the sume of 2007. of lawfull money of England, to be paid unto my said three daughters equallie to be divided amongst them att the day of their marriage or to when they accomplish the full age of one and twenty yeares of which of them shall first happen. Provided that if my saide wief shall not paye the said sum of 2007. as is afore limitted, that then this my bequest of my saide household stuff be voyde and the said household stuffe to be divided amongst my said three daughters. My will and pleasure is that if any of my said daughters shall die before they shall accomplish their full age of one and twenty yeares, or be married, that then the said sum of 300l. to be payd by my said sonne, Willm., for my said howsehold stuff at Morton, as the saide 2007. shall be paide by my saide wief, Margaret, for the howsehold stuff at Durham, shall goe unto the survivor or survivors of my said three daughters. For the disposition of my plaite, my will is that my said sone, Willm., shall have my great bason, one ewer of silver, one great gilded salte which was my uncle's, one white silver cowle with a cover. I give and bequeath unto Margaret, my said wife, my little bason and ewer of silver, one salt dooble gilded with cover, one half dosen of gilded spoons, one great standing Cupp double gilded with cover. I give and bequeath to Willm., my sonne, my lease of Ivesley, in the parish of Brancepeth, during all the yeares therein to come and unexpired. I give unto my servante, John Fenwicke, 5l. of lawful money of England over and beside his wages which is due and oweing unto him. I give unto Thomas Williamson 57. of lawful money of England over and above his wages due and oweing unto him. I give and bequeath unto Robert, my cooke, 10s., and to every of my woemen servants 5s. over and above their due wages. I give and bequeath unto my servants, Willm. Thursbie, Robert Hutton and John Rickerbie and to each of them, 3l. 6s. 8d. I give unto the poore the sume of 507. of lawful money of England, to be given and distributed at the discretion of my well beloved wief, Margaret, Thomas Swinburne, of Captheton aforesaid, Esquire, and William Thursbie, my trustie friends, 207. where of my will is it shall be distributed the daye of my buriall. I give and bequeathe unto Charles Hedworth, Esquire, my fatherin-lawe, one twenty shilling peece of golde, unto my mother-inlaw, his wife, two twenty shilling peeces of golde, and unto my brother in lawe, Lancelot Hodgson, and Marie, his wife, to each of them spurriall. I give to Thomas Swinburne, of Captheton aforesaid, Esquire, and to John, his sonne, to each of them one spoorriall. I give to Sir Thomas Metham, Knight, one graye mare, unridden, and unto my brother, James Bellasses, one black mare, and unto Sir Thomas Bellasses, Knight, one sparrioll. The residue of all my goods and chattells I give unto Richard, my sone, and three daughters aforesaid, whom together with Sir Thomas Metham I make my full executors of this my last Will and Testament. Nevertheless, my will is that the said Sir Thomas Metham shall not take any interest or benefitt of my goodes by his executorshipp. For the disposition of my lands, I give and bequeath two full parts of all my lands in three parts, to be divided unto my well beloved friends, Sir Thomas Metham aforesaid, Knight, and Thomas Swinburne aforesaid, Esquire, for and during the nonage of William, my sone, for the use of Richard, my second sonne, and my afore named three daughters for their porcons. Witnesses, Tho. Swinburne, John Swinburne, Thos. Riddell, Willm. Thursbye. Proved, 11 September, 1608. CUTHBERT COLLINGWOOD.1 Aug. 12, 1608. In the name of God, Amen, in the yeare of our lord after the computacon of the Church of England, 1608, and the sixth year of the raigne of or sovergn Lord James, by the grace of gode King of England, france and Ireland, defender of the faith, and of Scotland, the XLjjth, I Cuthber Collingwood, of Branton, in the County of Northumberland, Gent. To be buried in the pish churche of Eglingham as nere my ancestors as convenyentlie may be. I will and gyve to my second sonne, Thomas Collingwood, for his liefe tyme, All those two farmeholds, with lands and appurtenances thereof, in Branton aforesaid, nowe in the occupacon of the same Thomas, and his assigns, and another farmholde, with lands and appurtenances thereof, now in the occupation of Robt. Harrigate, when it falleth, he paying the accustomed rents. And I will and bequeathe to Barbara, his wyfe, halfe of the same three farmholds during her widowhood if she survive the said, Thomas, my sonne. I will and bequeath from and after the decease of the saide Thomas, my sonne, the other halfe of the said thre farmeholds during the said widowhood of the said Barbara to the children of the same Thomas Collingwood, my sonne, and after she shall marrye, the whole thre farmholds, paying the rents accustomed for and during the terme of twenty one yeares to be accomplished And 1 The testator's son Daniel was his son and heir, whose noncupative will is dated, 17 June, 1618 and in whose Inq. p.m. 16 Jas. I., it is stated he died 18 June, 1618; he (Daniel) mar. Eleanor, dau. of Robert Mitford of Mitford; his son John was apprenticed, 13 Feb., 1611/12, to Francis Parkinson of Newcastle; his son Ephraim was not apprenticed in Newcastle. from the decease of the same my sonne, Thomas. I gyve and bequeath to Dorothie Collingwood, my daughter, the some of Two hundreth poundes of lawful English money to be payd as followethe, that is to say, at the age of nineteene yeres fiftie poundes, and yearlie after fyftie pounds till the same some of Two hundred pounds be paid. And also I will and bequeath to the same Dorothie, towards her mayntenance till the said two hundred poundes be fullie paid, the sum of Eight pounds, saving I will and my mynd is that as every fiftie poundes shallbe paid, there shall be fortie shillinges abated out of the said eight poundes yearlie. Provided alwaynes and upon this condition, I gyve the said some of Two hundred poundes and eight poundes yearlie to the said Dorothie, my Daughter, that she doe bestowe her self in mariage with the liking and consent of my loving frendes, Mr. Thomas Swynoe, Mr. George Muschampe and George Collingwood, Esq., otherwise she be left one hundred poundes pcell of the said legacy of two hundred poundes. I gyve and bequeath to my sonne, John Collingwood, whome I will shallbe bounde to some good occupacon or trade, the some of One hundred pounds, part whereof shallbe paid at his entrance in his apprenticehood and the other parte and residue thereof to be paid him when he shall come forth of apprenticehood or shall come to his lawful age of twenty one yeares, which shall first happen. I gyve and bequeth to my sone, Ephraime Collingwoode, the some of one hundred poundes, whom I will also shallbe bound to some good occupacon or trade, of which some I will parte thereof shall be payd at his entrance in his apprenticehood and the residue thereof as before I have lymited to my said sonne, John Collingwood. I gyve and bequeath to my sister, Jane Collingwood, one anuitie of three pounds, six shillings and eight pence during the naturall lief of the same Jane, in full payment and satisfacon of her porcon to be payd yearlie at the feasts of Pentecost and St. Mtyns the Bishop in Winter by even payments. I give and bequeath to every of my children, Thomas, Dorothie, John and Ephraime, each of them, two whyes, and to my brother's sone, George, one whie. All the residue of my goods and chattells, my debts and funeral charges being discharged, I wholy give and bequeath to my loving sonne, Daniel Collingwood, whome of this my psent testament I make and ordaine the full executor Renouncing and forsaking all former Wills and gyfts, legacies and bequests by me in any wise heretofore made or given, willed and bequeathed. And I require and intreat my loving friends, Mr. George Muschampe, Mr. Thomas Swynhoe and Cuthbert Collingwood of this my last Will to be the overseers and to se the same performed in what in them lieth, as my trust is in them. Witnesses, Geo. Collingwood, Cutht. Cheeseman, Henry Anthony, Not. Pub. Proved, 1618. CHRISTOPHER CONYERS.1 Sept. 12, 1608. In the name of God, Amen, I, Christopher Conyers, of Horden, in the County of Durham, Esquire. To be buried under the blew marble stone before the church porch dore at Easington. I give unto my sone, John Conyers, one guilded salt with the cover and my signet. I give unto my daughter, Frances Conyers, wife of the saide John, one silver peece having the madens hand graven on it, and one pair of virginalls. I give unto Marie Conyers, my youngest dawghter, one winde Milne near Easinton commonly called Easinton Mille, with the lease and all other my claime, interest and tithe thereto belonging. I give unto my Brother, John Hedworth, his wife, one angell in golde. I give unto my brother, John Catherike, his wife, one angel in golde. All the rest of my goods, moveable and unmoveable, my debts, legacies and funeral expences discharged, I give unto my three daughters, Anne, Isabell and Marie Conyers, whom I make executors of this my Will and Testament, whereof I do appoint my brother, John Catherike, and Cuthbert Conyers, gentleman, supervisors, and desiring them [to see] the same faithfully executed, and to either of them I give 10s., provided I give unto my said youngest daughter, Marie Conyers, the said Wynd Milne in consideration of ten pounds given unto her by her grandmother's will, which I received to despose of to her use. Witnesses, Abraham Robinson, the Elder, John Dixon. Proved, 8 Oct., 1608. 1 He mar., firstly, Elizabeth, dau. of Cuthbert Conyers of Layton, she died without issue; he mar., secondly, Anne, dau. of John Hedworth of Harraton, 14 Nov., 1586, at Chester-le-Street, she was bur. at Easington, 19 Jan., 1597/8. With other issue they had John, bapt. at Easington, 8 July, 1593, created a Baronet, 14 July, 1628, bur. 6 Dec., 1664, at Easington, whose marriage is entered in the Easington registers as follows: 1608, John Conyers and Francis Graves, did acknowledge that (wth theire owne most willinge consent, as alsoe wth the consent of their parents Expofer Conyers, Esq., John Hedworth, gent., and An, his wife) the sayde John and Francis were solemnly married att Yorke about towe years before the registringe hereof. In the prsence of us, witnesses of this acknowledgment as alsoe of the givinge and recevige of one peece of gould for the further confirminge of this acknowlegmit, test. Thomas Bambridge, Cuthbert Conyers, Expofer Bainbridge, John Dixon. Abraham Robinson, Clric-" John Hedworth had mar. Ann, widow of Thomas Graves, alderman of York, the mother of Frances, at Skelton, 1606, Frances was bur. at Easington, 24 Jan., 1634/5. The testator's daus Isabel, mar. Charles Hall, 19 Dec., 1610, at Easington, and Marie, bapt., 18 Sept., 1597, mar. 14 July, 1624, Samuel Hessell, also at Easington, where the testator was bur. 23 Sept., 1608. His Ing. p.m. was taken at Durham, 12 Jan., 1608/9; his son John, aged 15, is his son and next heir. JOHN RICHARDSON.1 Jan. 10, 1608. In the name of Gode, Amen, I, John Richardson, of Bp Auckland. I give unto my wyfe, Magdalen, my nowe dwellinghouse unto such tyme as my eldest sonne, Richard, shall come to the full age of 21 yeares, and if it please gode that my wyfe doe live longer and doe not marrye, I geve unto her duringe hir lyfe the house which Richard Slater now dwelleth in. I give unto my sonne, John, my tenement in L. Hunwick, if it may stand good with the favour of the Deane and Chapter; if it may not stand good my will is that whether soever of my executors it shall lawfullie come unto, that they paye unto my sayd sone, John, the sume of foure score poundes within one whole yeare after my decease. Also I gyve unto my said sonne, John, all that my free house and lands in Barnard castle to him and his heires for ever. I give unto my sonne, Ambrose, my burgage that Martyn Todd dwelleth in and all my land which I bought of Bryan Downes to him and his heires for ever, and 207. in money. I give unto my daughter, Anne Richardson, and to her heirs for ever my two burgages in Newgate which John Willson and Robt. Crokelt dwelleth in, and 307. in money. To my daughter, Susanna, and her heires my burgage which Willm. Frissell dwelleth in, and 301. in monie. I give to my daughter, Cicely, the sum of 57. I give to my daughter, Phillis Richardson, three score pounds. To my daughter, Margaret, three score pounds To every child which I did christen, 5s. a piece. To the stock of the parish of St. Andrew's, Auckland, for the poore, 40s. I give to my mother in law, 40s. To my Brother, Bartholomew Mason, 40s. To Christopher Martyndale, 67. 13s. 4d. To my base sonne, Symon Richardson, 6l. 13s. 4d. To my sister-in-law, Margaret Trinkle, 40s. To Mr. Fell, the Curat, 40s. To the children of my cosen, Hugh Hyendall, 20s., to be equally devided amongst them. I give to my brother, Gawen Ratclife, 5s. the mending of the high wayes, 10s. To the three youngest of Henry Bayles' children 5s., to be equally divided. The residue of all my goodes, moveable and unmoveable, I give to Magdalene, my wief, and Richard Richardson, whom I make executors of this my Will and Testament. Lastlye, I make supervisors of this my testament Henry Bayles and Roger Bradley, desiring them to see it fulfilled and kept accordinge to my true intent and To The testator was bur. in the Church of St. Andrew, Auckland, 12 Jan., 1608/9; his widow, Magdalen remar., 27 Nov., 1610, Emanuel Grice, also at St. Andrew's, from which registers the following dates are taken. His son Richard, bapt., 28 Oct., 1595, mar. Joan Wright, 6 Jan., 1617/18; John, bapt., 11 Mch., 1598/9; Ambrose, bapt., 10 Apl., 1603, bur., Mch., 1609. of the plague "; Cicely, bapt., 15 Feb., 1600/1, bur., 29 Sept., 1619; Anne, bapt., 6 Oct., 1605; Susanna, bapt., 20 Mch., 1607/8. In the Inq. per br. de mand. taken at Durham, 9 Mch., 1610/11, his son Richard, aged 13, is his next heir. |