land claims, under foreign titles and special acts of Congress, with various forms, etc.
The comprehensive index attached to the book will enable the reader to turn readily to any subject desired.
The writer cheerfully acknowledges his indebtedness to Hon. JAMES M. EDMUNDS, late Commissioner of the General Land Office, for his valuable aid in selecting and preparing the instructions contained in the Appendix. He also takes this occasion to return his acknowledgments to HON. JOSEPH S. WILSON, the present Commissioner, for the uniform courtesy and kindness shown him in affording every facility to obtain the necessary data to complete the work and bring it down to current date.
Trusting that he has to some extent succeeded in producing a hand-book of the public land system suited to the wants of a large and intelligent class of his fellow-citizens, the writer respectfully submits the following pages to the public, with the earnest wish that they may be instrumental in securing a uniformity in the laws and practice in the several land states, conforming to the laws of Congress and the decisions of the United States Courts.