Abbildungen der Seite

Look down also with an eye of pity and compassion on all those deluded souls, who, under the name of Christians, have gone away from the paths of truth and unity, and from the one fold of the one Shepherd, Jesus Christ, into the by-paths of error and schism. Oh, bring them back to thee and to thy Church. Dispel their darkness by thy heavenly light; take off the veil from before their eyes, with which the common enemy hath blindfolded them. Remove the prejudices of their education; take away from them the spirit of obstinacy, pride, and self-conceit. Give them a humble and docile heart. Give them a strong desire of finding out thy truth, and a strong grace to enable them to embrace it, in spite of all the opposition of the world, the flesh, and the devil. For why should these poor souls perish, for which Christ died? Why should Satan any longer possess these souls, which, by their baptism, were dedicated to thee, to be thine eternal temple?

O Father of lights, and God of all truth, purge the whole world from all errors, abuses, corruptions, and vices. Beat down the standard of Satan, and set up every where the standard of Christ. Abolish the reign of sin, and establish the kingdom of grace in all hearts. Let humility triumph over pride and ambition; charity over hatred, envy, and malice; purity and temperance over lust and excess; meekness over passion; and disinterestedness and poverty of spirit over covetousness and the love of this perishable world. Let the gospel of Christ, both in its belief and practice, prevail throughout the world.

Grant us thy peace, O Lord, in the days of our mortality, even that peace which thy Son bequeathed as a legacy to his disciples; a perpetual peace with thee, a perpetual peace with one another, and a perpetual peace within themselves. Grant that all Christian princes and states may love, cherish, and maintain an inviolable peace among themselves. Give them a right sense of the dreadful evils that attend on wars. Give them an everlasting horror of the bloodshed, the devastation, and

ruin of so many territories, the innumerable sacrileges, and the eternal loss of so many thousand souls, which are the dismal consequences of war. Turn their hearts to another kind of warfare, and teach them to fight for a heavenly kingdom.

Remove, O Lord, thy wrath, which we have reason to apprehend actually hanging over our heads for our sins. Deliver all Christian people from the dreadful evil of mortal sin; make all sinners sensible of their misery; give them the grace of a sincere conversion to thee, and a truly penitential spirit, and discharge them from all their bonds. Preserve all Christendom, and, in particular, this nation, from all the evils that threaten impenitent sinners, such as plagues, famines, earthquakes, fires, inundations, mortality of cattle, sudden and unprovided death, and thy many other judgments here, and eternal damnation hereafter. Comfort all that are under any affliction, sickness, or violence of pain; support all that are under temptation; reconcile all that are at variance; deliver all that are in slavery or captivity; defend all that are in danger; grant a relief to all in their respective necessities; give a happy passage to all that are in their agony. Grant thy blessing to our friends and benefactors, and to all those for whom we are particularly bound to pray; and have mercy on all our enemies. Give eternal rest to all the faithful departed; and bring us all to everlasting life, through Jesus Christ thy Son. Amen.

[blocks in formation]

tantes in hoc habitaculo. Through Christ our Lord. Per Christum Dominum nos- Amen.

trum. Amen.

From Easter to Whitsunday inclusively, instead of the foregoing Anthem, the following is sung, and Alleluia is added to the V. (Ostende nobis), and also to its R. (Et salutare.)

Ant. Vidi aquam egredientem de templo a latere dextro, Alleluia; et omnes ad quos pervenit aqua ista salvi facti sunt, et dicent, Alleluia.

Ps. Confitemini Domino, quoniam bonus: quoniam in sæculum misericordia ejus. Gloria, &c.

Ant. I saw water flowing from the right side of the temple, Alleluia; and all to whom that water came were saved, and they shall say, Alleluia.

Ps. Praise the Lord, for he is good for his mercy endureth for ever. Glory,



SHORT PREPARATORY PRAYERS BEFORE MASS. Prostrate in spirit at the foot of thy holy altar, I adore thee, O almighty God, and firmly believe that the Mass, at which I am going to assist, is the sacrifice of the body and blood of thy Son Christ Jesus. Oh, grant that I may assist thereat with the attention, respect, and awe due to such august mysteries; and that, by the merits of the Victim there offered for me, I myself may become an agreeable sacrifice to thee, who livest and reignest with the same Son and Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.

O most merciful Father of mercies, and God of all consolation, who so lovedst the world that thou sparedst not thine only-begotten Son, but for our restoration gave him up to the suffering and death of the most bitter cross; and moreover willest that his sacrifice, most pleasing unto thee, should daily be renewed in thy Church for the renewal of its fruits in us; grant us, we beseech thee, to assist at this admirable and salutary mystery of thy divine power, wisdom, and goodness, with such attention, reverence, and devotion, that by the offering of this unbloody sacrifice we may most effectually be made partakers of that sacrifice of blood, through the same our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Holy Mass.

[N.B. At Low Mass the parts within brackets are to be passed over.]

The Priest, standing at the foot of the Altar, and bowing down before it, signs himself with the sign of the Cross from the forehead to the breast, and says with a distinct voice: 1

In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

Then, joining his hands before his breast, he begins the


Introibo ad altare Dei.

Ry. Ad Deum, qui lætifi

cat juventutem meain.

I will go unto the altar of


Ry. To God, who giveth joy to my youth.

In Masses for the Dead, and from Passion Sunday till Holy Saturday exclusively, the following Psalm is omitted:

[blocks in formation]

At the beginning of High Mass, when the Priest commences at the foot of the Altar, the Choir sing the Kyrie eleison, &c. (and sometimes the Introit), which usually lasts until the Gloria in excelsis. Those parts of the Service which are sung by the Choir are also said in a low voice by the Priest.


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