Measure, poetical, defined.. 336 Parenthesis, incorrect use of.... 192 269 Pastoral poetry 374 marks of..... 320 Parody 224-227 Particles. 336 omission of. 355, 356 "splitting" 232 "Party," misuse of... 406 269 149 199 200 142 370 Modes, incongruent union of......... 85 Pathos... 271-275 C NEW CLASSICAL TEXTS DR. HARPER'S INDUCTIVE CLASSICAL SERIES: Harper and Burgess's Inductive Latin Primer. Cloth, Harper and Burgess's Inductive Latin Method. 12mo, 12mo, 424 pages cloth, 323 pages Harper and Tolman's Caesar. Eight books. 12mo, cloth, 512 pages. Illustrated Harper and Tolman's Caesar. Text edition. 12mo, cloth, Vocabulary. $1.00 1,00 1.20 .75 12m0, cloth. x + 461 pages. Illustrated 1.25 Harper and Miller's Vergil's Aeneid. Six books and Harper and Waters's Inductive Greek Method. 12mo, Harper and Wallace's Xenophon's Anabasis. 575 pages; maps, diagrams and pictorial illustrations. 12mo, cloth Harper and Castle's Inductive Greek Primer. Cloth, Harper and Castle's Greek Prose Composition. 12mo, 12m0, 416 pages cloth, 127 pages Cicero's Orations; IN PREPARATION: Latin Prose Composition; 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.25 .75 Supplementary Reading in Latin; Supplementary Greek Reading; Homer's Iliad. OTHER STANDARD CLASSICAL WORKS: Arnold's Latin Prose Composition. Corrected and revised by JAMES E. MULHOLLAND. 12mo, cloth, 415 pages. $1.00 Arnold's First and Second Latin Book. Revised and corrected, with additions, from Dr. Spencer's American Edition. By JAMES E. MULHOLLAND. 12mo, cloth, 416 pages Harkness's Easy Method for Beginners in Latin. 12mo, half seal, 348 pages. Illustrated Harkness's Standard Latin Grammar. 12mo, cloth, 430 1,00 1.20 1.12 pages 226. Illustrated Lindsay's Satires of Juvenal. 16mo, half seal, pages XVI 1,00 pages Books sent, prepaid, on receipt of prices. 1.50 No larger list of the Classics than ours-none of a higher order of excellence-none more varied, has ever been offered to the American public. Write for the Ancient Language Section of our Decriptive List. It is sent free. Correspondence cordially invited. American Book Company New York Cincinnati Chicago Boston [97] Portland, Ore. PUBLICATIONS OF THE AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY. Chemistry. Brewster's First Book of Chemistry. By MARY-SHAW BREWSTER. 66 cents. A course of experiments of the most elementary character for the guidance of children in the simplest preliminary chemical operations. The simplest apparatus is employed. Clarke's Elements of Chemistry. By F. W. CLARKE. $1.20. A class-book intended to serve not only as a complete course for pupils studying chemistry merely as part of a general education, but also as a scientific basis for subsequent higher study. Cooley's New Elementary Chemistry for Begin ners. By LE ROY C. COOLEY. 72 cents. This is emphatically a book of experimental chemistry. Facts and principles are derived from experiments, and are clearly stated in their order. Cooley's New Text-Book of Chemistry. By LE ROY C. COOLEY. A text-book of chemistry for use in high schools and academies. Eliot and Storer's Elementary Chemistry. 90 cents. Abridged from Eliot and Storer's Manual, by WILLIAM RIPLEY NICHOLS, with the co-operation of the authors. $1.08. Adapted for use in high schools, normal schools, and colleges. Steele's New Popular Chemistry. By J. DORMAN STEELE, Ph. D. $1.00. Devoted to principles and practical applications. Not a work of reference, but a pleasant study. Only the main facts and principles of the science are given. Stoddard's Qualitative Analysis. By JOHN T. STODDARD, Ph. D. 75 cents. An outline of qualitative analysis for beginners. The student is expected to make the reactions and express them in written equations. Stoddard's Lecture Notes on General Chemistry. Part I. Non-Metals. Part II. Metals. $0.75. 1.00. Designed as a basis of notes to be taken on a first course of experimental lectures on general chemistry, to relieve the student from the most irksome part of his note. taking. Youmans's Class-Book of Chemistry. By EDWARD L. YOUMANS, M. D. Third edition. Revised and $1.22. Designed as a popular introduction to the study of the science for schools, colleges, and general reading. With a colored frontispiece and 158 illustrations. Copies mailed, post-paid, on receipt of price. Full price-list sent on application. AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY, |