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King Edward now marched with his victorious army towards Calais, which he intended to besiege he knew that this important fortress was impregnable, but being freed by the late decifive engagement, from any interruption, he determined to reduce it by fainine to this purpose he chose a fecure ftation for his camp, and drew intrenchments round the whole town.

Whilft he patiently waited in this fitu, ation the furrender of the garrifon, he fent the Prince of Wales into England to raise fupplies this young Prince was not only qualified for the hardy encounters of war, but his good fenfe and penetration enabled him, even at this early age, to fhine in the equally arduous tranfactions of the cabinet. His uncommon valour and amiable accomplishments rendered him fo beloved by the English, that they granted him with cheerfulness the fupplies he required, and fubmitted with readiness to his prudent regu


lations for their domeftic quiet during the abfence of his Father.


At this period the English name was raised to a pitch of eminence never known before; befides the unexampled atchievements of the King and Prince, Queen Philippa, willing to fhew that fhe was not unworthy her alliance with fo warlike a family, endeavoured to rival them in noble deeds, The Scots taking advantage of the King's abfence, had entered England at the head of fifty thousand men, and carried their ravages and devastations to the gates of Durham: but the Queen affembling an army of about twelve thoufand men, which the entrusted to the command of Lord Piercy, marched to oppose them: the found them encamped at Neville's Cross near that city, and immediately gave orders that they fhould be attacked. When the armies were drawn up and ready for the engagement, this heroic Lady rode through the ranks, exhorting her troops to do their G


duty, and to strive to emulate the noble deeds of their countrymen, at Creffy: nor could fhe be perfuaded to leave the field till they were on the point of engaging. Her intrepidity fo animated the English, that their enemies were unable to withstand their impetuous attacks; they were confequently foon routed, and chaced off the field with the lofs of ten thousand men. Never did the Scots receive a more fatal blow; for befides the numbers flain, among whom were many of confiderable rank, the King of Scotland himself was taken prifoner, with moft of his furviving Nobility.

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The victorious Queen having, on her return to London, fecured her royal prifoner in the Tower, croffed the fea at Dover, attended by her Son, who had now executed the commiffion his Father had entrusted him with. She was received in the English camp before Calais with all the triumph due to her rank, her merit, and her fuccefs. In thofe ages gallantry was inter

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woven with bravery in the hearts of our great ancestors; ancestors; and many fucceffive days were devoted to tournaments and feafts, to celebrate the glorious deeds of this Royal Heroine.

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The town of Calais was ftill defended with remarkable conftancy by the garrison and inhabitants; and notwithstanding the fiege had continued to an unusual length, there feemed no probability of King Edward's withdrawing his troops. The French King therefore determined at last to attempt their relief: he accordingly drew together an immenfe army, amounting to -near two hundred thousand men ; but found the English Monarch so surrounded by moraffes, and fecured by entrenchments, that he concluded it impoffible to force his camp: Philip was therefore obliged to refitire, and to disperse his troops in their several provinces, without completing his purpose,

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John de Vienne, Governor of Calais, now faw the neceffity of furrendering the fortrefs, which was reduced to the last extremity by famine and the fatigue of the inhabitants, He appeared upon the walls, and made a fignal to the English centinels, that he defired a conference. Sir Walter Manny was fent to him by King Edward, to whom the Governor thus addreffed himself; "Brave Knight, the defence of this town "has been intrufted to me by my Sove"reign; and you are witneffes with what

fidelity I have discharged the truft repofed

❝ in me. It is almoft a year fince you be

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fieged me; during which time I have "endeavoured to do my duty. As we are "now perifhing with hunger, I am willing to furrender, on condition that the lives and liberties of thofe who have bravely "affifted me are preferved." Sir Walter replied, "That as he was well acquainted with the King of England's intentions, he could not give him any hopes that his request would be granted; he affured “ him

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