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I give unto my sister Jane, sone John Robinson, three pounds, to be paid unto Ralphe Johnson and Christopher Johnson for the use and benefit of the said John Robinson. I give unto my brother George two children, to either of them, a gemer lamb. I give unto John Applebeyes sone Robert one gemer lamb. I give unto Ralph Johnson daughter, Elsie Johnson, one gemer hogge. I give unto my godsone, Robert Dinsdell, one gemer hogge. I give unto my goddaughter Saulby one gemer hogg. I give the power of Barnard Castle, ten shillings. I give to the power of Whorlton, five shillings. I give to the power of Winston, five shillings. I give unto my cosin Heugh Collinge daughter Jane, one red whye. I doe make my wife and my eldest son John my joynt executors of this my last Will and Testament, and furthers doe appoint and ordeyne my good frends, Ralphe Johnson and Heugh Collinge, and Christopher Ovington and Christopher Heighley, to be supervisors of this my last Will and Testament which I intreat for god's cause to see this pformed according to my trew meaning therein. Witnesses, Robert Allanson, Jo. Saulbye, Raphe Johnson, Hugh Colling, Chris. Ovington.

INVENTORY, 406l. 3s. Od.

Debts oweing to John Ovington. John Cowlton, 507., more by him, 77. 10s., Cuthbert Laten, 57., George Tailor of Stainton, 67., Thomas Smailes, 37., Christopher Ovington of Winston, 25s. To Mr. Fran. Brackenbury, 31., Bartholew Taylor, 20s., John Eles, 11s. To Henry Gigleswick, 178. Robert Allanson of Barnard Castle, 5., John Smart, 5l. Sir Talbott Bowes, 10l. Mr. Thomas Bowes, 101. John Soulsby, younger, 2s. 6d. Mr. William Claxton, 107. Christopher Ovington of Whorlton, 40s. Edward Kyplin of Barnard Castle, 47. Isabell Appleby of Barnard Castle, 208. Thomas Blacklock of Barnard Castle, 40s. John Cockfield, younger, 8s. 7d. George Coward of Stranton, 46s. 8d. John Soulby, elder, 58. Symond Robinson of Barnard Castle, 17s. 6d. Cuthbert Peat of Barnard Castle, 15s. John Appleby of Whorlton, 127. Richard Heatleye, 91. 4s. 9d. To Hugh Collin, 101. John Greevson. 20s. Widow Taylor, 407., more by her, 10s., more by her, 2s. 6d., more by her, 38. 4d., more by her, 12s. William Peacock of Barnard Castle, 4s. 4d., Robert Cussoas of Newbiggin, 1697. 6s. more to him, 97., Christopher Dinsdaile, 15s. Proved, 13 February, 1617.



Feb. 7, 1617. In the name of God, Amen, I, Francis Liddall, of the Towne of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Merchant. To be decently Bur. 16 Feb., 1617/18 (a). Of his children, Bartram was bapt., 8 Nov., 1592 (b), George, bapt., 8 Sept., 1597 (a), Ephraim, bur., 4 Mch., 1603/4 (a), William, bur., 18 Jan., 1623/4 (b), Jane, mar. Charles Horsley, 5 Dec., 1614 (a), Alice, bapt., 23 Oct., 1575 (a), and mar. Roger Errington, 28 Sept., 1596 (a), Margaret, bapt., 16 Mch., 1591/2 (a), Agnes, bur., 30 Oct., 1597 (b). (a) St. Nich., Newcastle. (b) St. John's, Newcastle

buried at the discretion of my executors, and as touching and concerning my goods and chattells as well real as psonall, my will and meaning is that out of them theise legacies hereafter mentioned and expressed shall be paid, viz. :-To Anne Liddall, my wyffe, for a token, tenn twentie shillinges peaces. To my daughter, Barbara Darlinge, one hundred pound in money, to be paid unto hir in foure yeares after my death by twenty five pounds a yeare. To my daughter, Jane Horsley, Ten Tennes of my best coles at Dunstan, to be delivered uppon fetchinge before Lamas next. To three children of my daughter Errington, deceased, whereof there be two daughters and one sonne, forty pounds in money a peece, to be paid to the two daughters within one yeare after either of them shallbe maried, and to the sonne when he shall attaine to the age of one and twenty yeares. And I further bequeath to the eldest daughter twenty markes more in money to be paid her one the daie of her mariage to buye her apparell. To William Liddall and Thomas Liddall, Infantes, being now in the custodie and tuition of me, the said Francis Liddall, the sume of three score pounds, viz. Forty pounds thereof to William, and twenty pounds to Thomas, when they shall severallie attaine their severall ages of one and twenty yeares. To my nevew William Sherwood, five twenty shilling peaces for a token, to Mr. Jeromie, preacher, a twentie shilling peece, to Mr. Shaw, preacher, one twenty shillinge peece. To my three maides, tenn shillings a peese, to my sone Bartrame servante, tenn shillings. The residue of all my goods and chattells as well real and psonal, my detts, and legacies being paide and funeralles discharged, I will and bequeath unto my two sonns, Bartram Liddall and George Liddall, to be equally devyded, whom I make executors of this my last Will and Testament in the presence of Robert Anderson, Robert Rookesbye, Charles Horsley, and Theodore Wright.

INVENTORY of the testators estate, 3661. 5s. 8d. Debts oweing by the testator, 2217. 5s. 2d. Proved, 20 January, 1618.


June 3, 1618. I, George Hutton, of Sunderland, in the County of Durham, gentleman. My body to be buried in the earth from whence it came. I give unto my neece, Margaret Forster, 4l., to be paied her yeerely at the feast of Martymas and Whitsontide by equall porcons out of all my landes and tenements in Darlington The younger,

1 Richard Hutton of Hunwick had at least two sons. Ralph Hutton of Walworth, who made his will, 8 Dec., 1558 (Surt. Soc. 112, p. 16), was father of three daughters, one of whom, Mary, dead by April, 1622, mar. Thomas Biggins, 26 Nov., 1566 (a), and of two sons, viz., George Hutton, the testator, who was bur. at St. Mary-leBow, Durham, 10 Feb., 1620/1 (ing. p.m., at Durham, 27 April, 1622), and Robert Hutton, a minor at the date of his father's will, aged 60 (sic), in April, 1622. See Surtees' Durham III. 333, for the issue of

not yett passed away for and dureing her life naturall. I doe give and grant unto my nephew, Christopher Biggins of Sunderland, yeoman, and unto his heires for ever, all my landes, groundes, tenements, burgages, rents and reversions whatsoever yet unsold, and not already passed away, situate lyeing and being within the same feildes and territories of Darneton and Bondgate in Darneton and within the towne of Cockerton or the territoryes thereof together with all writeings and evidences whatsoever concerneing the same: To have and to hold unto my said nephew, Christopher Biggins, and his heires and assigns for evermore and my will and pleasure is that my said nephew, Christopher Biggins, and this Robert, who mar., at Witton Gilbert, 16 Oct., 1597, Anne, bapt. at Haughton-le-Skerne, 14 Nov., 1572, dau. of Francis Parkinson.

William Hutton of Hunwick, elder son of Richard, mar. Anue, dau. of Robert Simpson of Henknoll (by Margaret, widow of Thomas Bellasis, dau. of Sir Lancelot Thirkeld). They had issue, John Hutton (A), Anthony Hutton (B), Robert Hutton, Henry Hutton, Elizabeth, who mar., 16 Jan., 1558/9 (a), William Thorp of the Hill, Jane, who mar., 30 July, 1559 (a), Brian Tunstall of Stockton. (She renounced administration of her husband's effects, 22 June, 1594.)

John Hutton (A) of Hunwick (for his will see Surt. Soc. 2, 234), was bur., 29 Nov., 1566 (a). By his wife, Elizabeth, bur., 15 Oct., 1567 (a) dau. of Ralph Dalton of West Auckland (for her will see Surt. Soc. 138, 23n.), he had issue six daughters, coheirs of their mother's halfbrother, Robert Dalton, viz. (1) Margaret, mar., 27 Nov., 1564 (a), Christopher Athey of Aldernedge; (2) Jane, wife of Robert Eden of West Auckland (his will dated 20 June, 1584, Surt. Soc. 38, 105); (3) Margery, wife of Matthew Craythorne of West Auckland (she was

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probably buried at Witton-le-Wear, 8 Nov., 1634, as Margery Crathorne, exco.' an old gent.); (4) Elizabeth, wife of George Tocketts of Tocketts; (5) Constance, mar. at St. Mary-le-Bow, 23 Nov., 1574, John Thomson of Newcastle; (6) Anne, mar. at St. Oswald's, Durham, 14 Nov., 1585, John Craggs.

Anthony Hutton (B) of Hunwick, bur., 23 March, 1602/3 (a), by Agnes, bur., 5 Feb., 1660/1 (a), dau. of Christopher Carr of Sherburn House, had issue,-Christopher Hutton (C), William Hutton (of the Garth, 1615, and by Dorothy, dau. of Anthony Felton, father of John, aged 12, 1615, and of Ralph and Henry); John Hutton, bur., 22 May, 1576 (a), Richard Hutton, bapt., 12 Feb., 1580/1 (a), bur., 12 Sept., 1596 (a); Margaret; Adeline, bapt., 3 Apr., 1575 (a), mar. at Wittonle-Wear, 26 Nov., 1593, Nicholas Heron; Elizabeth, bapt., 7 May 1578 (a).

Christopher Hutton (C), aged 12 in 1575, was bur., 28 March, 1601 (a). He mar. Anne, bapt., 21 Dec., 1573 (b),_dau. of Henry Brackenbury of Sellaby (she remar., 26 May, 1606 (a), Henry Birkbeck, who was bur., 23 Feb., 1637/8 (b)). They had issue-1. Richard Hutton, bapt., 25 Feb., 1592/3 (a), devisee, 6 Nov., 1601, of his grandfather, Henry Brackenbury (Surt. Soc. 112, p. 180), of Hunwick in 1615, mar. Jemima, dau. of Humphrey Wharton of Gilling, co. York., and, by her, father of Humphrey, bapt., 13 May, 1621 (a), Elizabeth, bapt. 21 March, 1629/30 (a), and Thomas, bapt., 5 May 1633 (a); 2. Timothy Hutton, bapt. 26 Jan., 1594/5 (a), devisee of Henry Brackenbury, 1601; 3. Francis Hutton, devisee 1601, apprenticed to Alexander Davison, 19 May, 1616, enrolled, 10 Oct., 1618, Dendy's Merchant adventurers. (b) Gainford.

(a) St. Andrew's, Auckland.

his heires for ever shall stand and remaine seised of the said premises and the revercon and revercons the remainder, and remaynders thereof to him and his heires for ever, for the pformance and discharge of this my last Will and testament in manner and forme followinge; first whereas I have already granted unto my sister, Mary Biggins her two sonns, vizt. :-the said Christopher Biggins and Henry Biggins, and to there heires for ever, all my lands in Sunderland, and likewise unto Henry and John Biggins, the other of my said sisters sonnes, and to their heires for ever the moyetye of all my lands and tenements in D'arneton, and whereas my brother, Robert Hutton, seemeth discontent with the said grannts and threatneth suites whereby it is likely suites in lawe may hereafter arise concerning the same, and that my bondes for performance of the said grannts may be endangered to the great greife and trouble amongst friendes, for avoiding whereof my will and meaninge is that if my brother, Robert Hutton, and his heires, shall upon reasonable request to him or them to be made after my death confirme and ratifye the said severall grannts to my said nephews respectively. soe that the said partyes may peaceably inioy all the said premises without any suite or trouble of any pson by his or there meanes assent or pcourements accordinge unto mv true intent and meaneing, and according to the purport of the grantes which I have formerly made, and that peace may continue amongst them, that then my said nephew, Christopher Biggins, and his heires, shall convey and assure the moyetye of all my saide landes and tenements in Darnton which is not yet disposed of, the remainder and remainders reversion or reversions thereof unto my brother, Robert Hutton, and his heirs for ever, and if he or they shall refuse soe to doe, then my will and meaning is, and I do hereby give grannt and appoint that my said nephew, Christopher Biggins and his heirs shall absolutely hold, possess, and enioye the said landes and tenements to the only use and behoofe of the said Christopher, and his heires and assignes for ever. I give unto my brother, Robert Hutton, and his heirs for ever, all my landes in Woodh[am] upon like conditions, that he and his heires shall confirme all the said grants formerly made and otherwise my Will

I give

and meaneing is that the said premises shall be and devise the same to the said Christopher Biggins, and his heires for ever. All the rest of my goodes and chattels, moveable and unmoveable, not bequeathed, I doe give and bequethe to my said neece, Margaret Foster, my debts and funeral expences being discharged, whom I make full executrix of this my last Will In witness whereof, I hereunto have putt my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written, in the presence of Jerrard Thompson, Clement Thompson, Rowland Scurfeild, Thomas Arrowsmith. Proved, 1620.


June 11, 1618. In the name of Gode, Amen, I, John Hearon of Chipchase, in the Countie of Northumberland, Gent. I give and bequeath all my land in Kirkheaton to my sonne Cuthbert Hearon excepting one house called the Blackhall that Randall Todd dwells in with the barne and the byer belonginge to it which I give unto my wife, Ellsabeth Hearon. I give all my lands in Heatherington to my sonne, Thomas Hearon. I give to my sonne, John Hearon, one tenement in Barrisford to enter unto it immediately after the death of Thomas Dodds of Barrisford. I give to my sonne, Raphe Hearon, all my third part of the Parkend late in the accupation of one Cuthbert Stang, which he hath an estate of to my use from Alexander Davison of Newcastle. I give unto my said sone, Ralph Hearon, one close joining the Parkend and did belonge to the Parkside March . . with the street on the southside and enterance on the northside. Whereas, John Robson of the Wardlow hath passed to me an estate of his part of the Wardlaw being of the yearlie rent of two shillinges for the which I gave him twenty poundes, and meat, drink, and cloths for other ten pounds, therefore my will is that the said ground shall be soled for a sume of money and whatsoever is gotten more for it, then the twentye poundes that shall be given to my executors. I give all my goods, moveable and unmoveable, to my sonne, Gray Hearon, and my daughter, Dorithea Hearon, and my wife to have her third part out of the same, according as the lawe in that case hath provided Lastlie I make and ordaine my said sonne, George Hearon, and my daughter, Dorithiea Hearon, sole executors of this my last Will and testament. I leave my sonne Cuthbert to my brother Cuthbert Hearon. I leave my daughter Dorithea to my sister in Chipchase, the rest of my children I leave to my wife. I appoint my Brother Cuthbert Hearon, John Hearon of Birtley hall, Tristam Fenwick of Kenton, and Henry Thornton of Gollowhill, to see that my children gett their rights and susteine noe wronge. Whereas one John Clearke hath made me an estate of all his goods, I giving him meat, drink, and clothes during his life naturall, which said estate I give and bequeath to my wife, Ellsabeth Hearon. Witnesses, Cuthbert Hearon, Henry Liddell, Mark Greenwell, Cleark.

Debts oweing by the testator. To Sir John Fenwick, 201. To Jane Gray, 117. To Annas Hearon, 117. To Robert Wilson, 47. 13s. 9d. To Mr. Cuthbert Hearon, 37. To Mr. John Vaux, 57. Will Proved, 19 January, 1618.

1 There is a pedigree of the Herons of Chipchase in the New County History of Northumberland, iv., 340-2.

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