Julius CaesarCourier Corporation, 12.03.2012 - 96 Seiten Based on Plutarch's account of the lives of Brutus, Julius Caesar, and Mark Antony, Julius Caesar was the first of Shakespeare's Roman history plays. Presented for the first time in 1599, the play reveals the great dramatist's consummate ability to explore and express the most profound human emotions and instincts. So clearly and urgently does it impact its insights into history and human behavior, Julius Caesar is traditionally among the first of Shakespeare's plays to be studied at the secondary-school level. |
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... [ Exeunt all the Commoners . ] See , whether their basest metal be not moved ; They vanish tongue - tied in their guiltiness . Go you down that way towards the Capitol ; This way will I : disrobe the images , If you do find them deck'd ...
... Exeunt all but BRUTUS and CASSIUS . ] CAS . Will you go see the order of the course ? BRU . Not I. CAS . I pray you , do . BRU . I am not gamesome : 6 I do lack some part Of that quick spirit that is in Antony . Let me not hinder ...
... Exeunt CAESAR and all his Train but CASCA . ] CASCA . You pull'd me by the cloak ; would you speak with me ? BRU . Ay , Casca ; tell us what hath chanced to - day , That Caesar looks so sad . 33 CASCA . Why. 31. a chidden train ] a ...
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