Abbildungen der Seite


Township 25 N. Range 2 W. Willamette Meridian.

CHAINS. Set a post for corner to fractional sections 19 and 20, from which A Red Oak, 12 in. dia. bears S. 45 W. 21 links dist.

A Lynn, 15 in. dia. bears S. 23 E. 24 links dist.

From this corner offset West 7.50 chains to a point; thence North on an offset line 24.00 chains to a point; thence East 7.50 chains to a point in the line between sections 19 and 20-50 links in advance of lake; thence South to N. W. margin of lake, 50 links, where set a post for corner to fractional sections 19 and 20, from which

A Red Oak, 20 in. dia. bears N. 27 E. 31 links dist.
A Bur Oak, 15 in. dia. bears N. 36 W. 24 links dist.
This corner is 72.50 chains North of the corner to sections 19,
20, 29. 30, and from which I continue the line between sec-
tions 19 and 20 North, counting the distance from the corner
to sections 19, 20, 29, 30,

80.00 Set a post for corner to sections, 17, 18, 19, 20, from which
A Chestnut, 10 in. dia. bears N. 14 E. 14 links dist.
A Buckeye, 12 in. dia. bears N. 86 W. 13 links dist.
A Beech, 20 in. dia. bears S. 13 W. 16 links dist.

A Buckeye, 20 in. dia. bears S. 27 E. 35 links dist.

Land level; rich soil, but too wet for cultivation,

Timber, Oak, Walnut, Buckeye, and Beech; undergrowth,
Prickly Ash and vines.

East, on a random line between sections 17 and 20,

Variation 17° 40′ East,

40.00 Set a post for temporary quarter section corner,

79.90 Intersected N. and S. line 7 links North of post corner to sections 16, 17, 20, 21, from which corner I run

North 89° 57' West, on a true line between sections 17 and 20,
Variation 170 40' East,

39.95 Set a post near the North bank of the lake for quarter section corner, from which

A White Oak, 12 in. dia. bears N. 33 E. 19 links dist.
A White Oak, 15 in. dia. bears S. 16 W. 34 links dist.
From this corner I run South 150 links to a point on the North
bank of the lake, where set a meander corner, from which
A Red Oak, 15 in. dia. bears N. 21 E. 15 links dist.
An Ash, 12 in. dia. bears N. 16 W. 12 links dist.

79.90 The corner to sections 17, 18, 19, 20,

Land level and wet; rich soil,

Timber, Oak, Ash, Elm, and Beech; undergrowth, same, briers and vines.

Meanders of Island Lake.

Begin at the corner to fractional sections 19 and 20, on the N. W. margin of the lake, and run thence along the N. W. margin thereof, in fractional section 20, as follows, viz.:

N. 79 E. 20.00 chains, thence

N. 84 E. 20.43 66 to the meander corner 150 links South of the quarter section corner on the line between sections 17 and 20, thence


Township 25 N. Range 2 W. Willamette Meridian.

CHAINS. S. 73 E. 16.00 chains, thence

[blocks in formation]

S. 40 E. 19-22 chains to the corner to fractional sections 20 and 21, on the N. E. bank of lake, at 52.33 chains. At 18.00 chains on this line cross the mouth of a branch, 30 links wide, coming from N. E.

Begin at the corner to fractional sections 20 and 21, on S. E. bank of lake, at 28.94 chains, and run thence along the Southern bank of said lake in fractional section 20, as follows:

S. 70 W. 20.00 chains, thence
S. 85 W. 23:00



N. 70 W. 12.00



N. 30 W. 18.00*


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N. 63 W. 20.24

*At 14.50 chains cross outlet to lake, 30 links wide, running W. about 5 chains into pond.

66 to the corner to fractional sections 19

and 20, at 49.00 chains; thence in section 19, as follows, viz.:

N. 75 W. 5.00 chains, thence

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

N. 384 E. 8-48


to the corner to fractional sections 19 and 20 on the bank of lake at 72.50 chains. This lake has low, wet, brushy banks, and has an island of timber in the middle, which ought to be meandered. Timber, around lake, Ash, Maple, and Red Oak. I cause a flag to be set on the North bank of the island South of the meander corner, which is 150 links South of the quarter section corner on the line between sections 17 and 20. From the meander corner run a base 7.50 East to a point, from which the flag bears S. 45 W. which gives for the distance across the water to the flag on the island 7.50 chains. Set a meander post in the place of the flag, from which a Red Oak, 15 in. dia. bears S. 21 W. 24 links, and an Ash, 10 in. dia. bears S. 25 E. 17 links dist. From the meander post I run around the island as follows:

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Township 25 N. Range 2 W. Willamette Meridian.

CHAINS. S. 88 E. 14-20 chains, to the meander corner and place of be. ginning. This island is well timbered, and is good, dry land. Timber, Oak, Hickory, Beech, and Ash; undergrowth, same and vines.

The line between sections 18 and 19 will strike the river before reaching the range line, I therefore run it

West, on a true line between sections 18 and 19,

7.9 A Buckeye, 15 in. dia.

16.54 A Locust, 24 in. dia.

Variation 17° 40′ East,

28-90 Set a post on the left bank of Chickeeles River for corner to fractional sections 18 and 19, from which

A Buckeye, 24 in. dia. bears N. 76 E. 22 links dist. A Hackberry, 16 in. dia. bears S. 24 W. 15 links. There is an island in the river opposite this corner. To ascertain the distance on the line between sections 18 and 19 to the island, I send my flagman across the slough, who sets the flag on the S. E. bank of the island, and in the line between sections 18 and 19, from the corner to said sections on the left bank of the river. I run South 260 links to a point from which the flag on the island bears N. 45 W. which gives for the distance 3 79 chains, to which add 28-90 chains, makes 32.69 To the flag. Set a post in the place of the flag for corner to fractional sections 18 and 19, from which

A White Oak, 16 in. dia. bears N. 41 W. 37 links dist.
A Bur Oak, 14 in. dia. bears S. 81 W. 16 links dist.

36-52 A White Oak, 20 in. dia.

39-10 A Bur Oak, 16 in. dia.

40.00 Set a post for quarter section corner, from which

A White Oak, 15 in. dia. bears N. 15 W. 21 links dist. A Walnut, 20 in. dia. bears S. 21 E. 17 links dist. 45.50 Set a post on the N. W. bank of the island for corner to fractional sections 18 and 19, from which

A Hackberry, 10 in. dia. bears N. 85 E, 15 links dist.
A Hickory, 15 in. dia. bears S. 51 E. 17 links dist.
From this corner I meander around the island as follows: In
section 19,

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors]

N. 60 E. 10.00

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N. 663 E. 14-15

to the corner to fractional sections 18

and 19, on the S. E. bank of the island, thence in section 18,

N. 70 E. 10 00 chains, thence

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]


Township 25 N. Range 2 W. Willamette Meridian.

CHAINS. S. 66 W. 2.00 chains, thence

S. 75 W. 4.00

S. 80 W. 10.00

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

S. 63 W. 21-10 " to the corner to fractional sections 18 and 19, on the N. W. bank of island, and place of beginning. Land, on island and main shore, level and rich; not subject to inundation,

Timber, Oak, Hickory, Ash and Walnut; undergrowth, same and vines.

North, between sections 17 and 18,

Variation 17° 40′ East.

6.57 A Hickory, 20 in. dia.

10.80 Set a post on the left bank of Chickeeles River for corner to fractional sections 17 and 18, from which

A Buckeye, 8 in. dia. bears S. 25 W. 15 links dist.
A Hackberry, 10 in. dia. bears S. 61 E. 3 links dist.
Monday, February 13th, 1854.

|Meanders of the left bank of Chickeeles River through
the Township.

Begin at the corner to fractional sections 4 and 33, in the North Boundary of the Township and on the left and S. E. bank of the river, and run thence down stream with the meanders of the left bank of said river, in fractional sec tion 4, as follows:

Courses. Distances.
S. 76 W. 18.50 chs.
S. 61 W. 10.00
S. 59 W. 8.30


To the corner to fractional sections 4 and 5; thence in section 5

[blocks in formation]

To the corner to fractional sections 5 and 8;
in section 8-

To the head of rapids.

To foot of rapids.


To the corner to fractional sections 8 and 17.
Land, along fractional section 8, high, rich bottom;
not subject to inundation.

The rapids are 37.00 chains long; rocky bottom;
estimated fall 10 feet.



Township 25 N. Range 2 W. Willamette Meridian.


S. 17 E. 15.00

S. 8 E. 12.00
S. 4 W. 22.00

S. 25 W. 17.00
S. 78 W. 12:00
S. 71 W. 9.55

S. 65 W. 15:00
S. 73 W. 15-93
S. 65 W. 14:00

S. 60 W. 23:00

S. 42 W. 10.00


Meanders in section 17. At 5 chains discovered a vein of coal, which appears to be 5 feet thick, and may be readily worked.

At 300 chains the ferry across the river to Wil. liamsburg, on the opposite side of the river.

To the corner to fractional sections 17 and 18; thence in section 18

To the corner to fractional sections 18 and 19.
In section 19.

S. 20 W. 10:00
S. 16 W. 13.83

S. 41 E. 20.00
S. 49 E. 15.00
S. 42 E. 12.00
S. 12 E. 5.30

S. 12 E. 10.00

S. 12 W. 13:50

S. 41 W. 9.00
S. 58 W. 11.00
S: 35 W. 11.00
S. 20 W. 20.00

S. 23 W. 8-80

At 2 chains cross outlet to pond and lake, 50
links wide, to the corner to fractional sections 19
and 24, on the range line, 32·50 chains North of
the corner to sections 19, 30, 24 and 25.
Begin at the corner to fractional sections 25 and
30, on the range line 1 chain South of the quar-
ter section corner on said line, and run thence
down stream with the meanders of the left bank
of Chickeeles River, in fractional section 30, as
follows, viz.:

At 10 chains discovered a fine mineral spring.
appear the remains of an Indian village.

To the corner to fractional sections 30 and 31; thence in section 31

To mouth of Elk River, 200 links wide; comes from the East.

At 200 links across the creek.

At 15 chains mouth of stream, 25 links wide; comes from S. E.

To the corner to fractional sections 31 and 36, on the range line, and 8.56 chains North of the corner to sections 1, 6, 31 and 36, or S. W. corner to this Township.

Land along the left bank of Chickeeles River is level, rich soil, and only a small part subject to inundation.

Timber, Oak, Hickory, Beech, and Elm; not much undergrowth.

February 14th, 1854.

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