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Township 25 N. Range 2 W. Willamette Meridian.

CHAINS. of the line; his house is 2 chains South of the road and 2

chains East of the line,

54:00 To the road from Astoria to Williamsburg, bears E. and W. 58.00 Enter wet prairie, bears East and West,

68.00 Leave prairie and enter timber, bearing East and West, This prairie extends East into section 24 about 30 chains, 72-12 A White Oak, 30 in. dia.

75.00 Leave creek bottom and enter hills bearing East and West, 80.00 Set a post for corner to sections 13, 14, 23, 24, from which

A White Walnut, 16 in. dia. bears N. 42 E. 15 links dist.

A White Walnut, 24 in. dia. bears N. 59 W. 27 links dist.

An Elm, 8 in. dia. bears S. 67 W. 16 links dist.

A Black Oak, 14 in. dia. bears S. 38 E. 17 links dist.

Land mostly level; 1st rate soil,

Timber, Walnut, various kinds of Oak, Buckeye, and Hickory; undergrowth, same and Spice,

February 1st, 1854.

East, on a random line between sections 13 and 24,

Variation 17° 46' East,

40.00 Set a post for temporary quarter section corner,

80-10 Intersected the East Boundary of Township 16 links South of post corner to sections 13 and 24, from which corner I run North 890 53′ west, on a true line between sections 13 and 24, Variation 17° 46' East,

40 05 Set a post for quarter section corner, from which

A Sugar-Tree, 30 in. dia. bears N. 80 W. 22 links dist.

A White Oak, 16 in. dia. bears S. 53 E. 20 links dist.

80 10 The corner to sections 13, 14, 23, 24,

Land mostly rolling; good rich soil; 1st rate,

Timber, Walnut, Sugar-Tree, Oak, Elm, and Buckeye; undergrowth, same and Spice.

North, between sections 13 and 14,

Variation 17° 46′ East,

6-17 A White Oak, 30 in. dia.

22 15 A Beech, 30 in. dia.

40.00 Set a post for quarter section corner, from which

A Beech, 24 in. dia. bears N. 66 W. 6 links dist.
A Beech, 20 in. dia. bears S. 45 E. 40 links dist.

52.25 A Beech, 24 in. dia.

62-61 A Bur Oak, 30 in. dia.

80.00 Set a post for corner to sections 11, 12, 13, 14, from which A Black Oak, 26 in. dia. bears N. 53 E. 10 links dist. A Black Oak, 21 in. dia. bears N. 20 W. 35 links dist. A Sugar-Tree, 30 in. dia. bears S. 32 W. 25 links dist. A White Oak, 20 in. dia. bears S. 24 E. 20 links dist.

Land gently rolling; good, 2d rate,

Timber, Beech, Oak, and Ash; undergrowth, same and Hazel.


Township 25 N. Range 2 W. Willamette Meridian.

CHAINS. East, on a random line between sections 12 and 13,

Variation 17° 46′ East,

20-50 Foot of hills, and enter broken ridges bearing North and South, 40-00 Set a post for temporary quarter section corner,

80.10 Intersected East Boundary 13 links North of post corner to sections 12 and 13, from which corner I run

North 890 54' west, on a true line between sections 12 and 13,
Variation 17° 46′ East,

40.05 Set a post for quarter section corner, from which

An Elm, 24 in. dia. bears N. 51 E. 50 links dist.

A Beech, 18 in. dia. bears S. 51 W. 29 links dist.

80-10 The corner to sections 11, 12, 13, 14,

Land West 20 chains; gently rolling; good, 2d rate; the balance high, broken ridges,

Timber, Beech, Black Oak, and White Oak; undergrowth, same and Hazel.

North, between sections 11 and 12,

10.81 An Elm, 15 in. dia.

Variation 17° 46' East,

40.00 Set a post for quarter section corner, from which

A Beech, 30 in. dia. bears N. 33 W. 9 links dist.

A Beech, 20 in. dia. bears S. 64 W. 20 links dist.

52.25 A Beech, 24 in. dia.

62 61 A Black Oak, 30 in. dia.

75-40 A spring branch, 10 links wide, runs West,

80.00 Set a post for corner to sections 1, 2, 11 and 12, from which
A Poplar, 32 in. dia. bears N. 41 E. 30 links dist.
A Poplar, 36 in. dia. bears N. 43 W. 25 links dist.
A Sugar-Tree, 30 in. dia. bears S. 32 W. 25 links dist.
A Sugar-Tree, 31 in. dia. bears S. 35 E. 40 links dist.

Land level; good, 2d rate,

Timber, Sugar-Tree, Poplar, Walnut, and Oak; undergrowth, same and Hazel.

|East, on a random line between sections 1 and 12,

Variation 17° 46' East,

23.00 Enter high, broken ridges, bearing N. E. and South, 40 00 Set a post for temporary quarter section corner, 42.50 A spring branch, 10 links wide, runs S. W.

63.00 To foot of high mountain; bears North and South,

80-24 Intersected the East Boundary of the Township 13 links North of post corner to sections 1 and 12, from which corner I run West, on a true line between sections 1 and 12,

Variation 17° 40′ East,

40-12 Set a post on top of narrow ridge, bearing North and South, for quarter section corner, from which

A Sugar-Tree, 20 in. dia. bears N. 20 E. 32 links dist.
A Sugar-Tree, 24 in. dia. bears S. 56 W. 25 links dist.

80.24 The corner to sections 1, 2, 11, 12,

Land very broken and mountainous,

Timber, Sugar-Tree, Beech; various kinds of Oak and Hickory,


Township 25 N. Range 2 W. Willamette Meridian.

CHAINS. On this line, and towards the foot of the mountain, we discovered gold dust; and throughout the line we observed

many specimens of what appeared to be rich auriferous quartz.

North, on a random line between sections 1 and 2,

Variation 170 46' East,

40.00 Set a post for temporary quarter section corner,

80-11 Intersected the North Boundary 32 links East of corner to sections 1 and 2, from which corner I run

South 14' East, on a true line between sections 1 and 2,
Variation 17° 46' East,

40 11 Set a post for quarter section corner, from which

A White Oak, 20 in. dia. bears N. 31 W. 65 links dist. A Sugar-Tree, 14 in. dia. bears S. 49 E. 32 links dist. 80.11 The corner to sections 1, 2, 11, 12,

Land level; good, rich soil.

Timber, Walnut, Sugar-Tree, Beech, and various kinds of Oak; open woods.

February 2d, 1854.

The point for corner to sections 5, 6, 31 and 32 being in a deep swamp, and not having been established, I begin at the witness corner on the S. E. edge of the swamp, 4.00 chains East of said point, and run thence East 250 links (with the line between sections 5 and 32) to a point; thence North 7.50 chains to a point; thence West 6·50 chains to a point on the North edge of the swamp and in the line between sections 31 and 32, and 7.50 chains North of the point for corner to sections 31 and 32, on the South Boundary of the Township. I here set a post for witness point, from which

A Bur Oak, 16 in. dia. bears N. 31 E. 25 links dist

An Ash, 12 in. dia. bears N. 25 W. 17 links dist.

From this witness point I run

North, between sections 31 and 32, counting the distance from
the point for corner to said sections in the swamp,
Variation 17° 40' East,

12.98 A Walnut, 22 in. dia.

38.19 An Ash, 35 in. dia.

40.00 Set a post for quarter section corner, from which

A Beech, 20 in. dia. bears N. 12 W. 45 links dist. A Sugar-Tree, 20 in. dia. bears S. 12 E. 13 links dist. 57.74 An Ash, 24 in. dia.

66-19 A White Oak, 36 in. dia.

80.00 Set a post with trench for corner to sections 29, 30, 31, 32, from which

A Beech, 26 in. dia. bears N. 9 W. 12 links dist.

A Sugar-Tree, 24 in. dia. bears S. 13 E. 56 links dist.
And planted N. E. a Butternut, and S. W. 4 Cherry stones.
Land, South half level, North half rolling; good soil,
Timber, Oak, Beech, Sugar-Tree, and Walnut; undergrowth,
same and Hazel on North part.


Township 25 N. Range 2. W. Willamette Meridian.

CHAINS. East, on a random line between sections 29 and 32,
Variation 17° 40′ East,

40.00 Set a post for temporary quarter section corner,

80-16 Intersected the N. and S. line 10 links N. of post corner to sections 28. 29, 32 and 33, from which corner I run

North 89° 56' West, on a true line between sections 29 and 32,
Variation 170 40′ E.

40-08 Set a post for quarter section corner, from which

A Black Oak, 18 in. dia. bears N. 36 E. 42 links dist.
A Bur Oak, 20 in. dia. bears S. 43 W. 47 links dist.

80.16 The corner to sections 29, 30, 31, 32,

Land gently rolling; good soil; fit for cultivation,

Timber, Oak, Beech, Hickory, and Walnut; open woods.
West, on a true line between sections 30 and 31, knowing
that it will strike the Chickeeles River in less than 80.00

Variation 170 40' East,

3:41 A Whike Oak, 15 in. dia.

5.00 Leave upland and enter creek bottom, bearing N. E. and S. W. 8.00 Elk Creek, 200 links wide, gentle current, muddy bottom and banks, runs S. W.

Ascertain the distance across the creek on the line as follows, viz.:

Cause the flag to be set on the right bank of the creek, and in the line between sections 30 and 31. From the station on the left bank of creek, at 8.00 chains, I run South 245 links to a point from which the flag on the right bank bears N. 45 W. which gives for the distance across the creek, on the line between sections 30 and 31, 2 chains 45 links.

25.17 A Bur Oak, 24 in. dia.

40.00 Set a post for quarter section corner, from which

A Buckeye, 24 in. dia. bears N. 15 W. 8 links dist.
A White Oak, 30 in. dia. bears S. 65 E. 12 links,

41.90 Set a post on the left bank of Chickeeles River, a navigable stream, for corner to fractional sections 30 and 31, from which

A Buckeye, 16 in. dia. bears N. 50 E. 16 links dist.
A Hackberry, 15 in. dia. bears S. 79 E. 14 links dist.
Land, low bottom; subject to inundation 3 or 4 feet deep,
Timber, Buckeye, Hackberry, Oak, and Hickory.
North, between sections 29 and 30,

Variation 17° 40' East.

6.50 Enter creek bottom, bearing N. E. and S. W.
13 00 Elk Creek, 200 links wide, runs S. W.

15.00 Enter a small prairie, about 40 acres,
31.00 Leave prairie and enter timber, bearing E. and W.
40.00 Set a post for quarter section corner, from which

A Hickory, 14 in. dia. bears N. 78 E. 15 links dist. A Bur Oak, 26 in. dia. bears N. 63 W. 19 links dist. 49.71 A Black Oak, 30 in. dia.



Township 25 N. Range 2 W. Willamette Meridian.

68-19 A Walnut, 36 in. dia.

80.00 Set a post for corner to sections 19, 20, 29, 30, from which

A Beech, 15 in. dia. bears N. 24 E. 18 links dist.

A Blue Ash, 24 in. dia. bears N. 79 W. 10 links dist. A Bur Oak, 9 in. dia. bears S. 14 W. 10 links dist. A Black Oak, 8 in. dia. bears S. 11 E. 14 links dist. Land, first half-mile, level prairie, and brushy, Oak and Hazel; second half-mile, some good timber, Oak, etc.; thick undergrowth, same.

|East, on a random line between sections 20 and 29,

Variation 70° 25' East,

40.00 Set a post for temporary quarter section corner,

80.10 Intersected the N. and S. line 20 links North of the corner to sections 20, 21, 28, 29, from which corner I run

North 89° 58′ West, on a true line between sections 20 and 29,
Variation 70° 25' East,

40.05 Set a post for quarter section corner, from which

A Sugar-Tree, 24 in. dia. bears N. 17 W. 20 links dist.
A Walnut, 14 in. dia. bears S. 10 E. 36 links dist.

80-10 The corner to sections 19, 20, 29, 30,

Land level, and rather wet,

Timber, Oak, Sugar-Tree, Beech, and Walnut; open woods.
West, on a random line between sections 19 and 30,

Variation 17° 40′ East,

40.00 Set a post for temporary quarter section corner,

75.53 Intersected the West boundary of the Township 20 links South of the corner to sections 19 and 30, from which corner I run South 890 51' East, on a true line between sections 19 and 30, Variation 170 40' East,

35.52 Set a post for quarter section corner, from which

A Sugar-Tree, 18 in. dia. bears N. 26 W. 23 links dist.
An Ash, 10 in. dia. bears S. 86 E. 32 links dist.

75.52 The corner to sections 19, 20, 29, 30,

Land level; rich soil; not subject to inundation,

Timber, Sugar-Tree, Beech, Walnut, and Ash; undergrowth,
Spice, Prickly Ash, and vines.

February 11th, 1854.

North, between sections 19 and 20,

Variation 170 40' East,

7.70 A Bur Oak, 20 in. dia.

27.16 A Locust, 18 in. dia.

34.00 A pond, 200 links wide, muddy bottom, and low banks; water not so deep as to prevent measuring across on the line with the chain. This pond extends about 15 chains East into section 20, and lies mostly in section 19, extending West,

40.00 Set a post for quarter section corner, from which

A Beech, 9 in. dia. bears N. 56 E. 44 links dist. A lynn, 12 in. dia. bears S. 36 W. 111 links dist. 49.00 The S. W. bank of a lake to be meandered,

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