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sheep, the poor sheep!' My eye instantly glanced at the little green slope, and had hardly time to take cognizance of its situation, before, dashing high over the precipice above, the snow, ice, and rock poured down upon it, swept like lightning over its surface, and then hurried down out of sight into the depths of the Trumletenthal, leaving the spot of green a patch of dingy brown. There could be no doubt but the sheep, whether few or many, were instantaneously overwhelmed. No living animal could be seen any where on the precipices; down which, by the regular channels, the snow and ice, disturbed and set in motion by the great avalanche, continued to thunder for several minutes after.

"It was about eight o'clock when I crept up into my resting-place, as the poor fellow and his two boys, who had preceded me, invited me to do, in Gottes name.' I found this to be the little loft close under the low roof, which was perfectly open at the gables. A little hay and straw, a piece of sacking round my body, and my knapsack for my pillow, made up the sum of my bed-furniture. I lay down just as I was; having first diminished the quantity of my mattress by stopping the interstices between the logs with hay, thanked God for the shelter over my head, and composed myself to rest." pp. 44-46.

Many a time our traveller's best and only company on the mountains was the goats, between whom and himself there seems to have existed a mutual attachment; and he moralizes upon them in the fashion following.

"I have good reason to conjecture that the goat has an exquisite sense of that species of honour and dignity, which is generally attached to elevated positions. One of the herd had found a kind of rocky protuberance in a small level plateau, and took formal possession. A second observed this, and, quitting the

troop, jumped up too. So there they stood with their eight feet close together upon the small flat surface afforded by the rocky pedestal. This, however, soon became the object of envy to the rest, and by a simultaneous movement the whole herd moved forward to the attack. A scene ensued which defies my powers of description. Of course it may be inferred, that, when the two first occupants were ousted and dethroned, the war raged with ten-fold violence for the honour of the succession-in short, they made such a clamour and scuffle, that the goat-herd came out with a great piece of bread in his mouth, and a stick in his hand, and drove them away from the stone of contention.


My own person then became an object of curiosity; for not many minutes had elapsed before I was alarmed to see the whole herd coming at pas de charge

up the sloping bed of granite, which led to my position. However, as they approached, they affected some respect or timidity, and, after eyeing me for some time, the greater part began to browze, or to seat themselves in the immediate vicinity; while some of the younger and more inquisitive followed the dictates of female curiosity, by entering into a scrutiny of my accoutrements.

"First, my feet, which hung over the edge of the fragment of turf-covered rock, became the objects of speculation. Then three jumped up behind me, and I could perceive were very busily employed at the back of my hat, and with my coat skirts. After a minute or so, I began to think it possible that, if I did not give an eye to their operations, they might perhaps browse the rim of the former, or one of the latter, and therefore turned round. They meant no harm, poor things; all they wanted was to amuse themselves, and I am sure they made me forget how many leagues I had come, and how many more I had still to go, by the harmless entertainment they afforded me.

"I made many observations upon their habits while lying in this pastoral state, but as they were probably more novel to me than they would be to my reader, I will finish the subject with only one remark that I could not but admire how

exactly they were constructed with my own species in this respect, that each fancied her neighbour's position and place of repose preferable to her own, and left no means untried to get possession of it; though the attempts were not always successful." pp. 65–67.

Mr. Latrobe, like all other travellers, remarks upon the vice, ignorance, filth, and squalid poverty, which distinguish the Roman Catholic cantons from the Protestant, as much as an Irish mud-cabin is

distinguished from an English cottage. Take a specimen.


"Uri is the poorest of the four Catholic cantons bordering the lake, and, as might be expected, the evil produced by the tenets and government of the Church of Rome is more evident and less concealed than in the others. The eye meets every where with a fat thriving priesthood, and a miserable ragged population. certainly do not mistake in stating that three-fourths of the individuals met with in one day's ramble of eight or nine leagues in this valley, were beggars. This practice prevails, from the old silver-headed man and woman, to the child who can scarcely walk or hold forth a hollow hand.

"The cottages and their inhabitants seem equally poverty struck, and inconceivably dirty and miserable; yet the

churches and chapels are often splendidly
decorated, and the clergy clothed with
magnificence. The money which may be
gained by the sweat of the peasant's brow,
and labour of his hands, (interrupted not
only by the occasional fasts and festivals,
but by almost daily attendance at the
church at unseasonable hours,) does not
always go in the shape of food into their
stomachs, or clothes upon their backs, but
into the pocket of the well-fed priest,
who no doubt knows its value.
should be spent in soap to wash their
faces, is preferably bestowed as a dona-
tion for the whitewashing of their souls.


The Roman Catholic religion, setting aside weightier considerations, is no system calculated to improve either the moral or physical condition of a poor ignorant peasantry." pp. 73, 74.

At the Roman Catholic village of Alpnach, in Unterwalden, Mr. Latrobe was present at the conclusion of public service, and was much amused with the unceremonious packing up of the effigy of the Virgin


"It appeared to me to have been a high day for the Virgin; for her effigy, in the form of a great doll dressed à la mode, had been brought forth, placed upon a moveable stand, and evidently carried about in procession. However, it soon appeared that her day was at an end, for, while I was standing beside the high altar, in comes the sacristan or some other officer at tached to the church.

He advanced unceremoniously up to the figure, unstrapped her from the pedestal, and then inserting his hands between her shoes, (one of which I had seen a woman kiss a few minutes before,) unscrewed a peg which kept her upright, let her fall upon his shoulder, and carried her pick-a-back out of the church into the vestry: so that the figure which one moment was deified, and prayed and hymned to, and not approached even by the consecrated priest without reverence, was the next taken on the back of the unsanctified valet and shut up in a dark box." pp. 87, 88.

This slight incident might furnish occasion for an argument on the strange anomalies of the Papal worship. Roman Catholic apologists, from Bossuet to Mr. Butler, complain of it as a grievous calumny that any Protestants should affirm that they worship the images or relics of saints. We keep them, say they, only as symbols: and reverence not the wood or stone, but only the object shadowed forth. Now our reCHRIST. OBSERV. No. 356.

ply is double: first, that some of the
objects shadowed forth are not them-
selves legitimate objects of worship,
as assuredly is not any created being;
so that we scruple not distinctly to
apply the term idolatrous to the ado-
ration paid to the Virgin Mary: and
were the ori-
secondly, that even
ginals proper objects of worship, as
in the case of our blessed Saviour,
the material representation of them
is liable to much abuse and per-
version; that it promotes the very
the Second
superstition which
Commandment was intended to pre-
vent; and that it inevitably tends
to chain down uneducated minds
to the earthly image, instead
of elevating them to the professed
spiritual object of adoration. The
priest of Alpnach might argue that
no intrinsic solemnity was attached
to the wooden figure; that it was
only while it was set up as a sym-
bol that the people were expected to
bow before it; but that still the
person who put it away so uncere-
moniously was guilty of irreverence,
in the same manner that a Protest-
ant parish-clerk is, who uncere-
moniously tosses about the church
Bible, Prayer-book, and sacramental
vessels, which a few minutes before
had been handled with decorous so-
lemnity-not for the sake of the
paper, or print, or gold, or silver,
but from that association of ideas,
inevitable to the human mind, by
which every thing connected with
either vile or hallowed uses assumes
a corresponding complexion in the
feelings. I should experience pain,
says the Roman Catholic, at wit-
nessing disrespect offered to a saint-
ly shrine, image, or relic, just as a
Protestant mother would at seeing
her child make a footstool of the
Bible, or play at shuttle-cock in a
church; not because in either case
any sanctity is attached to the ma-
terial substances, but because, by
the very instincts of our nature,
such an action is felt to imply a
want of respect for the thing repre-
sented: so that the parent would not
be satisfied by the most logical
3 S

apology of the child that he meant nothing irreverent, since the leaves and cover of the book, or the stone and mortar of the building, have no real connexion with any thing divine or spiritual. I avail myself of this principle, continues the Catholic, to strengthen devotion where it exists, and to create it where it is deficient, by means of visible emblems and powerful mental associations. Now, without resorting to higher argument, we might be content to take the Catholic apologist on his own ground; for this very argument shews the danger of setting up associations which, from the natural feelings of the human mind, are liable and likely, on the one hand, to degenerate into popular superstition, and, on the other, to generate scepticism and hypocrisy. The man who packed up the Virgin Mary's image perhaps laughed at the crowds who adored it; viewing them much as a master of ordinary puppets does the groups of children who gape around as he pulls the wires; they thinking only of the wonder and he of the money. Nor, probably, does the matter stop here; for as the priest or the sacristan stows away the trappings, it is well if he do not whisper to himself a doubt of the whole dispensation to which they are injuriously attached, and reject Christianity in unveiling Romanism; while the crowd of unthinking worshippers are likely enough to be content with the external shew of devotion, and to make as little scrutiny into their own hearts as into the claims of their wooden images. It is, were it no worse, an irrational mechanism in religion; for while true devotion requires such an abstraction of the thoughts as is difficult even to the most spiritually minded man, these visible symbols draw them down to the grossest materiality.

If no

reverence is attached to the symbol, what is its use? If attached, an opening is made for the most degrading superstition, nay, idolatry; as is the case among the unthinking

of all Roman Catholic countries; while the thinking are led to view the whole as priest-craft, and to reject religion in rejecting imposture. We cannot acquit the more enlightened of the Papal priesthood, whatever may be their own ideas, of mischievously encouraging popular delusion; nor can we reconcile it with either fairness or good sense that they can read what is said of image adoration, either in the Inspired Writings or their own cherished Apocrypha, and not at once admit that their practice is both irrational and unscriptural. We may add also, that, even upon their own principles, it in the end does greater harm than good; for the more the objects of veneration are multiplied, the less share does each receive: so that the worship of God virtually degenerates into the worship of the Virgin Mary; and she is obliged to share her honours with other saints; and they in their turn, and the Virgin, and the Supreme Himself, yield to the local guardian of the village, or some particular object of religious favouritism. And with regard to the priesthood, if, even under the purest system of religion, familiarity with the external ministrations of religion, unless sanctified by personal piety, is apt to lead to indifference, perhaps contempt, from the sacristan of Alpnach, to an irreligious English parish-clerk, who views prayers and preaching and sacraments only as a trade; how dangerous is a system which makes mummery a part of its essence. The Protestant pastor sees in the relics of the eucharistic symbols only so much bread and wine; the reverential feelings with which he had just partaken of a portion of these sacramental elements had no connexion with the elements themselves: but under the doctrine of transubstantiation the case is substantially altered: the priest has juggled the wondering worshippers with a fictitious divinity; while, perhaps, as soon as the spectacle is over, he deposits his god in a chest with as little awe as the Alpnach functionary his Virgin

Mary; and thus is laid a foundation for that spirit of infidelity which exists among the Roman Catholic hierarchy, and extends widely to the more educated classes of the people.

We shall copy another of our author's sketches of Papal worship, He is speaking of the devotions performed at the chapel of the Madonna del Monte, a sanctuary on the summit of the last eminence on the Alps, towards the plains of Lombardy.

"Around me were groups of pilgrims, and the village girls tempting them to the purchase of their votive garlands of everlasting flowers, wax-tapers, and rosaries. Shortly after, I myself stood beneath the entrance of the holy place; dedicated, not to the Lord of lords, and King of kings; not to the meek and lowly Saviour of the world, through whose mediation and bitter sufferings in human form, we alone hope for reconciliation with an offended God, and for a passage through the gate of heaven ;-but to the Virgin.

"For this I had been prepared by the representation contained in the last and highest temple, viz. that of the Ascension of the holy Virgin Mary; a subject which seems to have called forth a greater display of talent and enthusiasm, than any scene of the life and sufferings of our Saviour. This is her sanctuary: here the lamp and the taper are always burning, day and night, before her altar; and the prayers and vows of the pilgrim rising continually before the shrine, from whence she is believed to listen and save.'

"The poor pilgrims, as they enter, exclaim: Santa Maria! Sancta Dei Genetrix, ora pro nobis! miserere nobis!-and when sunk upon the pavement in deep devotion, the same prayer may be seen in the mute motion of their lips.-Devotion! yes, and a devotion apparently so deep, so unfeigned, so humble ;-that, while standing by, the tears have rushed into my eyes, and I have humbled myself, and prayed too; not to the Virgin, whom I would honour, but cannot worship; not to the saints, the martyrs, the cloud of witnesses for whose bright examples I bless God, as so many testimonies to the Christian faith I have learned to profess; not to the departed Just in whose song of praise I hope once to join, but who can never be the propitiation for my sins:but to God the Judge of all, whose mercy and compassion are held out even to me through Jesus Christ.

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We will relieve these painful scenes by a sketch of a Swiss village pastor, such, we would hope, as Swiss pastors were in the days of a pure faith, before philosophy, falsely so called, spoiled so many of them, and caused them to swerve from the simplicity that is in Christ.

"I descended to the valley of Gstaad, upon the river Saanen, a few miles above the bourg of Gessenay, and then turning to the southward, followed a footway leading directly up to the foot of the higher Alps, through the Gsteigthal, and arrived at Gsteig, a small village situated close under the lofty and precipitous Mittaghorn, and near the foot of the Sanetsch Pass, the most westerly of the passes over the Berne Alps to the Vallais.".....

"I was happy to have it in my power to vary and to render my evening here more entertaining and instructive by a visit to the clergyman of the village, to whom I had an introductory note.

"The pastor of an Oberland village, is, as may be supposed, in general the only man of liberal education and pursuits in the parish. His situation, as to the advantages of occasional society, are of course very unequal, according to the particular position of his cure. A few leagues may make all the difference between a post, where, to a smiling and delightful country, the vicinity of other parishes, and an open and uninterrupted communication with the capital, may leave but little necessity for self-denial; and others where there must be a superior and powerful stimulus for its exertion. Many of the latter, situated in the higher and more remote vallies of the Alps, under the shadow of the mountains forming the central chain, where, according to the saying of the country, the inhabitants enjoy nine months' winter and three months' cold sun (sonneskälte), are, by the accumulation of the snows in winter, often cut off from all facility of communication with the world below, for many weeks together. There the good pastor may remain for months, buried as it were with his flock; watching by day the red sunbeams shifting from peak to peak, from one white and sparkling mass, high above his head, to another, while the snows around his dwelling are never enlivened by them; and hearing by night the wintry tempest howling among the precipices and ragged pine forests; while, hour by hour, the snow settles deeper and deeper on his roof, and ever and anon the crash of the falling rock, or the thunder of the distant avalanche swells

"But what matters it? Is he a true soldier of Christ? Has he indeed given up his heart and his way to God, to be made the instrument in his hand of temporal guidance and spiritual support to his flock? Here is his post of honour! He feels that to be cut off from the rest of the world, is not to be cut off from the presence and help of his Maker; that where his field of view and of action is bounded, there his duty becomes more clearly laid down; that, where man is most impotent, there the power and mercy of God is most evident; and where the creature is most humbled in the sense of his own nothingness and dependence upon the Creator, it is there that God manifests himself most clearly, as the Parent and Preserver of all living.

the chorus of indescribable sounds which needles of the pine forest, and the howl fill the air. of the wolf re-echoed from the waste. As I stood upon an elevated knoll wide of the châlet, through whose interstices gleamed the fire over which my companions were amusing themselves, my ear was struck from time to time by an abrupt and indistinct sound from the upper parts of the mountain; probably caused by the crumbling rock, or the fall of rubbish brought down by the cascades. An equally dubious and sudden sound would occasionally rise from the deep valley beneath; but else nothing fell upon the ear but the monotonous murmur of the mountain torrent, working its way over stock and rock in the depth of the ravine. The moon barely lighted up the wide pastures sufficiently to distinguish their extent, or the objects sprinkled upon them. and there a tall and barkless pine stood conspicuously forward on the verge of the dark belt of forest, with its bleached trunk and fantastic branches glistening in the moonshine.

I was welcomed with much kindness by the Rev. Mr. G. His motives for contented activity in his secluded parish are such as must win the esteem of all. Three fine rosy-cheeked children, the cooperation and society of an excellent wife, and a very well stocked library, are the sources from which he draws his recreations and pleasures, when unoccupied with the duties of his station." pp. 142-145.

We must now give our readers one of our author's sketches of scenery; and shall select, as a specimen, a nocturnal excursion to the Niesen, the terminating eminence of a range of mountains running northward from the central Alps.

"Our party left Erlenbach for the Bourg of Wimmis, at the foot of the mountain, some time after sunset, Aug. 2d; and the cool and still hours of the ensuing night were spent in slowly ascending the deep ravine between it and the flanks of the Bettfluh, by the pale but clear light of a waning moon. The difficulties of our obscure and precipitous road were shared by my hostess and two of her female friends with a good humour, patience, and perseverance which might well put their male attendants to the exercise of all the wit and sprightliness that nature had more sparingly bestowed upon them. Between two and three A.M. we bivouacked for half an hour in an unoccupied châlet, situated on the slope of the mountain.

"I would gladly give my reader an idea of the solemn scenery of these elevated regions, during the calm hours of a summer night. As to sounds, there are but few, at least when the air is still. The vicinity of man, productive in general of any thing but repose, has caused almost profound silence to reign among these wilds, where once the cautious tread of the bear rustled nightly among the dry


"The valley beneath was marked by the light haze hovering over it; and across and above this the eye faintly caught the outline of the vast white precipices of the Günzenen, and the line of rocky summits in the neighbourhood of the Stockhorn."

"A second châlet, high up on the side of the mountain, received our party just as all objects began to emerge from their obscurity, and the air to freshen with the approaching sun-rise. We were here still nearly two leagues from the summit, and it was not till near six that all of us had gained the highest point. The sun had then risen some degrees above the horizon. "Here we exulted in the splendid view displayed around us. The steep apex of the Niesen overhangs a vast hollow to the N.E. Over this we looked down upon the bourg and castle of Wimmis, at the edge of that tract of broken country through which the Simmen and the Kander work their way from the mountains to their point of junction with one another and with the lake.

"More to the right lay that diversified and smiling region which, for its fertility and beauty, was by old writers termed La Petite Bourgogne, with the castle of its ancient capital, Spiez, The Golden Court, glistening on the edge of the lake, which stretched in a curve from N. E. E. to E.

"Thence the eye followed the valley of the Aar, from the castle and town of Thun further and further into the distance, beyond Berne, and over the Uchtland, lying between the Alps and the Jura; a cultivated tract of country, containing innumerable villages and hamlets, up to the very base of the latter range dividing Switzerland from France.

"But this wide vista, beautiful as it was, could not long detain the eye from the other less smiling but more magnificent

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