Abbildungen der Seite

the Lions Den, the Four Elements, or, Air, Earth, Water, and Fire. The fum of a hundred and fifty thoufand livres has been offered for thefe four pieces. The better to difcover their merit, it is neceffary to examine them through a magnifying glafe. They have been taken from the Ambrofian library at Milan.

Carravaggio (Michel-Angelo A merighi, called da) from Caravaggio near Milan, where he was born in 1559. He died in 1609. He was of the Roman fchool: he formed himself at Milan, at Venice, and at ' Rome. The ftrong and vigorous manner which he acquired in the laft-mentioned city, gained him numerous imitators; and his reputation rivalled that of the Caracci. His Jefus Chrift carried to the Tomb, confifting of fix figures larger than nature, is confidered as one of his best performances, and one of the finest pictures in Rome, whence it has been procured.

Caracci (Annibale,) born at Bo. logna in 1560, died at Rome in 1609. He was the younger brother of Agoftino Caracci, and the pupil of Ludovico Caracci his coufin. His talents were already known in France by the following pieces, which have been taken from Verfailles--the Refurrection of Chrift, the Sleep of Chrift, his Naiivity, Chrift laid in the Tomb, the Sacrifice of Abraham, the Death of Abraham, Saint John preaching in the Defert, a Concert on the Water, two Martyrdoms of Saint Stephen. We have fince procured, of his performances, the Mournful Mother, or Christ lying dead in the arms of the Virgin, Saint Luke and the Virgin, Chrift lying dead on the Virgin's lap.

Caracci (Agostino,) born at Bologna in 1557, died at Parma in 1602. He was a pupil of the Bolognese school, elder brother of Annibale, and disciple of Ludovico Ca

racci his coufin. He applied himfelf to engraving, and acquired celebrity in the art. The productions of his with which France has enriched herfelf are Saint Cecilia and Saint Margaret, the Affumption of the Virgin, and the Communion of Saint Jerom.

Caracci (Ludovico,) born at Bologna in 1555, died in 1619. He is confidered as the real founder of the Bolognefe fchool. The number of excellent artists whom he formed have established his claim to that title. Of his works we already poffeffed the Annunciation of the Virgin, the Virgin with the Infant Jefus. We have fince acquired the Virgin, Saint Francis and Saint Jofeph, the Apparition of the Virgin to Saint Hyacinth, the Vocation of Saint Matthew, the Tranflation of the Virgin's body, the Apostles at the Virgin's Tomb, Saint Bernardin of Sienna delivering the town of Carpi.

The three Caracci have furnished the four Elements, viz. Ludovico Caracci, the Earth and the Water; Agostino, the Fire; and his brother Annibale, the Air.

Cavedone (Giacomo,) born at Saffuolo near Modena in 1577, died at Bologna in 1660. He formed himfelf in the fchool of Pafferotti and Baldi, and perfected himself in that of the Caracci. We have, of his productions, a Saint Eloifius, and a Saint Petronia.

Contarini (Giovanni,) born at Veice in 1549, died in 1605. He was of the Venetian school. He became a painter and a colourist without the aid of a master, by studying the works of Titian and other celebrated painters of the Venetian school, and submitting his performances to the examination of Aleffandro Vittoria, at fculptor of high reputation. He produced the Virgin, Saint Sebastian, and other Saints. That picture came from the ducal palace at Venice. Correggio

Six thousand two hundred and fifty pounds fterling.

Gorreggio (Antonio Allegris furnamed da,) boro at Correggio near Modena in 1494, died in 1534. He was inimitable in the ftyle which he himself created, and far fuperior to Francefco Frari and Andrea Mantegna, whofe pupil he is faid to have been. From his pencil we have the Virgin, the Child Jefus, Mary Magdalen, and Saint Jerom. This magnificent performance has been eagerly defired by fome of the potentates of Europe, who offered confiderable fums for it but the aftonishing victories of the army of Italy were a lone able to procure its removal from Parma. In addition, we have his Repofe in Egypt, the Defcent from the Crofs, the Martyrdom of Saint Placidia and of her fifter Saint Flavia. Domenichino (Domenico Zampieri, called,) born at Bologna in 1581, died at Naples in 1641. He was the pupil of Denis Calvart, and af. terward of the Caracci. He perfected himself at Rome by the ftudy of antiques, and of the works of Raphael. We lately acquired his Com. munion of Saint Jerom, which is the beft of his productions, the Virgin of the Rofary, the Martyrdom of Saint Agnes France was formerly poffeffed of his David playing on the harp, Saint Cæcilia, God curfing Adam and Eve, the Ecitacy of Saint Paul, the Triumph of Love, the Vir gin and St Anthony of Padua, the Virgin commonly called "la Vierge à la coquille."

Doffi (Dofo,) born at Doffo near Ferrara, flourished about the year 1536, and died in 1560. He was the difciple of Lorenzo Cofta; and his manner bears great refemblance, in point of colouring, to that of Titian. Of his works, we already had in France the Circumcifion of Chrift, the Virgin and Infant Jefus. We bave fince obtained the Angel announcing the Nativity of Chrift to the Shepherds.

Ferrari (Guadenzio,) born at Val.

diegia near Milan, flourished about the year 1540. After having ftudied in the fchool of Perugino, he became one of Raphael's co-operators in the labours which he performed in the Vatican and Farnefe palace. Of his pieces, we before had in France the Nativity of Jefus Chrift. To that we have now added the poftle Paul, procured from Milan.

Feti (Domenico,) born at Rome in 1589, died at Venice in 1624. He was the leve of Cigoli, a Florentine painter, and afterward went to Mantua and Venice, where he completed the formation of his ftyle, and efpecially of his colouring, which is remarkable for vigor. We have his picture of Melancholy.

Garofalo (Benvenuto Tiffio, furnamed,) born at Garofalo near Ferrara in 1481, died in 1559. He was fucceffively the pupil of Panetti at Farrara, of Bocacci at Cremona, and of Lorenzo Cuita at Mantua. He vifited Rome, where he fought to make himfelf matter of Raphael's ftyle. The pieces of his production which we already poffeffed in France were his own portrait executed by himself, and a Holy Family. We have fince obtained the Virgin, Saint Johathe Baptift and Saint Lucia, another Holy Family, the Virgin and Saint Catharine.

Gennari (Cesare,) born at Canto in 1641, died in 1634. He was the nephew and difciple of Guercino. He fo fucefsfully acquired his master's manner, that his works frequently deceive the eve of the most experi enced connoiffeur, who is tempted to attribute them to Guercino. From his hand we have the Magdalen in the Defert, the Marriage of the Vir. gin, the Virgin and the Infant Jefus.

Gobbo de' Caracci (Pietro-Paolo Beuzi, called il,) born at Cortona, died about the year 1635, at the age of feventy. He painted landscape and fruit-pieces; and it was in the latter that he particularly excelled. He received the appellation of il


Gobbo de' Caracci* from the idea entertained that he ftudied in their fchool. Of his works there is only the Vengeance of Latona, which has been long known in France.

Guercino (Giovanni-Francesco Barbieri, called,) born at Cento in 1590, died in 1666. He was the difciple of Benedetto Gennari, at Cento his native place. He afterward formed himself by the works of the Caracci and of Caravaggio. The numerous collection of the works of this painter, with which the National Museum has lately been enriched, is the more valuable as it in great measure comprehends all the pieces that he produced from his twenty-fecond year to the age of feventy-two. They are-the Glory of Paradife, the Virgin, Saint Jofeph and several Saints, Jefus Chrift delivering the keys of the church to Saint Peter, Saint William taking the monaftic habit, Saint Francis and Saint Benedict, the Crucifixion of Saint Peter, Chrift's Ap. parition to the Virgin, the Decollation of Saint John the Baptift and that of Saint Paul, the Vifitation of Saint Elizabeth, Mars, Venus and Cupid, the Circumcifion of Christ, the Apparition of the Virgin to Saint Bruno, the Trinity and Saint Geminianus, Saint Francis and Saint Se baftian, the Marriage of Saint Catharine, the Daughter of Herodias receiving the Head of John the Baptill, the Virgin appearing to Saint Jerom, the Virgin and the Infant Jefus, Saint Francis receiving the Stigmata, the Virgin, Saint Geminianus, Saint John the Baptift, Saint George and Saint Peter the martyr, Saint Bernardo Tolomei receiving the rule of his order from the Virgin, Saint Petronilla, the Incredulity of Saint Thomas.

Guido (Guido Reni, called,) born at Calvenzano near Bologna in 1575, died in 1642. He was a difciple of the Bolognefe fchool, the pupil of

Denis Calvart, from whom he reeeived the first principles of the art. He afterward went to the school of the Caracci, and particularly attached himself to Ludovico, whofe manner he at first followed: but in the fequel he formed one for himself, called the "angelic manner," which is diftinguished by a grace and noblenefs and beauty of execution that are entirely peculiar to him. France was before poffeffed of two of his pieces, the Virgin and the Infant Jefus, and the Union of Defign and Colour. She has lately acquired the Mournful Mother, with the Tutelar Saints of Bologna, Saint Roch in Prifon, the Maffacre of the Innocents, Job reflored to his former opulence, the Purification of the Virgin, the Sleep of the Infant Jefus, Christ on the Crofs, the Crucifixion of Saint Peter, Jefus Chrift delivering to Saint Peter the Keys of the Church, the Virgin, Saint Jerom and Saint Thomas, Fortune,

Guisoni (Fermo,) born at Mantua, lived about the year 1568. He was of the Lombard fchool, and one of the moft diftinguifhed artifts produced by the celebrated school which Giulio Romano had formed at Mantua. He painted much with his mafter, and was very useful to him in the great works which he executed in that city. The Vocation of Saint Peter and Saint Andrew is the only piece of his that we have. It came from Mantua.

Giulio Romano, born at Rome in 1492, died in 1546. Trained up from his early youth under the cele brated Raphael, he foon became the moft accomplished of the difciples of that great mafter, who made him his favourite and his heir. The pictures of that great artist which France has fo long poffeffed, are his Portrait painted by himself, the Adoration of the Shepherds, Venus and Vulcan, the Triumph of Titus and Vefpafian.

The Caracci's Crook back.


Lana (Ludovico,) born at Modena his production. At prefent we are indebted to him for the Holy Family, and Saint John in childhood, which two pieces we have obtained from Milan.

died in 1646.
The models
on which he formed his tafte were
the works of the Caracci, and thofe
of Guercino, whofe manner he feifed
and rendered his own. The Death
of Chlorinda, brought from Modena,
is the only picture of his which
France at prefent poffeffes.

Lanfranchi (Giovanni,) born at Parma in 1581, died at Rome in 1647. He was the pupil of Agoftino and Annibale Caracci. The Parting of Saint Peter and Saint Paul is the only piece that we have of his production. France has long been in poffeffion of it.

Lelio Orsi da Novellara, born at Reggio in 1511, died at Novellara in 1587. The works of Correggio were thofe which he particularly ftudied: he even endeavoured to render their grace and colouring peculiarly his own. Time has deftroyed the greater part of his productions: wherefore his paintings and defigns are very fearce, and were heretofore utterly unknown in France. We now have, from his pencil, the Virgin, Saint Jofeph, and Saint Michael. That picture came to us from


Leonardo da Vinci, born at Vinci in Tuscany in 1443, died at Amboife in 1519. He was the eleve of Andrea del Verocchio. France has long been in poffeffion of the chefs-d'œuvre of this great painter, which are-the Virgin and Saint Ann, the portrait of Joconde, a female portrait, the Daughter of Herodias receiving the Head of John.

Luini (Bernardino,) born at Milan, flourished about the year 1540. He ftudied his art firft under Andrea Scotto, afterward under Leonardo da Vinci, of whom he became the moft diftinguished difciple. He fo fuccefsfully imitated the latter, that his works have frequently been miftaken for those of his mafter. For merly France poffeffed no piece of

Mantegna (Andrea,) born at Padua în 1431, died at Mantua in 1517. He was a difciple of the Lombard fchool. In his youth he tended fheep; when an amateur, having ob, ferved him amusing himself in drawing, placed him under the tuition of the painter Giovanni Squaccione, who was fo delighted with his progrefs, that he adopted him as his fon, and named him his heir. His chief glory is that of having been the master of Correggio. He has furnifhed France with the Virgin and Victory, the Virgin and feveral Saints, Chrift praying in the Garden, Chrift between the Thieves, the Refurrec. tion of Christ.

Mazzuoli (Girolamo,) born at Parma, ficurifhed about the year 1550. He was the pupil and relative of Francesco Mazzuoli, commonly called Parmigiano, whofe ftyle he endeavoured to imitate. Of his works, which are very rare, France heretofore poffeffed none. She now has his Adoration of the Magi, which came from Parma.

Mola (Pietro Francesco,) born at Coldra in the Milanese in 1621, died at Rome in 1666. He ftudied firft at Rome under Giuseppe d'Arpino, then at Bologna under Albano, and laftly at Venice from the works of Titian and Baffano. He excelled in landfcape. There is in France only a fingle piece of his painting, the Preaching of Saint John, which we have long poffeffed.

Moro (Francesco Torbido, furnamed il) was born at Verona in 1470. He had for his mafter, first Giorgione, afterward Liberale of Verona, who conceived for him a warm affection, and bequeathed to him his property. He difplayed fuperior excellence in portrait painting. Charles

Gobbo de' Caracci* from the id entertained that he ftudied in t fchool. Of his works there is o the Vengeance of Latona, which h been long known in France.

Guercino (Giovanni-Francefco Burbieri, called,) born at Cento in 1590, died in 1666. He was the difciple eat of Benedetto Gennari, at Cento his is native place. He afterward formed blem himself by the works of the Caracci are and of Caravaggio. The numerous was collection of the works of this paint piec er, with which the National Museum Jelu has lately been enriched, is the more Col valuable as it in great measure com- Mp prehends all the pieces that he pro- Same duced from his twenty-fecond year Pri to the age of feventy-two. They Job are-the Glory of Paradife, the Vir- the gin, Saint Jofeph and feveral Saints, Sleep Jefus Chrift delivering the keys of the the church to Saint Peter, Saint Wil- Peter liam taking the monaftic habit, Saint Peter Francis and Saint Benedict, the Cru- Virg cifixion of Saint Peter, Chrift's Ap- mas, parition to the Virgin, the Decolla-- G tion of Saint John the Baptift and lived that of Saint Paul, the Vifitation of of th Saint Elizabeth, Mars, Venus and the Cupid, the Circumcifion of Chrift, ed the Apparition of the Virgin to Saint Gia Bruno, the Trinity and Saint Gemi- tun nianus, Saint Francis and Saint Se me baftian, the Marriage of Saint Ca-in tharine, the Daughter of Herodias ed receiving the Head of John the Bap- S till, the Virgin appearing to Saint Jerom, the Virgin and the Infant Jefus, Saint Francis receiving the Stigmata, the Virgin, Saint Geminianus, Saint John the Baptift, Saint George and Saint Peter the martyr, Saint Bernardo Tolomei réceiving the rule of his order from the Vi gin, Saint Petronilla, the Incredulite of Saint Th Guido at Calve died in

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