Abbildungen der Seite
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Montflorence, James Cole, news, 325, 417.

Montgomerie, Thomas, account, 499.

Montgomery, Gen. Richard, Trumbull's print of death, 125.
Montgomery County, Md., Washington's land, value, 298.
Moody, John, letter to, 146; army appointment, 146.

Moore, Bernard, estate, 499; land, 503.

Morgan, Gen. Daniel, Randolph, 178, 182; favor, 182, 183; letters to,
182, 203, 319, 405, 406; false report of death, 183; Butler, 202;
selection of officers, 204, 205, 207, 272, 319n, 333, 406; Lewis estate
claim, 405, 406.

Morgan, Col. George, letter to, 548; Indians at headquarters, 548.
Morris, Gouverneur, letter to, 214; return, 214; Mount Vernon, 214.
Morris, Capt. John, loyalist troops, 527.

Morris, Mary (White), letter to, 371; Mount Vernon, 371.
Morris, Robert, presidential mansion, 570–572.

Morristown, N. J., letters from, 539, 549, 562.

Morse, Rev. Jedidiah, letters to, 140, 215; sermons, 140, 215.
Moss, John, land information, 435.

Mount Eagle, Fairfax estate, 91, 95.

Mount Vernon, Va., letters from, 1-13, 62-474, 479, 480, 484-510, 559-
570, 579-584; instructions, 1-9, 133, 134; grain, 1-3, 452; rotation, 1;
wells, 2, 3, 274; fuel, 2, 6; carpentry, 4-6; mansion repairs, 5, 482,
483; fences, 5, 85, 213, 462, 468; river wall, 6; bookcases, 6, 96, 119;
Parkinson and lease, complications, 6-9, 24; troublesome neighbors,
lease to quiet, 9, 11, 12, 105, 122–124, 178–180, 210, 211; lawns, 95,
115, 119; corn contract, 131, 211, 214, 232, 233; mansion and out-
houses assessment list, window panes, 147; Washington's routine,
187; visitors, problem, 188, 325, 330, 353,360,371,378,448,487,581n;
hunting deer forbidden, 194, 195; surveying, 253 n; in Washington's
will, lease anticipating, 275, 288-291, 369, 370, 376-378, 383, 415;
problem of drought, fodder, 339, 341; proposed rearrangement of
management, instructions under, 354, 356-358, 377, 383, 384, 459-
472, 474; clerk, 438; importance of detailed care, 462; accounts, 463;
thoroughness, completion of work, 471, 472; obedience to orders,
472; supplies, 483, 559, 576; trees and hedges, 535, 537; family
horses, 535-537; preparations for British foray, 536; smallpox
(1777), 539; return after Yorktown, 554; newspaper, 577; carpets,
577-579; wine, 583, 584. See also Animals; Barns; Fertilizers; Fish-
eries; Flour; Flour mill; Fodder; Horticulture; Implements; Over-
seers; Slaves.

Mount Vernon Ladies' Association of the Union, acknowledgments to,
78n, 129n, 174n, 207n, 304n, 418n, 483n.

Moxcy, Jonathan, oration, 324”.

Moylan, Stephen, letters written by, 517n, 524n.

Mud, as fertilizer, 466.

Muddy Hole Farm, slaves, 264, 265; instructions, 472 n.

Mulberry Grove, plantation, 219.

Murray, William Vans, Logan, 18; letters to, 71, 399; Dandridge, 71;

French mission, 142, 143, 400; mill, 399; Lafayette, 400, 419.

Music, in regimental organization, 46, 47, 49, 53.

Myers, Clifford R., acknowledgment to, 319n.

Nancy, 124.

Nansemond County, Va., Washington's land, value, 296.

Nantes (France) Bibliothèque Municipale, material from, 91 n.
Napoleon I. See French Directory.

Natchez, Miss., question of garrison, 364.

Nathan, slave cook, at presidential mansion, 571.

Nautilus, 485.

Navigation, uncertainty of English shipments (1770), 490; direct ship-
ment to Potomac, 491.

Navy, American, engravings of French war, 255; appointments, 304-306,
307n, 387, 388, 395, 396; hospital, 342; Great Lakes, 367; at siege of
Boston, 517.

Navy, British, foray from Boston, 514; arrival of Rodney's fleet, 551.

Navy, secretary of the. See Stoddert, Benjamin.

Nelson, William, Washington's supplies, 483.

Neutrality, desire and French crisis, 67–69, 89; Supreme Court opinion
sought, 575.

New Brunswick, N. J., rendezvous, 41.

New Hampshire, army officers from, 1927; militia at siege of Boston-
518; ratification, Alexandria celebration, 569.

New Hampshire brigade, joint campaign (1781), 554.

New Haven, Conn., British raid feared, 552.

New Jersey, works in eastern, 527; loyalist troops, 527; British feint
(1776), 531; disaffection, 536.

New Jersey, governor of. See Livingston, William.

New Jersey campaign, disaffection, crisis, 536; return to Trenton, line
of battle, 537, 538.

New London, Conn., British raid feared, 552.

New Windsor, N. Y., letter from, 552.

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New York, army officers from, 31; Washington's land, will on, value,
284, 298; attitude (1775), 511; militia in New York campaign, 529;
disaffection, 536; joint campaign (1781), reconnoiter in force, 553,
554; ratification, 569; Genesee lands, 582.

New York, governor of. See Clinton, George.

New York campaign, British expected, 522; preparations, works, 525;
British plans, 526; Forbes, 526; New Jersey works, 527; British de-
serters, 527; intelligence, 528; American conditions (August), 528;
militia, 529; British movement expected, 529; artillery from Boston,
530; Brooklyn, New Jersey feint, 530, 531; Harlem Heights, 531;
question of burning city, 532, 533; Westchester, 534.

New York City, artillery companies for defense, 39; letters from, 524-
531; burning before and after evacuation, 532, 533; British naval
arrivals (1780), Rodney, 551; Arnold detachment, destination, 552.
New York Legislature (Provincial Convention), letter to, 514.
New York Public Library, material from, 109, 140, 141, 145, 151-153,
205, 269, 269n, 270, 274, 307, 307n, 308, 308n, 310, 311, 314–316,
319, 319n, 320, 322, 324, 324n, 327, 330, 335, 337, 338, 340, 344-348,
350-352, 355, 358, 360, 368, 372-376, 378, 383, 383n, 386, 388, 390-
392, 394, 395, 397, 398, 406, 407, 415, 416, 427, 434-437, 439, 440,
443, 443′′, 444, 446, 450, 451, 456–459.

New York State Library, material from, 287n.

New York Sun, material from, 513n.

Newberry Library, material from, 582n.

Newburgh, N. Y., letter from, 559.

Newmyer, Mrs. W. H., letter possessed by, 549n.

Newport, R. I., artillery company for defense, 39; letter from, 553; Wash-
ington-Rochambeau conference, 553; reply to address, 553.

Newspapers, from England, 480; for Mount Vernon, 577.

Newton, Thomas, bill of exchange, 509.

Newton, William, letter to, 425 n; dancing assembly, 425 n.

Niagara, N. Y., garrison, returns, 139, 141.

Nicholas, John, land grant costs, 499.

Nonimportation, Washington's observance, 494.

Norfolk, Va., artillery company for defense, 39; marine hospital, 342.

Norris,, surveyor, 441.

North Carolina, army officers from, 34, 73, 1927, 363; federal election,

249; ratification expected, 569.

North Carolina, governor of. See Davie, William Richardson.

Northwest Territory, Washington's land, 299, 427.

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Norwalk, Conn., artificers at, 530.

Nullification, Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, 88 n.
Nuts, trees for Thornton, 148.

Oats, prospects, 339; culture, in rotation, 464, 465.
Oberlaender, Gustav, acknowledgment to, 541 n.

Office, Washington and patronage under Adams, 303-305, 342; informa-
tion on eligibles, 574.

Officers, provisional army, selection, 9, 21, 22, 25, 31, 32, 34, 73-76, 80,
84, 113, 114, 121, 168, 203-206, 221–229, 235, 238, 271–275, 306, 316,
319n, 331-336, 410; insignias, class distinctions, 16; cavalry, 30, 33,
77; quotas, 32-34; immediate appointment advised, 37, 38; pay, be-
ginning, 38, 189, 341, 438; line, and staff service, 49, 50; uniform,
52; delay in replies and commissions, 157, 168, 171, 175, 176, 182,
188, 189; passed over, political interference, 160, 191–193, 192n, 198,
199, 202; applications, 178, 202, 203, 225, 242n, 254, 255, 314, 316,
332, 334, 398. See also Foreign volunteers; General officers; Promo-
tion; Rank; Staff; West Point.

Ogle, Gov. Benjamin, Washington's regards, 199; letters to, 414, 423;
cantonment, 414, 417, 423.

Ohio River, Washington's land, disposal, value, 297, 416; rival claim,


Olney, Jeremiah, letter to, 324.

Osborne, Lucy E., acknowledgment to, 534 n.

Osnaburgs, price, 438; for slaves, 535.

Page, John, account, 500; estate, bond, 510.

Page, Gov.(?) John, land, 82; letter to, 150; Ball, 151.

Paine, Robert Treat, letter to, 350; oration, 350, 351.

Paine, Thomas, Adams on, 120n.

Paint, at Mount Vernon, 5; Washington's federal district houses, sand-
ing, 382, 386-388; memorandum on mixing, 584, 585.

Papers, disposal in Washington's will, 284; history, 284 n.

Paris, slave, at presidential mansion, 573.

Parish, ———, articles for Washington, 96.


Parke, Maj. John, quartermaster department needs, 523.

Parker, Ralph H., acknowledgment to, 574 n.

Parker, Col. Thomas, appointment, 107, 1217; letter for, 182, 183; But-
ler, 202; selection of officers, 204, 336; letters to, 378, 403, 410, 426;
cantonment, 379-381, 393, 401-405, 407-417, 419-421, 423, 452;
rank, 392, 393; information on Washington's western lands, 427.

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Parkinson, Richard, lease of Mount Vernon farms, complications, 4,

6-9, 24.

Parks, Harriet (Washington), uncle's bequest, 292.

Parsons, Gen. Samuel Holden, joint campaign (1781), 554.

Passes, to Philadelphia (1776), 513n.

Pasturage. See Grass.

Paterson, Justice William, judicial opinion on neutrality, 575.

Pay and allowances, provisional army, officers' beginning, collection, 38,
189, 341, 438, 457; for commander in chief, expense account, 84,
360, 361, 363; Revolution, militia officers, 518; accurate rolls, 518;
artificers, 529.

Paymaster general, provisional army, residence, 165; Revolution, War-
ren, militia pay, 518.

Payne, William, Difficult Run land entry, 434, 446; letter to, 446.

Peace, news of negotiations, 558.

Peaches, orchard, 2.

Peake, Humphrey, land, 289.

Pearce, William, letter to, 581 n; Mount Vernon visitors, 581 n.

Peas, field, as fertilizer, 463; Yateman, 463, 470.

Peck, Frederick S., material from collection, 524 n.

Peekskill, N. Y., letter from, 551.

Pendleton, Edmund, Moore estate, 499; Armistead estate, 509; Mercer

affair, 522.

Pendleton, Philip, land, 281.

Penniman, Josiah H., acknowledgments to, 505n, 507n, 508n, 517n,
523n, 567 n.

Pennsylvania, Washington's land, payment difficulties, in will, 85-87,
146, 232, 251-253, 284, 315, 319, 439, 579, 580; Great Meadows land,
298; election (1799), 400, 439; disaffection, 536; land after Virginia
boundary settlement, 555; slaves of federal officials, 573.

Pennsylvania, University of (Philadelphia College), John Custis, 498;
young Custis, 572.

Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, material from, 503 n.
Pennypackers Mill, Pa., letter from, 541.

Peter, slave blacksmith (?), 486.

Peter, George, army appointment, 120, 193; service, 120n.

Peter, Martha Parke (Custis), Washington's bequest, 292; grand-
mother's illness, 353; Mount Vernon, 378; son, 452.

Peter, Robert, tobacco, 197.

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