PRINTERS' MARKS. The following are the most important of the remaining marks used in printed discourse. Some of them are used wholly by printers, and the others are mostly so used: 1. Accents are used to mark the stress of voice on vowels. The Acute (1) denotes a rising tone of voice, or sometimes a simple stress; the Grave (') a falling tone, or that the final vowel over which it is placed, as in French words and words ending in èd, is sounded; the Circumflex [^] that the vowel over which it is placed is sounded with both a rising and a falling tone, as ah in sarcasm. 2. Braces. These are used to show that two or more terms are connected with another term; as, 3. Brackets. When a parenthetical expression is too little connected with the text for inclusion in marks of parenthesis, Brackets ( ) are used. Such cases are: (1) to inclose some word or words necessary to correct an error or afford an explanation; (2) in dictionaries, to inclose the pronunciation or etymology of a word; (3) in dramas, etc., to inclose directions to the players. 4. The Cedilla. This mark is placed under the letter c [c] to show that it has the sound of s; as, façade. 5. The Diæresis (:) is sometimes placed over the second of two vowels to show that they are pronounced separately; as, zoology, coöperation. 6. Marks of Ellipsis [**** -) denote the omission of letters, words, sentences, and paragraphs. Rhet.-35. 7. Marks of Emphasis call attention to some statement. They are, (1) the Index [], and (2) the Asterism [***]. 8. Reference-marks are generally used to refer to marginal notes. They are, (1) the Asterisk [*], (2) the Obelisk, or Dagger [†], (3) the Double Dagger [‡], (4) the Section [§], (5) Parallel lines [||], and (6) the Paragraph []. When a greater number is required, these marks are either doubled, or letters and numbers are employed. 9. The Section [§] indicates a subdivision of a chapter. 10. The Tilde [N] is a character written above the letter n in Spanish words, to show that the letter should be sounded as if spelled with a y; as, cañon (canyon). 11. Quantity-marks serve to indicate the quantity of a vowel. The Macron (-), placed over a vowel, shows that it has the long sound, as a in age. The breve [], placed over a vowel, shows that it has the short sound, as a in răn. 12. The Ditto Mark (") is used to indicate that the words above are to be repeated; as, This mark should not be used in repeating the names of persons. Every name should be written in full. 13. Leaders are dots used to carry the eye from words at the beginning of the line to something at the end of it, usually the number of the page; as, 14. Italics are letters inclined to the right. They (1) mark an emphatic word; and (2) in the English Bible show that the words so printed are not in the original. In writing, Italics are indicated by drawing one line under the word to be italicized. Anapest, defined.. 339 Chronicle, defined.. 320 Ancient and modern forms, union of.. 85 Circumlocution, defined.. 120, 197 "Banister," criticised. 143 example of.... PAGE sentences.. .....54-63 9 used in poetry 338 255 Contrasted members, construction of. 202 "Couple," misuse of...... 148 Couplet, defined... 350 37 39 D 35 Dactyl, defined... 339 402 396 "Deceiving," misuse of....... 143 PAGE Complex sentence, punctuation of... 392 Contraction of phrases, clauses, and synthesis of......... ..29-34 Composition, defined. subjects for....... Compound sentence, adversative....35, 38 alternative...... ......36, 38 complex form of............ contracted.. copulative. 35, 37 defined illative.. 36, 38 Dash, rules for..... punctuation of....... structure of members of... synthesis of... Conciseness, defined... sublimity promoted by. ..76-85 Didactic poetry. Concord.. adjectives and adverbs. auxiliaries should harmonize, etc... constructed alike existing facts require present tense noun complement of a passive verb. finitive of "be". noun or pronoun in apposition...... past tense and perfect participle of pronouns must agree with their an- tecedents subject of infinitive complement.... alternative. co-ordinate. copulative illative. omission of.... ..36, 187 Exclamation, energy promoted by.... 205 subordinate. Connectives, proper use of.... ..... 199 Condensation, illustrated of news items.. 80 Emphatic words, position of... 145 Epic poetry. forms of..... 110 400 |