Abbildungen der Seite

1182. Province of Massachusetts-Bay, 1759. | By His Excellency the Governor. This doth Certify, That the Bearer was by my Order Enlisted in the Province to serve as a Seaman on board | His Majesty's Ships of War in North-America, until | the First of November next,...


1183. Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, | Το Colonel of a Regiment of Militia, Greeting. The AdjutantGeneral, by my Orders, has sent you your Proportion, which is | the Number of Men to be raised in your Regiment. Dated, March 19, 1759.


1184. Province of the Massachusets- | Bay ss. | [Royal arms.] Harrison Gray, Esq; | Treasurer... (Tax warrant.) Dated, July 3, 1759.

1185. To



Captain of the Military Foot Company Greeting. (Order from Governor Pownall to raise men for the expedition against Canada.) Dated, March 19, 1759.

1186. To Col.

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[blocks in formation]

Notes to the Value

Dated, April 2, 1759.


Quota of the Levies. 1187. Received of Thomas Hubbard, | Esq; | CommissaryGeneral, the several Articles mentioned in the several Col



1188. Return of the Men inlisted or impressed for his Majesty's Service within the | Province of the Massachusetts-Bay, in the Regiment whereof Esq; is Colonel, | to be put under the immediate Command of His Excellency Jefery Amherst, Esq; General and Commander in Chief of His Majesty's Forces in North-America, for the Invasion of Canada.


1189. (Form printed in red ink, for return of supernumeraries on his Majesty's ships). Dated, [September 30, 1759.] AAS May be an English imprint.

1190. [Wood cut.] The | Memorable Year 1759.

Come my brave jolly Britons, no longer complain,
Britannia, Britannia, once more rules the Main:



1191. Province of [Royal arms.] Nova-Scotia | By His Excellency, Charles Laurence, Esq; ]... | A Proclamation.


granting vacated lands in the Province. | Dated, January 11, 1759. Boston in New-England: Printed by John Draper, 1759.


1192. To the Publick. | The Booksellers of the Town of Boston, | Unwilling to impose on the Publick ... (on Nathaniel Ames' Almanacs.) Dated, Boston, Dec. 21st. 1759. Boston: Printed for the Booksellers, of whom any Person may have it gratis. Evans, 8288.




1193. Copy of a Letter | From His Excellency | General Amherst, To His Excellency | Governor Wentworth. | Camp at Montreal, September 9, 1760. [Boston?]


1194. Receipt for Boston News-Letter, &c.

F., A.



1195. A Poem | on the Rebuke of God's Hand | in the awful Desolation made by | Fire | in the Town of Boston; on the 20th Day of March, 1760, . . . To which is added, some brief hints, on the great Conflagration . . . Consummation of all Things. [Boston:] Printed and Sold at Fowle & Draper's Printing Office in Marlborough Street. 1760.

[blocks in formation]

1198. Insurance Policy. Insurance-Office Kept by Ezekiel Price, Notary-Public in Boston.



1199. By His Excellency Thomas Pownall, Esq; . . . A Proclamation (for discovering the author of a letter found in the Pulpit of the Meeting-House of the South-Parish in Malden, directed to Mr. Eliakim Willis, the Minister of the Town.) Dated, February 12, 1760.

Printed in the Boston News-Letter, February 14, 1760.

1200. By His Excellency Thomas Pownall, Esq; . . . A Proclamation for Proroguing the General Court (to March 11.) Dated, February 19, 1760.

Printed in the Boston News-Letter, February 21, 1760.

[graphic][merged small][merged small]


Captain-General and Governor in Chief, in and over His Majesty's Frovince of the Maffachusetts Bay in New England, and Vice Admiral of the fame.



T having pleafed Almighty GOD to give the most remarkable Succefs to His Majefty's Arms this Year in America, more particularly in the Reduction of Quebeck (the Capital of Canada) and the adjacent Country;

HAVE therefore thought fit, with the Advice of His Majefty's Council, to iffue this Proclamation, appointing Thursday the Twenty-fifth Day of October Inftant, to be obferved as a Day of Public Thanksgiving throughout this Province, to commemorate thete diftinguishing Inftances of the Divine Goodness - Hereby recommending it to Minifters and People to unite in their respective Churches and Congregations, in rendering to Almighty GOD their grateful Praffes for thefe undeferved Favours; and in prefenting their humble Prayers and Supplications for His moft gracious Majefty King GEORGE, the Prince of Wales, and the teft of the Royal Family; and for the Continuance of the Divine Bleffing upon His Majefty's Government, and upon His Arms.

GIVEN at the Council-Chamber in Bofton the Thirteenth Day of October, 1759, in the Thirty-third Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the Second, by the Grace of GOD, of Great-Britain, France and Ireland, KING, Defender of the Faith, &c.

By His Excellency's Command,

A. OLIVER, Secr'y.

T. Pownall.

GOD Save the KING.

BOSTON: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governor and the Honorable His Majefty's Council, 1759.

No. 1179.


THOMAS POWN ALL, Efq; Captain-General and Governor in Chief in and over His Majefty's Province of the Maffachufetts Bay in New England, and Vice Admiral of the fame.



T having pleafed Almighty GOD to permit a Fie to break out in the Town of Befler, on the 20th Inftant, and go rage in fuch manner as to elode all Means for fuppreffing the fame, until it had in a few Hours deftroyed (according to the best Information that can be obtained in the prefent Confufion) One Hundred and feventy-four Dwelling-Houfes, and as many Warehoufes, Shops and other Buildings; the Lob whereof, with the Forniture and Goods therein, arount, at a moderate Computation, to One Hundred Tieufund Pond's Sterling; and Two Hundred and Twenty Families are turned out of Doors, the greateft Part of whom are by this Misfone fo reduced as to be rendered incapable of fubfifting themfelves, and ftand in need of im mediate Relief:

The two Houfes having, upon my Recommendation, taken thefe calamitous Circumftances into Confideration, and judging the Diftrefs to be fo great aod extenfive as to require the Charity of all well difpofed Perfons to mitigate and relieve the fame, have defired me to fend BRIEFS throughout the Province, ftrongly recommending the unhappy Cafe of thefe poor People to the Inhabitants, and calling upon them for a general Contribution for

their Relief:

DO hereby therefore moft earacftly recommend it to all, to exprefs their Chriftian Benevolence on this Occafion, by contributing in Proportion to the Means with which GOD has beffed them, and to the Diftreffes of thefe worthy Objects of their Charity; and do further defire, That what may be collected on this Occafion may be remitted to the Selet-Men and Overfeers of the Poor of the Toxa of Belen, to be by them diftributed among the Sufferers, as they in their Difcretion fhall judge proper.

AND I do require the Minifters of the feveral Churches and Parithes within this Province to read or caufe to be read this Brief to their refpective Congregations, on the First Lou's Day after they receive the fame, or on the Day appointed for a General FAST the Third of April next, as they fall judge moft convenient.

GIVEN at the Council-Chamber in Bolton the Twenty-fourth Day of March, 1760, in the Thirty-third
Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the Second, by the Grace of GOD, of Great-Britain,.
France and Ireland, KING, Defender of the Faith, &c.

By His Excellency's Command,

T. Pownall

A. OLIVER, Secry.

BOSTON: Printed by Jebn Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governor and the Honorable His

Majefty's Council, 1760.

No. 1212.

1201. By His Excellency Thomas Pownall, Esq; . . . A Proclamation For Proroguing the General Court (to March 19.) Dated, March 1, 1760.

Printed in the Boston News-Letter, March 6, 1760.

1202. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Thomas Pownall, Esq;...A Proclamation | For a general Fast. [April 3.] Dated, March 6, 1760. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governor and the Honorable His Majesty's Council, 1760.


1203. By the Honorable Thomas Hutchinson, Esq; Proclamation (authorising and requiring officers with expiring commissions to continue in their powers and trusts.) Dated, June 4, 1760.

Printed in the Boston News-Letter, June 5, 1760.


1204. By the Honourable Thomas Hutchinson, Esq; Proclamation for Proroguing the General Court (to August 13.) Dated, July 12, 1780.

Printed in the Boston News-Letter, July 17, 1760.

1205. By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; . . . A Proclamation (continuing officers in their trusts reposed in them by their respective commissions.) Dated, August 2, 1760. Printed in the Boston News-Letter, August 7, 1760.

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1206. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq;. A Proclamation. (For a day of Thanksgiving, October 9.) Dated, September 27, 1760. Boston: Printed by John Draper, Printer to His Excellency the Governor, and the Honorable His Majesty's Council, 1760.

Evans, 8658.


1207. By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; . . . A Proclamation for Proroguing the General Court (to November 12.) Dated, October 2, 1760.

Printed in the Boston News-Letter, October 10, 1760.

1208. By His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; . . . A Proclamation for Proroguing the General Court (to November 26.) Dated, October 31, 1760.

Printed in the Boston News-Letter, November 6, 1760.

1209. [Royal arms.] By His Excellency | Francis Bernard, Esq;...A Proclamation | For a general Thanksgiving. [November 27.] Dated, November 7, 1760. Boston: Printed

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