Abbildungen der Seite

must be had to rank, or the difcipline and fubordination of the army would be fubverted. In thefe views, he thought the honour conferred upon him perfectly proper at prefent. With regard to what the noble Lord faid of the merits of Sir John Borlafe Warren, who was alfo his particular friend, his Royal Highness declared he entirely agreed. That victory was certainly of very great importance and advantage to the country, though he must confefs of lefs brilliancy and fplendour than that of Lord Nelfon. To the fuccefs of Sir John Borlafe Warren he attributed the entire fuppreffion of the rebellion in Ireland, for his private opinion was, that it was effectually fuppreffed. The vigour and exertion of Government in every instance during the last year, his Royal Hignefs faid, he thought did them infinite credit, but in no inftance more than in their having obtained an ample confeffion of the Irish rebels of their real object in all their plans and proceedings, which must tend to open the eyes of the poor wretches mifled by feigned pretences, and convince them how grossly thei credulity had been operated upon. His Royal Highness added fome other fentiments of general congratulation to the House on the important fubject of the day's debate, and concluded with giving his affent to the motion.

Lord Spencer then moved the thanks of the Houfe to Lord Nelfon as follows: which was agreed to nemine diffentiente.

That the thanks of this House be given to Rear Admiral Lord Nelson, Knight of the most Honourable Order of the Bath, for his able and gallant conduct in the memorable and decifive victory obtained over the French fleet near the Mouth of the Nile, on the 1st, 2d, and 3d of August last.

After which he moved,

That the thanks of this Houfe be given to the feveral captains and offi. cers in the fleet under the command of Rear Admiral Lord Nellon on the ift, zd, and 3d of Auguft last, who, by their bravery and good conduct, contributed to the glorious fuccefs of thofe days; and that Rear Admiral Lord Nelion do fignify the fame to them. Agreed to nemine diffentiente.


That this Houfe doth highly approve of and acknowledge the fervices of the feamen and marines on board the fhips under the command of Rear Admiral Lord Nelfon, in the late glorious victory over the French fleet near the Mouth of the Nile; and that the officers, commanding the several hips, do fignify the fame to their refpective crews, and do thank them for their good behaviour. Agreed to nemine diffentiente.



Earl Spencer expreffed his fatisfaction in finding that the fubject of the next motion he fhould trouble the House with had been anticipated by a noble Lord near him (Lord Hood), viz. the merits of Sir John Borlafe Warren in the gallant action off the coaft of Ireland, which had been productive of confequences highly beneficial and important to the general interefts of the British Empire, though, in point of brilliancy, fplendour, and magnitude, it certainly fell fhort of the glorious atchievement of Lord Nelfon off the Nile. His Lord hip acknowledged the uniform exertion, vigilance, and bravery of Sir John Borlafe Warren during the whole courfe of the war; but faid that useful and meritorious as all his former services were evinced in his numerous captures from the enemy, the laft victory obtained by that gallant officer over the powerful French fquadron, which he had engaged with fuch eminent fuccefs off the coaft of Ireland, infinitely exceeded them all, from its effentially important effect on the state of Ireland at the fame time, his Lordship faid, he wished to recal to the minds of the Houfe the fingular bravery and perfeverance of Sir John Borlafe Warren, who with only three British frigates had continued to watch a French fleet of very confiderable, and certainly very fuperior force, from the time of its leaving the French port, on the 17th of September, to it's arrival on the Coast of Ireland on the 10th of October, and with a small reinforcement bravely engaged it, and had taken moft of the ships of which it confifted; by which means the principal attempts of the enemy to invade Ireland, the efforts of the rebels, together with their hopes, were put an end to, and the unnatural rebellion fuppreffed. His Lordship concluded with moving the thanks of the Houfe to Sir John Borlafe Warren, for his gallant conduct in the action fo fuccefsfully fought by him oft the coaft of Ireland, and that the Lord Chancellor do communicate the fame by letter. The motion was agreed to nemine diffentiente, as were the motion of thanks to the officers, and the motion for the approbation of the Houfe of the conduct of the feamen and marines who ferved on board Sir John BorJafe Warren's fleet during the battle and pursuit.

The Houfe then went up to St. James's, with their Addrefs, in anfwer to the King's Speech, having previoufly adjourned to Tuesday next.

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New writs were ordered; for the Borough of Hithe, in the room of Sir C. Farnaby Radcliffe, deceafed; for the Borough of Richmond, in York, in the room of Lord C. Beauclerc, who has accepted the Chiltern Hundred; and for the County of Banff, in the room of William Grant, Efq. who has accepted the office of Chief Juftice of Chester.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer moved, that the Rev. Dr. Reynel be defired to preach before the Houfe on the enfuing Faft-day.

Lord Grenville Levifon Gower brought up the Report of the Addrefs to his Majefty, which was read a first time. On the Motion for the fecond reading,

Mr. Jones faid, that in general the fentiments contained in the Addrefs had his cordial concurrence; for he believed that every drop of blood fhed in the conteft, and every fhilling fpent, and every drop of blood that might yet be thed, was owing to the inordinate ambition of the five Directorial Defpots of France. He took this opportunity to obferve, that whenever Minifters brought forward any plan of taxation which Bore equally on every clafs of the community, it fhould have his decided fupport. At the fame time he muft add, that he hoped Minifters would practife the ftricteft economy: without this our victories, however fplendid, would avail nothing; and he believed that there was none among them so hardy as to fay that this had ever been the cafe.

The Addrefs was then read a fecond time, and ordered to be prefented by the whole Houfe the next day.

His Majefty's moft gracious fpeech was ordered to be taken into conûderation the next day.

Mr. Secretary Dundas faid, that he had the preceding day given notice of his intention to make a motion to which our late brilliant and important naval fucceffes had given rife; and the victory obtained by Lord Nelfon had never perhaps been equalled. There were fome propofitions of fuch a nature, that they rather futlered than were enforced by an attempt by words to render them more impreflive; of this kind was the victory of the Nile. Some victories in the naval annals of this country had been diftinguithed by one kind of merit; others had been diftinguifhed by peculiar merit of a different kind. In fome the skill of the commander had fhone confpicuous, in others the bravery of the feamen, while others had been difunguifhed by their important confequences and great utility.

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It was fingular, however, in this cafe, that all these merits were here combined, and is was difficult to fay which of them had been difplayed the moft. The fkill of the gallant Admiral was univerfally admitted, the undaunted courage of the officers and feamen was proved by their attacking and totally defeating an enemy's fleet fo fuperior in ftrength, and, by its position, confidered as almoft impregnable. But when we looked at the confequences of this brilliant victory to this country; when we confidered that there was not a corner in Europe which it had not electrified, we must acknowledge the immenfe importance of the atchievement. It was one which, in every view of it, had the higheft claims to the gratitude and to the admiration of the country. Having faid this, he should add nothing more to preface his motion of thanks to the gallant Lord Nelfon. He moved that the thanks of the House be given to Rear Admiral Nelfon for his able and gallant conduct in the memorable and decifive engagements off the mouth of the Nile, on the Ift, 2d, and 3d of Auguft.

Mr. Tierney feconded the Motion. He hoped the Right hon. Gentleman would excufe his prefuming to fecond his motion, and that the house would give him credit for the purity of the motives by which he was actuated. They would do him the juftice to believe, that on every occafion he felt more pleasure in fupporting than in oppofing any measure that was brought forward in the Houfe. That day he was happy to be able to give his moft cordial fupport to the motion of the Right hon.. Gent. Had a divifion taken place the preceding day, he must, however reluctantly, have been compelled to diffent from the Addrefs, because there were fome points in it on which he could not concur. On the prefent occafion, however, his affent was unmixed with any fentiment of difapprobation. No man could feel more warmly than he did every thing which contributed to the glory and fafety of the empire, nor, as an Englifhman, could feel more proud at any triumphs which our navy, the best part of our defence, might obtain. If fuch then were the fentiments with which he was actuated, what must be the admiration, gratitude, and pride, which muft kindle in his mind, when he contemplated the unrivalled exploit of the noble Admiral. Whatever differences of opinion might exist among them on fome points; whatever opinions might be entertained of the war, cf its conduct, and the general management of our naval force (and he did not mean to fay that this department was not conducted in the most laudable manner), every Englishnan muft feel proud, that whenever an opportu


nity occurred of meeting the enemies fleets, under whatever difadvantages, our feamen were univerfally triumphant. He was well aware of the great importance of the victory of Lord Nelfon and its confequences, but perhaps he might differ from the Right hon. Gentleman as to the ufe which might be made of that victory; a circumftance that tended, in fome degree, to damp his exultation. The prefent, however, was not the occafion to enter into that difcuffion. The only question now was of the merits of the gallant Lord Nelfon, and those who fhared in his glory. He hoped too, if it was not irregular to touch in this way on fuch a fubject, that other fervices which, though lefs brilliant, well deferved the gratitude of the country, would likewife not be paffed over unnoticed. No man could eftimate more highly than he did the importance of our EaftIndia poffeffions, and he hoped, from the confident language in the King's fpeech, in which the expedition by which they were threatened was spoken of, that all apprehenfions for their fafety were removed. As he had no official means of information on the fubject, and as an army of the enemy was ftill faid to exift to threaten it, he trusted he was not too defpondent of our fafety, if he was not fo fanguine about its deftruction as fome appeared to be. But there was another branch of the empire, the fafety of which was owing, in an eminent degree, to a late difplay of our naval fuperiority. He alluded to the victory gained by Sir John Borlafe Warren off the coaft of Ireland. He hoped that the thanks of the Houfe would likewife be given to that officer for the very important victory he had obtained. Nothing, indeed, could exceed the importance of that victory. It had fet our minds at ease respecting the safety of the empire. Whatever might be our differences on fome points, there were points on which we all agreed, and furely the integrity of our empire was one of these. Thanks to the victory of Sir John Warren, we might now difcufs the affairs of Ireland without being afraid of French interferences. Of all evils doubtlefs foreign interference was the moft to be deprecated. But when we confidered what must have been the confequences of French interferences in Ireland, we ought to feel doubly grateful to those by whofe exertions we had been relieved from anxiety on that fubject. He trusted he would be forgiven for faying thus much, irregularly certainly, on this point. He knew that there was a difference in the brilliancy of one action and another, and if any mode could be devifed of accommodating the degree of teftimony of thanks to the occafion, without hurting the feelings of thofe concerned, it would be well; yet there


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