Abbildungen der Seite

Item, It is also ordened that the Colects for the Preservation of the King and Queen by name, be from henceforth comunely and usuallie used and sayed in every Cathedrall Churche, Religious House, and Peroche Church, in all their High Masses thorough out all the Realme and Domynyons of our King and Sovereigne.

Item, It is ferther ordeyned, that wheresoever the King's just Cause of Matrimony hath_eyther been detracted, and the incestious and injuste set fourth, or in Placs where as it hathe not been dilated, that in all those Placs till the People be fully satisfied and justlie instructe, all manner of Preachers whatsoever they be, happenning to come into any such Parte of the Realme, shall from henceforth open and declare the mere veryte and justnes of this later Matrymony, as nigh as their Learning can serve them, and according to the trew Determynacions of a greate Number of the most Famous and Esteemed Universities of Christendom; according also to the just Resolution and Diffinicyon of both the Convocationes of this Realme, concurring also in the same Opynyon, by the Hole Assent of Parliament, our Prynce, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commones of this Realme; wherefore now they must declare this Matier, neyther doubtful nor disputable, but to be a Thing of mere Veryte, and so to be allowed in all Men's Opynyons.

Item, It is ferther ordeyned that the foresaid Preachers shall also declare the false and injuste Handelinge of the Bishop of Rome, pretending to have Jurisdiction to Judge this Cause at Rome; which in the First Hering thereof did both declare and confesse in Word and Writing the Justnes thereof to be uppon our Soveraignes side, insomuch as by a Decretall delyvered to the Legate here then sitting for the same Cause, he did clearly determyn, that if Prince Arthur was our Princes Brother, and then of competent age allowed in the Law when he Maried the Lady Katharine, she being so likewise, and that as far as Presumptions can prove Carnall-Copulation ensued between them; that these proved, before the said Cardinales and Legates (which in dede were accordingly to the Lawes justlie proved) that then the unjust Copulacion betwean our Sovereigne and the said Lady Katheryn, was neyther Lawfull, nor ought to be suffered, and so, eo facto, pronounced in the foresaide Decretall, the nullite, invaldite, and unlawfulness of their pretended Matrimony, which was by his Law sufficient Judgement of the Cause; which Decretall by his Commandment, after and because he would not have the Effect thereof to ensue, was, after the Sight thereof, imbesiled by

the foresaid Cardinalls; and one which then was here his Cubicular, contrary to all Justnes and Equytee, wherein he hath done our Sovereigne most extreme Wrong.

Secondly, Contrary to all Equite and Determination of Generall Counsailes, he hath called the Cause (which ought to be determyned here) to Rome, where our Sovereigne is neyther bounde to appere, nor send Proctor: And yet hath he deteyned wrongfully the Cause there these Three or Four Years at the Instance of the other Partie, which sued to have it there, because they knowe he durst not displease the Emperor, who maketh himself a Partie in it, as by the Sequele it doth evydentlie appere, and so could our Prince gett no Justice at his Hande, but was wrongfully delayed to no small hinderance, both to his Successiou, and this his Realme, emynente Daunger.

Thirdlie, Where it is a naturall Defence that the Subject ought, and may defende his naturall Sovereigne, or Master, both in Word and Deed, and ought thereto to be admytted, this forsaid Bishop of Rome, contrary to this Equite in Nature, hath rejected our Sovereigns Excusator, contrary both to his own Lawes (which he most sitteth by) and also Gods Law, which he ought to prefer. Upon which Cause, and other great Injuries, our Sovereigne did Appeale to the General Counsaile; notwithstanding the which, he hath contrary to all Justice proceded, ad ulteriora, wherein by a General Connsaile he is dampned as an Heretick; yet thus injuriouslie from the begynnyng hitherto, he hath handled our Princes Cause and Matier there.

Fourthely, The said Bishope of Rome syns our Princes Appeal, hering of the Laws, and Acts of Parliament which we then went about, and that our King having just ground (the Premisses considered) would provide according to his bounden Duetie, both for the Suretie of his Succession and Realme, gave out a Sentence in Maner of Excommunycation and Interdiction of him and his Realme, in which when he was spoken to for the Iniquitie and Unjustnes therof by our Princes Agents, he and his Counsaile could nor did otherwise excuse them (the Facte being so contrary to all Lawes and Right) but that the Faulte was in a New Officer late come to the Court, which for his lew'd doing should grevovslie be punyshed, and the Processe to cesse. This they promised our Princes Agente, which notwithstanding, was set up in Flanders to the great Injurie of our Prynce, and for parcyalite to the other Parte, as may well appear by the forsaide Sentence.

Fyvethlie, The said Bishope of Rome sought all the Ways possible with fair Words and Promises, both by his

Ambassadors and our Sovereigns owne, which by any Meanes could be invented, to have abused our Prynce and Sovereigne; which when he saw that by none of his Crafts our Prince would be no longer abused with them, then sewed he to the French King, to be a Mediator between our Sovereigne and him: Declaring to him and his Counsaile that he would gladly do for our Sovereigne, allowing the Justnes of his Cause; so that they would fynd the Means that our Sovereigne would not proceed in his Acts and Lawes till that were proved. And that he would meet with him at Mercelles for the fynishing therof, for at Rome he durst not do it for fear of the Emperor. The good French King admonyshed our Prince hereof, offering to him to do all Pleasure and Kyndnes that lay in him in this Cause, trusting that if the Bishop of Rome came ones to Marcelles, he should give Sentence for our Sovereigne in his just Cause, and therefore prayed our Prince to be content with that Meting, in which he would labor for it effectuouslie, and so he did: To the which our Prince answered, that touching the Meting he was content, but touching the forbering of making Lawes, he prayed his good Brother to hold him excused, for he knew well ynough bothe the Crafte and Delayes of the Bishop of Rome; by which from thencforth he would never be abused: And that likewise he fered that he would abuse his good Brother, which so indede after followed, for after he had gotten the Maryage of the Duke of Orleance, he then promised the French King to give Judgment for our Maister, so he would send a Proxie, which the said Bishop of Rome knew well before, that he neyther would, nor was bound to do; yet notwithstanding his subtill ymagynacions, his Promise was to the French King, that our Prynce sending a Proctor, should there before his Departure have Judgment for him in the Principall Cause; for he openly confessed ferther, that our Maister had the Right: But because our Prince and Maister would not prejudicate for his Jurisdictione, and uphold his usurped Power by sending a Proctor, ye may evydentlie here see that this was onelie the Cause why the Judment of the Bishop of Rome was not given in his Favour; whereby it may appere that there lacked not any Justnes in our Princes Cause, but that Ambition, Vaine-Glory, and to much mundanytee, weare the Letts thereof: Wherefore, Good People, I exhorte you to sticke to the Trueth and our Prince, according to our bounden Dueties, and Dispise thes noughtie Doings of this Bishop of Rome; and charytably pray that he and all others, abusers of Christs Worde and Workes, may have Grace to amend.


Instructions given by the Kinges Highnes, to his Trusty and Well-beloved Servant William Pagett, one of the Clearkes of his Signet, whom his Highnes_sendeth at this Tyme unto the Kinge of Pole, the Dukes of Pomeray and of Pruce; and to the Cities of Dantiske, Stetin, and Connynburgh, for the Purposes ensueinge. An Original.

(Cotton Libr. Vitell. B. 14. Fol. 66.)


FIRST the said Pagett takeinge with him the Kinges Highnes Letters of Credence to the Princes aforesaide, with the Coppies of certeine other Bookes and Writeings prepared for his Dispatch, shall with all Diligence, takeing his Jorney from hence, repaire unto the said Princes, as to his Wisdome shall be thought best for the Expedicion of his Jorney most convenient. After his Arrival there, takeing the best Opportunity he can for his Audience, and deliverie of the Kings Highnes said Letters, with his Highnes most harty Recommendacions; The said Pagett shall say that the Kinges Highnes consideringe not only the Olde Love, and Perfect Friendship, which hath now of long Tyme been contracted, and by mutual Offices of Amity established between his Highnes and the said Princes; But also the singular Affection and entire Zeal, which his Highnes by sondry and manifold Arguments hath and doth daily perceive to be in them, to the searchinge, furtheringe, defence, and mainteininge, of the Sincere Truth, and Right Understanding of Gods Word, and the Justice of his Lawes, and the Extirpacion of such inveterate, old, and corrupt Errors, Customes, and Abusiones, whereby Christes People have bin nowe of long Tyme seduced, and kept more bound, thrall'd, and captive under the Yoke of the Bishops of Rome, then ever the Jewish People were under the Ceremonies of Moses Lawe; his Highnes hath sent nowe presently the said Pagett unto the said Princes, and to every one of them severally, as aforesaid, to open and declare on his Highnes Behalf the great Desire which his Highnes hath, to do all Things for his Part; whereby not only the Friendship may be nourished and encreased, but alsoe the Common Cause of all Christend Men may be reduced to such Ende as shall be agreeable to the due Order of Christs Faith and his Precepts, and Lawes given unto us by his Worde and Spirit, and expressed in his Gospell. And for as much as the Chiefe Pointe, and the greatest Demon

stracion of true Friendship, is Friendes to communicate and breake Friendly each to other, Et deponere in sinum Amici, the whoal Estate of their Causes, and what Things be pleasaunt and acceptable unto them, or contrary, wherein they find themselves grieved, wronged, or injuried; the said Pagett shall further say, that the Kings Highnes hath given him in Commaundment to oppen and declare unto the same severally the whoall Progresse of his great and weighty Cause of Matrimony, with the intollerable Wronges and Injuries donn unto his Highnes in the same by the Bishop of Rome, called the Pope: And in what Termes the same nowe consisteth. And finally by what Waies and Means his Highness purposeth and intendeth nowe to defende his said most just and right wise Cause, and to resist the Malicious Attemptats of the said Bishop of Rome.

And for his Entry into the Matter, the said Pagett shall note and regarde Two principall and speciall Pointes ; that is to say, the Justice of the King's Cause, and the order and Processe which hath binn used therein. And as concerninge the first Pointe, the said Pagett shall shewe howe the King's Highnes hath so used himself, as no Man may lawefully complaine of the same. For as touchinge the Justice of his Highnes Cause, that is to say, the Declaration of his Marriadge with the Princesse Dowager to be nought, of noe Moment nor Effecte; but against the Lawe of God's Nature and Man, and therefore indispensable by the Pope, and in no wise availeable; The said Paget shall shewe, howe the King's Highnes hath don therein as much as becometh a Cristian Prince to doe for Discharge of his Conscience and hath founde so certaine, soe evident, soe manifest, soe oppen and soe approved Trueth therein, as whereunto he ought of Necessity to give place, and to allowe and receive the same; not as a Matter doubtfull and disputable, but as a plaine and discussed Verity, of the true Understandinge of God's Worde and Lawe, which all Cristian Men must follow and obey, and to all worldly Respecte preferre and execute. In attaininge the Knowledge whereof, if his Highnes had used his owne particular Judgment and Sentence, or the Mind only and Opinion of his own Naturall Subjecte, altho' the same might in his owne Conscience have sufficed, yet his Highnes would have much repugned, if some other had made Difficulty to assent in the same, untill further Discussion had bin made thereuppon. But now, for as much as beside the King's owne certeine Understandinge, and the Agreement of the wholl Clergie of both Provinces of his Realme, unto the same; His Highnes hath alsoe for him the Determinations of the most Fa

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