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ne Praters, Arguers ne Disputers thereof: ne to presume that thay know therin that they know not; but, for ther Instruction, to resorte to suche as be better lerned than they be, when they finde any Dyfficultie therin.

Item, All Curates and Heades of Congregations, Religiouse and oder, Privileged and oder, shall everie Holy Day reade the Gospell, and the Epistle of that Day out of the Inglishe Byble, planely and distinctlie: And they that have such Grace, shall make some Declaracion, odre of the one, or of bothe (if the time may serve) every Holy Day.

Item, Every Curate, resident and hable, shall make 4 solempne Sermons in the Yeare, one everie Quarter: Not rescoent, havinnge 5l. or 6. 13s. 4d. de claro, shall finde one solempne Sermon for the Instruction of the People, in the Begyninge of Lent: Havyng 10l. de claro, 2 solempne Sermons; one in the Begyning of Lent, anothur at sume othur Time of the Yere. Having 15. 3 Sermons; one in the Begynninge of Lent, thoder at Two convenient Tymes. Havinge 20. 4 Sermons; one at Lent, thoder Three, at Three convenient Times. Havinge 30l. de claro, 5 Sermons; one at Lent, and the oder Four at convenient Times. Having 401. 6 Sermons; one in the Beginninge of Lent, and the oder Five at convenient Times. And as the cleare Valew dothe encrease, so mo Sermons.

And yet nevertheles we now monishe, under the Payne of the Lawe, all Parsons and Vicares to be resident upon theire Curis, beinge within this Dioces, afore the Feaste of Christenmas next; oneles they can and do shew, afore that Day, a Lawfull Cause, why they may not, or shoulde not do so.

Item, That none be admytted to kepe Cure, ne to say Masse in any Churche of this Dioces; oneles he be admitted by me, or my Officer, havinge Commission fio me for the same; and allso do shewe the Lettes of his Orders.

Item, That no Man be admitted to Preache within this Dioces, onelesse he have Auctorite under the King's Seale, or myne, accordinge to the King's Highnes Injuctions.

Item, All Curates and oder, havinge Charge of any Congregacion, must diligentlie informe their Flocke, accordinge to the King's Highnes Injunctions, that they may in no wise yelde Worshippe to any Images, Lowtinge or Bowinge downe, or Knelinge to the saide Images, ne Öffering to them any Money, or Wax lighte or unlighte, or any oder Thing: For so muche, as Offeringe is to be made to God onlie, and to no Creature under God. Neverthelesse they may still use Lightes in the Roode Lofete, and afore the Sacrament, and at the Sepulture at Easter; accordinge

to the King's Injunctions: So that they none use to the Honer or Worshippe of any Image, ne by the Way of Offeringe made, odre to any Image, or to any Sainct represented by the same.

Item, They must teache theire Flocke, that Images Le suffred onlie as Bokes, by which our Hertes may be kindeled to folow the holy Steppes and Examples of the Saintes represented by the same; even as Sainctes Lives be written, and muste be redde in written Bookes, for the same Purpose: And that, as we do not worshipe our Booke when we have rede the Saint's Liefe; so likewise, we shall not worshipe the Images, which is as the Booke to them that cannot read in odre Bokes.

Item, They muste declare to thaire Flock, that althoughe they see the Image of the Fadre represented as an Olde Man, yet they maye in no wise beleve, that the Hevenlie Father is any Man, or that he haithe any Bodie or Age; but that he is a Nature and Substaunce, above all mesure passinge the Capacite and Understandinge, oder of Mans Witt er Aungelles.

Item, Alle suche Ymagies, to whiche any maner of Resorte is usede, by waye of Peregrenage or Offeringe, they must depose and sequestre frome all Sighte of Men, and suffre them no moe to be sett upp.

Item, They must charge all the Faders and Moders, and Heades of Howse-holdes, and Gode-Fatheres, and GodeMotheres, and Scoole-Maystres, accordinge to the King's Highnes Injunctions, to see theire Children, Servantes and Scoleres, well instructe in the Pater-Noster, Ave Maria, Crede, and Tenne Commandiments in Englishe, and all oder Thinges comprised in theis Injunctions. And for that Purpose, all Curates and Heades of Congregacions, muste ons in a Quarter rede theis Injunctions, in the Churche, in thaudience of all the People; aswell for the Remembrance of theire owne Dewtie, as for ther Citinge the People to knowe theire Dewtie. And we Charge and Commaunde all Curates, and all oder of this Dioces to whome it shall apperteigne, to have a Copy of theis Injunctions, within Fourtie Days next folowinge the Puplication hereof. And when the same shall be imprinted, we charge them to have them so imprinted within Sex Days aftre the same shall come to thire Knowledge, under Payne of Excommunication.

Item, They muste instructe their Parochians, that they nothinge please God, but displease him; doeng Workes onlie in thaire owne Will and Devocion, by Man's Tradi

cion, and leaving the Workes by God commanded, undone.

Item, They muste instruct their Flocke, that their Confidence for thatteyning of Everlasting Lief, must be only in God, and in his Grace and Marcy, and in the Merits and Redemption of our Saviour Jesu Christe: And that none of our Workes, as ours, have any Efficacie or Vertue to save us, but only have their Vertue and Efficacie by the Grace of God, and Merits of Christ's Passion.

Item, All Curates must openly, in the Church, teach and instruct the Mydwiefes, of the very Wordes and Fourme of Baptisme; to thentente that they may use them perfietly, and none oder, in Time of Nede, that is to say; that they, Naming the Child, must say these Wordes: John, or Thomas, or Agnes, I baptize thee in the Name of the Fader, the Sonne, and the Holie Gost: And that saying thies Wordes, they must cast Water upon the Child. For which Purpose, they must have ready at Hand a Vessel of Cleane Water.

Item, They must often upon the Holidays, and specially at Times of Mariages, warn their Parochians, that they in no wise make any privie Contract of Mariage, but afore Two or Three sufficient Witnes required to be present for that Purpose: And that afore they make any Contract, they do their best Endevour, to know wheder there be betwene them any Lawful Impediment, oder by Godds Lawe, or any oder Ecclesiastical yet used, afore they entre to make any Contract.

Item, That the Fadres, and oder Freyndes, constrayne not them that be under their Correccion and Governance, to Marry agenst their Willes, ne afore they have Discretion to consider what the Bounde of Mariage meaneth.

Item, All Curates and oder Heddes of Congregacyons must never ceasse to imprinte in the Hertes of their Flocke the Two Commaundiments which our Saviour calleth the Fulnes of the Lawe; that is, the Love of God above all Thing, and thei Love of thye Neighbore as thy self: And likewise the sayd Curats must continuallie engrave in the Hertes of their Flocke the Two Preceptes of the Lawe of Nature; that is, do as thou wolde be done unto, and do not that thou wolldest not to be done unto the.

Item, They muste alway emploie them self to mainteyn Charitie and Peace in our Lorde Jesu amonges their Parochians, and to avoide all Rancor and Dissention amongs them.

Item, That they in no wise kepe thoes Dayes for Holy

whiche by our Soveraigne Lord the Kynge opon juste Consideracion be abrogat: Ne asmoche as in them is suffer of their Parochians to kepe them as Holie, but that they in theme be occupied everie Man in his Busines, as in oder Days according to the Kinges Highnes Injunctions.

Item, They muste instructe their Flocke, that in those Dayes whiche be observed and kept for Holiedays, they must utterlie withdrawe themeselfes frome all Worldlie and Fleshelie Busines and Occupacions, and Houses of Gammes and Playes; speciallie frome all Synne; and entierlie, and hollie emploie themselfes to Goostelie Works, behoveable for Manis Soule: And that therefore Taverns,, Vitailing-Houses, may not thyes Dayes be used and exercised, and speciallie in the Tyme of Divine Servicie, onles Necessitie oderwise require for them that Travaile in Jour


Item, All Houses of Religion, Colleges, Hospitalls, and all oder havyng any Beneficies appropriated unto theme, shall according to the Value of their Beneficies, have in their Churches appropried certain Sermons every Year; as in like Ordinance for Curates as afore is comprised.

Item, All Curates and oder havyng Benefices appropriated by them self yf they can, or by oder Preachers ons every Quarter, must teache and instruct the People of their Dewtie of Fathefull and loyall Obedience to our Soverand Lord the King, declaring that they be bounden to yield entier and Perfect Obedience to his Highnes by Goddes Lawe, expresse under the Payn of Dampnation everlasting: And that to make any styrryng, gathering of People, or Commocion, withoute his expresse Commandment, is to breke, not only Goddes Commandment and Lawe, but also all Natural and Politique Order, in which the Heed governethe the Membres, and not the Membres the Heed, and in which also all the Members, aswell by Nature, as by good Policie, employe them selffe and indaunger them self for the Preservation and Mayntenance of the Heed.

All which Injunctions by thauctorite which we have under God, and our Soveraigne Lord the Kynge, we charge all to whom it apertenythe to observe and kepe under the Paynes lymyted in the same, and under the Paynes of Suspencion and Sequestracyon of the Frutes of theyre Beneficies and Promocyons Ecclesiasticall, and oder Paynes Arbytrary, as we shall thynke convenient and reasonable.


Injunctions given by the Bishoppe of Coventre and Lychefelde throughe out his Diocesse.

To all and singular of the Clergie within the Diocess of Coventree and Lichefelde, I Rolande, by the Grace of God Byshop of the sayd Diocesse, beynge commaunded therunto by the Kinges Majestie, gyve these Injunctions following, for the Honour of God, thencrease of Vertue, and Abolyshmente of Ignorance, Vice, and Viciouse Lyvinge.

Fyrst, That ye and every one of you, shall with all your Diligence and Faythful Obedience, observe and cause to be observed, all and syngular the Contentes of the Kynges Hyghnes Injunctions, by his Graces Commissarys gyven, in such Places as they in Tymes paste have vysited, and also sent unto you at this Tyme. And that ye and every of you, shall provyde for Copies of the same, to be had before the Feast of Lammasse nexte ensuynge.

Item, that ye and every of you do instructe and teach your Parishoners, the Kinges Majestie to be only the Supreme Heed under Chryst in Erthe of this his Churche of Englande, unto whom all Potentates and Powers of the same owen to obey, being therto obliged and bounde by Goddes Worde. And that the Bishop of Rome, and his Predecessours, did ever heretofore usurp upon the Kynges of this Realme, in the using any maner of Jurisdiction or Auctorite within the same. And that ye shal exhorte every Sonday al your Parishioners, to the due Obedience of our Prince aud Soveraigne Lorde, his Heires, and Successours Kynges of Englande.

Item, That every Person or of Proprietary of any Parishe Churche within my Diocesse, shal on this side the Feast of Pentecoste nexte commynge, provide a Boke of the hole Byble, bothe in Latin, and also in Englishe, and laye the same in the Quiere, for every Man that will, to loke and reade theron: And shal not discorage, but ernestly comforte, exhorte, and admonishe every Man to reade the Bible in Latin or Englishe, as the very Worde of God, and the Spiritual Foode of Man's Sowle, wherby they maye the better knowe their Deutyes to God, to their Soveraigne Lord the Kinge, and their Neighboure: Alwaye gentely and charitably exhorting them to use a sober and a modeste Haviour in the Readynge and Inquisition of the true Sence, and that in no wise they stiffely or egerly contende, or strive with one another about the same, but referre the Declaration

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