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it to the eye. The elegance of the equipage charmed the women. The coffee was poured into brilliant porcelain cups. The napkins were fringed with gold. Turkish slaves presented it on their knees to the ladies. The ladies were seated on the ground on cushions. These things turned the heads of the Parisian dames.

7. We must sail sometimes with the wind. We must sail sometimes against it. We must do these things to reach the port of heaven. We must not drift. We must not lie at anchor. We must sail.

8. In Naples, even the lowest class enjoy every blessing. Every blessing to make the animal happy is theirs. They rejoice in a delicious climate. They revel in high spirits. They have a happy facility of satisfying every appetite. They enjoy a conscience giving no pain. They are happy in a convenient ignorance of their duty.

9. This scene was silent. All the figures might have been shadows-[adverbial clause of comparison]. The fire-lit apartment might have been a picture-[adverbial clause of comparison]. This scene was hushed. I could hear the cinder fall from the grate-[adverbial clause of result]. I could hear the clock tick in its obscure corner-[adverbial clause of result]. I even fancied-[something]. I could distinguish the click-click of the woman's knitting-needles.

10. The royal litter reeled more and more. Several of the nobles supporting it were slain. At length it was overturned. The Indian prince would have come with violence to the ground. His fall was broken by the efforts of Pizarro. His fall was also broken by the efforts of some other of the cavaliers. They caught him in their arms. 11. At break of day the kind people saw all the country under water. The country included many fields. These fields, the day before, were beautiful with yellow wheat. They were beautiful with the green tops of turnips. Other crops had beautified these fields. These kind people were, at break of day, looking out for Sandy Smith and his family. The surface of the flood was strewed with trees. It was strewed with every kind of wreck from farms. Every kind of wreck from barns and from houses strewed the surface of the flood.

12. The Indian men are hunters. The Indian men are warriors. Such they are in their youth. The Indian men are counselors. They are counselors in their old age. All their government is by counsel of the sages. There is no force. There are no officers to compel obedience. There are no officers to inflict punishment.


13. The mocking-bird many times deceives the sportsman. sends the sportsman in search of birds. These birds, perhaps, are not within miles of the sportsman. The mocking-bird exactly imitates their notes. This admirable mimic frequently imposes on birds themselves. The birds are decoyed by the fancied calls of their mates. They dive, with precipitation, into the depths of thickets. They dive because of a scream. This scream seems to be the sparrow-hawk's.

14. Cæsar was killed. Brutus came forward. He evidently wanted to say something about the deed. The Senators did not wait to listen. They rushed through the door. They made their escape. They filled the people with confusion. They filled the people with indescribable alarm. Some people closed their houses. Others left their tables and places of business. Some ran to the place. They ran to the place to see-[something]. This something had happened. Others ran away. These others had seen it.


The following selections are designed to give practice in connected composition.

The exercise is to be a Reproduction of the poem in prose. To make a pleasing reproduction, it is necessary:

(1) To read the poem until it is thoroughly understood.

(2) To know the essential parts so well as to be able to write a continuous story, preserving a careful proportion of parts.

(3) To give the poem fully enough and gracefully enough to produce an agreeable effect.

To insure a pleasing effect in prose composition, it is necessary to avoid rhyme. To be independent in the expression of the ideas it is necessary to avoid the language of the poem.

When the poem is clearly understood it should be laid aside, and the list of topics used to assist the memory. The pupil should, from this list, write out the story in his own words.



A LITTLE bird went to and fro,
Once in the nesting season,
And sought for shelter high and low,
Until, for some queer reason,
She flew into a granary

Where, on a nail suspended,
The farmer's coat she chanced to see,
And there her search was ended.

The granary was in a loft,

Where not a creature met her;
The coat had hollows deep and soft-
Could anything be better?
And where it hung, how safe it was,
Without a breeze to rock it!
Come, little busy beak and claws,
Build quick inside the pocket!

You never saw a prettier nest
In rye-field or in clover,
Than this wherein she sat at rest

When building work was over.
Three speckled eggs soon warmly lay
Beneath the happy sitter;
Three little birds-oh, joy!-one day
Began to chirp and twitter.

You would have laughed to see them lie
Within the good man's pocket,

Securely hid from every eye
As pictures in a locket!
Busy, and blissfully content,
With such a place for hiding,
The little mother came and went
To do their small providing.

And not a creature wandered in,
Her nestlings to discover,
(Except a wasp that now and then
About her head would hover.)
Until-ah, can you guess the tale?-
The farmer came one morning,
And took his coat down from the nail
Without a word of warning!

Poor little frightened motherling!
Up from her nest she fluttered,
And straightway every gaping thing
Its wide-mouthed terror uttered.
The good man started back aghast;
But merry was his wonder
When in the pocket he at last

Found such unlooked-for plunder.

He laughed and laughed. "Upon my word," He said aloud, "I never!

Who could suppose a little bird

Would do a thing so clever?
Come, now! 'twould be a shame to harm
The fruit of such wise labor.
I wouldn't hurt you for a farm,
My pretty little neighbor!"

He put the coat back carefully:
"I think I have another;
So don't you be afraid of me,
You little bright-eyed mother.
I know just how you feel, poor thing,
For I have youngsters, bless you!
There, stop your foolish fluttering-
Nobody shall distress you."

Then merrily he ran away
To tell his wife about it,一
How in his coat the nestlings lay,

[blocks in formation]


She flies into a granary.

She finds the soft hollows in the farmer's coat.

She builds a nest.

Soon there chirp three little birds.

The mother undisturbed provides for them.

The farmer comes for his coat.

The fright of the mother and the nestlings.

The farmer quiets their fears.

He runs to tell his wife.

What the wife says.

The birds take their flight.

The farmer keeps the nest to show.

Conclusion. The effect of the farmer's kindness on his own heart.*

*NOTE. In all kinds of discourse there are but three main divisions-the introduction, the discussion, and the conclusion. The introduction is short, and is designed to pave the way for the discussion. The discussion includes all that bears directly on the subject. The conclusion consists of an inference or application, and fitly closes the discourse.

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