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difcuffion may reconcile the minds of men, in that Kingdom, to a Meafure which I am fure will be found as neceffary for their peace and happiness, as it will be conducive to the general fecurity and advantage of the British Empire.

Sir, it remains to be my duty to lay these Relutions before the Houfe, wifhing that the more detailed difcuffion of them may be reserved to a future day.



That in order to promote and fecure the effential Interests of Great Britain and Ireland, and to confolidate the Strength, Power, and Refources of the British Empire, it will be adviseable to concur in fuch measures as may best tend to unite the two Kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland into one Kingdom, in such manner, and on such Terms and Conditions as may be established by Acts of the respec tive Parliaments of His Majefty's faid Kingdoms.


That it appears to this Committee that it would be fit to propofe as the firft Article to ferve as a Bafis of the faid Union, that the faid Kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland fhall, upon a day to be agreed upon, be united into one Kingdom, by the name of the UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND.


That for the fame purpose it appears also to this Committee, that it would be fit to propose that the Succeffion to the Monarchy and the Imperial Crown of the faid United Kingdoms, fhall continue limited and fettled, in the fame manner as the Imperial Crown of the faid Kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland now ftands limited and fettled, according to the exifting Laws, and to the Terms of the Union between England and Scotland.


That for the fame purpose it appears alfo to this Committee, that it would be fit to propofe that the faid United Kingdom be reprefented in one and the fame Parliament, to be ftiled the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and that fuch a number of Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and fuch a number of Members of the Houfe of Commnets as fhall be hereafter agreed upon by A&ts of the refpe&tive Parliaments as aforefaid, fhall fit and vote in the faid Parliament on the part of Ireland, and shall be fummoned, chofen and returned, in fuch manner as shall be fixed by an A&t of the Parliament of Ireland previous to the faid Union; and that every Member hereafter to fit and vote in the faid Parliament of the United Kingdom fhall, until the faid Parliament fhall otherwife provide, take and fubfcribe the fame Oaths, and make the fame Declarations as are by Law required to be taken, fubfcribed and made by the Members of the Parliaments of Great Britain and Ireland.


That for the fame purpose it appears also to this Committee, that it would be fit to propofe that the Churches of England and Ireland, and the Doctrine, Worship, Difcipline, and Government thereof, fhall be preferved as now by Law Eftablifhed.




That for the fame purpose it appears alfo to this Committee, that it would be fit to propofe that His Majesty's Subjects in Ireland fhall at all times hereafter be entitled to the fame privileges, and be on the fame footing in refpect of Trade and Navigation, in all Ports and Places belonging to Great Britain, and in all cafes with respect to which Treaties shall be made by His Majelty, his Heirs or Succeffors, with any Foreign Power, as His Majefty's Subjects in Great Britain; that no Duty fhall be impofed on the Import or Export between Great Britain and Ireland of any Articles now Duty free and that on other Articles there fhall be eftablished, for a time to be limited, fuch a moderate rate of equal Duties as fhall, previous to the Union, be agreed upon and approved by the refpective Parliaments, fubject, after the expiration of fuch limited time, to be diminished equally with respect to both Kingdoms, but in no cafe to be encreased; that all Articles which may at any time hereafter be imported into Great Britain from Foreign Parts, shall be importable through either Kingdom into the other, fubject to the like Duties and Regulations as if the fame were imported directly from Foreign Parts; that where any Articles, the growth, produce, or manufacture ·of either Kingdom, are fubject to any internal Duty in one Kingdom, fuch countervailing Duties (over and above any Duties on import to be fixed as aforefaid) fhall be impofed as fhall be neceffary to prevent any inequality in that refpect and that all other matters of Trade and Commerce other than the foregoing, and than fuch others as may before the Union be specially agreed upon for the due encouragement of the Agriculture and Manufactures of the refpective Kingdoms, fhall remain to be regulated from time to time by the United Parliament.

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That for the like purpose it would be fit to propofe, that the charge arifing from the payment of the Intereft or Sink ing Fund for the reduction of the Principal of the Debt incurred in either Kingdom before the Union, fhall continue to be feparately defrayed by Great Britain and Ireland refpectively. That for a number of Years to be limited, the future ordinary expences of the UNITED KINGDOM, in Peace or War, fhall be defrayed by Great Britain and Ireland jointly, according to fuch proportions as fhall be established by the respective Parliaments prévious to the Union; and that after the expiration of ther ime to be fo limited, the proportion fhall not be liable to be varied, except according to fuch rates and prin1ciples as fhall be in like manner agreed upon previous to the Union.


That, for the like purpoferit would be fit to propofe, that all Laws in force at the time of the Union, and that all the Courts of Civil or Ecclefiaftical Jurisdiction within the refpective Kingdoms, shall remain as now by Law eftablished within the fame, fubje&t only to fuch alterations or regulations from time to time as circumstances may ap7pear to the Parliament of the UNITED KINGDOM to re*quire.

That the foregoing RESOLUTIONS be laid before His Majefty with an humble ADDRESS, affuring His Majefty that we have proceeded with the utmost attention to the confideraition of the important objects recommended to us in His Majefy's Gracious MESSAGE.

That we entertain a firm perfuafion that a COMPLETE AND UNION between Great Britain and Ireland, founded on equal and liberal principles, on the fimilarity



of Laws, Conftitution and Government, and on a sense of mutual Interefts and Affections, by promoting the Security, Wealth and Commerce of the refpective Kingdoms, and by allaying the distractions which have unhappily prevailed in Ireland, muft afford fresh means of oppofing at all times an effectual refiftance to the destructive Projects of our Foreign and Domestic Enemies, and must tend to confirm and augment the Stability, Power, and Refources of the Empire.

Impreffed with thefe confiderations, we feel it our duty humbly to lay before his Majefty fuch Propofitions as appear to us beft calculated to form the bafis of such a settlement, leaving it to His Majefty's wisdom, at fuch time and in fuch manner as His Majefty, in his Parental Solicitude for the happiness of his People, fhall judge fit, to communicate thefe Propofitions to His Parliament of Ireland, with whom we shall be at all times ready to concur in all fuch Meafures as may be found moft conducive to the accomplishment of this great and falutary Work. And we trust that, after full and mature confideration, fuch a Settlement may be framed and established, by the deliberative Confent of the Parliaments of both Kingdoms, as may be conformable to the Sentiments, Wishes, and real Interests of His Majefty's faithful Subjects of Great Britain and Ireland, and may unite them infeparably in the full enjoyment of the bleffings of our free and invaluable Conftitution, ia the fupport of the Honour and Dignity of His Majesty's Crown, and in the prefervation and advancement of the Welfare and Profperity of the whole British Empire,

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