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conviction that they would become valuable. The land lyes on the Road from Suffolk to Norfolk; touches (if I am not mistaken) some part of the Navigable water of Nansemond River; borders on, and comprehends part of the rich Dismal Swamp; is capable of great improvement; and from its situation must become extremely valuable.

Great Dismal Swamp

My dividend thereof..

abt... 20.000 (h)

(h) This is an undivided Interest wch. I held in the Great Dismal Swamp Company; containing about 4000 acres, with my part of the Plantation and Stock thereon belonging to the Company in the sd Swamp.61

[blocks in formation]

(i) These several tracts of land are of the first quality on the Ohio River, in the parts where they are situated; being almost if not altogether River bottoms.

The smallest of these tracts is actually sold at ten dollars an acre but the consideration therefor not received; the rest are equally valuable and will sell as high, especially that which lyes just below the little Kanhawa and is opposite to a thick settlement on the West side the Rivr.

The four tracts have an aggregate breadth upon the River of Sixteen miles and is bounded thereby that distance.

[blocks in formation]

"The Dismal Swamp property was sold to Gen. Henry Lee ("Light Horse Harry"), who was unable to meet the payments, and in 1799 relinquished the pur. chase.

(k) These tracts are situated on the Great Kanhawa River, and the first four are bounded thereby for more than forty miles. It is acknowledged by all who have seen them (and of the tract containing 10990 acres which I have been on myself, I can assert) that there is no richer, or more valuable land in all that Region; They are conditionally sold for the sum mentioned in the Schedule; that is $200.000 and if the terms of that Sale are not complied with they will command considerably more. The tract of which the 125 acres is a moiety, was taken up by General Andrew Lewis and myself for, and on account of a bituminous Spring which it contains, of so inflamable a nature as to burn as freely as spirits, and is as nearly difficult to extinguish


Charles County
Montgomery Do....

600.... 6.... 3.600 (1)

519. 12.... 6.228 (m)

(1) I am but little acquainted with this land, although I have once been on it. It was received (many years since) in discharge of a debt due to me from Daniel Jenifer Adams at the value annexed thereto, and must be worth more. It is very level, lyes near the River Potomac

(m) This tract lyes about 30 miles above the City of Washington, not far from Kittoctan. It is good farming Land, and by those who are well acquainted with it I am informed that it would sell at twelve or $15 pr. acre.62


Great Meadows


.... 1.404 (n)

(n) This land is valuable on account of its local situation and other properties. It affords an exceeding good stand on Braddocks road from Fort Cumberland to Pittsburgh, and besides a fertile soil, possesses a large quantity of natural Meadow, fit for the scythe. It is distinguished by the appellation of the Great Meadows, where the first action with the French in the year 1754 was fought.

New York

Mohawk River...

abt. 1000.... 6

6.000 (0)

(0) This is the moiety of about 2000 Acs. which remains unsold of 6071 Acres on the Mohawk River (Montgomery Cty) in a Patent granted

This Montgomery County land became known, later, as "Woodstock Manor," and was, eventually, obtained by Thomas Peter.




to Daniel Coxe in the Township of Coxeborough and Carolana, as will appear by Deed from Marinus Willet and wife to George Clinton (late Governor of New York) and myself. The latter sales have been at Six dollars an acr; and what remains unsold will fetch that or more

[blocks in formation]

(p) The quality of these lands and their Situation, may be known by the Surveyors Certificates, which are filed along with the Patents. They lye in the vicinity of Cincinnati; one tract near the mouth of little Miami, another seven and the third ten miles up the same. I have been informed that they will readily command more than they are estimated at.


Rough Creek..
Ditto adjoing

3000 2000

5000... 2.... 10.000 (q)

(9) For the description of these tracts in detail, see General Spotswoods letters, filed with the other papers relating to them. Besides the General good quality of the Land, there is a valuable Bank of Iron Ore

These Northwest Territory lands were situated to the east of Cincinnati in Franklin and Miami Townships, Clermont County, Ohio. The region was known as the Virginia Military District of Ohio and Virginia had granted thousands of acres therein to her Colonial and Revolutionary War soldiers, the warrants for which had then been bought and sold in the open market like stock certificates. Washington had purchased two of these warrants, one from John Rootes, who held a Lord Dunmore grant, and one from Thomas Cope. But he had refused to accept his quota of these Virginia bounty lands which amounted to 23,333% acres, on the same principle by which he refused pay for his services as Commander in Chief. The warrants for the 3,051 acres purchased were entered by the deputy surveyor of the Virginia Military District in accordance with the Virginia law of 1783; but owing to the changes in land entry procedure, brought about by Virginia's cession of her western lands to the United States, it became possible to secure title, by sharp practice, to lands already granted, where the strict letter of a complicated law had not been complied with. His mind occupied by important national concerns, Washington failed to take every necessary legal step to perfect his title to these Ohio lands, and his claim was "jumped" by a collusion of clever and unscrupulous individuals. E. E. Prussing's Estate of George Washington, Deceased, has a full explanation of the matter.

thereon: which, when the settlement becomes more populous (and settlers are moving that way very fast) will be found very valuable; as the rough Creek, a branch of Green River affords ample water for Furnaces and forges.

City of Washington


Two, near the Capital, Sqr 634 Cost $963; and

with Buildgs

15000 (r)

No. 5. 12. 13. and 14: the 3 last, Water lots on

the Eastern Branch, in Sqr. 667. containing

4.132 (s)

together 34-438 sqr. feet a 12 Cts

(r) The two lots near the Capital, in square 634, cost me 963$ only; but in this price I was favoured, on condition that I should build two Brick houses three Story high each: without this reduction the selling prices of those Lots would have cost me about $1350. These lots, with the buildings thereon, when completed will stand me in $15000 at least.64

(s) Lots No. 5. 12. 13 & 14 on the Eastn. branch, are advantageously situated on the water, and although many lots much less convenient have sold a great deal higher I will rate these at 12 Cts. the square foot only.


Corner of Pitt and Prince Stts. half an Acre; laid out into buildgs. 3 or 4 of wch. are let on grd. Rent at $3 pr. foot

4.000 (t)

(t) For this lot, though unimproved, I have refused $3500. It has since been laid off into proper sized lots for building on; three or 4 of which are let on ground Rent, forever, at three dollars a foot on the Street. and this price is asked for both fronts on Pitt and Princes Street.


A lot in the Town of half an Acre and another in the Commons of about 6 Acs. supposed

400 (u)

04 The houses were unfinished when Washington died; but were completed in the year 1800. The British burned them in 1814. The location is now within the Capitol Grounds and a bronze marker identifies the site.




(u) As neither the lot in the Town or Common have any improvements on them, it is not easy to fix a price, but as both are well situated, it is presumed the price annexed to them in the Schedule is a reasonable valun.

Bath-or Warm Springs

Two Well situated, and had buildings to the amt of £150

800 (w)

(w) The Lots in Bath (two adjoining) cost me, to the best of my recollection, betwn. fifty and sixty pounds 20 years ago; and the buildings thereon 150 [mo]re. Whether property there has [increased] or decreased in its value, [and in wha]t condition the houses a[re, I am ignora ]nt. but su [ppose they are not valued to ]o high

[blocks in formation]

(x) These are the sums which are actually funded. And though no more in the aggregate than $7.566; stand me in at least ten thousand pounds Virginia money. being the amount of bonded and other debts due to me, and discharged during the War when the money had depreciated in that ratio, and was so settled by public authoy.65

Potomack Company

24 Shares, cost ea £100 Sterg..

.20.666 (y)

(y) The value annexed to these sha: is what they have actually cost me, and is the price affixed by Law: and although the present selling price is under par, my advice to the Legatees (for whose benefit they are intended, especially those who can afford to lye out of the money) is

The act of Aug. 4, 1790, provided for the foreign debt and for funding the domestic debt of the United States. It authorized a loan for the full amount of the latter. Subscribers to this loan were given United States certificates for two-thirds of the amount of their subscription, carrying interest at 6% per annum, payable quarterly. For the remaining one-third of the subscription a United States certificate was given, not bearing interest until the year 1800, after which it would, like the first, bear interest at 6% per annum, payable quarterly. These certificates were known as the "6% stock of 1790." For subscriptions to the loan paid by “indents of interest" of the domestic debt, computed to Dec. 31, 1790, United States certificates were given, bearing interest of 3% per annum, payable quarterly. These certificates were known as the "3% stock of 1790."

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