Abbildungen der Seite

SEC. 18. Requires state registrar to prepare and supply blanks, etc., to local registrar, and provides for examination and collection of reports, and for their preservation; also requires him to inform local registrars of such facts as may prevent the spreading of dangerous diseases.

SEC. 19. Imposes duty upon local registrars to see that certificates are properly made out and to issue burial or removal permits thereupon; provides for keeping records and transmitting them monthly to state registrar.

SEC. 20. Each local registrar is entitled to twenty-five cents for each certificate correctly registered with him.

SEC. 21. Certified copies of certificates and fee for searching files; also regulates account of state registrar.

SEC. 22. Penalties for non-observance of law.

SEC. 23. Requires local registrar to report to state registrar violations of this law, gives the state registrar supervisory powers over local registrars, and provides for institution of proceedings against violators of this law.

SEC. 24. Makes act effective from date of publication.
SEC. 25. Repeals inconsistent laws.

Respectfully submitted,

F. L. SIDDONS, Chairman.


NOTE. The two appendices submitted with the report are omitted. They consist of the following:

1. A Vital Statistics Bill for the Consideration of State Legislatures approved by the American Medical Association and the Division of Vital Statistics of the United States Bureau of the Census, being a pamphlet of 26 pages which can be obtained by sending a two-cent stamp or addressed envelope to the Bureau of Medical Legislation, American Medical Association, 103 Dearborn Ave., Chicago.

2. The Bulletin of the U. S. Census Bureau, S. N. D. North, Director, on the Legal Importance of Registration of Births, being a pamphlet of 32 pages, of which the last 10 pages are a reprint of portions of the committee's report in 1907 (see A. B. A. Reports, Vol. XXXI, p. 1223).


By order of the Executive Committee, the following prices have been fixed for the reports; they are about sufficient to pay the cost of printing and postage.

Vol. 1 (1878), postpaid, paper, 50 cents; cloth, 75 cents.
Vols. 2 to 26 (1879 to 1903), postpaid, paper, 75 cents each;

cloth, $1.00 each.

Vols. 27 and 28 (1904 and 1905), postpaid, paper, $1.00 each; cloth, $1.25 each.

Vol. 29 (1906, Part 1) (American Bar Association Proceedings, only), postpaid, paper, 75 cents each; cloth, $1.00 each. Vol. 30 (1906, Part 2) (Proceedings of Sections, Association of American Law Schools, Uniform State Laws), postpaid, paper, 50 cents each; cloth, 75 cents each.

Vol. 31 (1907), postpaid, paper, $1.00; cloth, $1.25. Vol. 32 (Sharswood's Ethics) will not be sold, but will be furnished without charge, if requested, with Vol. 31, as long as the supply lasts.

Vol. 33 (1908), postpaid, paper, $1.00; cloth, $1.25. Complete set to date, Vols. 1 to 33, paper, $24.00; cloth, $32.00. Each member of the Association will receive, as soon as published, and without cost to him, one copy of the proceedings for each year of his membership. A bound copy will be sent, unless the Secretary is otherwise directed. Members desiring extra copies, and new members desiring back reports, will be charged the above prices.

The great number of applications for sets of reports from libraries and educational institutions, and the small number of copies of many of the volumes on hand, render it necessary to restrict the furnishing of complete sets to those Bar libraries and other general libraries in which the reports will be of most use. Applications should state the size and character of the library and the class of readers using it; and also what volumes (if any) are already on hand. When such applications can be granted, the reports will be furnished to libraries without expense other than postage or express charges.

The reports will be published each year about February 1. JOHN HINKLEY, Secretary.

215, North Charles Street, Baltimore, Md.



Acquisition of the Pacific Northwest, Address on....
Address, Annual, by George Turner.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

of President of Association of American Law Schools. 912, 919

[blocks in formation]

Admission to the Bar (see Committee on Legal Education;
Section of Legal Education; Association of American
Law Schools).

Admission to the Bar, Standard Rules for, Report of Com-
mittee on


Amendments of Constitution, Proposed (see Constitution).
American Law and the American Law School, Address on.. 912, 919
American Law School in Its Relation to the University,

[blocks in formation]

Appeals in Criminal and Civil Cases, Report on.........28, 542, 555

in Federal Courts, Reduction of Costs in, Resolution



Appeals, Patent, Court of (see Committee on Patent, etc.,

Law; Section of Patent, etc., Law).



Appropriations for Expenses of Committees...


Arbitration Treaties (see Committee on International Law).

[blocks in formation]

Bar Examiner, Relation of, to Law School and Legal Educa-

tion, Paper on...

774, 828

Bausman, Frederick, Paper by.

27, 489

Bills of Lading (see Committee on Commercial Law;
Commissioners on Uniform State Laws-Committee on
Commercial Law).

Bills of Lading Act, Constitutionality of (see Address of
Amasa M. Eaton).

Births and Deaths, Registration of (see Commissioners on
Uniform State Laws-Committee on Vital, etc., Sta-

Bruce, Andrew A., Paper by...
Busbee, Fabius H., Resolution of Sympathy to...

774, 828


[blocks in formation]

Certificates of Stock Act (see Commissioners on Uniform
State Laws).

Code of Professional Ethics, Report of Committee on...... 55, 567

Discussion of


Commercial Agreements with Foreign Countries (see Com-

mittee on International Law).

Commercial Law, Report of Committee on............

24, 505

(See Commissioners on Uniform State Laws-Com-


[blocks in formation]

on Marriage and Divorce, Report of..........970, 1069

on Publicity, Appointment of..


on Purity of Articles of Commerce, Report of. 975, 1097

[blocks in formation]

Memorandum of Organization and Scope of..........
New York Commissioners, Report on Uniform State





969, 989

969, 1016



[blocks in formation]

on Delay and Cost in Litigation, Report of...28, 542, 555

Discussion of


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