Abbildungen der Seite

Leesburg, Va., rendezvous, 181.

Lenthal, John(?), Washington's federal district houses, 78, 115, 116.
Leplet,—, nursery, subscription fruit trees, 448, 455.

Letters from Washington to Lear, material from, 529n.

Letters and Recollections of Washington, material from, 572n, 574%,
577n-580n, 582n, 583n.

Lettres Autographes...collection de... Hoff, material from, 496 n.
Lewis, Gen. Andrew, Burning Spring land, 298; Grant affair, 482, 483.
Lewis, Eleanor (Nellie) Parke (Custis), Washington's special bequest,

290; in general bequest, 292; Audley estate, 296n. See also Custis,
Eleanor Parke.

Lewis, Elizabeth (Washington), brother's bequest to heirs, 292.
Lewis, Fielding [1], Nansemond land, 296; estate, Morgan claim, 405,

406; Mercer land, 407; Washington's Rappahannock land, 496; let-
ters to, 498, 509; Washington's affairs, 498, 509, 510; hedges, 535.
Lewis, Fielding [2], uncle's bequest, 292.

Lewis, George, army appointment, 225; uncle's sword, 287, 287n; uncle's
bequest, 292.

Lewis, Howell, uncle's bequest, 292.

Lewis, John, Morgan claim, 405.

Lewis, Lawrence, letters to, 24, 105, 368, 376; relations with uncle, 24;
cavalry appointment, declines, 25, 59, 63, 77, 105, 108, 114, 169;
engagement and marriage, 63, 108, 125, 135, 169; movements, 64,
327, 405; uncle's special bequest, anticipation, lease at Mount Ver-
non, 290, 368–370, 376–378, 383, 415, 461; in general bequest, 292;
new Mount Vernon tomb, 293; uncle's executor, 294, 303; illness,
339, 341.

Lewis, Rachel, presidential mansion servant, 570.

Lewis, Robert, letters to, 104, 338, 340, 452; jackass, 104; agency, 104,
338-341, 453; uncle's bequest, 292; movements, 340, 340n.

Lewis, Warner, account, 500; hedges, 535.

Lewis, Rev. Zechariah, letter to, 350n; oration, 350n.

Lexington and Concord, battle, depositions to Virginia, 511.
Liberty Hall. See Washington Academy.

Library. See Books.

Library of Congress, Hamilton Papers, 177; Greenwood Bequest, 27n;
Washington Photostats, 62n; McHenry Photostats, 85n; William
Thornton Papers, 148n; Toner Transcripts, 321n; Ball Deposit,
372n; Henley-Smith Papers, 5137; Hamilton Deposit, 5337; Ship-
pen Deposit, 5397; Jefferson Papers, 575n.

[blocks in formation]

Lieutenant, as office, 49.

Lieutenant-colonel, as office, 48.

Light infantry, joint campaign (1781), 553.

Lincoln, Benjamin, letters to, 149, 269; window glass, 149, 269; joint
campaign (1781), 554.

Lind,, Four Mile Run land, 306.

Lingan, C., Washington's bank stock, 251 n.

Liquor, in ration, 55. See also Wine.

Liston, Robert, federal district housing, 456.

Litter, instructions, 468.

Little, Charles, Washington's will, 303; letters to, 431, 445; Difficult Run
land, 431-433, 445.

Livery, cloth, 443; from presidential mansion, 576.

Livingston, Robert R., examination of Forbes, 526; letters to, 528, 533;
state of army at New York (1776), 528; Westchester movement,
533, 534.

Livingston, Gov. William, letters to, 527, 530, 531; British deserters, 527;
intelligence, 528; arms, 528; Long Island advance, feint, letter, 530,

Lloyd, James, letter to, 129; X Y Z, 129; selection of officers, 271.

Locks, for Fairfax, 486.

Locust, Mount Vernon planting, 535, 537.

Löffler, Karl, acknowledgment to, 489n.

Logan, Dr. James, private mission, interview, 18-20; conduct, 71.

Logan Act, purpose, 72n.

Long Island, battle, British march and feint, 530, 531.

Long Island Historical Society Memoirs, material from, 83n, 213n, 354n.
Lottery, Byrd's land, 284.

Loudoun County, Va., Washington's land value, 284, 295; list of his
tenants, 548n. See also Difficult Run.

Louisiana, French designs, problem, 14, 250, 348, 364.

Louisville, Ky., garrison, 364.

Love, Charles, Washington's bank check, 251 n.

Love, Samuel, horses for army, 243; letter to, 243 n.


letter from house, 533.

Loyalists, New Jersey troops, 527.

Luce, Stephen B., acknowledgment to, 359n, 396n.

Lucerne. See Alfalfa.

Lyndon, Dana, acknowledgment to, 485n.

McAlpin, James, tailor, commander in chief's uniform, 109-112, 128,
129, 146n, 152, 206, 231, 304; letters to, 111, 128, 152, 206, 304.
McCormick-Goodhart, Leander, acknowledgment to, 459n.

MacCracken,—————, land, 396.

McDavitt, Charles, rent, 106.

McDonald, Angus, letter to, 505; military certificate, land rights, 505,
506; Washington's land, 505.

McDonald, Hunter, acknowledgment to, 506n.

McHenry, James, secretary of war, letters to, 12, 21, 22, 31, 32, 45, 59, 60,
83, 109, 113, 120, 121, 124, 127, 135, 146n, 157, 174, 178, 183, 187,
193, 197, 201, 202, 207, 223, 230, 242n, 243, 247, 254 (two), 271, 273,
305, 314, 327, 332, 341, 352, 356n, 360, 361, 392, 413, 419, 428, 451;
conference of generals, 12, 25, 32; lodgings for Washington, 127,
13; queries to generals, answers, 17, 32-58, 83; liaison with army,
papers, 21, 22, 60-62, 188; rations, 22; Carroll, 30; Smith affair, 31,
32; Washington's uniform, 109-111, 127, 128, 146n, 231, 254; selec-
tion of officers, problem, politics, letter, 113, 114, 120, 121, 160, 192n,
203, 204, 207-210, 223–226, 229, 272, 332-334; foreign volunteers,
124; aides, 135; uncertainty of administration's policy, Washing-
ton's criticism, 157–159; on Fries Rebellion, letter, 158n; recruiting
and commissions, delay, letter, 159, 160, 175, 176, 188–191; promo-
tion and rank, irregularities, 161–163, 201, 202, 273, 361–363, 392,
393; conduct of office, Washington's criticism, 163; applicants for
army appointment, 178, 183, 193, 197, 202, 203, 225, 242n, 254, 255,
314n, 332; officers' pay, 189, 341; horses, 243; Wilkinson, 247, 271;
tactics figures, letter, 2541; Custis's appointment, 305; new French
mission, letter, 327, 428n; Aurora's charges, 328; office moved to
Trenton, 352; commander in chief's pay, 360, 361, 363; chaplains,
413; cantonment, 419; land at Harpers Ferry, 451, 452.

McHenry Photostats, material from, 85n, 128n, 164n, 176n, 210n,
226n, 231n, 273n, 305n.

McKean, Thomas, Logan, 19; election as governor, 400.

Mackey, John, timber for huts, 401, 404, 407, 411.

McLean, -, survey, 555.

McLean, Laughlin, bill of exchange, 494.

McLeod & Lumley, painters, 382, 386.

McMaster, John B., United States, 156n.

McNamara,, Roberts, 310.

Macpherson, Gen. William, cavalry equipment, 230.

Madeira wine, Mount Vernon, 583, 584.

Madison, Bishop James, young Custis, 101.

[blocks in formation]

Madison, James, Virginia Resolutions, 88 n.

Magazine of American History, material from, 501 n.

Magazines, arms and equipments, 44; stations, 44. See also Arsenals.
Maggs Brothers, acknowledgment to, 498 n.

Maine Historical Society, material from, 14.

Major generals, Conway, Washington's opposition, 541. See also Gen-
eral officers.

Malaria, Mount Vernon, 353, 354, 487.

Manchester, Va., Washington's lot in will, 283.

Maps and plans, Arrowsmith's United States, 193; Four Mile Run land,

195n, 291 n.

Marine Hospital, Norfolk, 342.

Marnasia, Marquis de, Barlow, 1207.

Marshall, John, letters to, 75, 199, 205, 226, 234, 242n; favor, 75; election

to Congress, 76, 199, 200, 212; canard on federal office, letter, 200 n;
selection of army officers, 205-207, 224, 227, 235, 242n, 333; move-
ments, 272.

Martin, Lawrence, George Washington Atlas, 195n.

Maryland, militia horse as escort, 12n; reply to Masonic address, 13;
Washington's land, agency, rent, value, 106, 234, 253, 298, 309, 337;
army officers from, 271; clerical presentment, 482.

Maryland, governor of. See Eden, Robert; Ogle, Benjamin; Sharpe,

Maryland Historical Society, material from, 415, 423.

Maryland Legislature, Potomac Company, 449, 456, 457.

Mason, George, land survey, 180; Mercer affair, 504, 560.

Mason, George C., Gilbert Stuart, 29n.

Mason, John, letter to, 457; Potomac Company, 457.

Mason, Thomson, letter to, 213; Mount Vernon fence, 213; land, 289;

Mercer affair, 505.

Masonry, reply to address, 13.

Massachusetts brigade, joint campaign (1781), 554.

Massachusetts Historical Society, material from, 512, 521, 523, 530,531,


Matteson, David M., acknowledgment to, 5127.

Mauduit, Wright & Co., factors, complaint on goods, 491.

Mazzei, Philip, account, 509.

Meade, Richard Kidder, Butler, 202; letters to, 330, 410; selection of

officers, 330, 331, 336, 410.

Meadows. See Grass.

Medical department, appointments, 226.

Melons, seeds, 169.

Menise,, army appointment, 227.

Mercenaries, New Jersey movement (1776), 531.

Mercer, Charles Fenton, undeserved promotion, declines, 161, 162, 191,


Mercer, George, Frederick County land, 296; father's Four Mile Run
land, 306; estate, English claimants, 317-319, 407, 504, 505, 507,
508, 515-517, 521, 522, 549, 550, 559-567.

Mercer, Gen. Hugh, Trenton lines, 537, 538.

Mercer, James, papers on Four Mile Run land, 306; brother's estate, 317,
407, 504, 505, 515–517, 522, 562-567.

Mercer, John, estate, 306.

Mercer, John Francis, brother's estate, 318, 562, 565-567.

Merlin de Thionville, Antoine Christophe, Logan, 19.

Miami River, Washington's land, value and condition, 299, 427; history,
jumped, 299n.

Middlebrook, N. J., letter from, 548; Delaware chiefs, 548.

Mifflin, Thomas, siege of Boston, 519; army resignation, 544.
Military secretaries and aides, provisional army: major generals' aides,
26n, 220, 326, 334; Washington's aides, volunteer, 30, 63, 135, 136,
168; aides as regimental officers, rank, 49, 50, 52; uniform, 51, 52;
Lear as secretary, 582; Continental army: White, 514; Harrison,
514; Thornton, 539.

Military stores, report on quantity, 13, 22. See also Arms.

Militia, Maryland horse as escort, 12n; Virginia district adjutancy, 477;
at siege of Boston, officers' pay, 508; pay rolls, 518; New York cam-
paign, 529; armory artificers and exemption, 552.

Mill, sketch of water-throwing, 399. See also Flour mill.

Milnor, William, to Virginia, 511.

Mirrors, presidential mansion, 571.

Mississippi Company, Washington's interest, 487, 506; plan, 487 n.

Mississippi River, condition of land bordering, 506.

Mitchell, Mrs. J. Clayton, acknowledgments to, 505 n, 507n, 508n, 517n,

523n, 567 n.

Mollison,, English factor, 491.

Money. See Specie.

Montague, Edward, Mercer affair, 504, 505, 507, 560, 567.

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