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Burnet, loved, we greet you well. And because it hath pleased AlRef. vol. iii. mighty God in this latter time of the world, after long darkness App. b. iv. No. 8. from of knowledge, to reveal to this his Church of England, whereof Thirlby's we have under Christ the chief charge in earth, a sincere knowledge of the Gospel, to the inestimable benefit of us and Strype, Memorials, our people, redeemed by our Saviour Christ: We have thought vol. ii. App. it meet and our duty, for the pure conservation of the same Gospel in our Church, with one uniform profession, doctrine, and preaching, and for the avoiding of many perilous and vain opinions and errors, to send unto you certain Articles, devised and gathered with great study, and by counsel and good advice of the greatest learned part of our bishops of this realm, and sundry others of our clergy; which Articles we will and exhort yourself to subscribe, and in your preachings, readings, and teachings to observe, and cause to be subscribed and observed of all other, which do, or hereafter shall preach, or read, within your diocese. And if any person or persons, having benefice within your diocese, shall from henceforth not only refuse wilfully to set their hands to these Articles, but also obstinately exhort their parochians to withstand the same, and teach the people in a contrary way; our pleasure is, that being duly proved, ye shall advertise us, or our Council, of the whole matter fully, to the intent such further order may by direction from us, or our said Council, be taken, as the case shall require, and shall stand with justice and the order of our laws. And further, that when and as often as ye shall have any manner of person presented unto you to be admitted by you as the ordinary to any ecclesiastical order, ministry, office, or cure, within your diocese, that ye shall, before you admit him, confer with him in every these Articles. And finding him thereto consenting, to cause him to subscribe the same in one ledger book to be formed for that purpose, which may remain as a register for a concord, and to let him have a copy of the same Articles. And if any man in that case shall refuse to consent to any of the said Articles, and to subscribe the same, then we will and command you, that neither ye, nor any for you, or by your procurement in any wise shall admit him, or allow him as sufficient and meet to take any order, ministry, or ecclesiastical cure. For which your so doing we shall discharge you from all manner of penalties, or dangers of actions, suits, or pleas of præmunires,

quare impedit, or such like. And yet our meaning is, that if any party refuse to subscribe any of these Articles for lack of learning and knowledge of the truth, ye shall in that case by teaching, conference, and proof of the same by the Scriptures, reasonably and discreetly move and persuade him thereto, before you shall peremptorily judge him as unable and a recusant. And for the trial of his conformity, ye shall, according to your discretion, prefix a time and space convenient to deliberate and give his consent, so that be betwixt three weeks and six weeks from the time of the first access unto you. And if after six weeks he will not consent and agree willingly to subscribe, then ye may lawfully, and shall in any wise refuse to admit or enable him. And where there is of late set forth by our authority a Catechism for the instruction of young scholars in the fear of God, and the true knowledge of his holy religion, with express commandment from us to all schoolmasters to teach and instruct their scholars the said Catechism, making it the beginning and first foundation of their teaching in their schools; our pleasure is, that for the better execution of our said commandment, ye shall yearly, at the least, once visit, or cause to be visited, every school within your said diocese; in which visitation it shall be inquired both how the schoolmaster of every such school hath used himself in the teaching of the said Catechism, and also how the scholars do receive and follow the same; making plain and full certificate of the offenders contrary to this our order, and of their several offences, to the Archbishop of that province, within the months from time to time after every such offence. Yeoven under our signet, at the manor of Grenewich, the 1xth day of June, the VIIth year of our reign.

2. A Mandate, in King Edward's name, to the officers of the Archbishop of Canterbury; requiring them to see that the Articles of Religion should be subscribed.

Mandatum pro publicatione nonnullorum Articulorum, veram

Christi fidem concernentium.

EDWARDUS Sextus, Dei gratia, Angliæ, et Franciæ, et Hi- Burnet, berniæ Rex, Fidei Defensor, et in terra Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ et Reformat. vol. iii.App. Hiberniæ Supremum Caput, dilectis sibi, officiali curiæ Cantuar' B. vi. No. 7. et decano decanatus de Arcubus Londin' ac eorum surrogatis, de

from Reg. Cranmer,

vol. iv.p.79.

Wilkins, putatis, aut locum tenentibus, uni vel pluribus, salutem. Quo Concilia, niam nuper, per literas nostras regias, signeto nostro obsignatas, reverendissimo in Christo patri, consiliario nostro fidelissimo, Thomæ Cantuariensi Archiepiscopo, totius Angliæ Primati et Metropolitano, dederimus in mandatis, quatenus ipse, ad Dei optimi maximi gloriam illustrandam, nostrumque et Ecclesiæ nostræ Anglicana (cujus caput supremum post Christum, esse dignoscimur) honorem, et ad tollendam opinionis dissensionem, et consensum veræ religionis firmandum, nonnullos articulos, et alia rectam Christi fidem spirantia, clero et populo nostris ubilibet infra suam jurisdictionem degentibus, pro parte nostra exponeret, publicaret, denunciaret, et significaret; prout in literis nostris (quarum tenores, pro hic insertis habere volumus) latius continetur, et describitur: vobis igitur, et eorum cuilibet, tenore præsentium, districte præcipiendo nostra sublimi regia auctoritate mandamus; quatenus moneatis, monerive faciatis peremptorie, omnes et singulos rectores, vicarios, presbyteros, stipendiarios, curatos, plebanos, ministros, ludimagistros cujuslibet scholæ grammatices, aut aliter vel alias grammaticam aperte vel privatim profitentes, aut pubem instituentes, verbi Dei prædicatores vel prælectores, necnon quoscunque alios, quamcunque aliam functionem ecclesiasticam, (quocunque nomine aut appellatione censetur, habetur, aut nuncupatur) obtinentes et habentes, oeconomos quoque cujuslibet parochiæ infra decanatum de Arcubus prædictum existentes aut degentes; quod ipsi omnes, et eorum quilibet, per se compareant vel compareat personaliter, coram dicto reverendissimo patre Cantuar' Archiepiscopo, in aula ædium suarum apud Lambehithe, die Veneris vicesimo tertio die præsentis mensis Junii, inter horas septimam et nonam, ante meridiem ejusdem diei, his quæ tunc iis ex parte nostra fuerint significanda, humiliter obtemperaturi, facturique ulterius et recepturi, quod consonans fuerit rationi, ac suo convenerit erga nostram regiam dignitatem officio: mandantes, quatenus dictis die, loco, et horis, eundem reverendissimum, de executione hujus regii nostri mandati, una cum nominibus et cognominibus omnium et singulorum per vos monitorum, rite, recte, et auctentice reddatis certiorem, una cum præsentibus uti decet. Teste Thoma Cant' Archiepiscopo prædicto, decimo nono die Junii, anno regni nostri septimo.

Certificatorium factum super Executione Mandati prædicti.

REVERENDISSIMO in Christo patri et domino, domino Thomæ, permissione divina, Cantuariensi Archiepiscopo, totius Angliæ Primati et Metropolitano; auctoritate illustrissimi in Christo principis, et domini nostri domini Edwardi Sexti, Dei gratia, Angliæ, Franciæ, et Hiberniæ regis, Fidei Defensoris, ac in terra Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ et Hibernica Supremi Capitis, sufficienti auctoritate fulcito, Johannes Gibbon civilium legum professor, vestræ celsitudinis observantissimus, pariter eidem addictissimus, decanatus vestr' beatæ Mariæ Virginis de Arcubus London' Commissarius, omnem quæ decet reverentiam et obedientiam tanto reverendissimo patri debitam cum honore. datum illustrissimi et potentissimi domini nostri Regis, præsentibus annexum, nuper accepimus, cujus vigore pariter et auctoritate omnes et singulos rectores, presbiteros, &c. Dat' vicesimo secundo die mensis Junii, anno Domini millesimo quingentesimo quinquagesimo tertio.



* ALL THE SUBMISSIONS, and Recantations of Thomas Cranmer, late Archbishop of Canterbury, truly set forth both in Latin and English, agreeable to the Originals, written and subscribed with his own Hand.





1. The true copy of the First Submission of Thomas Cranmer, late Archbishop of Canterbury, which afterward by inconstancy and unstableness he the said Thomas Cranmer did cancel, the original whereof was sent to the Queen's Majesty and her Privy-Council, as followeth :

Forasmuch as the King and Queen's Majesties, by consent of their parliament, have received the Pope's authority within this

[This is a reprint, from a copy belonging to Mr. Todd, of the original pamphlet published by Cawood. See above, p. 129; Strype, Memorials, vol. iii. p. 233; Todd, Life of Cranmer, vol. ii. p. 472.]

realm, I am content to submit myself to their laws herein, and to take the Pope for chief head of this Church of England, so far as God's laws, and the laws and customs of this realm will permit.

Thomas Cranmer.

2. The true copy of the Second Submission of the said Thomas Cranmer, which he the said Thomas did advisedly subscribe with his own hand, and did not afterward revoke it, the original whereof was also sent up to the Queen's Majesty and her said Council, as before:

I, Thomas Cranmer, doctor in divinity, do submit myself to the Catholic Church of Christ, and to the Pope, Supreme Head of the same Church, and unto the King and the Queen's Majesties, and unto all their laws and ordinances.

Thomas Cranmer.

3. Tertium scriptum Cranmeri sua ipsius manu exaratum, et per eum in Buccardo exhibitum London' Episcopo.

I am content to submit myself to the King and Queen's Majesties, and to all their laws and ordinances, as well concerning the Pope's supremacy as others. And I shall from time to time move and stir all other to do the like, to the uttermost of my power, and to live in quietness and obedience unto their Majesties, most humbly, without murmur or grudging against any of their godly proceedings. And for my book which I have written, I am contented to submit me to the judgment of the Catholic Church, and of the next General Council.

Thomas Cranmer.

4. Quartum scriptum Cranmeri sua ipsius manu exaratum, et per eum in Buccardo exhibitum London' Episcopo.

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Be it known by these presents, that I, Thomas Cranmer, doctor of divinity, and late Archbishop of Canterbury, do firmly, steadfastly, and assuredly believe in all articles and points of the Christian religion and Catholic faith, as the Catholic Church doth believe, and hath ever believed from the beginning. Moreover, as concerning the Sacraments of the church, I believe unfeignedly in all points as the said Catholic Church doth and hath believed from the beginning of Christian religion. In wit

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