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the letters the silversmith was somewhat lame in his spelling of the title in the Ex dono line. The inscription reads as follows:

Agmen Massachusettense
est in tutelam Sponsæ

AGNI Uxoris.

Ex dono Honorabalis


I turn this inscription into English, not for the benefit of members, who are all so familiar with foreign tongues, but in order to explain the theological allusion there given, which may not be equally well known to them.

The Massachusetts Company

is for the protection of the Bride, the wife of the Lamb [i. e. the Church].


By gift of the Honorable
Samuel Sewall, Esquire.

In his Diary Judge Sewall, like other rigid Puritans of his day, was in the habit of making liberal quotations from the Bible and otherwise using Scriptural references. In the simple inscription on the ferule he was impelled by force of his religious temperament to allude to a theological subject taken from Holy Writ. In the Vulgate edition is the following: "Veni, et ostendam tibi sponsam, uxorem Agni" (Revelation XXI. 9), which appears in King James's version as "Come hither, I will show thee the bride, the Lamb's wife." Without doubt the Chief-Justice had this line in mind when he wrote the "motto," as he calls it. There are other instances in the Scriptures where the Church is spoken of as the bride of the Lord.

Mr. NORCROSs communicated from his collection the following letter from James Otis to Arthur Jones, a merchant of London. The regiments had arrived in Boston on October 1, and were quartered at the castle, in the town house, in Faneuil Hall, and partly encamped on the common.

SIR,- The times you may well think are bad enough here. However I have received part of Mr. Moreland's Debt to you and am

promised the rest soon. He has allowed for the mistake you mention and so soon as the payment is compleated I shall remit you the same in money or a bill. All business is at a stand here, little going on besides military musters reviews and other parading of the Red Coats sent here, the Lord I believe only knows for what.

I am and have long been more concerned for Great Britain than the Colonies. You may ruin yourselves but you cannot in the end hurt the Colonies.

Our Fathers were a good people and have been a free people, and if you will not let us remain so any longer, we shall be a great people, and the present measures can have no Tendency but to hasten on with great rapidity events which every good and honest man would wish delayed for ages, if possible, prevented for ever. I am etc.

BOSTON, Nov 26th 1768.

Mr. ARTHUR JONES, Merchant, London.


Mr. FORD submitted a paper found in the Uncalendared Bundle 64, Proceedings of the Court of Requests, in the Public Records Office, London. It relates to a suit growing out of the adventure of the Dorchester Company on Cape Anne. The experienced searcher writes of this document:

I searched the whole bundle very carefully, containing many hundreds of papers; the only one connected with the case of the salt at Cape Ann, which I can find, is headed second and further answer of the Rev. John White, etc.; but it would seem, from the fact that the original bill was sent down to the commissioners appointed to take this answer, that it was the first formal answer taken; an answer may have been made informally, in some way not acceptable to the Court. It is dated 12 October 11 Charles I. i. e. 1635.

The paper contains a list of names, which has been printed in the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, LXI. 278.

The second and farther ioynt and severall answeares of John White, Clerke, and John Watts, defendantes to the Bill of Complaynt of Henry Beale and Peter Lenartes, Complay nantes.

The said defendants in obedience to the order of his Maties most Honorable Courte of Whitehall at Westm' for a full and perfect answeare to bee by them made to the said Complaynantes Bill, saving still unto themselves all advantages of excepcon to bee taken to the untruthes,

1 Thornton, "The Landing at Cape Anne."


uncertenty and insufficiency of the said Complaynantes Bill for answeare thereunto they say And first the said John White for himselfe sayeth That Eleaven Yeares sithence and upwards divers Knightes, gentlemen and others did agree to ioyne together in purse as ioynt adventurers for the setling of a Plantacon in New England in America for the better and more convenient taking and saving of the fish in the seas of those partes and alsoe for bartering and exchange of comodities transported from this Kingdome of England with the Natives of New England aforesaid for their Country comodityes, and this defend did ioyne in purse with the said Knightes, gentlemen and others in the designe aforesaid, the names of wh said Adventurers as well of those that first ioyned in adventure for the end and purpose aforesaid as of such others as afterwards became Adventurers with them this defend to his best Knowledge and remembrance hath hereunder particularly menconed & expressed viz. [Here follows the list of adventurers.] . . . In wch designe the said Joynt adventurers having spent and lost about Three Thousand powudes and thereupon being weary of adventuringe in that kinde by reason of their losses and finding much difficulty in accomplishing their purposes they the said Adventurers in the Thirde Yeare of the reigne of our said soveraigne Lord King Charles (as this defend! now remembreth) did forbeare any farther to adventure to New England aforesaid for their ioynt accompt, and thereupon the said Plantacon was dissolved and deserted, by the said ioynt adventurers. And this defend: hath heard that during the tyme of the continuance of the said Plantacon viz. about the Yeare of our Lorde One Thousand Six hundred twenty and five one John Tilly now resident (as this defend beleiveth in New England) or some other or others who were ymployed for the said ioynt Adventurers did without any order of this defend or of any other of the said ioynt Adventurers to this defend knowledge take some salt w was left at Cape Anne in New England aforesaid by the Master and company of the Zouch Phenix in the Bill menconed and that some persons alsoe who were of New Plimouth Plautacon in New England aforesaid tooke alsoe some of the same salt but how much thereof was taken by the said Tilly or by any other or how the same was ymployed or bestowed wch was soe taken this defend knoweth not. Nor doth this defend! know of his owne knowledge but only by heeresay of any salt that the master or company of the said Zouch Phenix left in New England aforesaid nor to whose handes the same came But this defendant hath alsoe heard that afterwardes viz! in the Yeare of our Lord God One Thowsand Six Hundred Twenty and Seaven the said other defend: John Wattes being ymployed in a voyage to New England aforesaid for the accompt and ioynt adventure of himselfe and of this defend and of Richard Bushrode deceased Gilbert Loder William Derby Bernard Toup Richard Bury and George Way


all of Dorchester in the County of Dors! John Connant of Lynnington in the County of Somers! and Henry Maniford of Long Burton in the said County of Dors! and of one Morgan Haine living now as this defend hath heard farre in the North towardes New Castle upon Tyne hee the said defend: John Wattes did by his owne acknowledgment take some of the same salt alsoe but without the order of this defend or of any other of his said ioynt Adventurers to this defendtes knowledge to the quantity of Six and Twenty Hogsheades as this defend hath heard the said John Wattes relate, And as this defend taketh it the said defend! Wattes or his company made and endevored [sic] to save fish therewith, but the same fish proved either all or the most parte thereof rotten and corrupt as this defend hath heard and beleiveth, Nor doth this defend know that hee hath had one penny benefitt thereby. Neverthelesse the same ioynt adventurers wth the said defend! John Wattes allowed him the said defend! Wattes for the same salt as appeareth by his the said defend! Wattes his accompt. But this defendant doth not know nor hath hee heard to his Remembrance that either the said other defend! John Wattes or any of the said Adventurers in or for the said Plantacon or any of the said other ioynt Adventurers or any other person or persons other then the Master and Company of the said Ship called the Zowch Phenix had or tooke or made use of any of the boates shalloppes nettes or other provisions wch were belonging to the said Complaynante Beale and to the said Peter Lenartes deceased in the Bill named or to either of them or wch were left in New England aforesaid by the M and Company of the said Zowch and Phenix [sic.] And this defend John Wattes for himselfe sayeth that hee ioyning in Adventure wch the said other defend: John White and with the said Richard Bushrode deceased Gilbert Loder William Derby Bernard Toup Richard Bury John Coñant Henry Maniford and Morgan Haine for a voyage to bee made to New England aforesaid Hee this defend! did goe facto' in the same voyage and being arrived in New England aforesaid Hee this defend! John Wattes there found on an Island in Cape Anne Harber a certen quantity of salt uncovered open to the Aire and thereof this defend tooke and had six and Twenty hoggesheades and neither this defend! nor any of his company to this defendes knowledge did take had or made use of any more of the said Salt. Neither did they or any of them to this defendtes remembrance make use of any of the boates shalloppes or other provisions of the said Complaynant Beale or of the said Peter Lenartes deceased or of either of them or wch were left in New England aforesaid by the M or Company of the said Shipp called the Zowch Phenix wth wh said salt soe by this defend taken as aforesaid hee this defend made and endevored to save some fish for the accompt of himselfe and his ioynt Adventurers, but the same salt not being good for that the strength thereof was gon it having long layne

there open to the aire and Weather, the greateste parte of the fish that was seasoned therewith became rotten and corrupted and was cast away for dounge soe that to this defendtes best remembrance there was not Twenty shillinges worth of the same fish made therew'th saved or preserved for wh salt this defend is to bee accomptable to the said Complaynantes yf by the lawes of this Realme he be chargeable therew & yf the same were theirs or did or doe belong to them according to the worth thereof And this defend hath heeretofore written unto the Complayn: Beale to that purpose, soe as hee may be secured to bee saved harmelesse against such others as may clayme the same. For this defend sayeth that when the said salt was taken by this defend in New England aforesaid one M: Morton' then dwelling in New England aforesaid claymed the said salt as belonging unto him or as committed to his charge. Without that that any other matter or thing in the said Bill of complaynt contayned materiall or effectuall in the Law to be answeared unto by these defends or either of them and heerein not sufficiently answeared unto confessed or avoided traversed or denied is true to the knowledge of these defend' or either of them. Captae fueti hae Responsiones et pdci defendentes iurati apud Dorchester in Com Dors! duodecimo die Octobris Anno regni đni ñri Caroli dei gra Anglie Scocie Franc et Hibn Regis fidei defensoris etc Undecimo coram nobis Comissionariis infra nolatis. 2

[blocks in formation]

Mr. FORD communicated a letter from William B. Lewis regarded as Jackson's political manager, and at the time second auditor of the Treasury, the original being in the New York Public Library.


WASHINGTON, 30th August, 1839. Your letter of the 13th Inst. was received in due course of Mail, and would have been answered several days ago, had it not found me indisposed at the time it reached me. Altho it is of an extraordinary character, I am less surprised at the information it conveys than astonished that you should have consented to be the medium of communica

1 Undoubtedly Thomas Morton of Mare-Mount.

2 Attached is a commission dated 14 September 11 Charles I, directed to Gilbert Loder, Robert Loder, William Darbie and Richard Scovell, gentlemen, to receive the answers of the defendants to the bill of complaint (therewith enclosed) exhibited against them by Henry Beale and others.

3 This letter is in the New York Public Library. In it Jackson urges Lewis to retire from office before pressure upon the President and the principle of rota. tion in office compelled his dismissal.

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