calumnies, reproaches. Remembrance ; memory, recollection. Admoni'tion; advice, warning. Excite'; rouse, call forth. Animosity; hatred. Benedic'tions; blessings.

HAPPY is the man who hath sown in his breast the seeds of benevolence; the produce thereof shall be charity and love. From the fountain of his heart shall rise rivers of goodness; and the streams shall overflow for the benefit of mankind. He assisteth the poor in their trouble; he rejoiceth in furthering the prosperity of all men. He censureth not his neighbour; he believeth not the tales of envy and malevolence, neither repeateth be their slanders. He forgiveth the injuries of men, he wipeth them from his remembrance revenge and malice have no place in his heart. For evil he returneth not evil; he hateth not even his enemies, but requiteth their injustice with friendly admonition.


The griefs and anxieties of men excite his compassion; he endeavoureth to alleviate the weight of their misfortunes, and the pleasure of success rewardeth his labour. He calmeth the fury, he healeth the quarrels of angry men, and preventeth

the mischiefs of strife and animosity. He promoteth in his neighbourhood peace and good-will; and his name is repeated with praise and benedictions.

1. A certain English nobleman was blamed by some of his friends for being too indulgent to his vassals, whose comfortable condition made them apparently disrespectful, and too independent. O,' replied he, I know that oppression has the effect of making men submissive and servile, but I wish to see my retainers happy, and I therefore treat them with kindness; and I thank Heaven that their freedom of manner shews them to be wealthy and comfortable.'

2. A young clergyman of great merit and profound learning, but out of employment, preached one day in the Cathedral of Worcester in presence of the bishop, Doctor Heugh. He gave an excellent discourse, and exhibited uncommon talents. The prelate, anxious to know who he was, sent the beadle of the church to him to ask his name, and in what place he lived. Present my respects to his Reverence,' replied the preacher, and tell him that my name is Lewis; that I have no living, that I dwell in the principality of Wales, where I do not live, but where I die of hunger.' The bishop did not confine himself to empty professions of sorrow for the young preacher, but placed him in a very advantageous situation.


3. The Duke of Montmorency, the young son of the Constable of France, when about the age of thirteen, learning that a gentleman of his father's retinue was much embarrassed in his affairs, took him aside, and addressed him with the most ten

der and generous concern upon his unfortunate situation. The gentleman let him understand that he considered him too young to be useful to him. It is true,' replied the Prince, that I am too young to deserve your confidence, but behold this ornament of diamonds which I can dispose of as I please, take them as a mark of my esteem.' He played a game in which the throw was three thousand pistoles. He heard a gentleman say,

here is a sum that would make the fortune of an honest man.' The prince won the throw, and immediately presented the sum to the gentleman, saying, I wish, Sir, your luck had been greater.'

4. The Emperor Conrad II. embraced every opportunity of shewing his liberality. During an insurrection that took place at Rome, a gentleman lost a leg in the encounter. When the com

motion was over, the Emperor caused the boot of the wounded man to be brought to him, filled it with gold, and returned it. Tell him, said he to the officer that had the charge of the present, that I shall not limit my bounty by this small sum, and that it is only what is necessary to heal his wound, and preserve to me so valuable a servant.

5. The celebrated Marshal Turenne observed in his army an officer of distinguished birth, but very ill mounted. He invited him to dinner, and, when the repast was over, took him aside and said to him in the most gracious manner, • I have a favour to ask of you, Sir; you may perhaps find it difficult to grant, but I trust you will not refuse your general.' I am old,' continued he, ' and even a little infirm, and spirited horses fatigue me; I have seen you have one on which I think I should be more at my ease; and if I were

not afraid to ask so great a sacrifice, I would propose that you should give it to me.' The officer replied by a profound bow, and went immediately for his horse, which he led into Turenne's stable. The next day the general sent him one of the best and handsomest horses in the army.

The Parting Ship.

Go in thy glory o'er the ancient sea,
Take with thee gentle winds thy sails to swell;
Sunshine and joy upon thy streamers be,—
Fare thee well, bark, farewell!

Proudly the flashing billow thou hast cleft,

The breeze yet follows thee with cheer and song; Who now of storms hath dream or memory left? And yet the deep is strong!

But go thou triumphing, while yet the smiles
Of summer tremble on the water's breast!
Thou shalt be greeted by a thousand isles,
In lone wild beauty drest.

Blue seas, that roll on gorgeous coasts renowned,
By night shall sparkle where thy prow makes way;
Strange creatures of the abyss that none may sound,
In thy broad wake shall play.

From hills unknown, in mingled joy and fear,
Free dusky tribes shall pour thy flag to mark ;-
Blessings go with thee on thy lone career!
Hail, and farewell, thou bark!

A long farewell! thou wilt not bring us back
All whom thou bearest far from home and hearth,
Many are those, whose steps no more shall track
Their own sweet native earth.

Some wilt thou leave beneath the plantain shade,
Where, through the foliage, Indian suns look bright,
Some, in the snows of wintry regions laid,
By the cold northern light.

And some far down below the sounding wave,—
Still shall they lie, though tempests o'er them sweep;
Never may flower be strewed upon their grave,
Never may sister weep.

And thou-the billows' queen-even thy proud form
On our glad sight no more perchance may swell;
Yet God alike is in the calm and storm-

Fare thee well, bark, farewell!

20. Gentleness.

Mrs. Hemans.

Assist'ing; helping. Ren'dered; given, done. Assailed'; attacked. Nevertheless'; notwithstanding. Offen'sive; injurious, displeasing. Rail'lery; satire, abuse. Advised'; counselled. Pun'ish; chastise. In'solence; arrogance. Style; manner of living. Simplicity; plainness. Splen'dour; grandeur. Sal'lied; issued, came out. Exclaimed'; ; called out. Aston'ished; surprised. Apology; excuse. Amiss'; improperly.

1. PHILIP, king of Macedon, and father of Alexander the Great, was one day assisting at the Olympic games. The inhabitants of the Peloponnesus, to whom this prince had rendered important services, assailed him nevertheless with the most offensive raillery and abuse. The friends of the king advised him to punish their insolence, but the monarch only replied to them, if these people are so wicked as to insult those who have done them good, what would they not do to those who did them an injury?"

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