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Aug. 12, 1618. I, Christopher Wharton of Offerton, in the County of Durham, gent. To be buried in the Church or Churchyard of Houghton in the Spring at the descretion of my executors. I give to the poore of the pish of Houghton aforesaid, 107., to be paid out of that sum of money which Mr. Alexander Davison or his assigns ought to pay to me or myne assigns at Candlemas day next after the date hereof, the said 107. to be putt forth to the use of the poore according to the custom of the pish. I give to Cuthbert Hall an annutie of 57. to be paid yearly at Martinmas and Whitsunday, out of the land in Offerton which I purchased of Richard Redhead. I give to my best beloved wife, Alice Wharton, 407. sterling a year to be paid her at two payments, viz., Martinmas and Whittsunday out of that estate and monies which I do leave unto her. I also give more to my said wife the remainder of my lease and terme of yeares in the land of Offerton, according to the meaning of an Indenture by me formerly made, to hold the same after my decease during her naturall life, and then the remainder thereof to my daughter, Elizabeth Middleton, and after her decease to her sonne, Francis Middleton, if the said lease so long shall last. I give to my daughter, Elizabeth Middleton, all my freehold in Offerton to hold the same after my decease (except the other lease of land lately purchased of Matthew Amcotts deceased), untill Robert Mittford, sonne of Cuthbert Mittford, deceased, be twentie and two yeares olde, and then the said land (except before excepted) to be equally shared and holden indifferently by the said Robt. Mittford and his heires (if the said Robert Mittford shall solong live), and the said Elizabeth Middleton and for lawful heirs for ever. I give more to the said Elizabeth Middleton, my daughter, all the remainder of my lease and terms of yeares in the land att Silksworth to the use of her, and her lawful heirs, after the decease of Margarett Middleton, who now possesseth a moitie of the same. I appoint my said.


He was the son of George Wharton by his wife, Mary, dau. of Ewen Gilpin, a sister of Bernard Gilpin, the apostle of the north,” to whom he acted as executor. He mar. Alice, dau. of William Shepperdson of Bishopwearmouth, and widow of Percival Gunson of Cockermouth (to whom she was mar., 27 Aug., 1576, at Bishopwearmouth), she was bur. at Houghton-le-Spring, 15 Jan., 1618/19, he was bur. there, 22 Aug., 1618; his dau. Elizabeth, bapt., 31 Aug., 1581, also there, bur., 16 Aug., 1627, as a widow, mar. George Middleton of Silksworth, their son Francis, mar. Joan, dau. of Edward Rowe of South Shields, at St. Giles, Durham, 10 July, 1634; his dau. Mary, mar. Cuthbert Mitford of Mitford (see the wills of Cuthbert and Robert Mitford printed in vol. 38, pp. 242-3, of these publications); George, his only son, died an infant. 1609. His dau. Elizabeth's will is printed in this vol. An Inq V. off was taken at Durham, 23 Oct., 1613. and an Inv. p.m. was also taken there, 2 Oct., 1619, in the latter it is stated that his dau. Alice, aged 38, was widow of George Middleton, this is probably an error for Elizabeth.

daughter, Elizabeth Middleton, my sole Executor, to whom I give and bequeath all the rest of my goods and chattels. Witnesses, Anth. Airey, Christopher Hall, James Hall. Proved, 1618.


Dec. 10, 1618. Thomas Gray, of the chappelrye of Ulgham in the parishe of Morpeth My body to be buried within the Chappell of Ulgham, aforesaid. I give to my Sonne, Thomas Gray, a black Nagge, together with the waynes plowes, and other furniture their unto belonginge. To my sone, Edward Gray, a foole. To my wife, Magdalin Gray, a black meare, and to be head ruler of my house and tenement during her widowhood. To my brother, Edward Gray, a Quy stirke. To my sisters children, one ewe and a lamb. To Elizabeth Tod, one cowe. Also I give the rest and residue of my goods to my said wyfe and three children, and make them executors. I ordaine George Lawson of Ulgham overseer of this my Will. Witnesses to will, Chris Robinson, Thomas Potts, Willm. Robinson, George Lawson, also Edward Porter, curat. Debts owing by the deceased. To widow Lawson, 26s. To John Gray, 53s. To Elinor Browne, 20s. To Geo. Lawson, 30s. INVENTORY, amounted to 35l. 8s. Od. Probate, 13 May, 1619.


May 22, 1619. I, Peter Mowbray, of the pish of Stanhope. To be buried within the Churchyard of Stanhope. I gyve to the poore that cometh to my buriall, 3s. 4d. To everye one of the children of my brother, John Mowbray, one sheepe, to be delivered to them presently after they are shorne. My will is that whereas Roger Bradley did gyve to my wyfe one kow when he and I did make a bargaine, of which kow there is now fower more. I give to Esabell Mowbray, my wyfe, the same fower kye in consideration of the benefitt that I have had of the same kow. I give to George Hall, curait of Stanhope, 20s., to se my will executed according to my mynd, and to look that no body do my wiffe any wronge. To my nephew, John Mowbray, the one halfe of the debt that Robert Hedrington owes me. The rest of all my goods, moveable and unmoveable, so that my dettes be paid funerall discharged and I honestlye browght fourthe I give to Esabell Mowbray, my wife, whom I make sole executrix. Witnesses, George Hall, Clarke, George Chapman, John Mowbray and John Feildus.

INVENTORY, 40l. 15s. 4d.


Perhaps this is the Thomas Grey, fifth son of Sir Edward Grey of Howick and Morpeth, from whom the Greys of Angerton descend; if so, his brother, Edward, who had mar. a dau. of Sir Henry Widdrington was bur. at Morpeth, 7 July, 1658.

2 The testator was bur. at Stanhope, 20 May, 1619, and his widow, Isabel, also there, 19 July, 1622.


July 4, 1619. Margaret Heborne of Morpith. I give and bequeathe all my rights, arearage, and profitts of lande in Yorkshire dew to me and before the houre of my death, to my daughter Hellenor Midleton. To my said daughter Hellenor the lease and profitts of John Scots farme in Earle, in the County of Northumberland, with arearage and profitts of Ellington, also all bonds and bills dewe unto me by any person. I give unto Thomason Midleton my grandchild all my household stuffe. The rest of all my goods I give to my said daughter and appoint her sole Executrix.


Aug. 10, 1619. Margaret Hebborne. An Inventory of the goods and chattels of Margaret Hebborne of Morpeth, deceased, and also which is in the hands of George Forester of the Stott gate and others at the time of her death. Imprimis. apparell in all 27. A featherbedd and a boulster, 40s. Two paire of blankitts, 16s. Two coverletts, 13s. 4d. Six fustyan pillowes, 30s. A dossen and a halfe of table napkins, 10s. Two longe towells, 5s. A damask cubbart clocke, 6s. 8d. Two lyne. ing cubbart clothes, 5s. A pewther chamber pott and a fishscom, 20d. Two carpine clothes of Darnex, 13s. 6d. Four cubbart clothes of Darnex, 10s. A payre of smale lyneing sheets, 10s. A paire of Cannobye cushynes, 10s. Fower pewther dishes, 48. A bayson and a eure, 5s. Two potten dishes, 8d. Two pewther candlestickes, 2s. A brasse candlesticke, 16d. Two sallitt dishes, 16d. Two sawcers, 6d. One dreeping pan, 12d. A spitt and a paire of Rax, 4s. A payre of tosting irones, 6d. A quarte pott and a pinte potte of pewther, 5s. An iron chimney, 6s. A paire of gibb crooks and a paire of broyle irons, 18d. A wood chest and a box, 3s. Two chayres, 2s. A judgment versus Arthur Hebborne for the use of the deceased touchinge certayne lands in Yorkshire of 727. or thereabouts. A lease of John Scots farme at Earle at the yearlye rent of 37. 6s. 8d. p. annum being 12 yeares yet to come, valued to 207. The Arrearage of rents of Ellington being the third part of 67. Rent due to Margret Hebborne for 17 years paste, 34s. A legacye or portion given and lefte dewe by the last Will of George Craister to Margrete Craister his daughter then unborne at his death the sume of 60s. or thereabouts. Due to the deceased at Midsumer, 1619 for hir quarters rente of Hebborne White house, 5s. Probate 1621.

1 Her burial has not been found in the Morpeth Registers. She was the posthumous dau. of George Craster of Craster, and wife of Michael Hebburn of Hebburn (his will dated, 2 Jan., 1601, proved at York, 24 July, 1613, Raine's Test Ebor.), and mother of Arthur Hebburn, whose will is printed in this vol. Her dau. Eleanor mar. Middleton.


July 28, 1619. In the name of God, Amen, I, Thomas Pilkington of West Rainton, in the County of Durham, gent. I bequeath to my brother

in Law, Mr.

John Hicks, parson of Whitburn, my gray nagg. I do give unto Alice, his wife, one presse which standeth in his hall at Whitburne, also one Court Cubbord, and standing in the Hall at Rainton with the two cubbord clothes and a glass case, to have these things after the decease of Ursula, my wife, and not before, and I doe also give unto her in forme aforesaid one little beafe Also I do give unto Elen Hicks, daughter of John Hicks aforesaid, and remayning with me at Rainton, my best black cowe. Also I do give unto Elizabeth Hicks, another of his daughters, my browne cowe. I do also give unto Margarett Pilkington, my sister, late wife unto my brother Isack, one yellow cowe and a little lagged cowe. Also I do will and require my wife that she lett my sister-inlawe, Margarett Pilkington, my brother Isacks said late wife, have those dozen of silver spoons and little sylver salt which I redeemed of Robt. Suertys for 67. 12s. 4d., she, my said sister in law, paying for the same unto my said wife the said 6l. 12s. 4d., which I disbursed for them. I do will and require that my cosin Nicholas Walton's wife shall have after my death my signett of golde (which and another ringe my wife hath were both made out of a ringe that I had of my cozin, Nicholas, his wife). Also I do give and bequeath to my Coson, Joseph Pilkington, and his wife, either of them, an angell of gold. I give to Nicholas Verley and his wife betwixt them an angell of gold. I give to the poore of the parish of Houghton, 10s. To the poore of St. Maryes, 5s., and to the poore of St. Oswalds, 10s. I give to the poore of Kely hill (in which parish my freehold lands called Audlee Dalton alias Dalton Norrice do lye), 10s. I do give unto my cosin, Isabell Heeth, wife of Mr. John Heethe of Ramsyde, a Jacobus peece of gold being 22s. I give to Mr. Doctor Hutton's wife my loveing cosin another Jacobus or 22s. piece. I do give unto my brother, Noah Pilkington, halfe of the wood and lime which remayneth at Dalton Norrice. All the rest of my goods, moveable and unmoveable, to my loveing and faithfull wife, Ursula Pilkington, whom I make Executor. Witnesses, John Hethe, Ramsyde, Richard Walton, Geo. Martyn, Wm. Wilkinson.


Although not mentioned in the Pilkington pedigree printed in Surtees History of Durham, vol. i., lxxix, he was the son of John Pilkington, archdeacon of Northumberland. The testator mar. Ursula, sister of the Rev. John Hickes, rector of Whitburn, 9 May, 1614, at that church. The testator was bur. at Houghton-le-Spring, 30 July, 1619, his brother, Isaac, mar. at Bishop Middleham, Margaret Woodifield, 1 May, 1604, and his brother, Noah, mar. Meriol, dau. of John Story of Aislaby at Egglescliffe, 28 Oct., 1622.


Aug. 10, 1619. Jane Johnson of Barwick, widdow of the late Matthew Johnson, Esquire, deceased. I constitute my loveing nephew, Mr. Samuel Sanderson, and my good friend Richard Bartlett, my executors and Trustees; and I give and bequeath unto them my house in Barwick wherein I dwell, together with my writings, deeds, charters, and evidences, touching and concerning the house situate on the North side of Bridge gate street in Barwick aforesaid To have and told to them and their heirs, to be sold to pay my debts, and that they have an especiall care to pay Sir Thomas Smith of London a debt of 207. which I borrowed from him for an other, and the overplus to be imployed for the performance of my last Will and Testament. I bequeath to my nephew, Samuel Sanderson, 407. To my goddaughter Frances Sanderson, 1007. To Jane Sanderson her sister, 1007. I give to Samuel Balmford, sone of James Balmford, preacher, 107. To Jane Johnson and Margrett Johnson, 5l. each. I give to Mr. Henry Killegree and Mr. Robert Killegree in token of my love unto their good mother six pieces to either of them. To Thomas Sanderson sonne of my nephew Mr. Samuel Sanderson all my household stuff and furniture in and about my great capital messuage and dwellinghouse in Newcastle. To my niece, Frances Sanderson, my table dyamond that was my mother's, and to my niece, Jane Sanderson, my little bone coffer trimmed with silver which was my mother's. I give to my loveing brother, Mr. Henry Sanderson, their father one guilte cupp with a cover with two eares weighing seventeene ounces or thereabouts, which guiltt cupp is to be kept by Mrs. Sanderson for Ellinor Sanderson daughter to Samuel, and a silver beare bowle of twelve ounces to be kept by Mrs. Sanderson for Ellinor. I give to the poore of the town of Barwick, 40s., and to the poore of Newcastle other 40s. To Mr. Henshawe, the lawyer, dwelling in the Duke's place, London, 40s., for a remembrance. To my counsellor at lawe Edward Turner, Esqr., my spoute pott of silver weighing about ten ounces, praying him to be as helpfull to my executors as he hath been unto me, whereof I have no doubt if they will use his advice. All the rest of my goods and chattels unbequeathed— I give the legacy of 57. to each of my executors. I give to Mrs. She was bur. at Berwick-on-Tweed, 15 Aug., 1619, being the dau. of Henry Sanderson of Newcastle, Brancepeth and Hedley Hope (his will is printed in these publications, vol. 112, pp. 7 and 8 and dated 23 Jan., 1549/50), by his wife, Eleanor, dau. of Pierce Chaytor of Newcastle; her brother, Henry Sanderson, also of Newcastle, was bur. at St. Nich., Newcastle, 4 Mch., 1650/1, having mar. Mary (also bur. there, 17 Dec., 1623), dau. of Thomas Lawrence of Huntingdon; his son Samuel Sanderson, mar., 18 Dec., 1610, at Brancepeth, Barbara, dau. of Thomas Liddell of Newcastle, bapt., 4 Dec., 1595, at St. Nich., bur., 17 Aug., 1672, at Lanchester; his dau. Frances was bapt., 3 Apl., 1595, at St. Nich., where her sister Jane was also bapt., 18 Mch., 1598/9.

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