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you in being detained, when moft of your countrymen are ranfomed "" Oh, Sir," replied Sir Bertrand, "I have this "comfort; it is reported both in France




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and Spain, that your Highnefs ftands fo "much in fear of me that you dare not "let me go, which must needs redound to "the honour of fo mean a Knight as I The Prince knew well to what end thefe fubtile expreffions tended; he also remembered that his whole Council had been unanimous in advifing him to reject offer of ranfom for fo formidable an enemy, till Don Pedro had paid the money fo long promifed, fearing he might again embroil the affairs of Spain, and put that King out of a capacity of paying: he was : however of too great a spirit to bear this infinuation, though prudence urged the neceffity of his being detained. To convince him therefore that he was fuperior to his bravado, and to let him fee that his reftoration to liberty depended on himself, he told him he would immediately confent to

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his ranfom if he chofe it; at the fame time to combat him with his own weapons, he refolved to ask fuch a fum as he could not easily raise he confequently made him this reply; "Then, Sir, it seems you imagine we detain you here through dread "of your prowefs and chivalry; but think "not fo, Sir Knight, for I fwear by St. George, on payment of one hundred "thoúfand. franks you shall immediately "be free.' "Agreed, Sir," returned the General," and I thank you for the honour "of rating me fo high." The Prince would not recede from what he had faid, though his Council would have perfuaded him to break his promife; and Sir Bertrand, by the affistance of the French King, the Duke of Anjou, and Don Henry, having raised in lefs than a month the fum agreed, which amounted to ten thousand pounds fterling, was released from his imprisonment.

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Don Henry no longer dreading the Prince of Wales's potent arm, collected his fcattered

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tered troops and removed into the kingdom of Arragon, where he renewed his alliance with that King, who promised to aid him in the recovery of the throne he had been driven from. The unparalleled cruelties exercised by Don Pedro over his helpless fubjects, whom he now regarded as vanquished rebels, revived all the animofity of the Caftilians against him. Don Henry took advantage of this renewed diffatisfaction, and affifted by the King of Arragon, and Sir Bertrand du Guefclin, who immediately on his release had raised a confiderable body of French and marched to his aid, he fought out his opponent. battle enfued, in which Don Pedro was defeated; and retiring with difficulty from the field, threw himself with a few troops into the caftle of Montrel, whither his victorious Brother followed him and laid fiege to the castle.


Don Pedro finding, that from a fcarcity of provifions he thould not be able to hold out long,

long, refolved to attempt an escape: accordingly about the hour of midnight, accompanied only by twelve perfons, he iffued out in great filence, and was favoured by the darkness of the night. He however had not proceeded far before Sir Bertrand du Guefclin, who had foreseen this attempt, and was therefore the more watchful, alarmed the guard on hearing the trampling of horses; rufhing immediately into the road from whence the found proceeded, he laid hold of the bridle of the firft horfe he met, which happened to be Don Pedro's, telling him that he was a dead man if he offered to move on. The Spanish King then discovering himself, endeavoured to corrupt the fidelity of the French Knight, by a promise of two hundred thousand crowns of gold if he would permit him to efcape; but Sir Bertrand, faithful to the cause he had espoused, secured the King with all his train, and carried them to his


He had not been long there before Don Henry, attended by the Duke of Rochebreton and fome other Noblemen, came in : as Don Henry entered he cried aloud, "Where is that Son of a Whore the Jew, "who calls himself King of Caftile ?" Don Pedro could not contain himself at this infult, but boldly replied, "Tis thou that "art the Son of a Whore, and I the legi"timate Son of King Alphonfo:" at the fame time feizing Don Henry, he threw him upon a bench, and with his dagger would certainly have flain him, had not Lord Rochebreton laid hold of Don Pedro's leg and turned him on his back, thus expreffing himself, "I neither make King, "nor marr King." Don Henry recovering himself by this timely affistance, drew out a long knife and plunged it into his Brother's heart, fo that he instantly died. Thus fell Don Pedro, and King Henry in confequence became fully established on the throne of Caftile, The defcendents of the former however, after fome time, re-ascended


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