ground not less than eight inches, with their sides to the cardinal points, and small mounds of stones should be constructed against the sides of them. The notches on the edges are the only marks required, and the directions for notching township posts are to be FIG. 7. followed in notching cor ner stones in like circumstances. (Fig. 7.) 3. TOWNSHIP CORNER TREES. A tree in place, when employed to perpetuate a township corner, must be marked and witnessed in the same manner as a township post. 4. TOWNSHIP CORNER MOUNDS. The post and mound is a common method of marking corners. The manner of constructing the mound is explained on page 31. Mounds at township corners must be 5 feet in diameter at their base, and 21 feet in perpendicular height. Posts in township mounds, therefore, require to be 4 feet in length, so as to be planted 12 inches in the ground, and allow 12 inches to project above the mound. The pits for a township mound will be 18 inches wide, 2 feet in length, and at least 12 inches deep, located 6 feet from the post, and on opposite sides. At corners common to four townships, the pits will be placed on the lines and lengthwise to them. On base and parallel lines, where the corners are common to only two townships, three pits only will be dug-two in line on either side of the post, and one on the line north or south of the corner, as the case may be. By this means the standard and closing corners can be readily distinguished from each other. Posts in mounds should be notched, marked, and faced precisely as directed for posts without the mound. SECTION CORNERS. Section corners are established at intervals of 1 mile or 80 chains, and the four modes of perpetuating corners already described, are employed to mark them, to wit: FIG. 8. 1. SECTION CORNER POSTS.-Posts for section corners must be 4 feet in length and 4 inches in diameter, firmly planted or driven into the ground to the depth of 2 feet, the part projecting being squared to receive the required marks. (Fig. 8.) When the corner is common to four sections, the post will be set cornerwise to the lines, and on each flattened surface will be marked the number of the section which it faces; also, on the northeast face, the number of the township and range will be cut. All mile posts on township lines will have as many notches on the two corresponding edges as they are miles distant from the respective township corners. Section posts in the interior of a township will have as many notches on the south and east edges as they are miles from the south 2 notches, if 2 miles from Township Line. 24 inches in ground. 24 inches above ground. 3 inches square. 4 notches, if 4 miles from Township Line. and east boundaries of the township, but no notches on the north and west edges. By this plan the corner can be identified thereafter, if the post be found lying upon the ground. All section posts, whether in the interior of a township or on a township line, must be witnessed by four bearing trees, one in each of the adjoining sections, to be marked in the manner described under the head of "Bearing trees." When the requisite number of bearing trees cannot be found, the deficiency will be supplied by substituting pits 18 inches square, and not less than 12 inches in depth. 2. SECTION CORNER MOUND.-Mounds at section corners will be 4 feet in diameter at their base, and 2 feet in perpendicular height; the post being 4 feet in length and inserted 12 inches in the ground. The post must be not less than 3 inches square, and is to be marked and witnessed the same as the post without the mound. At corners common to four sections, the post in mound will be set with the edges to the cardinal points; at corners common to only two sections, the flattened sides of the post will face the cardinal points. FIG. 9. Flat Stone. 3. SECTION CORNER STONES.-When stones are used for section corners on township lines, they will be set with their edges in the direction of the line; but when standing for interior section corners they will be planted facing the north, and should be notched the same as section posts similarly situated. No marks except the notches are required, but they will be witnessed by trees or pits as required where posts are used. The requisite dimensions of corner stones are given under the appropriate head. (Fig. 9.) 4. SECTION CORNER TREE.-A tree in place at a section corner is marked according to the direction for marking section posts. QUARTER SECTION CORNERS. Quarter section corners are established at intervals of half a mile or 40 chains, except in the north and west tiers of sections in a township. Where the section lines exceed or fall short of 80 chains, in subdividing these sections, the quarter post is established just 40 chains from the interior section corner, throwing the excess or deficiency upon the last half mile. The intervals between the quarter posts and the north and west township boundaries will therefore be irregular. Quarter section corners are not required to be established on the north boundary of the northern tier of sections in a township south of and bordering on a standard parallel or base line. The resurvey of standard or base lines, by the deputy surveyor, for the purpose of establishing such quarter posts, is unnecessary and will not be paid for. Quarter section corners are perpetuated in the following manner, to wit: 1. QUARTER SECTION POSTS.-Posts at quarter section corners must be 4 feet in length and 4 inches in diameter, and be planted or driven into the ground 2 feet; the part projecting being flattened or squared, so as to present a smooth surface 3 inches in width. (Fig. 10.) The only mark required on a quarter section post is the characters "S." The corner must also be witnessed by two bearing trees. 2. QUARTER SECTION MOUNDS.-Mounds at quarter section corners will be 4 feet in diameter at their base, and 2 feet in perpendicular height, the post being 4 feet in length and inserted in the ground 12 inches; it will also be marked and witnessed the same as the post with out the mound. FIG. 11. 3. QUARTER SECTION STONES.-Stones used for quarter section corners must have the fraction "" cut upon the west side of north and south lines, and on the north side of east and west lines, and must be witnessed by two bearing trees. (Fig. 11.) 4. A TREE, when found in place, should be marked and witnessed in the same manner as the post. MEANDER CORNERS. At the points where township or section lines intersect large ponds, lakes, bayous, or navigable rivers, posts are established at the time of running the lines, which are called meander corners. Either of the four modes described for perpetuating corners may be employed for meander corners. 1. MEANDER POSTS.-No marking is required on meander posts, but they must be witnessed by two bearing trees or pits. They should also be firmly inserted in the ground. 2. MEANDER MOUNDS.-The mound and post at meander corners should be of the same dimensions as those for the section and quarter section corners. The pit should be directly on the line, and 8 links further from the water than the mound. When the pit cannot be so located, its course and distance from the corner should be stated in the field book. 3. STONES OF TREES may be employed to perpetuate meander corners, and when so used must be witnessed the same as meander posts. FIELD BOOKS. The field notes of the deputy surveyor are the official and permanent record of the boundaries of the public lands. They afford the elements from which the plats of the public surveys are constructed, and are the original and only source from which authentic descriptions of established boundaries can be obtained. It is of the highest importance that deputy surveyors should keep a faithful, distinct and minute record of everything officially done and observed by them or their assistants in their field operations. Carelessness or a want of strict fidelity on the part of the surveyor, will impair the value of his notes, if not indeed render them worse than worthless. |